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Written By Medeia

Oct. 30, 2023, 7:10 p.m.(2/9/1021 AR)

There is a painting I have seen, in which a young woman wears a pair of golden hoop earrings. I have been told the earrings are of Nox'Alfar origin. They are so very lovely, and it is just a shame that such beautiful craftsmanship was likely buried away somewhere, never to be seen again. Worse yet, imagine, one is found and the other lost. How horrible it would be to have half of yourself simply gone!

I wonder if there is anyone in the city who knows about Nox'Alfar jewelry? I shall traipse through the snow-laden streets to all the jewelers I can find to learn what I can!

Written By Medeia

Oct. 25, 2023, 8:41 a.m.(1/26/1021 AR)

Trust is not just providing someone a key to your home, it is providing them enough flint and tinder to burn it down around you. May the people you trust always love you more than they love their pyromania.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 24, 2023, 7:34 a.m.(1/24/1021 AR)

It is always wonderful to have guests at the tower. Recently, I decided to open the snow-covered gardens to the public for ice skating upon our frozen pond. I know, some might be surprised that a southern house hosted a wintry event, but as much as I dislike the winter - I do, I believe that the seasons are a vital part of our world. And so, I do try to embrace what joy I can in the icy months. This usually comes from having wonderful company. The guests for the evening represented, in various ways, all the parts of the Compact - from north to south and from sea to mountain. These are the moments I treasure.

Also? I still cannot ice skate without falling.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 17, 2023, 10:03 a.m.(1/10/1021 AR)

It feels odd to embrace the normalcy of winter routine and talking about the upcoming Blood Moon masquerade at the Velenosa estate. I realized that I had not attended one since before I was married! That is not so strange, I suppose, to have missed two, but I am struck by just how long it has been given the nature of the eclipses. I still remember that night, quite vividly. I wonder if I would only feel haunted by those that have been lost since? It is hard to walk a path strewn with so many memories.

And yet? Walking that path is how we are able to learn and grow, to do and be better. Without our memories, we are unable to compare where we have been to where we are and where we are going. Without our memories, our goals have less meaning, as they often are built upon a want to achieve more than what we had. How can we achieve more if we do not remember what there was?

But now, I think, I am rambling. I was talking about winter. And routine. Yes, it is nice to have the routine back, even in winter.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 15, 2023, 7:38 p.m.(1/7/1021 AR)

There are no words that I can commit to parchment to adequately convey what I saw and what I feel in the wake of the battle outside the walls of Arx. These past few days have challenged me and shown me many things. I stood with our soldiers, I stitched the wounds I could.

There was nothing more I could have done in the time I had with the resources available. And we claimed victory! So then why do I feel such a deep ache in the pit of my stomach?

I want my children home. I want to celebrate something. I want to be able to thank those who can no longer be thanked.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 9, 2023, 8:56 a.m.(12/22/1020 AR)

It feels like the season slipped through my fingers like water. So many weeks, months really, spent with my head down and singularly focused on preparations has resulted in gardens properly turned over and ready for winter, salves and other medicines stocked within the hospital, and ensuring that lthe tower here in the city is ready for winter. I also took some time to get back to Saikland for a much needed visit. While it was wonderful to see my nieces and nephews and other family members, and dig my hands into the dirt of our beloved vineyards, and be among my people to hear their concerns, I am glad to be back in the city in time for the year end celebrations.

Longest Night was spent at the Shrine of Lagoma, as much of it as I could around tending to some needs at the hospital. It was a bittersweet night, not being able to spend time with Mariska for her birthday. I know that she and her siblings are safe and healthy and likely enjoying themselves just fine at Eswynd Rock, but it still makes my heart ache to be apart from them for so long. It does seem that there will be some holiday diversions to aid in distracting me and lifting my spirit, though! General Kennex has set a lively event for later in the day. Perhaps I should organize something, too.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 6, 2023, 2:49 p.m.(9/3/1020 AR)

I was able to have a greenhouse nestled into the gardens at Saik Tower. I am hoping before the end of summer - coming far too soon for my liking - to have the gardens at the Sanctuary and Tower both fully harvested and prepared for the cooler weather to come. There is so much of value within those gardens for making medicines and tonics. I hope I have time.

There is also much to do at the hospital's medicinal gardens. I am looking forward to the open house! It will be a lovely time for anyone interested in learning the healing arts to learn more about what the Physicians Guild does, and we welcome anyone with an earnest interest to join us.

