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Written By Raja

Nov. 19, 2021, 9:49 p.m.(8/7/1016 AR)

With the appearance of the moon during the day, I feel this is a bad omen in my life. I have followed the doctrine of Skald for years. I have been proud to call myself a Liberator. But, I am told that the moon is an ill omen for choice. That terrifies me. What if everything that has ever happened was 'meant' to happen to lead up to some ultimate event? What if Destiny is a thing once more? This terrifies me.

Written By Raja

Nov. 19, 2021, 9:41 p.m.(8/7/1016 AR)

I have had more than one person warn me that I need to be careful which path I choose in my life. I sit back and furrow my brows. What are my choices? My entire life has basically been an endeavor for survival. People that are raised with the silver spoons in their mouths have the luxury of figuring that shit out. For myself and many others like me, I struggled with even thinking I would have a tomorrow. So, trying to figure out what 'path' I should go down is rather difficult. I only see darkness ahead, no paths. I often just feel as if I am flailing about and just trying to grasp at whatever I can latch onto. It would be nice for a bit of light to be shed on the 'path' so that I know what the right thing to do is.

Written By Raja

Oct. 3, 2021, 9:33 p.m.(4/25/1016 AR)

The more I learn about people, the more I learn not to trust. Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss. I used to be tormented by the lack of knowledge, now I am tormented with knowing certain bits of knowledge. In the end, I would rather know what I am being tormented about than to guess. So, I will take knowing things, even if they are a disappointment. I guess what I need to learn is when to stop looking into certain bits of knowledge. I am far too curious a person. I will always have questions and seek to have them answered, even if the answer is a disappointment or leads to more questions.

Written By Raja

Oct. 3, 2021, 9:25 p.m.(4/25/1016 AR)

The Beggar's Ball was a success! I had so much fun! Though, I did have to pay some extra money to the hired help. The place was demolished! Somehow stew bits were in the chandelier! As long as I am a counselor on the Commoner's Council, I intend to host one every spring. You know, I think the council should host a commoner event at least once a season! I know these are dark times, but sometimes you just have to let your hair down and remember what it is you fight for.

Written By Raja

Sept. 19, 2021, 12:52 p.m.(3/24/1016 AR)

I am excited about the Beggar's Ball coming up! The Bard's College even contacted me asking to play! Oh, I do hope they show up! That would be amazing! I have this old fox mask that I have never used. I decided to make the party a masked one so I could use it! Now, I should go on a fox hunt to get a tail to wear at the party. If this is a success, I will do this as a regular event! Honestly, I think there should be more commoner events. People tend to look to me to make it happen though. I get tired! But, that's ok. It's part of being on the Council I suppose!

Written By Raja

Sept. 19, 2021, 12:46 p.m.(3/24/1016 AR)

Family. It is not about bloodlines. Sure, there is that undeniable connection that will /always/ be there when one speaks of bloodlines. But, bloodlines do not make a family. What makes a family? It's the bond between people who have each other's backs during their most trying times. It's the shared laughter at the meal table over some old joke that outsiders would never get. It's that bond that makes people share tears when someone's heart is broken. THAT is family. Cullers understand that. Most of us do not share any sort of bloodline with each other. But, we are family. We do not see each other any other way.

Written By Raja

Sept. 19, 2021, 12:40 p.m.(3/24/1016 AR)

What's love got to do with any of this? My answer is: Everything. What is a marriage without love? Bondage. It is bondage especially if you cannot break free of it. They use the word 'responsibility' and 'sacrifice'. See, this is why I turned down nobility not just once, but TWICE! It's a trap I tell you. I love being a commoner.

Written By Raja

Sept. 5, 2021, 10:25 p.m.(2/25/1016 AR)

Business has suddenly blossomed. I am having people come out from all directions seeking blades an armor. I am quite intimidated. I also feel that I am my own worst critic. I make designs, then scrap them, throwing it away. Is that a natural part of the creative process? I am more wanting results than flashy, but it is fun for people to have a little zing in their commissions.

Written By Raja

Aug. 28, 2021, 9:27 p.m.(2/9/1016 AR)

So, the initial planning has been made. There is a group of us that want to rebuild the roads within the Lower Boroughs. At first one may think, "why?" Well, the answer is easy.

1. Make it so merchants have an easier time getting back and forth to the docks, thus increasing trade and profit for the city at large.
2. Increase safety of the citizens that walk back and forth. (Just as long as they remain on the main road.)
3. Increase the defensibility of the area simply by making it easier for people to respond to any threat.

I am worried that many in the Lowers may balk at this. But, just like the library, I am sure they will be much happier once they realize how much it will improve their lives. However, we have to get permission first. You don't get to just tear up miles of streets without permission from it's liege! Once permission is obtained, then I will draw in the Commoners Council and various commoner families. Honestly, this project will benefit so many people both great and small. First, to receive permission.

