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Written By Alexis

Dec. 31, 2017, 5:46 p.m.(11/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

We met a few times, and we spoke of Lady Niamh most, when we did met.

Lady Aislin Ashford was as kind and generous a soul as you could ever hope for, and I pray to the gods that her journey this time is not yet at an end. That the Queen is not yet taking her to the Wheel. That she'll return to us with ever more amazing tales.

Be safe, Lady Aislin. Whereever you may be.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 24, 2017, 8:31 a.m.(11/1/1007 AR)

The first part of my very large comission is done. Ish. It can be done better, and so it will. There are certain requirements to be met. And I'm still going to insist to take a lot of time when working with Rubicund, as redsteel can be unforgiving of mistakes.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 24, 2017, 8:29 a.m.(11/1/1007 AR)

I was invited to Lady Joslyn's knighting as a Knight of Bisland, and it was a very nice ceremony. I attended with Lady Viviana and sat with her and Princess Alis. Not quite as formal as an Oathlands ceremony, I think, but that's not necessarily a bad thing - and, as was pointed out at the time - what -is- as formal as an Oathlands ceremony?

It was a celebration. One sorely needed within all this mourning.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 24, 2017, 8:27 a.m.(11/1/1007 AR)

I didn't know Dame Zhayla as well as I should have, though we spoke once or twice - there were similarities of stature and our chosen weapons, after all. I knew she was brave, and we had the kinship of being swords, and being knights of the Gold Order together.

I met Lord Killian a few times as well. And I admired him for his role as the paladin of Ideals. He was polite, a bit stiff when I first met him, but I suppose that's to be expected in large crowds. He always stood out as a brave warrior, and I'm honoured to have had the chance to stand - if not beside him, then on the same side in battle.

Both of them will be sorely missed. And I will do what I can to ensure that their light lingers on in our world.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 17, 2017, 9:44 p.m.(10/16/1007 AR)

I received a beautiful painting from Princess Reese - apparently painted by Princess Denica Thrax. A thank you for my efforts in the Gray Forest campaign. I was pleased to partake and offer up a gift of my own to a woman very much deserving. The Rose of Stonewood knows her name.

I've hung Princess Denica's painting in my store, because - well. It is a grand piece of art, and even if it feels a bit odd to have a stylised reminder of that time I got knocked into a tree, it''s still... Well. She deserves to have people see her masterful strokes.

I'm only sorry I missed the ceremony. Damn fever.

Thank you, Princess Reese.
Thank you, Princess Denica

Written By Alexis

Dec. 17, 2017, 9:41 p.m.(10/16/1007 AR)

Being bedridden is no fun. Especially with the amount of things I've got to do still. But even I can't argue when I'm told I have a fever and my head feels heavy. I probably needed the rest.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 17, 2017, 9:40 p.m.(10/16/1007 AR)

I've finally gone to the step I've threatened so long, and hired a steward to help me keep track of the paperwork involved with the Gold Order. Mistress Miriam is kind and gentle, and polite, and so far has been able to help me with the work I've set before me. I'm very grateful to her.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 10, 2017, 10:04 p.m.(10/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

An interesting woman stepped into my shop today. Red-haired, with a rubicund blade she wanted me to look at, to sharpen, to tend to. I did as best I could and I learned her name is Acacia Culler. The Acacia Culler, the mirrorguard who served as the former Archduke's bodyguard during the Siege.

I sometimes forget - well, not forget, but put out of my mind - that I live in Arx, where such greatness intersects ordinary lives like mine, every day.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 10, 2017, 10:02 p.m.(10/2/1007 AR)

I continue to spend my days in the forges to make up for the time away from them, and I am pleased to report that, while there are still comissions to finish, I am no longer behind on my work. Which is a relief. I owe great thanks to the journeymen and -women and apprentices that labour with me.

I'm also about to start on a fairly large undertaking. So that will be interesting.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 10, 2017, 10 p.m.(10/2/1007 AR)

I am lucky to have good friends and beloved loves. They make me stronger. They hold me close. I am thankful I can come to them in my time of need.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 3, 2017, 11:46 p.m.(9/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Lydia

We reconnected with a nice dinner at the Ambassador. Duchess Lydia remains exquisite company. It's surprising how easily I find myself falling into old patterns, even if she has been busy ruling as of late.

And it's good.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 3, 2017, 11:43 p.m.(9/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

When I first arrived in Arx, I met a Lycene woman who taught me things I needed to know, and whom I soon fell in love with. We became close.

Eventually, she would introduce me to Lady Viviana Pravus. A woman of exquisite tastes, with a wicked sense of humour and a smile that still makes me weak in the knees.