Written By Medeia

Oct. 2, 2023, 8:29 a.m.(8/22/1020 AR)

I am truly honored to have been the midwife to my dear, sweet friend, Marquessa Keely Keaton. It is special beyond measure to be the one trusted to welcome new souls and to be there to ease the mind and tend the body of a first-time mother - of any mother - is a sacred duty.

The Keatons are well and resting, taking some time to welcome their newest additions to their family. I am overjoyed at the opportunity to watch these boys grow and become exemplars of nobility. Further, I am smitten with those precious, tiny faces! And honored to serve as witness to Lord Symon.

I pray we all have miracles to celebrate.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 30, 2023, 9:46 a.m.(8/18/1020 AR)

I love having the opportunity to simply enjoy another person's company. Cool drinks on a picnic blanket in a peaceful garden make that so much easier. I know the heat saps the energy from my non-southern friends, but it cannot be denied that it provides the perfect excuse to rest. To take things a little slower. We can savor the warmth, the company, the sweet morsels of food - and gossip.

Do take the time to rest when you can.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 22, 2023, 9:01 a.m.(8/2/1020 AR)

There will be a new wine coming out of Saikland soon. It is such a perfect blend of summer flavors, balanced in a way that should please most tastes. It is not quite sweet, not quite dry, bearing red-wine-like color and boldness from the addition of blackberries to the grapes, but also bearing the easy-to-drink qualities of a white wine thanks to the addition of peaches. I think it tastes exactly as summer feels! Though, I should be careful saying that to northerners - they may assume I mean it tastes oppressive. It does not! Nothing about it is oppressive. It is delightful!

I am looking forward to the party on the beach that we are holding to introduce it to the capital.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 14, 2023, 9:53 a.m.(7/14/1020 AR)

I was recently entrusted with two paintings done by my sister, Arcelia. From a purely artistic view, they are fine pieces. She excelled at bringing her vision to the canvas, and the color choices alone are enough to evoke some emotion from the viewer.

I have tucked them into the closet of my bedroom. They are properly packaged - I am no monster - to keep from getting damaged. The problem is, I do not know what to do with them.

It is difficult for me to look at them and separate the art from the artist. In my eye, they are reminders of a sister turned stranger turned enemy. Would I grow numb to that over time if I put them on display? And where would I display them? Here in the city, in Saik Tower? Or the Sanctuary? Would our guests question if our display of her art was support of her actions?

I will likely never know why she did what she did. There have been rumors, and people have shared speculation, but none of that feels real. Eventually, I will need to make peace with never knowing. And I already accept that people are allowed to be complex, layered beings that contain contradictions. My sister can be both an inspiring artist that brought great beauty into this world and a heretical traitor that fanned the flames of a horrific war that will leave the Mourning Isles changed for at least the next several generations (it is not lost on me that there are some people who would attribute that second thing to me, instead).

Perhaps I should send them along to Mother in Saikland. Or bring them with me the next time I return home. I know someone might suggest destroying them, but I am not especially interested in destroying anything.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 12, 2023, 1:02 p.m.(7/10/1020 AR)

There is something to be said about maintaining your honor, about living up to the virtues of Gloria and Gild in particular, when not doing so could be reasonably accepted by your peers or the masses given the circumstances. The people who do this are the kind of people you can learn valuable things from - even if you are one such person's captive. I realize how absurd that must sound to anyone who has never had to engage in taking or keeping prisoners.

I have spoken on this before, but I think it bears repeating: Lord Anders Nightcove was an absolute gentleman when I was taken in the wake of the siege of Redreef Shores. I had a clean, appropriate bedroom to sleep in. I had the ability to move about the keep - with a guard escort - to stretch my legs or read in the library. I was fed, able to bathe, and given clean clothes. This may surprise some and anger others. In particular, I imagine that some of his compatriots will gnash their teeth at what I write next: I likely would not be alive today if not for Lord Anders.

Inevitably, this puts me in a strange position of being grateful for this man who, by all rights, I should hate. However, I can not bring myself to view him or his memory with the same righteous fury I felt toward others on his side of the Isles civil war. He had dignity and integrity, and he afforded me both in all our dealings.

I find, now, that I hold people to the most unexpected of standards - do they treat me at least as well as the man who abducted me and kept me from my children? What an odd bar to have to make it over; an odd bar that some people still fail to step over. Even I could not always clear that bar, both in how I treated myself and others.

