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Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:29 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jennyva

My patron, I think in the very least. Our relationship will be interesting moving forward.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:26 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

A new job today! A little different then what I am used too. A lot of the higher up in society types, so it should prove lucrative. I will have to give thanks towards the Employer for the treat.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

I've hit a new breakthrough in my training. It's strange to think not too long ago, I was feeling like an old man. Now, I have mastered skills I had believed I already mastered, I keep learning while in this city. I keep growing too in ways I never thought possible, I suppose in the very least those I actually genuinely care for here I thank you. For things I will not speak too publicly to write in a journal which surprisingly a few of people read my thoughts. I am genuinely surprised by this and think my ramblings are boring but erm, I hope you're entertained.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 10, 2019, 4:21 a.m.(7/17/1010 AR)

Audric's dead. I had heard the news a couple of days later then it happened. He was a jackass, but he was good towards the people he actually cared about. He willingly embraced his monsters and made a massive pile of coin. I genuinely enjoyed the few times we actually got to sit down and talk even if I never took his offer to join the Few, he made sure to let me know that he would always be happy to hire on an independent from time to time. What I never actually told him was that his offer to me was one of the most generous I had ever actually entertained and the one I almost ended up accepting. Though, I didn't want to affirm his own ego too much.

People around him that I also have come to care for are mourning the man. Some celebrating, I think I forgot how to mourn. Or if I should be allowed to in the first place? I am also worried about what the lack of his presence will do the market. I've never been able to get a good read on his second aside from her being just being a ball of rage to where Audric was pragmatic and could be dealt with and having more powers in the mercenary market makes things better for not only my men and woman but also the other independent sellswords.

But none the less, that is very much an Ajax issue, for Audric i'll offer this. He was a prick, but he was one of the few people who had the balls to be so open about it. A level of honesty that one would be a fool to not appreciate. We're worse off without him. My sympathy to his loved ones and his band.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 10, 2019, 3:55 a.m.(7/17/1010 AR)

I actually attended the back end of a ball, not normally my usual haunts. It's just so jarring when I see a large crowd full of people dressed in fineries that even though I can now afford, I wouldn't really spend my coin on. I met with Princess Sorrel who introduced me to the King, even though I had already met the King. Still weirds me out a bit that he remembers my name, but not the worst thing in Arx. He honestly reminds me of that guy that everyone loves growing up. A bit of mischief, a bit of clever, and usually has some sort of plan to get the group out of whatever trouble he likely talked everyone into. He seems like a lot of fun, pity I never met him earlier in my life when I would indulge that more often.

But towards the ball itself? It was a fine affair, though, people were trickling out as I came in but just in time to watch the Halfshav Duke and his lady engage in a lovely seeming dance. I always had a soft spot for couples, and they're fairly adorable when together that's usually a sign that they were built to last. Unfortunately, it degraded into Shard going off about slavery again towards Princess Sorrel. Which, at the rate she's going I am worried eventually Shard will do more harm then good when she goes off on someone not even against her.

I hope she can find something she can vent on sooner or later before a mistake is made that can't taken back.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 3, 2019, 11:13 p.m.(7/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Emilia

A woman with a similar sounding past that sounds too close to mine. Part of me feels bad for what you've chosen to do. But I think it's a good sign you're a better person then I.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 3, 2019, 11:12 p.m.(7/5/1010 AR)

I ran into the Captain and the Templar again the other day. It was strange, from the arena they seemed as if they were bitter rivals. I could almost taste the hatred, but now, I am fairly sold it's on something else between them from how they acted together. One could argue they were a close married couple, or siblings, just from how they acted and then prodded me. A pity I always have a weakness for couples, just something about the happy family bit.

We moved onwards, heading towards the trainer center for a bit of a spar. Myself mostly curious as to how I would fare against these warriors of renown in the city. The short version was. I did better then I thought. But that was painful Harlex's style if a brutality measured with caution before I had thought he just drew on his rage and swung until he the other person was down. But now, I can see there is a care in his movements that he shows care in concealing. I think I held out longer then most expected but I was only able to stall the wolf's advance for a time. But that I will take with a gratitude for my Uncle who taught me and the good Captain for humoring a mercenary who lived out on the fringe. I think I could actually make a good friend with the man. Who knows though? I certainly don't.

Dame Emilia was able to fight impressively as well. She had a more defensive style and was able to deliver a staggering blow to me early in the fight. Yet in her case, I don't know what got into me. I just didn't fall as she continued hitting me until she went down. I wish I could say I had her outskilled, but I went black for a bit of it. I just remember the brief moment before I swept out her legs and that realization he hurt to breathe afterwards. All and all a good day, granted, I needed a day to rest up after. I hope to see them both again.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 1, 2019, 10:36 p.m.(7/1/1010 AR)

The sip and spar, I think I've said before that I love it and hate it. This last one though was a tad interesting, Captain Harlex of the Crimson Blades had arrived, and took part himself. I had heard many rumors of this wolves skill and assumed some of it was just blown out of proportion like when Red talks me and my men up. However, this time around it appears warranted he dropped Greyhope without breaking much of a sweat. Then he hung back until the arrival of a Templar Dame Emilia that he knew and then engaged for one of the longest fights I had seen since coming into town.

