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Written By Calypso

April 29, 2017, 5:16 p.m.(5/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Antonio

When I find a mind who shows the capability of thinking three or four steps ahead of the current situation, I do my best to keep them close. Prince Antonio is one to watch. I'm glad it only took our second meeting to find common ground. I look forward to being able to lean on his intelligence in the future.

Written By Calypso

April 26, 2017, 1:29 p.m.(5/7/1006 AR)

And some how, through it all, the wheel keeps turning. Humanity is an amazingly resilient, persistent and hopeful thing. There is always a future to fight for.

Written By Calypso

April 20, 2017, 11:41 a.m.(4/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Never in a thousand years would I imagine my duty as Minister of Defense - Coordinator of the Compact's Militaries - to include coordinating an Army of the Dead.

I wish there were more time to instruct you on the importance of responsible leadership. On the theories of battle tactics and the great responsibility that you hold in your hand. But, there is not. The break of this siege is eminent. Much of the Hope of our future, our very existence now rests in your hands.

Don't falter. Stay vigilant.

Written By Calypso

April 16, 2017, 11:28 a.m.(4/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fiora

I've always felt the women in my family tend to hold this kind of fierce self confidence and determined air about them. Fiora is no different. Though she may shy away from openly displaying such, I see it in her in our private conversations. She has a good head on her shoulders, a swift thinker. In the past she has very much dodged responsibility and commitment, I see now that the tides have begun to change. I'm glad she is back in the city and willing to show her fierce determination.

Family is everything. I can't say enough good about mine. They are everything to me.

Written By Calypso

April 16, 2017, 10:20 a.m.(4/13/1006 AR)

Given the recent events pertaining to Prince Abbas' choice of tactics at war, I've considered beginning a document on the honorable conduct of war. Something to be discussed and agreed upon by the High Lords of the realm. We do not condone the killing of innocents and the slaughter of nations. Leave the merciless killing and brutal acts of war to those who chose to face it for their cause.

A task to be discussed after this war is won. Let none distract us from the goal at hand.

Written By Calypso

April 14, 2017, 1:29 p.m.(4/10/1006 AR)

On War, Death and Life -

This is the first time many of the people of Arx have been face to face with war. It is not a glorious, honorable thing by nature. Lives are lost in brutal ways. Large bolts are flung in to crowds of people, hoping to kill as many as possible. Sword tips are poisoned with corrosive substances to make sure if the blow does not kill them, the sickness that follows will kill soon after. Barrels of pitch are poured down the sides of our walls and lit on fire by our archers. Boiling oil is poured down from above on to the enemy below. The cavalry is sent out to trample to death those who do not have horses to ride. It is a brutal, necessary thing. People die by the thousands.

Our success in war is often measured in body count. Who suffered the greater loss of life. We're we able to keep more of our own alive longer than they were. The hope is to cut down the enemy numbers to a small enough force that they either retreat or surrender.

In the two wars we fight now, we do not have the luxury of an enemy who retreats or surrenders. They are under the control of entities who do not have respect for life and press them to fight losing battles until they very last of their forces has fallen.

This all said, life is the most precious thing we have. Everyone deserves to live and live well. We soldiers march off and sacrifice the lengths and quality of our own lives to see that those we fight for are given the opportunity to live and thrive as fully as possible. And sometimes that means we have to measure our lives verses the lives of our enemies.

War is messy, complicated, brutal and tragic. But necessary.

Written By Calypso

April 8, 2017, 8:21 p.m.(3/26/1006 AR)

Writing this journal perched atop a skull seemed like the only proper way to write about the things I have witnessed.

The Gods are with us. I have been skeptical of their involvement all my life, leaning solely on the might of man and the sharp steel we wield. And while I will never lose my faith in mankind, my eye are opened to the beings who guide our world.

The Queen of Endings and Beginnings. The Goddess of Death. She appeared at the lantern lighting ceremony. I feel foolish writing it even now, but I have full confidence in what I saw. She appeared to us all in that field and spoke to Brother Aureth. She granted him control of the dead. I have never seen them myself but I know they count in the tens of thousands. A second army to stand with us if they feel it the right call to make. I am still in awe as I write this. All the rumors I have heard, the stories, the myths and legends, every day they become more and more true.

Consider me a skeptic no longer.

Written By Calypso

April 6, 2017, 9:51 p.m.(3/22/1006 AR)

I've never been a devout follower of the Gods. I respect them, I listen to the words of their priests, I do my best to understand the greatness beyond humanity. But I often fall short and find it easier, stronger in some ways, to lean on mankind.

That said I have been doing a great deal of reflecting on the Thirteenth. Which I think is exactly why he exists in the pantheon. The reminder that there are two sides to everything. That our reflections often show our truths. There must be balance in all things. We must pay attention to our reflections and see what stares back.

Written By Calypso

March 30, 2017, 10:47 a.m.(3/7/1006 AR)

I sat inside a giant skull last night. A very strange thing, lounging inside of the head of another creature. What must he have been thinking when he was struck down?

Eirene and the others ran some tests on it and it seems perfectly safe to keep around. I have no idea what one does with a giant skull, so it resides in Southport Square for now.

These are strange times.

Written By Calypso

March 29, 2017, 1:44 a.m.(3/5/1006 AR)

The thrill I get out of this job is ridiculous. People aren't supposed to -like- doing paperwork and chasing down loose ends till all hours of the night.

I only hope that I am effective as well.

Written By Calypso

March 27, 2017, 5:56 p.m.(3/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valkieri

Our relationship started off with caution. Keeping one another at arms length as we from the Lyceum are known to do. Carefully calculated friendships.

Though as time moved on, I began to truly see Duke Valkieri for the brilliant mind that he was. His stern exterior kept so many at a distance, and I feel fortunate enough to have been allowed to look past that, even if just briefly, and see a man dedicated to his people and steadfast in his values.