We can always take a lesson from those who oppose us.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 8, 2023, 1:44 p.m.(7/2/1020 AR)

This has been a quiet thing over the last many weeks, but I believe the time has come to write about it. Messere Zakhar is dead. My intention is to hold a remembrance service for him, but I know the old man would have thought the whole thing silly. He was a polarizing man - people either seemed to be fiercely loyal to him or intensely displeased that he was present. I admit, his methods and madness were troubling at times. However? I suppose I fall into the camp of those who were loyal. He, at least, was to me - in that strange way he showed his loyalty.

There are several instances in which I can say I remain alive today because he was there to protect me. Many houses across the Compact, particularly in the Isles, have him to thank in part for their victories in battle. Beyond his fearsome martial ability, his creativity and knowledge helped make windspun wool and peachskin a reality. His mind was truly a unique and precious thing, dreaming up trinkets and furnishings unlike any other.

May the Queen grant him rest and peace at last.

Written By Medeia

Sept. 4, 2023, 3:21 p.m.(6/23/1020 AR)

I love that there are times in this life when I get to spend a beautiful evening sharing a story with so many familiar and friendly faces. My sincerest thanks to them for joining me at Lovers' Park, and my greatest thanks to the Jadairali Embassy - Cai Jian in particular - for supporting the event.

The story of the love Platinum and Silver shared - whether one believes it to be a historical record or a fantastical one - is inspiring and heartbreaking. To open yourself up to love, to loving another or being loved, is to be vulnerable. It will change you in unexpected ways. At some point after, you will find yourself doing things a certain way because that is the way the one you love likes it or does it. Perhaps something you never cared about before is suddenly a thing you know everything about. It is good to be able to trust and learn and grow. I can only imagine the grief one would feel losing their love, especially when that love made the ultimate sacrifice to protect others.

It is a risk to pursue such as they had. May you be a risk taker.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 28, 2023, 8:02 a.m.(6/8/1020 AR)

I have recently resigned my tenure with the Apothecary College of Tor. It feels strange to choose to end something when there is no torrid drama or grand schism. No. Like all things - with exceedingly rare exception in these human lives of ours, it had to come to an end.

And the better we all are to recognize when that time has come, to choose to move on without causing harm to the people or institutions around us. There are times when harm is inevitable. This is not one of those times.

I wish nothing but the best to the fine alchemists and apothecaries that remain within the College. And I remain dedicated as ever to my own studies and practice as an apothecary. Should ever the need arise, I am happy to lend my knowledge and skill toward alchemical ends. However, I will be spending some of my newfound free time pursuing other interests.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 27, 2023, 8:57 a.m.(6/6/1020 AR)

I am always so happy when I get to share something new from Saikland with others! The celebration for the release of our Sabbianca wine was truly a delight - even more so for having had Baroness Lucita present. I am glad that I was able to see friends. And that juggler was talented! What a feat, to catch and balance a wine glass on one's nose.

Congratulations to the Radiant of Whisper House, Aconite, for her winning participation in the wine walk. My thanks, also, to Countess Mikani Magnotta, Lady Titania Kennex, and Prince Patrizio Pravus for their sporting participation.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 22, 2023, 6:09 p.m.(5/25/1020 AR)

When you do something you never thought you would, how do you feel after? I imagine it depends on the scale and significance of the something in question. But I wonder if others also feel a sense of awe? Even for the very small somethings. Just a little bit mixed in among the other emotions.

I have heard before that we should do the things that scare us, do them because they scare us, in spite of them scaring us. Which likely includes a lot of doing what we never thought we would do. Even the small things.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 9, 2023, 7:42 a.m.(4/26/1020 AR)

I think the one thing that has been simultaneously most frustrating and most fulfilling throughout my life is my curiosity. It pushes me to always be learning and listening, to take the time to meet other people and hear their stories, and to pursue novel solutions. But, as many others can attest, finding one answer will often lead to more questions. More meetings. More fragments of poorly preserved journals and half-remembered bedtime stories and torn up scraps of paintings. Some things are the worst puzzles. And in my mind, those missing pieces ache like empty arms, itch like unreachable spider bites. And sometimes the relief of filling in that missing puzzle piece is like scratching open a scab - it feels good, at first, but then you have an open wound to deal with.

Yet I keep looking.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 7, 2023, 8:07 a.m.(4/22/1020 AR)

Several weeks ago, I saw a most interesting brooch in the market. It gleamed like red gems and had golden accents. Perhaps I shall go back and see if I can find it again.

Written By Medeia

Aug. 4, 2023, 10:13 a.m.(4/16/1020 AR)

Arriving at the right place, at the right time, is one of those odd delights of the world. A small coincidence, or a smaller breath of influence by the gods? It may not be the most significant of matters, but what a joy it was to be of help.

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