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Written By Svana

Dec. 6, 2020, 8:58 p.m.(7/9/1014 AR)

I had quite the shock when on 7/7/14 I delivered one baby girl - that part wasn't the shocking part, no. I expected one. What was shocking was the babe that followed afterward. I suggested to Lady Medeia that she was wrong, and it was merely afterbirth.

It wasn't afterbirth, it was another little girl who was indeed, digging her feet into back all through the pregnancy. Silly little goose.

Eydis and Ashani Grayhope are simply the sweetest two loves of my life. Rowan is enjoying cuddling up to them and stroking their hair as gently as possible, but Elanne doesn't like them. I suppose this pattern will continue for the rest of their lives.

Written By Svana

Dec. 4, 2020, 10:01 p.m.(7/5/1014 AR)

It won't be long now before I have a baby to hold, I think. I'm excited. I'm even more excited for all the naps. People do not believe me when I say that babies sleep very much, but they do. They're often tired from being born. I get the most sleep after the baby is in this world, and not before. I'm anxious now.

...And when my back stops hurting, I'll be able to go back to crafting. Whenever that may be.

Written By Svana

Nov. 30, 2020, 8:44 a.m.(6/24/1014 AR)

I must remind myself that I too have chosen a path to walk down, and it is not an easy one. That I have chosen to dedicate my life to something bigger than me. Bigger than I could have ever imagined.

I will breath frost into the soul of my creations.

Written By Svana

Nov. 26, 2020, 2:19 p.m.(6/16/1014 AR)

My babies are finally one. With Asher's birthday, my birthday, and our dearest Whisper Anisha's birthday running so concurrently close together, it has been a full month of celebrations since May! There is nothing wrong with that since I love sweets, and enjoy baking them. Gifts! I love giving gifts too. It's the small things in life. My children are too small still to appreciate meaningful gifts, but we have introduced toddler beds into their lives. They can get down from them and find their way to our room if need be. I must reserve the cradle for the new baby anyway, and I'm not about to buy another cradle.

I'm not cheap. I'm practical.

Written By Svana

Nov. 20, 2020, 4:17 p.m.(6/4/1014 AR)

I have been sitting on my position at The Grotto for a while and have not spoken a word of it to anyone else. It feels good to be able to do something proactive outside of my own shop, though some would argue that The Grotto is my shop now. In truth, Softest Whisper Anisha interviewed other candidates sometime ago. I helped her with the process and pointed her in the direction of several other alchemists from around the City, but they all fell through. Even though it is my shop by default, I intend to make sure that The Grotto is a different business model from my own shop. I encourage everyone to see the scents I have put there, as well as the essential oils.

In the future, I would like to make robes for the Grotto, perhaps bathing costumes, and even scent diffuser necklaces.

It is good to have a new beginning in a harrowing time.

Written By Svana

Nov. 17, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)

I reminded time and again that I am a woman of many short comings and ill tempers. I'm sorry for those of you who I think I am good person, as that isn't true. I loathe the day you realize what a terrible person I am. But the truth shall set you free.

I am sorry for the things I have said and done to my rose, my petals. So delicate and kind is she; so sharp are her thorns at times.

I am ugly both inside and out.

Written By Svana

Nov. 15, 2020, 3:24 p.m.(5/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Emberly

I am wholly unsurprised by this turn of events. That woman is nothing but a snake. She couldn't treat commoners with respect, so I do not have any pity for her now that she's been... compromised.

Written By Svana

Nov. 9, 2020, 9:42 a.m.(5/9/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalind

Hear this, especially you, Lady Rosalind Ravenseye:

our newest baby shall be named after no one but those who helped create it or are going to wash my hair and give me baths after delivery. And in the case of twins, perhaps one shall have to be named after Lady Medeia as she'll providing it's education.

Written By Svana

Nov. 7, 2020, 7:03 p.m.(5/6/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Anisha

Peaches and cream.

Written By Svana

Oct. 31, 2020, 1:02 p.m.(4/20/1014 AR)

I found my old wedding cake topper when I was dusting our display shelf at the apartment. I had forgotten what date my actual wedding to Jules was, and it occured to me that this year will have been two years married to him - if we'd stayed married and he'd stayed alive.

And I for the life of me cannot remember when Asher and I decided we were married. Perhaps we will need to have a small ceremony among friends and family at the Murder so that I can put a date on it. Then again we've already got two kids and one on the way... still... party!

The cake topper is nice, if only it didn't have associations. You know how I love my peacocks.

Written By Svana

Oct. 30, 2020, 9:58 a.m.(4/17/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

It seems strange to say that Apollo is no longer my patron; he has been an anchor when I have needed him, and he has imparted such dear skills to me, along with his wisdom and teachings.

I want to clarify now that there was no falling out, no stormy productions, nothing of the sort. It was a mutual decision with a great deal of respect behind it. I still look forward to bringing him early morning muffins and taking the kids to see 'Popo'.