Written By Raja

Aug. 25, 2021, 10:04 a.m.(2/2/1016 AR)

There are only a few people in this city that are completely trustworthy. I have to say one of those people if the Archlector Felix Godsworn. I just adore that man! Not only was he my mentor, but he is just an overall good fellow. People should aspire to be more like him. If you are reading this journal, do me a favor and send him a sweet treat? If you are feeling especially generous, send him an apple for his Direhorn, Ralph.

Written By Raja

Aug. 25, 2021, 10 a.m.(2/2/1016 AR)

Since I have found so much joy in crafting, I decided to learn to craft armor! I already knew the basics and being a master smith, it was easy to pick up the techniques. So, I can now efficiently craft armor into diamondplate! Alaricite is such a picky metal. I am saving that just for weapons. If folk want alaricite armor, they will have to go elsewhere. Sorry.

Written By Raja

Aug. 25, 2021, 9:56 a.m.(2/2/1016 AR)

You know, for the longest time in my life, I never wanted a trade craft. I thought it would be boring and cumbersome. I also sometimes can't stand people. Being a crafter, you have to deal with them. However, I have never had so much joy and pride in what I do! A General bought a weapon from me and when she looked upon the weapon in adoration, I almost cried! Almost. One tear does not count as crying. Don't laugh at me scholar.

Written By Raja

Aug. 23, 2021, 12:57 a.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

You know, who wants to be a neo-noble anyways? Not me. I enjoy my freedom as a commoner.

Written By Raja

Aug. 22, 2021, 10:45 p.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

What is even going on in the world? I have seen some horrific things and hear of even worse things happening. I am angered over what happened in Bastion. I'm not sure why. I have never even been there. But, I can see that it just isn't right. My prayers go to the Graysons as I know Bastion hangs heavy over them.

Written By Raja

Aug. 8, 2021, 10:05 a.m.(12/24/1015 AR)

Tradition. I am going to rant about this thing people call tradition. I feel 'tradition' is a double-edged sword. There are good traditions like yearly holidays or the fisherman who only fishes at a certain spot. These are fun, good traditions. However, some people go so far to honor traditions that they loose sight of the big picture. Like.. Thralldom. It was a huge tradition for Thraxians! I am sure originally it was an idea of, 'Hey! Instead of killing all these jerks, let's make them work!' However, we all know how that particular tradition turned out. There are so many other traditions too. So many traditions keep people in ignorance. It's time to break free from 'traditions' that bind us and grow as a people.

Written By Raja

Aug. 7, 2021, 12:32 a.m.(12/21/1015 AR)

I have a new obsession. I want to make weapons with random materials! Some time back, I had an unfortunate encounter with a giant snake. Well, I am still here, so obviously the giant snake died. Not because of me, mind you! Because of friends who killed it before it killed me! Anyways, I took it's fangs. Using alaricite as a strong base and core for the weapon, I fashioned the fangs into a blade. It turned out wonderous! I am quite proud of this creation. Now, I want to travel the lands in search of new ores and new materials to make more weapons.

Written By Raja

Aug. 7, 2021, 12:28 a.m.(12/21/1015 AR)

I really enjoyed Lady Mabelle's event. The Honey Festival was just fun all around! I really needed the positivity. It was refreshing as much in my life is kind of dour of late. The festival helped me feel a bit rejuvenated in spirit. Thank you Lady Mabelle Laurent!

Written By Raja

July 27, 2021, 12:43 p.m.(12/1/1015 AR)

I have to admit, recently having faced a few incredibly dire situations, I am feeling less than adequate. I work hard to make a difference, but.. do I? Do I really make any sort of difference? I have seen the power of these so called mages. It is power untold! It's awe inspiring and terrifying. Yet, I feel there is nothing I can do compared to their power. Honestly, I am disheartened.

Written By Raja

July 18, 2021, 11:01 p.m.(11/11/1015 AR)

I would like to introduce my daughters to the world. Two of them are born. No, there will be no proclamation about them, but I will write about them and it will be forever remembered. The oldest daughter came out loud and filled with radiant energy! I named her Mahreen which means beautiful as the sun. Then, her younger sister was quiet upon her birth. I named her Maheen which means radiant like the moon. And then, they have their older brother, Skander who is just over two years old now! His name means protector! He better watch out for his sisters when he gets older.

Written By Raja

July 18, 2021, 10:19 p.m.(11/11/1015 AR)

I have decided to go on a journey of inner meditation to discover more of who I am. I am going to take thirteen days where I go to specific places of meaning to me in my life. I am going to meditate there. At first, I thought to document my journey of self-discovery in my black journals. However, I hope that this will help someone else in their own journey of self discovery.

I know there are some aspects of my life that people will not care to know. I will endeavor to not make people feel awkward with that. However, don't we all have that awkwardness about ourselves?

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