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Written By Brianna

Sept. 17, 2017, 11:26 p.m.(3/25/1007 AR)


A well-loved joke that is so often told that it practically slips from the tongue, and yet it still makes the teller laugh, every time.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 17, 2017, 10:43 p.m.(3/25/1007 AR)

It is always entertaining to attend a Lycene party, even one subdued and held for charity such as the one put on by the Marquessa Igniseri. The King's appearance and the taste of Southern wines made for an excellent evening. Now, if only someone would recognize my lyrical genius--.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 14, 2017, 12:07 p.m.(3/18/1007 AR)

Graceful and political is something that I had to teach myself, from the moment I stepped foot into the city of Arx as a young girl. It is not something that the North is known for; our diplomacy has always been laughable compared to the skill of the Lycenes to turn a phrase, for example. Stories are told of our fierceness, our toughness, our loyalty, our paths. They build statues of our warchiefs, not our ambassadors.

But graceful and noble is never a look that goes out of style.

Prince Fergus, if you are in need of a Champion, I volunteer to fight for you. My only term is that both Champions must only wear pink silk, no armor, if he accepts, Princess Reese Grayson.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 10, 2017, 10:09 p.m.(3/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

It feels just like slipping into old times, being able to talk to him like friends and laugh and just-- joke about nothing. I missed it.

I am going to hold you to that promise, Prince Kieran. I will see you at the Redrain dinner for the King and Queen.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 10, 2017, 10:08 p.m.(3/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Tristan

The Royal Stablemaster has always been a man who could hold a drink, who could laugh at a joke, who was handsome to look at and who never /quite/ noticed when all of the women's eyes were on them in a tavern. Yet, something has changed. We're all different now, in the past handful of years, aren't we? I can't imagine what he went through, here, under siege. As I am sure he can't quite understand what I have been through. But gods, was it good to see him again.

And he /has/ been practicing. My shoulder still hurts.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 3, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(2/22/1007 AR)

I have returned to a city that is blooming with life; birth, marriages, growth. It warms the heart to see even in the face of what we have lost, what we have survived. And what we may face in the future. We will always press on and live, and that is why the Compact is undefeatable.

My congratulations once again, Prince Darren Redrain and Princess Donella Redrain. To Princess Marian Redrain and Prince Fergus Redrain. To Princess Eleyna Velenosa and Prince Talen Velenosa. Such a dinner, surrounded by happy couples, expecting couples, newlyweds--. It is enough to lift anyone's spirits.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 3, 2017, 5:49 p.m.(2/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I cannot say enough how grateful I am for my cousin's diligent work for Whitehold. There could not have been a better representation of our House in the city, nor one who would work as tirelessly for the Compact and the North. While I was off on my own search, I knew that the Voice of Halfshav would be better served with Khanne's. I do not intend to come back and take anything from her, but if there is any way that I can help, I am here now.

Written By Brianna

Feb. 5, 2017, 11:53 p.m.(11/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calathane

Don't let your spirit wander too far, my friend. You might not be able to find it again one day.

Written By Brianna

Feb. 5, 2017, 11:51 p.m.(11/11/1005 AR)

Every day I feel myself slipping, some way or the other. I could burn it all down and dance in the ashes, I could cut down those in my way and enjoy the heat of their blood. Or I could enjoy a strong drink and wait until tomorrow.

Written By Brianna

Jan. 29, 2017, 11:57 p.m.(10/18/1005 AR)

Perhaps it's time to set fire to the forest and rebuild in its ashes.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 5, 2016, 9:34 p.m.(7/1/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

I sat down and had a drink with Fergus. Charming man, isn't he? Quite a lot to be proud of in Fergus Redrain, even if he and father don't get along.

He told me an amusing story about Larissa Whisper, how she got offended when he complimented her body and started to bash the Northlands. You'd think a woman keen on learning how to seduce northern men would understand that "bend over a bed" is good.

Much better than clinging to a northerner. They aren't the best clingers, but they do know how to work a bed.

I like him. I think I'll be keeping Fergus in my retinue of friends.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 5, 2016, 10:36 a.m.(6/28/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

I'm sure the fight would have lasted longer if I'd brought all of my armor. All the same; he's quite skilled, but that's something I expected. You don't become a Sword without skill.

