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Written By Thena

Nov. 24, 2018, 11:18 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have only seen Shard do right by the Compact, for all her unpopular opinions.

Written By Vercyn

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:53 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Then the next time you speak so poorly of the people of the Compact and your assumption of 'all' their views Shav'arvani, I would ask that you remember my family and those who pay fealty to them.

Spend some time, perhaps, speaking to the members of the Jastvotn tribe who have come to Arx. Or Count Magnus Stahlben and his. Maybe Cirroch, of Giant's Reach and his family.

I would far prefer to negotiate peace than to slay or put to death the Abandoned that are willing to work with one another and the Compact and I believe my actions over the years more than prove as much. So I do not appreciate seeing the people you have sworn to painted with such a broad brush because they include me and mine.

Written By Vercyn

Nov. 23, 2018, 12:54 p.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You seem to have a very deep hatred for the Compact and her people.

Perhaps you should return to your tribe.

Written By Draven

Nov. 22, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

It's hard to be Compacty! Is that what it means? Just completely forget who you were? That's not easy! Then they want us to not feel like outsiders! Trying to be Compacty! They don't know! It's not easy! I'm trying to be more Compacty too! I don't want to forget all of the Things or Stuff from before I was in the Compact! Not even the bad Stuff! It's a lot to ask!

Written By Marian

Nov. 22, 2018, 5:45 p.m.(1/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I was born Marian of the Green March, an Abandoned tribe occupying territory in the Oathlands. My Abandoned tribe had broken from the Compact more than 1,000 years before I was born. My life changed when I made the choice to ransom rather than kill Prince Valen Valardin after capturing him and his knights with my war party. During his captivity, he showed me honor and faith. I ended up negotiating my tribe's return to the Compact and my marriage to Prince Valen Valardin rather than his release.

So yes, I have fought against my 'invaders' rather than buckling under their might. It was his diplomatic efforts that convinced my people to end the conflict. When I joined the Compact, Abandoned tribes that did not follow became my enemy. I have joined Valardin in their efforts to protect their lands. Since my people were not defeated in battle, I can not speak to the question of being pushed off my lands.

I honor Gloria in all ways so I have not participated in the slaughter of innocents. I have never accepted bounty for killing warriors of Abandoned tribes. I would bring a commander of mine to my liege and Sentinel's Justice if they did these foul deeds. Because Gloria teaches honor and chivalry, not widescale genocide.

The Abandoned tribes have choices. My story is just one of many. I am proud to have rejoined the Compact. I have embraced a Faith that I was not born into. My people thrive under the mantle of the Compact. For those who do not because they chose another path, that is not my focus. The 'fairness' of their difficulties can be debated. They have my sympathy to a point. It stops when my people are put at risk.

Not all stories follow the same journey. Because we have choices, different personal circumstances. Those choices have consequences, regardless of the events that brought matters to that escalation point. Our enemies leverage ignorance, fear and prejudice to keep the advantage, to foster distrust. Hence why words, diplomacy and compassion are leveraged first. Swords are brought to war if my people's survival is at risk. My people are my priority. Their health and safety are my responsibility.

Written By Jeffeth

Nov. 22, 2018, 1:35 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

We all love the people from our past deeply, and someone talking about them disrespectfully can be surely hard to handle. But for someone sworn to the Crown and Compact you are using 'you' an awful lot instead of 'we'. I think it's important to remember we're all on the same side here in Arx. Despite our opinions, we fight for the same Gods, and the same King.

Written By Sina

Nov. 22, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have managed to stay silent on this argument for some time. I don't claim to know anyone's personal story. However, I think it is rather disingenuous to assume that all members of the Compact feel that the only good shav is a dead shav. Are you going to take these words from one man as a reflection of how the entire Compact feels? It is wrong to generalize, or assign blame to everyone, for one man's viewpoint.

During the Southport crisis, I encountered many shav'arvani, particularly those of Clan Brass Hawk, who demonstrated their love for the arts, and their appreciation for fine craftsmanship, their reverence for creating things with their hands. They found something in the precepts of Jayus to relate to, though our ways and our Faith are so very different. Art has a tendency to do that, of course... it is a universal language, understood by all. Our vision in such endeavors was to find a peaceable means to bring those clans into the Compact, rather than through the means of violence. It is incorrect to assume that the entire Compact condones the use of violence in attempting to bring others into it.

Rather than focusing on our differences, or the resentment that has been built up over the years, can we not find common ground somewhere? Or is it always to be an us against them mindset, or vice versa?

I understand you've been through some terrible difficulties; many have. But holding onto these grudges and this bitterness does not improve the situation, nor does it make anyone feel inclined to forgive, or build new relationships of trust and faith. It only serves to mire us deeper into those feelings that pull us apart and cause strife.

Perhaps, rather than finding things to hate about one another, we can instead search for those things which we have in common, and build upon those things instead. Perhaps it is idealistic of me, to think that such things can happen. But I have seen it work, and I know that this is one reason that I have chosen to serve the Gods - to build up, rather than tear down. To offer hope, rather than despair. To offer love and compassion, rather than hatred and resentment. We all feel that we are doing right by ourselves and our people based on our experiences, but each person's experience is unique. Let us not judge the whole based on the actions or words of an individual.