Written By Svana

Oct. 25, 2020, 10:42 p.m.(4/8/1014 AR)

It's only one baby. So says Lady Medeia, for now. She has gotten the babe's elbows and knees pointed away from my back and I have found relief again.

Also, Tanith says that the babies are boring - because there is nothing wrong with them? Believe me, they toddle around like they're drunk now. Plenty wrong with them! (No, they are perfect. Perfectly crazy most days. And I love them.)

I am still taking a small break from commissions and dress making. I'm just very tired. I would like to see more people though, socially. I haven't been out in what feels like AGES. Please, call on me if you need a friend for conversation!

Written By Svana

Oct. 23, 2020, 4:27 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

The snow is melting. Goodbye, old friend.

I will meet you once again after the Hellish heat is over with and you can come out to play again. I have, and will never understand, people who enjoy the heat. Disturbing.

Written By Svana

Oct. 13, 2020, 11:39 p.m.(3/12/1014 AR)

Have you ever wanted to be the apple of someone's eye? To know that you are the one they think of when they wake, the one they dream even when they lay next to you? Have you ever loved someone so important and precious that were you a star plucked from the very Heavens by them, you would worry that you would never shine quite enough? So desirable and beautiful is the person you love with their many merits that you will never feel enough, and you sit in the palm of their hand, shining quietly while they radiate much brighter - making you brighter by way of association.

I wish I were a black velvet night covering every last star in the sky so that no others could shine.

Written By Svana

Oct. 13, 2020, 4:17 p.m.(3/12/1014 AR)

People say that it's not right to live your life in fear, but sometimes I think fear is what protects us.

I have a beautiful home where I feel safe. On the streets, prodigals are harassed. Not all that long ago, there was a werewolf stalking our streets. There still may be others. And for people with certain talents - there are dangers untold. I have never been a fearful person up until my ex-husband died and when he went, so appeared a creeping dread that I have never felt before - not even when my precious parents died and I was still a child myself. I fear for my children but it would seem that I cannot even take them to my ancestral home to keep the safe, at the ends of the earth upon a high mountaintop.

Evil doesn't care about the ice and snow. It will seek you out and find you no matter where you are.

So perhaps my fear will push me to live life to its fullest after all, if tomorrow cannot be counted on. People say, 'Do not let your fear control you', 'Do not dwell on past lives, live this one', but what if the latter has the answer for the former? I wish to know. There is so much I wish to know. Knowledge may not be able to control fear but knowing makes you stronger.

Written By Svana

Oct. 8, 2020, 11:05 p.m.(3/2/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

As it turns out, everyone was in fact talking about real tarts. Real blackberry tarts. I didn't think they weren't but I did beg some off of Tanith and it was worth it. I should give her some money, but I forgot in the midst of my pregnancy cravings.

Thirteen warm, fresh pastries delivered straight to me, which I promptly ate in Anisha's pantry without telling anyone except Tanith. Until now.

Just mommy's treat. No sharing with babies, no sharing with Asher, no sharing with a girlfriend, though I did have to give one to Bryn as a pay off because she saw me go in there with them.

It was glorious.

Now I do not want anything blackberry filled or stuffed for the rest of the winter, thank you.

Written By Svana

Oct. 3, 2020, 8:21 p.m.(2/20/1014 AR)

The smell of bacon is doing it to me again. I haven't been able to find most foods palatable in the morning yet but I have much more appetite after I get over that first bit of nausea than I did before. Thank goodness.

I had Lord Cirdan Halfshav and Lady Olivia Ashford over for breakfast and thought I would ruin it by being sick out the window. Thankfully Bryn was there. Although many people have commented about my assistant's attitude toward me, she is a good girl who really is there when I need her the most - this morning it was with ginger tea and a steady hand to get me into my chair. The company and the rest of the breakfast was delightful; Lady Olivia even took home my cooking! It pleases me to serve others in small ways.

Now I'm going home to get some of that leftover smoked salmon and pickled herring. Yum!

Written By Svana

Oct. 3, 2020, 1:20 a.m.(2/19/1014 AR)

Closure was needed and now I have gotten it. Was it what I wanted to hear? No. Was it something suspected? Yes.

Now I know. And I carry that knowledge with a purpose. Thank you, Lord Jyri Whitehawk, and all the others who helped for your work. I no longer feel like a villain in this story.

Written By Svana

Sept. 27, 2020, 11:53 a.m.(2/7/1014 AR)

Asher and I are overjoyed; in some months our little house will be filled with new cries again. I am very content right now, and this pregnant is going much smoother than the last already.

Whisper Anisha pointed out that we'll have a newborn just as the twins start walking. I know I'm too happy about a new baby right now because that doesn't so bad.

Wait for it.

Written By Svana

Sept. 20, 2020, 11:13 p.m.(1/22/1014 AR)

A simple thank you would have been nice, but I shall pray to Jayus and ask Him for guidance. More people want commissions from me, so that is a tell-tale sign that some people were just not bred well - and that my talent is just fine.

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