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Written By Valencia

Jan. 30, 2022, 2:54 p.m.(1/10/1017 AR)

The second part of the Refugee Charity Tournament hosted by the Ambassador Bahiya'al'mathali of the Eurusi Consulate, Princes Kenjay of Redrain and Patrizio of Pravus at the Hart was an even greater success and more than a pleasure to attend.

The fine show of excellent sportsmanship and skill displayed upon the sands coupled with the swell of high spirits and merriment was simply intoxicating.

I adore seeing so many enjoying themselves. Each and every smile, rousing cheer, and peal of laughter that filled my arena brings such warmth to my heart. To see such a beautiful blend of faces -- many known, some new, and some returning to my Hart after a long absence -- was more wonderful than I could have imagined. I still smile when I think on it.

The final chapter of this trio of events will soon see a champion named. I have no hesitation in assuring that the finale event will be as successful and brilliant as the first two.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 23, 2022, 5:22 p.m.(12/25/1016 AR)

The first part of the fundraiser hosted by the Ambassador Bahiya'al'mathali of the Eurusi Consulate and the Princes Kenjay of Redrain and Patrizio of Pravus were such a great success and such a pleasure to attend.

To see such immense skill and passion upon the sands and in the stands of my Hart's arena was so very exciting.

It is my greatest hope that this excellent show will be repeated and that all who fight will do so well and true, and the donations to help those in need generous.

I wish nothing more that to see that all involved are delighted and the fundraising more successful than ever.

I can only say that if you are not yet attending, you most certainly should be. It will be another triumph for all in attendance, I am certain.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 16, 2022, 9:47 p.m.(12/11/1016 AR)

A wonderful event and more than I could have wished for. Truly, we are blessed to have so much talent in this city and such brilliant company.

I am honoured to see such skill, talent and passionate upon my sands within my Hart.

Congratulations to all who participated and attended, especially to the very gracious Ambassador Bahiya'al'mathali of the Eurusi Consulate and the Princes Kenjay of Redrain and Patrizio of Pravus on a wonderful event and fine fundraiser.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 16, 2022, 2:08 p.m.(12/10/1016 AR)

I hope with all my heart that the fundraiser hosted by the Ambassador Bahiya'al'mathali of the Eurusi Consulate in partnership with the Princes Kenjay of Redrain and Patrizio of Pravus at the Hart goes well.

It is my greatest hope that all fight true and well, that all involved are delighted, and that the fundraising is so successful that more than first thought are able to be helped to a better life in their new home.

I am so honoured that my Hart is home to such good things.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 2, 2022, 4:05 p.m.(11/10/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Patrizio

I have always been grateful for the many good people I hold dear. It is something that I have treasured throughout my life. To be beloved and trusted and to trust and love in return is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

Thank you, Prince Patrizio of Pravus. Your words are wise and mean a great deal to me as does your very kind invitation. You have given me a great deal to smile about and think on.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 28, 2021, 1:29 p.m.(8/24/1016 AR)

It brings me no joy to write this, but I am told I must be pragmatic. To be honest, I did not think one statement of respectful disagreement on the principals of regency and duty would bring such a harsh and vindictive reaction.

However, it seems this is so, and therefore I feel it is important for me to offer an account of what has transpired since my declaration of concern just on the off chance that I should I meet an unexpected and untimely demise or go mysteriously missing.

Since my speaking of my concerns of the Velenosan regency and the setting aside of the Archduchess Eleyna Velenosa wishes and the rights of its heir, Prince Donato Marik Velenosa, I have received a bevy of correspondence dealing out various punishments for my speaking of my concerns when no other viable path seemed available.

Thus far, I have been summarily thanked and dismissed from my position as Minister of Civic Welfare once bestowed upon me by the Archduchess Eleyna, stripped of my stipend and banned entry to my family’s villa with wishes for good luck.