I am mourning his loss. There are so few who speak the language of War fluently. I will miss our conversations.

Written By Calypso

March 26, 2017, 1:09 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

Lord Harald Grimhall - My relationship with this Mourning Isles-born commander is a strange one on all counts. We were first introduced when he was assigned to me as the Liaison of the Thraxian fealty for the Ministry of Defense. Having never met the man before I was eager to see who exactly Prince Victus and Princess Donella thought was capable of the weighty task. As it turns out, they chose the exact right man for the job. He is hardened by a life of war and skilled with a tactical mind. All aspects of Lord Harald that I find highly valuable in this position.

The strange part comes in through the fact that Lord Harald is by all rights a very Thraxian Traditionalist, socially speaking. He holds firm to his belief in thralldom and seeks to challenge the changes that are upon us. I though, being a woman in command of him, that he and I would have more problems seeing eye to eye. When in fact, more often than not, we look at a situation and see it the same way. I value his firm belief in the might of mankind and the steel we wield. Though the rules of the game are constantly changing around us, I am glad to have this rock of a man by my side in defending the Compact.

Written By Calypso

March 22, 2017, 12:28 p.m.(2/20/1006 AR)

Written on the journey home from the Gray River Battle

The victory won against the bringer column was hard fought. Everyone played their role perfectly. The ships set out the way they needed to. The land was well picked. The combatants were ferocious in their attack. The archers landed blows through difficult misty visibility.

We killed a Giant.

I am proud of all those who fought hard and will honor those whose names made it on to the butcher's bill. Sacrifice of the few so the many my continue living.

Written By Calypso

March 19, 2017, 8:53 p.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

Every culture has their own traditions when preparing for battle. Anze was kind enough to let me glimpse in to the Redrain traditions. Centering ones self, and preparing for the terrible things you have to do at war. Coming to peace with the necessary evils we become.

Out on campaign now I am reminded of another war time tradition. Camp can get quiet the night or two before a battle. Everyone on edge. Thinking some times about how this might be their last few days alive. Or perhaps about how hard they will fight to stay alive. In Southport, before a battle, some center themselves with the methodical task of making War Banners. Sewing down the House Sigil. Maybe adding in another symbol here and there to show the particular campaign this banner was made for. I set Eirene on the task of making House Malvici's banner for this campaign. I'll be interested to see what she comes up with.

Written By Calypso

March 18, 2017, 11:26 a.m.(2/12/1006 AR)

Gray River North - War Camp

The location has been scouted and selected. More ships arrive by the hour. 25,000 troops on nearly 2000 ships. Banners from nearly every house in the Compact fly with ours. This uniting of forces far surpasses any I have witnessed thus far. I am at a loss for emotions or thoughts to write down as we set up camp. My mind is honed in on the task at hand. We have planned, coordinated and done all we can to anticipate the moves of our enemy to counter them properly. There is nothing more to be done than stick to it and return victorious.

Come what may, I am proud to fight beside these 25,000 brave souls.

Written By Calypso

March 14, 2017, 8:07 p.m.(2/4/1006 AR)

Half of my job as Minister of Defense is making battle plans, coordinating unified military movements and seeing that the compact forces are well informed.

The other half is chasing down ridiculous rumors and squashing them in to oblivion.

Written By Calypso

March 12, 2017, 12:02 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

I attended my first High Lords council this week. I was asked to join and advise on military matters. It was about as I expected, but I do have this to say:

Anyone who questions the dedication, integrity or good intentions of our High Lords is sorely mistaken or misinformed. Never have I seen such a cohesive body of government. Clearly we are all working towards the same goals and the alignment is apparent.

Written By Calypso

March 12, 2017, 11:57 a.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

My cousin Artorius has heeded the call to come to Arx recently. His sister Caelis arrived not long ago. It's nice to have so many siblings together again. His daughter Serah is delightful, if a touch clingy. Truth be told I've never spent much time around children. Having one in the house is going to be something TK get used to.

Regardless of the 5-year-old, I am glad to see my cousin again. We took a turn in the training center last night and just as he always does, he sent me flying. I really have no idea how he grew to be so tall. But I am greatful To have such a warrior in House Malvici.

Written By Calypso

March 5, 2017, 8:03 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Going over all of the plans for the upcoming siege and the efforts beyond the walls to keep things safer here, I am reminded that we truly have some of the most talented minds and fierce hearts working towards the survival of humanity. While there are some who would crumble at the monstrous task that lays before us, the are others that would rise to meet the challenge. I would like to note a few in particular. They are not the only ones who have stood out to me, but they have left an impression very firmly on me this past week.

Princess Alis Valardin - A steadfast commander who loves her people fiercely. She has been instrumental in rallying troops and supporting me with an ear to listen and advice when I need it.
Prince Talen Velenosa - When give direction, Talen takes action and swiftly. I appreciate how well he can rally others to a cause.
Regent Duke Gabriel Bisland - He has been an welcomed ally and steadfast supporter of my command on this upcoming mission. I appreciate the level of trust he places in my ability.
Lady Eirene Malvici - I always know that Eirene has us covered when it comes to on-site medical needs, but she has really stepped up to make sure all of our bases are properly covered and communicated.

These names are just a few of those who have take the extra steps and pushed a little harder than they were being asked to. I am proud to fight beside all those dedicating themselves to this effort.

Written By Calypso

March 1, 2017, 9:46 a.m.(1/5/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

I know the decision you made was not an easy conclusion to come to. Setting aside your dreams and aspirations for the needs of your family shows your true moral character and reveals just how brightly it shines. Saik and Malvici have always been especially close. Under your leadership I look forward to continued strength between us.

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