Written By Amund

Nov. 21, 2018, 10:48 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You speak as though shavs measure life as something sacred.

I have seen shavs kill babies. An entire village's worth of babies, in fact.

I have seen shavs spear the mothers of these babies through, leaving their corpses supported against the weapons that killed them.

I have seen more as a child than any child should ever had to.

Yet, I'm still alive. I'm alive and I chose this profession so it never happens to another village again, if I can help it.

I understand your angle just fine, Prodigal. But remember that: you're a citizen of the Compact.

If the alternative was any better, don't you think you'd have stayed a shav?

Written By Aleksei

Nov. 21, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(1/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

He may very well give them a choice for one very good reason: the chains you choose to bind yourself in are far stronger than the chains someone forces on you. And I imagine the Traitor wants his chains to be very, _very_ tight.

Written By Alrec

Nov. 21, 2018, 7:03 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Tell me about it. Even after they bent the knee to the compact. Not that I know any pirates.

Written By Preston

Nov. 21, 2018, 4:10 a.m.(1/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I think perhaps there is a difference of perspective. You say they have no choice because it is enslavement or death - I would say that is a choice. It is not a good choice, but it is one. It isn't an easy choice either. I hope should I ever have to make it I have the strength needed to die.

I have never really blamed the Abandoned, or sought to ignore the harsh nature of some of the choices the Compact made in the past, but equally I cannot change those things. We must deal with the world as it is. And I do not blame them for choosing enslavement over death, though it forces my response. What I want though is to remove the need for them to make that choice if we can, if they will allow us, but where we cannot - where there is no understanding that can be built between us and the Abandoned, for whatever reason - that we begin to push them back from our holdings and roads so that when the enemy comes, as you say they will, that we have the first skirmishes occur further from our holdings, further from the innocents. So that defeat will not mean the end of our civilisation everytime we fight. Because that choice forces our hand in how we must behave, and it is not always in the way that lets us preserve lives.

The duty is on the nobles first and foremost - the land is theirs. And the Faith Militant - if Little Sister will forgive me for speaking for her people - will always provide support where we can. Sometimes our presence is enough to make it clear that fighting us is not as easy a choice to make either, and makes it clear that we can perhaps protect them against what moves in the woods.

Written By Audric

Nov. 12, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(12/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Not at all. I'm not known for taking half-measures, Shard!

Written By Thena

Sept. 26, 2018, 7:39 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

We are not flinging Skald at anything. Unless he would like us to.

Written By Valencia

Sept. 23, 2018, 8:23 p.m.(8/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I disagree, Mistress Shard.

It was not that you won or lost, but that you graciously offered. It is as simple as that.

Even if your motives may have served something that you wanted, I suspect it was to serve a greater good, which does not detract from your generosity in any way.

I agree, there are many things that one should want more than money. And, I would would be very keen to speak further on the matter with you. Please consider this a most heartfelt invitation to join me in a drink and discussion.

Meanwhile, I will remain honoured and inspired by your generous offer.


Written By Thesarin

Sept. 6, 2018, 6:15 p.m.(7/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

My experience, hero deeds and villain deeds are mostly the same thing.

Same name a thing to glory in song or spit out like a turd crossed your lips, just which side of which river you hail from.

Written By Coraline

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:52 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Lady Monique being the sister of Warchief Marian is one of the allies you mentioned in your earlier post. Thus, by your own words is fully invested in this mess as a said ally.

I believe you that this will be worse than Stormwall, and I agree it the best of times, however I would prefer when facing this enemy to not have to wonder if someone will disagree with a rightful order they disagree with and leave my flank exposed. So if this will help mitigate future disaster then by all means I think it needs to be laid out here and now.

As for those saying they should fight and have done. A Rite of Gloria was offered and denied. Drinking whiskey was then offered and found wanting. Challenges are the traditional method of laying disturbance to rest, regardless of if it has on occasion been used for seeming fripperies, it has also been used for clearly dire situations. Thus it is offered once more. Should this too be denied I feel we are running out of options to lay this to rest.

Written By Reigna

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:06 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Actually, Lady Monique Greenmarch has already issued a Challenge to Ann Crovane. And the planning meeting to discuss the Physicians response to the impending battle is scheduled for tomorrow.

So... since my chores are done, may I go back to pointing out when Peers are behaving badly?

Written By Thena

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:05 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

If I’m remembering right, folks have gotten themselves in a knot over something before every major conflict calling on us all to act together.

It’s not ideal but at least we’re used to it?

Written By Coraline

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:03 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

While I can't disagree that a time of enemies being at the gates isn't the best for airing grievance, I do wish to point out two things.

First: Better to get this out worked out now rather than on the battlefield facing said enemy.

Second: A challenge has been issued, it simply hasn't yet been answered.

Written By Sergei

Aug. 17, 2018, 8:50 a.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

You haven't cooked wolf right.

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