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Written By Marian

April 1, 2019, 10:11 p.m.(11/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

Flanking is a skill that doesn't always come easily. It requires not only keen eye on your enemy's blade but also an intuitive understanding of the other warrior you're partnering with. Knowing when to feint and strike so your blows are in tandem with another.

I can proudly point out that Lord Rysen Crovane showed this talent off beautifully in the way he partnered with myself and Lady Brianna Halfshav in the Grand Melee.

Written By Marian

April 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m.(11/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Well done. I was very excited to see a member of our fealty make it to the semi finals in the Grand Melee at the Tournament of Roses. Considering that you chose Radiant Bliss Whisper as your opponent shows just how ambitious you are.

Written By Marian

April 1, 2019, 3:01 a.m.(11/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

As the military liason to the Iron Guard for House Redrain, I've had an opportunity to work with Baron Silas. But one does not appreciate his skills until you get to fight side by side with him at the Grand Melee in the Tournament of Roses.

You'll probably laugh but during the fight, what drew me to his side was that sudden realization of 'he made my bedroom set' flashed through my mind. I couldn't leave the man that delivered my favorite wedding gift unprotected.

Written By Marian

March 25, 2019, 12:51 p.m.(10/20/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

We were not the best, but neither were we the worst. I think we managed to stay right in the middle when it came down to it. However, regardless of the results, I found the evening enjoyable with a clever companion who's sharp eye allowed me to find a few things in the underwater scavenger hunt. I hope that she didn't mind that my swimming was not on par to Princess Reese. No one came close to her amazing aquatic tactics.

Kudos to Princess Valencia and Princess Liara for their clever riddles and warm soothing pools. The Autumn Pool Party shall be an event that I will fondly remember.

Written By Marian

March 24, 2019, 7:58 a.m.(10/17/1010 AR)

Born of Greenmarch, I, Princess Marian Redrain, remember those who I have loved and fallen in the protection of the Compact. I honor you with my words today, because there are those who would question our right to be here. Those who feel their birthright gives them the right to declare others unworthy because they were not born into the Compact, they bent on knee through conscious thought. They made a choice to change their entire way of life to join the Compact, putting aside perhaps traditions of Old so that they could embrace in Faith the mighty nation that we all now serve. Let me honor you now, even as others, would insult this gift.

Marquis Marcel Greenmarch was my father, my chieftain and my liege until the day that I married Prince Valen Valardin, my first husband. I am who I am because he fostered me into the ways of the warrior. He is the leader that I strive to be. A man who puts his people first. A man who gave his life at the Tragedy of Sanctum so that other Oathlanders could live. I honor you.

Lady Maeve Greenmarch was my aunt, a fierce warrior in her own right who taught me that being a lady didn't make you a damsel. She was so fierce, so proud of my accomplishments. Being the diplomat of the family, she carried my words to my father's ears when at first he refused to listen to my petition to return to the Compact. You were the reasonable one, the visionary who helped me bring our tribe back to the fold. A woman who put right before comfort. A woman who gave her life at the Tragedy of Sanctum by my father's side. I honor you.

Lady Eirlys Greenmarch was my protege and cousin, a hero that gave her life for a Disciple of Gloria in the Battle of Stormwall. As her teacher, her mentor, I trained her in the ways of the blade. I stood in pride as she took the mantle of Sword of Greenmarch. I gave praise to Gloria when I heard of her sacrifice. Her choice to be cut off in her prime so another could live. I honor you.

There are other stories, other prodigal families who have given much to this great nation. They have shed blood and tears so others could be safe in their own homes. While I do not know all your names to commit here today, I honor you. I encourage those families to add the names of the Fallen. Those who have given their lives for the Compact so others may know what you have sacrificed.

To Count Gael Fournier, I challenge you to a duel. I challenge your words that it was a mistake for House Valardin to take House Greenmarch and other prodigal houses into their fold. My father is not here today to challenge your words. My cousin cannot raise her sword in defense of her family. As first born in this generation of Greenmarch, as a loving daughter to my father who gave his life with my aunt at the Tragedy of Sanctum, as the dedicated mentor of one of Greenmarch's finest heroes, I will stand now to say NO. You shall not speak your venom without being answered. Because your words are a deep personal insult to me. For what I have sacrificed for Arvum. For my blood and tears that I have given without ask for compensation. Meet my champion on the field so that you may back your foul ideas with steel.