I am so thankful for that introduction.

I am so glad to be close to her.

Written By Alexis

Dec. 3, 2017, 11:40 p.m.(9/15/1007 AR)

Plans continue apace, and I find that I am ever busy. I have accepted another large comission, which will occupy my time going forward for a while. Hopefully this won't deter others. As well, there's the work with the Gold Order and the Mourning Isles - which admittedly is exciting and scary in its own way.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 26, 2017, 9:54 p.m.(9/1/1007 AR)

I am grateful.

I am still in a period of mourning over what was, and is over.

But I am surrounded by friends who have held me tight. Who have lifted me up. Who have supported me when my rooms became too empty to stand and my bed felt alien at night.

Thank you.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 26, 2017, 9:52 p.m.(9/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

Lady Joslyn has been kind enough to introduce me to Lady Delilah Whitehawk, who appears a kind and gentle soul. A bit shy, perhaps, but... Well. Who wouldn't be in the company of two vivacious Lycene women. Quite frankly, I'm surprised I wasn't blushing more than I was.

I wouldn't expect her to be a member of the Inquisition, but then - I suppose that's sort of the point. And she's also part of the new Inquisition. The kinder, gentler Inquisition.

Hopefully, our first meeting spells the beginning of a long and wonderful friendship.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 26, 2017, 9:45 p.m.(9/1/1007 AR)

I attended an Evening of Bliss in Whisper House and...

Words grow poor. Truly. The Lady of the Evening was a delight. I met old friends and was introduced to new acquaintances. I've now met Prince Tyrval of the Nox'alfar. Who was also the very first Nox'alfar I met.

It was a night that set the head spinning, from stepping inside, to watching the dramatic tale spun - quite literally - by Bliss Whisper and her companion Alberto (I think that was the name - please forgive me, master Whisper, I did not get the time to speak to you)

Softest Whisper Saedrus, and whispers Nisaa and Jhond likewise ensured that every guest had everything they could dream of. It was radiant.

Stories of love and loss were shared, in keeping with the theme of the evening. We fed each other food. We... Relaxed. For one night, everything was perfect.

Thank you, Bliss. I needed that.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 19, 2017, 11:55 a.m.(8/12/1007 AR)

Being the Sword of Blancbier is the greatest honour that has ever been bestowed upon me. It was my dream since I was a child to one day take over for my father. It became my life when Wyrmstooth was placed in my hands by the Marquessa.

And then...

And then I was faced with the possibility of having to give it up. And I struggled with that. For a long time. I talked to Lady Clover and Lord Reiker. In the end, I came to have a peace with the idea that I might one day not be the Sword of Blancbier, and watch someone else hold the title.

And I spent some time deciding who I was going to be if that happened. I spent some time divorcing my identity from my duty.

Whatever else happens, I am glad I did that. Glad I explored being something more. Glad I looked into what I can fill my life with in the absence of the greatness of Wyrmstooth and the awe-inspiring responsibilities she brings.

But also?

I find that I take joy in being the Sword of Blancbier. And knowing once more that for the foreseeable future, I will hold her?

It is my place. It is where I am home. And I hope that my duty to her and House Wyrmguard will be exemplary.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 19, 2017, 11:22 a.m.(8/12/1007 AR)


I knew something was wrong, but I didn't pursue. I wanted to give her time and space. I wanted to be good.

But I knew something was wrong. The way things went when we were with others. The way she was unhappy.

Perhaps she is right and this is for the best.

Perhaps those who warned me were right.

I will grieve.

And I'll always love her.

Right now it hurts. It hurts a lot.

But I want what is best for her, and I hope she finds happiness.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 12, 2017, 8:12 p.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

It is with some annoyance and disappointment in myself that I realise that in working on the Gold Order of the Dragon I've neglected some of my smithwork. People have been understanding, thankfully, but that is no excuse. I have to do better. And really, I need someone more well-acquainted with bureaucracy and paperwork. I think I can find the room within the order budget to hire a steward to assist me.

Written By Alexis

Nov. 12, 2017, 8:01 p.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

I met Lady Viviana Pravus through Lady Joslyn Stonewood, and we decided that, given our love for Lady Joslyn, it was in our best interests to become friends. A few days back, I finally made good on that by inviting her to visit and enjoy a good home-cooked meal of the Oathlands variety.

We get along well. A natural flow exists between us and I found myself relaxing in her presence. We also seem to have at least somewhat a shared sense of humour.

Now someone explain to me how it is that I make friends with all these wicked Lycene women?

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