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Written By Victus

Oct. 22, 2020, 12:01 a.m.(3/28/1014 AR)

I appreciate all of the offers for hobbies. So far I've got dancing, ship-building, alcohol snob, fishing, javelin throwing, creating life, singing, and some visionary offered crochet lessons.

I think I might just turn out okay now. I've also come to realize that there is much more free time in the world to dedicate to some random bullshit than I would've ever expected.

Written By Victus

Oct. 13, 2020, 12:50 a.m.(3/11/1014 AR)

There are days when I wonder when I'll be done with war. I've seen dozens of battlefields, hundreds of wrecked ships, thousands of bodies in my time. I could enjoy it more a decade ago, when I was faster and burdened with less duty. Now? It is an ever changing landscape that always exacts the same price.

Still, it's been the only game I've ever truly been good at since I came of age. I'd had a conversation with our new family from Jadariel not so long ago. It was pointed out that I lack in hobbies that don't revolve around my map table.

Don't have a damn clue what I'd end up doing instead. Don't write books, don't strum instruments, don't weave, don't pound metal into shape. Fishing becomes so monotonous when you've spent so much time at sea already. Hunting means I might have to ride a horse. Hate horses.

Suppose it won't be worth really thinking about until the last thrall is released. But if I'm still alive in the next ten years, I can feel myself heading for one hell of a mid-life crisis.

Written By Victus

Oct. 1, 2020, 10:57 p.m.(2/16/1014 AR)

The moments before a storm. When the wind blows, picking up in speed. The air hangs heavy and the lightning begins to crackle in the sky. All before the downpour threatens a flood, the cyclone tests your mast, and the hull will rock.

Here it comes.

Written By Victus

July 13, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(8/24/1013 AR)

The city is from above is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. Really makes up for the canyon that wolf monster left in my chest.

Yeah, still a little miffed about that wolf monster. I'll try harder in the future not to pick fights with bushes.

Written By Victus

July 2, 2020, 10:23 p.m.(8/2/1013 AR)

Awhile ago I'd written down my hopes that we'd see a purely Arvani material rise up and outshine foreign made goods. I'm beyond pleased that those efforts have bore fruit.

All of my praise to the contributors who made Oakhide and its improvements a reality. I've got quite some work to do in replacing my closet.

Written By Victus

June 26, 2020, 9:05 a.m.(7/17/1013 AR)

When contracting Prima Shard and the Valorous Few to assist in our common problem with those ornery to thralldom’s end, I was quite pleased with the service provided.

Some of them even got on boats to get to Sungreet. Which is a /long/ journey for someone who doesn’t like boats in the least.

Written By Victus

June 24, 2020, 2:49 a.m.(7/13/1013 AR)

I went on a fishing trip with the king.

I talked shit to a bush.

A wolf cleaved a chasm through alaricite to try and kill me.

Eh. Maybe I should've held onto that shield.

Written By Victus

June 12, 2020, 3:51 p.m.(6/18/1013 AR)

One hundred soldiers for each Great House. One hundred soldiers split across every House below them. It is not enough to protect against tens of thousands that rage.

The restrictions placed upon retinue and fortifications were good for their time, but are now a relic that has outlived its usefulness. If we are to ensure our safety in the capital of this Compact, then we must return to the old ways.

Written By Victus

May 11, 2020, 10:32 a.m.(4/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

Marrying solely for love without forwarding the strength of your house is a foolish, selfish errand to partake in. I say that as I know it was not my cousin’s intent, but a very fortunate luxury to find a soul mate intertwined with a political match.

Rest assured, Lord Alecstazi is a dutiful man who had the best interests of his family at heart. Love did not blind to his responsibility as an honored peer.

The Ducal House Halfshav and House Thrax are looking forward to a prosperous alliance. And no more mixing up snow and swords which is an honest mistake.

Written By Victus

May 9, 2020, 6:23 p.m.(4/6/1013 AR)

I will never bring a sword to a snowball fight again.

Written By Victus

May 4, 2020, 10:54 p.m.(3/25/1013 AR)

Horses would be better if you could use them on the seas.

Written By Victus

May 3, 2020, 2:07 a.m.(3/21/1013 AR)

Astrid has created a new game for the two of us to partake in. She's called it 'Barathrum-Boom' after the blade Dame Ida meticulously crafted to perfection.