Written By Marian

March 20, 2019, 7:17 a.m.(10/9/1010 AR)

When I was first learning about the Gods, a clever priest explained to me that the spirits, my ancestors, are the fighters in the Colosseum, while the Gods are the walls, the ground under their feet, and beautiful sky overhead. The two can exist side by side without conflict but they are not the on the same level. He encouraged me to embrace the greater expanse.

It took many more conversations and life events to fully convert me to the Faith. His story lived with me always to help me resolve my respect the Old Ways with my love for the Gods. Yes, he was rather clever to use an analogy that a young warrior could latch onto. I see that now. He spoke to me in words I could relate to. I hope my own message now is just as eloquent.

I can not support this New Church of Petrichor. Shamanism and Faith are separate forms of worship. They can not be merged as one. To try to make them fit together is not just heresy against the Faith but also an attack against shamanism. While I can appreciate the struggle to find balance within, to honor the Old Ways while being true to one's Faith, creating a New Way works against everything. It lessens the beauty of our traditions. It brings conflict to those who do not deserve to have their way of life questioned again.

We fought together at the Battle of Stormwall. You heeded my call as allies before, heed my call now. Put down your swords. Abandoned this doomed folly. The Seraph of Fireside only incites a twisted version of nature, our protector of the forest, Petrichor. Return to the Faith militant for penance. Because we can all stumble in our path to find Faith. We can question our minds and hearts. That's why the Dominus and Legates are there to help us on our journey. Come back to the fold and seek penance.

Written By Marian

March 17, 2019, 7:48 a.m.(10/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger

Duke Asger would agree to disagree with me on many occasions, so I shall not pretend any bonds of friendship. But he was a loyal vassal who made sacrifices for the Compact. He was fiercely proud of the Northlands' people and culture. His murder is a loss for House Crovane, his wife, Duchess Ann, who once bore the last name of Redrain, and his heirs. Our hearts go out to her, their children, extended family and friends for their loss. We shall stand behind Crovane as they pick up the pieces from this travesty.

For those that would take his death and mold it into dogma to justify their poisonous words against prodigals and neonobles, please accept my deep scorn. For those that claim lack of respect fell this proud man, the swords of his loved ones are surely waiting in the wings to defend his honor. For those who claim that the Northlands have turned their back on tradition because they encourage bending on knee over genocide of the Abandoned, take yourself to the shrines of the Faith so you may abandon your fear of change and stop this fear mongering.

Let the Northlands mourn their Fallen with respect and honor.

Written By Marian

March 13, 2019, 2:34 a.m.(9/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

Always kill as a last resort. It's a mantra that my father drilled into me once I took up the sword. Diplomacy before warfare. To end a conflict without bloodshed is by far a greater victory. The offer to bend on knee, an invitation to rejoin the fold that can be given before the war horns sound and after the signal of surrender. Tribe by tribe we welcome prodigals back into the Compact.

Exile before execution. Choices have consequences, which can lead to an escort to the edge of our lands. An opportunity to seize life. A chance to start with a clean slate in lands outside the Compact. For those who seek life but wish to remain separate, a viable option. As long as they leave in peace, I shall bid them good journey. Our parting words are a warning not to return because my sympathy only stretches so far.

Death should never come easily. In the same token, never suffer an enemy to live. If their lives will mean the deaths of my people in the future then I shall bloody my sword without remorse. It's a judgment call in the moment. If I look into the heart of another and see malice of foul intentions, I strike. I have lived the Tragedy of not being vigilant. I would never criticize another for making hard decisions to keep the peace in their lands.

Weigh the scales. Review each life carefully before making your edict. Action once taken can not be undone.

Written By Marian

March 8, 2019, 2:57 a.m.(9/13/1010 AR)

When I was in my 12th year, a girl my age was killed by wolves. Her body was torn by the pack. Her parents' grief knew no solace. Her father declared that he would hunt the beasts that killed his daughter and took his closest kin into the forest to search for vengeance. A few days later they returned to the tribe with wolf pelts declaring that his daughter's killers had been dispatched.

