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Written By Driskell

March 3, 2017, 4:36 p.m.(1/10/1006 AR)

Thank you, Reflection, for the darkest of times. For this allows opportunity for all to overcome fears and use our newfound strength for the good of all. Without the darkness, light merely blinds, scorches and destroys.

Thank you for challenge, for without that, life would become stagnant.

Thank you for mortality, for without that, life becomes meaningless.

May all find solace, strength, purpose and meaning within the darkness. May we find the blessings in the Reflection.

Written By Driskell

March 1, 2017, 2:12 p.m.(1/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Castiel

Driskell can remember the time he first met this dark prince of Thrax, serving on a ship south of Darkwater as both men were at port. A very pragmatic royal, not prone to brash thinking or acting without all the consequences planned for. He owns his own small fleet, and on occasion Driskell has been called on to assist on certain matters for the prince.

Written By Driskell

March 1, 2017, 2:21 a.m.(1/5/1006 AR)

There are many times that Thraxans might seem odd, upsetting, irritable, uncouth, wild, vicious and other unsavory words. The reality is that the sea demands one hundred percent of any who sail upon her back, she suffers no fools. But just as terrible and cruel the sea can be, there are unwritten mysteries and wonders that are hidden behind each wave. The scent of salt in the air, of wood creaking, a strong wind blowing...these things often can conjure images of the sea in any Thraxan making them miss home. Perhaps our land allies can think on these things as they walk on the ground that they have been born of and remember that Thraxans aren't terrible, we're just on foreign territory.

Whilst Arx has many wonders, the most beautiful place when one has to be on land is standing at the cliffside gazebo at Darkwater Reach. The mysteries are hinted at during sunrise and sunset if one is alone and listens intently while looking out at the bay of Thrax.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 27, 2017, 3:07 p.m.(1/2/1006 AR)

Sands move from one dune to the next, the waves wash on all shores and while things change they remain the same. The highlord has decreed that women shall be able to rule Thrax, that they have equal claim to title. Multiple banners have followed this pledge as well, further increasing an egalitarian mode within the isles. Does this mean that women have an equal claim to all property and matters? Should they? Does this mean that any woman can decree a duel for the right of being Highlord?

Victus is a mighty warlord, he reaves where he wishes and does so with great success but perhaps the disease that Arx has with its land walkers is beginning to infect us. Thankfully, we have calamity to focus on rather than these murky waters of politics and newfound desires of change. I pray those winds of change don't rush us up on the reefs.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 21, 2017, 1:11 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

The problem with Arx is at its root it is one particular set of landers that are forcing their own views and prerogatives upon the rest of the allies. While everyone insists that everyone should get along splendidly while pushing aside their own cultural norms and embracing this big lukewarm melting pot might be nice in theory, in reality each culture should reject turning their backs on their history and we should instead celebrate all of our differences as that is what makes the alliance strong.

History, even with these sacred writings, seems to be forgotten. Could it be that the landers don't remember the great Thraxan push that took over the entire Compact? Do they think our ships can't reach Arx or the ivory towers? The fleets of Thrax are like the divine storm; dark and dangerous, they can appear and swoop across the waters without notice and leave terror and waste behind. Our strength doesn't come just from numbers.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 20, 2017, 2:16 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Jasher

WHY!? The single word which defines my thoughts on this prince of Thrax, he isn't at all like his fellows which is a good thing and a bad thing. Perhaps it might be due to that churlish knight who seems to be at his hip, infecting him with a negative spirit? Perhaps with the right encouragement with other Thraxan royals, we might see Prince Jasher rise up to the occasion. Maybe he'll drop that annoying knight. One has hope! Not much, but you have to start somewhere.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 20, 2017, 2:09 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

The man has possibility, but it seems he's still a whiny child suckling the teat of his paramour. He seems to have a very strange idea as to what Thraxans are like, and far too sensitive to maintain a discussion about anything which might trigger those sensitivities. I don't like him, I've decided. Landcrabs must be handing out knighthoods to any Tom, Dick or Aleksei.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 20, 2017, 2:03 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

I met the other day a most remarkable young woman named Sina Izetta, learning that she's the trusted hand servant to Princess Donella who happens to be the Voice of Thrax. Quiet and reserved, one might mistake her for one's shadow although the two of us talked at some length. The cliffside gazebo with its masterful watch over the bay of Thrax opened our conversation. It didn't pass me that her eyes are like moonshine, the opposite of mine. I'll have to make a special wine...

Written By Driskell

Feb. 16, 2017, 3:08 p.m.(12/8/1005 AR)

I met the favored of the Thirteenth today, the princess known as Isolde Velenosa. A moment which will always be remembered by me as she was dressed in resplendent white aeterna while the mirrors reflected the golden glow of the torches in the corridors behind. The Shrine in Arx is not what I thought.

When one is in the darkness long enough, your eyes can become adjusted to see things normally hidden. Likewise, when one stares too long at the sun, they become blind. Extremism in all forms weakens us, and doomed we all are to repeat the mistakes of history as we fail as a people to recognize that we walk the same steps made by others before us. Time grinds all like the waves crushing the majestic cliffs to sand.

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