My daughter tells me that while as she is small and unable to make a lot of noise (a lie), she is unfit to control a storm. Because she does not possess the qualities of thunder. However, she's incredibly confident that she is accurate and energized enough to embody lightning.

So she looks to me and says, "Father, you're big. You be thunder."

My role in the game is to stomp, yell and rumble furniture. While Astrid leaps from things and makes crackling noises, followed by something resembling an explosion. Together we create the storm.

The cat doesn't like it. She has clawed me no less than seven times when I've started causing a ruckus. I believe she'll eventually come to accept this begrudgingly, but with thinly veiled hatred brewing under the surface. As she does everything in life.

Written By Victus

April 24, 2020, 12:24 a.m.(3/3/1013 AR)

I've come to the conclusion that I don't enjoy crowds very much.

I am very hungover at the time of writing this, but I don't expect anything significant to change.

Written By Victus

April 2, 2020, 2:52 p.m.(1/16/1013 AR)

I write this query three hours before sunrise.

Why has Petrichor given otters the ability and desire to scream?

Written By Victus

March 31, 2020, 1:39 a.m.(1/10/1013 AR)

Deep within Maelstrom's walls, a good time to get some breathing space while we prepare to mobilize the banners. I was fortunate enough to find a lull between drills to take some time to myself. Took a retinue and made a journey to the ruins of Thrax's previous capital here on the Isle. Perhaps not the best of ideas, given the state of things. But the history is too valuable to not admire from time to time.

It's odd. There's broad strokes of familiarity on every wall, yet still so different from the city we sit upon today. I always note just how many devotions to Mangata are around every curve. Clear waters run down the fingers of the goddess, Her likeness carved in stone. In the central chamber, Her face greets every visitor with a welcoming smile. These halls have been abandoned for untold centuries, yet Her presence still illuminates the ancient structure with life.

I wonder why we grew away from such art as time went on. Monsters from the darkest depths of the present decorate our streets now, in the form of chalk and chiseled rocks. The things we'd seen spawn out of the darkwater and what the superstitious sailors speak of in the bloodwater. Combine that with the grey skies, the rain, everything can be very grim in comparison.

Since my trip, I've returned with ideas. I believe once the Skal'daja are dealt with, bringing pieces of Thrax's ancient history back to life could be a worthy endeavor.

Written By Victus

March 24, 2020, 7:41 p.m.(12/26/1012 AR)

I think we've been to the Shrine of Mangata a record seven times this week. I'm coming to the terms with the fact that I may never be able to match, or even comprehend the exuberance that powers a five year old. I understand /less/ about Scarf and his constant need to paddle and steal, but that isn't even the same species.

Wonder if I can convince the girl whether or not she'd have fun at the Training Center as well. I'm longing to heft Barathrum. I've sat still too long, grown too much rust. Maybe I could ask around for sparring partners. Or maybe she wants to learn to swing something small. Wooden axe? Wooden dagger? Maybe.

Rissa would kill me if I let her run with the sharp stuff. We'll hold out on that for another few years.

Written By Victus

March 8, 2020, 12:37 a.m.(11/20/1012 AR)

The otter and the cat still aren't getting along. I would've hoped after a few months together that one of them would figure out a way to coexist. Or at least tolerate each other's presence long enough not to cause a fuss. Nope. These two animals seem destined to be incompatible forever. It might be helped if the damn Claw didn't take the whole house as her own territory, including whatever is within a twenty mile radius AROUND the house. Or maybe if Scarf didn't attempt to make friends with the damn sentient group of knives at every opportunity.

Ah. I'm starting to think animals may not be in my favor. Yet they keep latching onto me anyhow. Maybe some day I'll end up attracting one that just sits, eats, and sleeps. Nothing else. That might be nice.

Astrid does love the shiny coat fiend though. That's something.

Written By Victus

Dec. 7, 2019, 11:02 p.m.(5/3/1012 AR)

I own an otter. It keeps moving things. I don't know who had the wise idea to give an animal something resembling fingers and a thumb, but it was certainly the wrong move.

Written By Victus

Nov. 23, 2019, 3:16 p.m.(4/2/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

I wasn't aware we got vacations.

Written By Victus

Nov. 14, 2019, 10:12 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I got a little carried away with my last entry.

For what it's worth, I accept Miss Tatienne's apology. I hope this has been a good learning experience and that you find fulfillment in pursuing the end of thralldom alongside us.

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