Likes to stir the pot, though.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 2, 2016, 11:33 p.m.(6/20/1004 AR)

The melee was fun. Five teams, thirteen warriors. I ranked fifth. Deva was still standing when I went down, but the melee went to a team of Velenosians.

Still, the North made a great showing between the four of us who participated.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 2, 2016, 11:28 p.m.(6/20/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

At least my interest in him is cured, hm? Father will be so pleased.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 2, 2016, 11:18 p.m.(6/20/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

She went down first. Not so tough as she first seemed, is she? And she has the audacity to think that anyone was upset that they had me on their team?


I outlasted eight warriors of more skill.

Written By Brianna

Aug. 30, 2016, 10:19 p.m.(6/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I saw him again, and not just because I was sick. Not that I saw him while I was sick, mind you; that would be ridiculous. I don't think about Victus Thrax at any period of time, especially not while ill.

I think he'd be more handsome with a shorter beard.

Written By Brianna

Aug. 30, 2016, 10:18 p.m.(6/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I had the pleasure of meeting Princess Alarissa again, on the beaches outside of Arx; she chastised me for drowning my cousin, as if I would actually kill her in the process.

Not much fun, is she? But all Valardins are a bit stodgy. Of course, she thinks otherwise. Something about a masquerade and losing the love of your life sapping the fun.

We lost Prince Sherrod. We loved Prince Sherrod. We manage still to move on and be people, not statuary that cries and chastises others.

Won't be asking her to tea any time soon.

Written By Brianna

Aug. 30, 2016, 9:08 p.m.(6/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Father's put me in charge of gathering together the masons and anyone looking to decorate -- I get to pretend I'm the Voice of Halfshav until it's over.

What do you think I should decorate it like? Wouldn't it be funny to put seashells and satin in the rooms instead of fur and iron?

I'd laugh. He'd probably disown me.

Written By Brianna

Aug. 25, 2016, 12:52 a.m.(5/21/1004 AR)

Don't give me that look, like I'm shirking my duties not coming in here. You try coming in when you're vomiting up ale and dinner, see how well you scribe your thoughts to paper. And you best not be writing that part down; no one needs to hear about me vomiting dinner back up.

It's wonderful to be walking outside of the Villa again. It feels like it's been weeks that I've been sitting in bed, fawned over by shamans and healers alike, and I do hate being fawned over. Of course, I was hoping that when I got back on my own two feet, Arx would have its King back.

It doesn't.

The King is still a carrot, and though I don't think he's the best King, he was a good friend to me. Arx feels different without him to go hunting with. Valencia plugged up some of the hole left behind, but she can only do so much, and really, she's terribly concerned with making me a lady. I refuse to wear pins in my hair. I look like a giant beet when I do. The red hair really does wonders for looking like some sort of vegetable.

I'm sure I missed plenty of things to distract me. Prince Sherrod's funeral; I should have been there. Prince Sherrod was family, married to father's cousin, and you stand by family even when they've gone back to the earth and the spirits. There's quite a bit of guilt in me for not attending, despite my previous condition.

The worst part of it? While holed up in bed, I thought of a leviathan. Damned Thrax. Maybe I'll stalk the training grounds tomorrow, hm? Good place to find leviathans.

Written By Brianna

June 17, 2016, 9:04 p.m.(10/15/1003 AR)

The manor of House Thrax. Victus claims it used to be a castle, that the Graysons tore it down after the Thraxian dynasty so it couldn't be repeated. It's something spectacular to see, even in the darkness; they don't have that sort of architecture up north, certainly not in Whitehold.

There was a servant girl there. She seemed so shy, and uneasy. Is that how they treat their people? Make them afraid? Is that how they expect their women to be? Seems like it'd be a miserable sort of time to spend life, being afraid of your lords and ladies so much. Wouldn't go very well back home, either. We'd end up with some kind of revolt, and those men and women are tough.

I ought to go and poke around in the other wards. The palace, the Thraxian ward, the Redrain ward - I'm practically sheltered. May as well take a look at every other place, isn't that right? I'll do that at some point, when I'm not fighting the affects of too much ale and pirate sweat.

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