I was once forced to marry when I was very young and have thus done my duty to house and home. After the tragic death of my husband at our good King’s side, I returned to my family Velenosa. It was there that the Archduke-Regent, my uncle Niccolo, promised me that I should never be forced into a marriage against my will again. That any decisions of my marital status would be supported and would be mine and mine alone. This pledge was affirmed again by my good cousin, the Archduchess Eleyna during her reign.

I realize that this might seem like a convenient way to remove me from my home and family in an attempt to threaten or silence me. However, this does nothing at all to change the facts before us. Nor does this demand frighten me into submission nor change my position. If anything, it galvanizes my concerns.

My cousin-in-law for all intent and purpose wishes me to marry away from my family and I wanted an honourable regent who would do her best to protect and guide Lycene and our heir to a stronger future. I suppose we shall both have to learn to live with disappointment.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 21, 2021, 9:39 p.m.(8/11/1016 AR)

Sometimes it can be difficult to speak. Especially when one is put in place of danger. But sometimes one must be brave and stand up for what is right and speak the truth regardless of personal peril.

I have given much thought to what is happening in my family and after much consideration and conversation I have decided that the honourable thing to do is to openly and honestly declare my disagreement with the path that is being taken by my house.

I do not do this for personal gain or because I seek power for myself. I do this because I love my house and the Lycene people. Because the integrity of our social contract is one of the few things that ensures our ability to trust and be trusted, and to foster a civil and just society. Something that is much needed in times when we face incredible dangers around us.

To have the final wishes of an Archduke or Archduchess so easily dismissed and their children’s rights ignored is a shameful thing that we will wear upon our history as a black mark and an endless reminder of when we would not stand up for what is just and right.

Further, it puts in every leader and parent in Avrum in a position where their rights and wishes, and the rights and future of their children, in danger. It renders bloodlines and rules of succession impotent and meaningless.

There is not another house in Avrum that would allow this to happen.

To be clear, I respect the dedication and hard work of our many Regents. Their path is an honourable and important one. They are the people who show their love for house and realm, because they act so selflessly. It is not about their power, but the power and growth of the house and the houses that are under wing so that we may all be stronger. They hold in trust what is integral to us, ensure that our people continue to thrive, and allow our heirs safely grow strong, worthy and wise.

If we cannot stand up and protect our values and what we so deeply care about then we perhaps do not deserve them. A frightening thought when you consider what is coming for us. However, I believe that we should do what is honourable and so I will stand in respectful opposition.

I love my family. I love our people. I love my King and realm. It is not my duty. It is my passion. This truth does not change with the weather.

As someone I very much respect and love once said, I know what I am and where I come from.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 21, 2021, 1:07 p.m.(8/10/1016 AR)

Last night was a dearly needed breath of fresh air. I adore how charitable the people of Avrum are.

Missere Minister Rook's event was such a beautiful example of this. I am so pleased for him and so grateful to those who donated their talents and silver. To know that because of this so many will be helped brings such joy to me I can barely contain it.

The celebration continued well into the night, which I adore. And, when I finally had to take my leave, it was with a warm sense of gratitude and satisfaction. A feeling I delight in.

Praise for Minister Rook and those who assisted with this wonderful show of generosity and success is well deserved.

I am so grateful that so many will be helped from this.

More please.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 14, 2021, 5:03 p.m.(7/25/1016 AR)

Bravery. The state of having and displaying mental and/or moral strength to face danger, fear, difficulty or potentially dire and negative outcomes.

Bravery is not born of those who do not feel fear or think they have the upper hand. It is what rises and drives us despite what terrible outcomes may come. The drive to do what one must do to make things just and right, to speak true and to fight back, even if your actions, not matter how noble or true, may utterly destroy you.

It is not always easy to be truly brave. In fact, depending on the person, their circumstances and experiences, it is sometimes the most difficult thing to do and often the most foolish. But all the same, if one ever wishes to chance a change for the better, one must try their best to be as brave as they can. Especially when it matters.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 4, 2021, 12:55 p.m.(7/4/1016 AR)

The sun and moon seem to be battling for control of the sky. I have not seen this before. As beautiful as this is, it makes me uneasy.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 24, 2021, 4:37 p.m.(6/11/1016 AR)

It was a wonderful day. A lazy afternoon spent by the stone pools while my Hart was busy and full.