Being old enough to question but young enough to not understand I asked my father, "How does he know he got the right wolves?"

The father placed a hand on my shoulder and hushed my questions. It took me many years to realize why someone would turn their grief in such a manner. How loss could overwhelm and consume your reason. It doesn't make it right or just, taking life because one was taken from you...but I understand that need for closure.

Written By Marian

March 6, 2019, 2:35 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

My beautiful boys are two years old. They have their own way of communicating with each other that is so unique. Their poor big sister is on the outside looking in. When they move it's in sync. They are still exact matches in appearance.

There are differences. Fergus has his father's fire. He feels everything so keenly that I ache when life disappoints him. Valen is the calm in the eye of a storm. He watches and waits then strikes when no one is watching. He reminds me of his aunt, Freja.

They love to hear stories of their father. Even if they never met him, I keep his memory alive through stories.

Written By Marian

Feb. 26, 2019, 2:41 a.m.(8/21/1010 AR)

We are a nation of diverse people, coming from many backgrounds to build a strong nation of free thinking individuals. It is important to invite discourse between different ideologies because looking at a problem from more than one side can lead to progress and innovation.

When we let our fears around difference rule our hearts and minds, we strike out into the darkness, finding later our own blood covered hands were on the wrong side. Killing another citizen of this great nation for the crime of being different is nothing less than betrayal of the Compact.

These men and women have bended knee to pledge vows to our protection. They may have not been born into the Compact but they serve it every day. They observe our customs, pray to the same gods and hold positions within our Great Houses.This service is not made less by their origins.

Turn your swords towards enemies that serve the darkness. Those enemies who would rend our nation into pieces. Do not bring ruin upon our alliances by courting war with loyal citizens. Our Legate has shown us a tapestry of color filled with the threads of all citizens noble born to prodigal. Do not unravel the ties that binds us together.

Written By Marian

Feb. 24, 2019, 8:13 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I can not help but think that my cousin, Lady Eirlys Greenmarch, is smiling somewhere at the announcement of Dame Esoka Greenblood's child being born.

Written By Marian

Feb. 24, 2019, 7:37 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

The twins turn two next month. Where does the time fly?

Written By Marian

Feb. 13, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

Grief, anger and despair, these are the weapons of choice for our enemies. Pride, wrath and indifference, these are our pitfalls for burying these emotions and not healing the wounds on our soul. Hope, empathy and comfort, these are the benefits of setting aside what ails the heart and find common ground.

Silent War, Battle of Stormwall, Battle of Setarco, Attack upon the Lodge or even ambush upon the Great Road. The battle is a placeholder for a deeper pain that lives within. A rift that makes coming together with others harder. Causes us to hate because of a banner. We are one nation. We all serve the Crown. We pray to the same Gods. To fight as we do when greater threats hang upon the horizon divides and conquers.

So I have made a decision to take pilgrimage to Sanctum. To visit the families of the Fallen and hear their stories in the Oathlands. To assist with their untended tasks that would have been seen to by those lost. Offer charity to those that still struggle from losing a solder's pay. To walk with Faith and find peace for my own losses. Donate the remnants of my loss to the Faith militant so that his armor may protect another. His personal sword will continue to guard the weak.

Then I shall continue to the Mourning Isles to meet with those bound by their traditions. Who have chosen to chain rather than execute their enemies. Who pays debts with flesh and time that can span more than one generation. I would understand the impact of the changes that many rally towards. Offer my understanding without compromising my own principles. Sometimes I might even agree to disagree on certain topics. When I meet with the Seraph of Maelstrom, I shall bear witness and offer unity, despite our differences, to assist my allies with making changes that will long lasting changes to their way of life.

I invite other leaders under the Redrain fealty to join me on this journey through the Oathlands and Mourning Isles to reaffirm their connection to their Faith and our allies. In time I hope I can make similar journeys to Lyceum and Crownlands.

Written By Marian

Feb. 12, 2019, 8:26 p.m.(7/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

My washed out tears do not fall.
That lump in my throat strangles.
My marbled skin is cold like ice.
My deepest scars do not show.
I can no longer feel our first kiss.
You are gone.