That one felt personal, it screamed personal, it was. As nice as the Dame appeared to be afterwards, part of me questions the judgment to stop and speak to your enemy when they're whirling at you. Afterwards she did come by and give a good hello and came off very friendly and approachable, still strange seeing a Templar in a place that sums up heavy drinking, and thrashing at people. But you meet all sorts in Arx. As the evening started coming to a close, I partook in a couple of matches. The first with Lady Kennex, who had managed to drop the kid. For me? That was more personal then I would like to admit under normal circumstance. Not seen him around since he lost so I hope he's alright.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 27, 2019, 11:37 p.m.(6/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jan

A young woman, trying to earn her glory. I wish you well. If you need help, I usually am around. For a price.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:22 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

I find a lot of work. Perhaps, we'll work together soon.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:20 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Tensions in the city have always been high, since I came here. They're reaching a point where I wonder if things will a blaze. Between all the offers, the only thing for certain is I am going to continue to find work. I just worry for the regular folks, those not of the militant inclinations. The more I learn of this Brass, the more I think he isn't the hero people hope he is. Well, I shall just continue to watch, wait, and continue onwards.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 19, 2019, 2:49 a.m.(5/21/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kanean

A kid, a good kid. He reminds me a lot of a younger me and I hate that. But none the less, maybe, just maybe. I can help him avoid some of my mistakes.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 15, 2019, 2:14 a.m.(5/12/1010 AR)

The Sip and Spar, how I love to hate thee, I love the idea. The Vixen knows how to throw a proper party and the crowd is always good. The booze flows and people beat the shit out of each other. I hate it because I usually get bored and step into the ring myself when it's a lull and I am not being paid to fight. This kid Kanean really did well after taking some advice I gave him. Even managed to get a pair of very lucky hits in and take me out of the ring! Part of me is proud of him, but he seriously needs to work on his leg work before he goes to the field proper. It's too easy to actually hit him, and I have to figure out a way to explain to them that yes, even though your bow hurts. If someone can draw your blood easily, you may not walk away from the fight. If he doesn't get it into his head he'll end up crippled or worse eventually and to a kid his age? That's just unfortunate.

None the less, it was a good time and i'll make the next one. Drew some attention in the two fights I participating in even though I kinda mauled some poor silk. Maybe, not the best first impression admittedly, but an impression none the less. After I sleep off this soreness, I will be seeing about adding some more bedrooms towards our headquarters, with two more coming to town proper we need to be ready to receive them and get them kitted in something useful. Then we can start dispatching our people on missions. With the blood being spilled in the city, I can feel there will be plenty of it.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 13, 2019, 6:43 p.m.(5/9/1010 AR)

The other day, I went to meet Red for a drink at the Ebb. As much as I am not that big of a rum drinker after an experiment as a child. The usual crowd was their but suddenly the bar filled with leadership with two out the three mercenary companies within the city. While I actually enjoy the Baron of the Few and the Commander of the blades, their presence made me feel rather small as someone who at best leads a small handful of men. The only group that was missing representation were the Isle Canine members and that's a pity. Interesting to see the contrast between the Blades and the Few leaders extremely different people and feels towards their organization. I hope to run into more sellswords as the situation in the city continues to deteriorate.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 11, 2019, 4:46 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

A friend made between swigs of rum and hearty laughter. It'll be interesting to see how things develop my friend.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 3, 2019, 11:05 p.m.(4/17/1010 AR)

I met a new person today. You know, in this city. I feel as if some people on introductions just skip normal social cues to go. "Hello, ser, will you be so kind as to tell me everything about yourself?" normally, when this happens I come up with something amusing to tell them to pass the time. Despite the very fact that this could blur the line between someone being able to tell if I am being genuine or not with them. Though, the interesting part is with this individual I did not. I had to backtrack a little onto something but otherwise, yeah. It was almost refreshing. Could of been that the person in question was ready to fight in the middle of a shrine, but hey, this city seems to attract all types. Though, maybe next time a premature peace offering of rum may be in order.

Written By Ajax

Dec. 30, 2018, 10:10 p.m.(4/9/1010 AR)

Those ships belonging to other nations, things making me rather uneasy. Making me think I am going to be a little boy again waking up and smelling smoke as my home burns, while, I am far from a child this time. I had just gotten over the dreams after that damned rain. I got nothing but a sense of trouble over the ocean. Maybe, it's time to have chat with some people I don't want to see hurt throughout whatever happens. It goes against my initial idea at coming to the city proper. But it's not like the situation is likely to get better anytime soon. Well, hopefully in the least I get some more work and the nobility figure out a proper plan to deal with this long term.

Written By Ajax

Dec. 30, 2018, 10:01 p.m.(4/9/1010 AR)

An interesting day the other day. Went about my usual walks through the shrines, trying to clear my head thinking the Gods may give me a hand and met the Archscholar. A surprisingly warm seeming person, ran into a handful of silks, too. Luckily, I managed to not say something stupid. Unfortunately, I fear that may of ran it's course when I spoke to the other person there. I really owe Rinel an apology the next time I see her. Prodded at a bad memory in my curiosity.

Written By Ajax

Dec. 23, 2018, 6:08 p.m.(3/22/1010 AR)

In between assignments, I attempt to be social with the general populace. All the talks of magic and what not goes right over my head. I know there is some truth towards them, and Princess Sorrel speaks of interesting history. But if the cost of us using such things like that stupid rain will the cost always be acceptable to use against our enemy? I'll just continue to trust the scholarly sort for now. Whatever all that was? I do not want to know. At least I ain't dreaming about Tyde anymore when I sleep.

Written By Ajax

Dec. 18, 2018, 4:50 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

With the plagued snow, and now this damned rained I wonder if the city will ever return to normal. At least with the snow you could bundle up and likely be fine. But this rain, it makes me think of Tydehall. How it was before it fell and how many in Tyde's tower never got the chance to see it. Perhaps, I am just taking this with a sense of over idealism but still. I hope this shit clears up soon, I don't like thinking back to this. Perhaps, I will start lingering around the tower a bit more often. Maybe, it'll help shake this feeling.

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