A rich conversation and catch-up with Mistress Ilira and then later a fine drink and invitation with his highness, Prince Patrizio.

I think I could get used to enjoying more such delights.

Quite enjoyable.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 23, 2021, 3:02 p.m.(6/8/1016 AR)

I have heard tales of strange things afoot at the estate. I do not reside there and so I cannot confirm nor deny what is happening.

Some say it is a mere bout of forgetfulness or the antics of one of our numerous pets made more curious with the coming Eclipse. Others suggest it is more imagination out of fear, habit or a love mysterious happenings. People putting more meaning into simple events that would not normally turn head and made all the more poignant as others take up the tale and spin more mystery about it. Some whisper of darker meanings.

There is part of me that is happy that I never had apartments there, though I often feel apart from my family. But I digress.

For me, I cannot say what this is about. Though, this is Avrum and Arx and so who knows what is happening. All I wish is that my family and those who reside there have safe passage to the other side of the Eclipse of Mirrors.

Of course, for any who may be particularly worried about such things, my Hart is happily warm, safe and open to those who may wish to shelter there during the duration of these unexplained events.

I'm sure more will be revealed. To be true, however, I hope it is more playful pranks than activities of a more sinister nature.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 17, 2021, 6:39 p.m.(5/25/1016 AR)

A life worth living is often marked with ups and downs. Good and bad. Joys and pains.

Such things remind us of the treasures we have held and hope to hold again.

I think it is fair to say that most of us have enjoyed bright moments and endured the darkest of days. And, though I am grateful for my life and have been very blessed in many fine ways, it would false of me to say that there have not indeed been times when I have questioned it all.

The lovely thing is that as we grow wiser though our experiences, and as much as we all wish for good luck, love or happiness for ourselves, we discover that there is something so beautiful in seeing these things finding their way to others as well. Especially for those who through their good hearts and deeds deserve to be gifted with such excellent things.

It gladdens my heart when good things happen to good people. If only to know that it can still happen in this wild and unpredictable world.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 3, 2021, 2:22 p.m.(4/25/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Arman

My uncle has returned. Very different from my uncle Niccolo, though every bit as stylish, strong and clever a statesman, my Uncle Arman is a welcome return to my life and and for my house. To my great surprise and delight, he even met my playful customary request for my present with his usual flair and verve.

Before I was sent north, I dare say a younger Valencia was utterly thrilled and perhaps a little bit spoiled by the indulgences of such a good uncle. Always thoughtful. Always kind almost to the point of doting. Gods, how I adored it.

Even in my darkest days, he always knew just how to evoke a smile even when I was determined to be stubbornly be set in poor mood or distress. His wise council was always a blessing and I blossomed in his praise. I suppose I still do in some ways.

In truth, however, his return is treasure enough and I am warmed to know he has finally returned to the city. I always feel just a little bit safer and closer to my family when he is about. It is a wonderful thing to feel. And, though I know he will be in great demand, I hope to see much more of him.

It is funny how we see or return to former shades of ourselves in the right company. It was such a pleasure to see him again. Even for a little while.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 26, 2021, 8:33 p.m.(4/11/1016 AR)

I know that we are only in the infancy of the new season, but such changes always seems to sing to me of possibility, new opportunities and delights to come.

I adore that happy and hopeful feeling. It is as if the turn to warmer weather reminds us that no matter how cold and daunting the world can be, things change and life renews when you least expect it. We just have to watch for the first kiss of green and sweet blossoms to come, and then perhaps help nurture it along so that it might grow and blossom all the more.

Here is to a sweet and pleasurable new season to all.