Your chest sits in the corner with the past.
Even your sword has passed to another.
Your clothes that have lost your scent.
Our bed no longer dips from your weight.
They don't know your voice.
Your portrait is a stranger.

Everyone else moves on to the next.
The bans are read for new loves.
The cake tastes stale with broken promises.
Their happiness mocks me with mirrored lies.
Pity you didn't get to see what happened next.
They have forgotten.

Moving on feels like a dagger in my heart.
My pillow no longer feels wet in the morning.
My eyes don't shine against the starry sky.
Possibilities become steel chains that bind.
False sympathy is an insult that digs softly.
Nothing is more than enough.

Don't blame him for leaving.
Don't flinch when they look with his eyes.
Smile when they ask how you're doing.
Good morning is not an invitation to cry.
Don't scratch at your bleeding heart.
Apologies are forsaken.

You will never be the same.
Happiness is a thorny rose.
You will wish to trade places.
This wasn't how the story goes.
You will review every single mistake.
No one takes that blame.

Written By Marian

Feb. 10, 2019, 1:45 a.m.(7/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Torian

Yes, it's possible to understand the depth that one loves before loss happens. To make that conscious decision to open ones arms to the embrace. To see the world through the rainbow edge of full color that love brings. To feel the thrill, the rush of emotion before it turns to ash.

The problem is that oftentimes we forget the possibility of loss. Our happiness doesn't take into account that such things can be fleeting. We fool ourselves in thinking that will not happen to us. Or make plans that crumble when the dream is shattered. When we are the ones left standing after loss.

I admire others who live on, survive to become better because of the love that so altered their lives. And I walk my path, never alone because I shared the dream of two amazing men who left their mark on me, Prince Valen Valardin and Prince Fergus Redrain. They both influenced me, in different ways, at different stages of my life, to become better than what I was before. While my heart aches to this day for love lost, there are no regrets.

Written By Marian

Feb. 10, 2019, 1:18 a.m.(7/17/1010 AR)

It is easy to sit on the other side of the boundary and judge the actions of others, especially when you perceive the actions would not have a great impact on yourself. But what others need to understand is that our actions have ripples that reach out and affect others, cross borders. The consequences can manifest in positive ways while others invite ruin.

Regardless of one's personal views, those ripples need to be looked at and examined before action is taken. View it from all angles. Speak to others of different viewpoints and then make an educated decision for the good of the Compact, your liege, your house and family. And yes, sometimes not all of these align perfectly.

You might have noticed that I didn't say right decision. I don't think matters are so polarized that we can claim that there is a right decision. Light and darkness also lurk on the sidelines of my thoughts. It would be easier I suppose if every decision allowed for a morale high ground that was just. But we fool ourselves if we think only from that angle. Outrage and righteous can be blinders under the wrong circumstances.

I think there are merely actions and consequences. Consequences that can not always be taken back if a poor decision is made. Consquences that can lead to chaos and weaken our position. So as I look at the paths before me, my first thoughts on how to make decisions that will preserve and protect the Crown and Compact. That will honor the Gods.

Then I act. I hope that my decision brings consquences that bring security, prosperity and peace of mind to those I watch over.

Written By Marian

Feb. 2, 2019, 10:46 a.m.(7/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

It was never about the stockings. Fashion has never been a focus for me. Those silken thigh highs were merely the catalyst. The reasons go much deeper. Its foundation lives somewhere between pride and purpose.

Written By Marian

Jan. 31, 2019, 9:50 p.m.(6/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I'm not a fan of blades in gloves for reasons already expressed. Reinforce areas of the glove with harder, less flexible material so that you turn your hand into a bludgeoning weapon. If you want to get nastier have barbs lined over the knuckles so you're able to rip and tear as you punch.

Written By Marian

Jan. 27, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Before my dear Fergus departed from this world, he left me letters for Nia, my oldest. Each one to mark a new year, to give warm wishes and advice. I read the latest one to her last month on her 3rd birthday. It's taken me months, but I've done something similar, written words to all three of my children. Because as they grow and come into their own, the words they will need are different. I've left these with my will in case in the future I shall not be there to read them myself.

Not that I'm planning on leaving this world anytime soon. It's been a good project from the winter that rolled into spring. It will be interesting to see how my thoughts change in time and experience.

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