Written By Valencia

Aug. 29, 2021, 8:39 p.m.(2/11/1016 AR)

The attack of the Whisper House and the fall of the great city of Bastian has my head reeling. Grayson is one of the most powerful Houses in all the realm and to see this befall them is beyond my wildest imagining.

My heart aches for the loss of so many people and families. It become clearer that these devastating attacks are meant as a message for us all. But rather than falter, I find that my determination to see as many people safe through this is firm and as resolved as ever.

And so, with this, I have written to my fellow Velenosan ministers to seek their talents, experience and fine leadership to help the houses of Lycene in to further fortify and prepare our holdings and people should we fall under the eye of this dangerous foe.

I know not how to defend against such magics, but I will not and cannot stand by and not at least try to use what tools we may have to protect every woman, child and man under our wing and to do our part to defend our realm.

I trust in my House and the houses that stand with us. I trust in our people. All those who lead, care for and protect our people, whether they be noble, common or of the Faith. All of them.

I know we will not stand idly by. That, together, we will find our way through this.


Written By Valencia

Aug. 22, 2021, 10:01 p.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

I am concerned about the strange condition seen in a growing number of our citizens that cause such violent hunger that they cannot stop consuming. Not only do I worry at how they suffer, but what may come if this terrible condition is not addressed. The outcome could be disastrous or us all.

I have written for assistance and advice from the good leadership of my house and now await word on how we might move forward in addressing this. I do not wish to overstep my place nor step on toes, but my love and care for Avrum compels me to speak up and so I have done so. Nor should we be let our citizens suffer so. Now I try to wait for answer and hope action can be taken before it is too late for all of us.

My mind cannot help but wonder if this is some wicked plan of our enemies to decimate us from within. If so, we cannot let this happen.

With luck we will see this threat overcome soon. I just hope I can assist in some way.


Written By Valencia

July 30, 2021, 12:16 p.m.(12/6/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Cirroch

I find myself slowly losing the desire to publicly speak, more and more silenced when such things happen. Sometimes words are not enough.

My grief is my own and comes and goes without logic. I know you will be missed. I know my heart is with you and your friends and family. I know I am grateful for the place you held in my own heart. You were not supposed to do this.

I suppose there is little more to say.


Written By Valencia

July 25, 2021, 1 p.m.(11/25/1015 AR)

His highness, Prince Patrizio has been a such a godsend in my Hart's latest endeavor to raise funds for good causes and we are now awaiting the final donations before announcing the tally to the world.

This part of the process I know is an important one, but I must admit impatience, despite it being a very good one.

I do not think it would have been half so successful if not for generosity of so many. To say that I am overjoyed that we can do this to help others is a terrible understatement. There is such inspiration in seeing so many people I know shine in this way.

What shall come next? I am not sure, though I do hope to invite others to join us again to help lead the way. But come what may, I know that with their support and good hearts that we shall always find way to help.


Written By Valencia

July 25, 2021, 12:34 p.m.(11/25/1015 AR)

It is always so good to see dear friends again. To be true, Wolfscout Rowenova and Missere Tarik are among some of those I hold dearest. To see them in my Hart once more brings a much needed breath of very good cheer. They remind me that love can blossom so beautifully if one is patient. To see them so close brings me much happiness and hope.

It was also a delight to see the Countess Thea. I delight in her chance at a happy family. To have such must be such a beautiful blessing. The Count, a very dashing figure himself, is so very lucky to have found such a formidable spouse to keep up with him.

And, Lord Kastelon of Keaton. So much can be said about him. He is quieter than, most but clever, quick and kind. When they say still waters run deep, I think they were thinking of him. He is such a calming and steady influence. I am grateful for his kind care as we venture into territory I am unsure of. Anyone who keeps his company will soon know the joy of his subtle humour and what it means to be noble of heart.

And of course, I cannot forget the newest arrival to my Hart, Missere Mark. He seems an interesting fellow. I only wish I had had more time to get to know him and learn of his nature. I hope that we shall be friends, but time will tell. I look forward to learning more of him.


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