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Written By Laric

Aug. 4, 2017, 5 p.m.(12/17/1006 AR)

One of the wisest things I've done in my life is marry Cara, who is much wiser than I and possesses a far sharper common sense. One of the stupidest things I've done in the last month is ignore that common sense in favor of my own decidedly lacking marital intuition. As consequence, I will be on bedrest for the foreseeable future, at least until this dastardly inconvenient wound recovers. Most of my business will have to be conducted in our chambers or in the nearby vicinity.

At least some blessed soul saw fit to gift me a wonderfully comfortable couch for my office in the days preceding my incident. I have moved it to the manor for the time being.

If oNly Someone would come forwArd and take credit for this generositY. I would be so very Appreciative.

Written By Laric

Aug. 1, 2017, 8:23 p.m.(12/11/1006 AR)

Am I lake to the party? I'm sorry, Vellichor. Get this pen aweigh from me.

Our dog Steadfast is a good buoy.

(In much smaller script, near the bottom of the page:)

I am truly sorry.

Written By Laric

June 27, 2017, 5:53 p.m.(9/25/1006 AR)

My birthday always sneaks up on me. It feels like it's been only a few months, not twelve. I suppose there's something to be said for keeping busy.

Written By Laric

May 23, 2017, 6:17 p.m.(7/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara

I make few entries in this journal, but feel obligated to set the record straight after being informed of my wife's treachery.

It was not half a bottle of wine. I distinctly remember finding two empty bottles the next morning. The hats were wholly incidental and all I am guilty of is scratching the dog's stomach. And behind his ears, of course. He loves being scratched behind the ears. He was a good boy that day and deserved as much. I will not apologize for my conduct.

Written By Laric

Nov. 3, 2016, 12:03 a.m.(1/6/1005 AR)

I suppose one of the burdens of being an Inquisitor is that you have a lot more days where you go to bed with more questions than when you woke up. Today is definitely one of those days. I suspect it's going to be one of those nights where I lay awake staring at the ceiling, trying to solve the worlds greatest mysteries in my own mind.

When I wasn't taking on all these new pieces of information I had a lovely afternoon at the Ambassador Salon with Prince Edain, Princess Natalia, and Lord Damon. Lord Damon is new in the city, one of Edain's vassals and trying to establish his family. Seemed a nice enough guy. Natalia got him to recite poetry, so there's that.

Spending time with Natalia tonight reminded me how much I missed family while I was out of the city. I make friends easy enough, but there's just something about family that can't be replaced.

After drinks I went home for a meeting with Lady Dawn. It was good to see her again, and I even managed to get her to enjoy herself I think. She is carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders right now, and I know she's too proud of her stoic political exterior to show it. I'm going to help her carry that burden however I can.

Written By Laric

Sept. 13, 2016, 5:08 a.m.(7/22/1004 AR)

Because it is demanded that I fill both black and white pages, and because I have filled many black pages already tonight, I will attempt to fill a white page.

There can be no doubt that my heart has been tugged in directions I never thought it might in the shortest period of time. Companionship, grief, shock, genuine ire and humility I didn't ask for all have struck me across the chops and I find I am punch drunk for it.

I beg forgiveness for my trespasses against those I hold dear now. My family - I would do anything for you, and I believe this is self-evident. But there are those amongst this Kingdom besides that I feel destined to disappoint, even if I work in their very best interests. You may not understand. I may beg you to, but I will not demand it.

Even so, I will say some remarks for those I have laid eyes on recently.

Lady Olivia Ashford, I find, has a pure soul and I pray that if she reads this or not, she understands that I do intend to avoid her. I have read Lord Rainier Ashford's recent entry to the journals as well, and I must let him down as well. It seems at present there will be no expedition, even if I pledged one at the conference. I intend to talk to you both in person and apologize there.

Princess Isolde Velenosa, we have become very fast friends in a short time. Do you trust me? Perhaps in my shoes you would understand that trust does not always preclude hurt. Even as yet I do not intend to disappoint you.

Sir Silas, you remain a steadfast support in times of great turmoil and I intend to return the favor to you for the Iron Guard.

Lou & Mason Grayson. Cooler heads prevail, they say, but I cannot say I understand where your particular temerity comes from. Nor your association with a shav. Viktarkim. I pray you aren't making a mistake.

And Lady Dawn. No use in pretense. You understood.

Larissa Whisper patiently awaits my call and I feel there is no better time than presently, so I will draft a letter. Eithne as well deserves my thanks in person when next I've time. Other unnamed hires will be made for less pleasant purposes. And I've yet to call on Prince Darren.

Perhaps if I'd known the Inquisition's business would call on me thus I wouldn't have joined. It is rather tiresome.

Written By Laric

Sept. 11, 2016, 1:23 p.m.(7/17/1004 AR)

Well, just as I expected it might, it hasn't been long since I arrived in the city, but the investigation has begun.

A colossal amount of resources has now been devoted towards singular subjects of interest meant to resolve some of the Compact's most lethal and dangerous mysteries. It falls on me to deliver results to the crown so that we are caught flat-footed no longer.

I do not feel ashamed for anyone to visit these journals and notice among the stacks of them that one Prince of House Grayson feels great trepidation at the thought of tilting at windmills and mistaking them for giants. My gut instinct may be the best in the Kingdom, and therefore it must be the best in the world, but that does not mean I am infallible. But in these cases, failure is not an option. I must find answers. It falls to me because my powers of deduction and reason are supreme amidst the rest of the Compact.

And it is no exaggeration to say that more silver has been spent in the interest of protecting the kingdom on three major lines of inquiry in the past couple of weeks than has been spent by some minor houses in their entire existence. Am I afeared that it is money poorly spent? Thankfully, no. In my humble and biased opinion I feel it is the best way this money can be spent. Your taxes will uncover answers, people of Arx, this I so swear. Perhaps they are answers we will come to dread, but answers we must hear...

While alliances and deals are struck, agents are hired, trained and sent out, as pressure is levied and time and blood is left on the floors of the interrogation room and beyond, as daring risks are taken, pigeons are sent, riders stocked and sent away, I find I have looked away from the hourglass longer than I expected I had. I have awoken to find a gray hair in my scalp in the reflection pool. A suggestion of crows feet that may appear in a few years at the side of my eyes. When did I become old? I suppose wracked with obsession for answers, I did not consider my own life was slipping away as though through a sieve. Do I regret it? No. But as proud as I am of this red and gold I walk the stones of Arx in, I have no one in particular to walk them with, and no child nor student to teach the wonders of Arvum that allowed this city to be. I lift my elegant sword and swing it, but I realize that as a warrior I come up short. I do not even possess a hobby...

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 6:09 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Upon returning to the Grayson estate, my handful of attendants and caretakers were wroth with me for skipping out for an entire day. It seems they were more vexed that I managed to elude them and left them unknowing for the better part of a couple of hours. By the time they realized I'd stolen away, and not even on horseback or with my cane, I was long away past the city center enjoying the company of a fine gaggle of ladies and most certainly no one else. I do live a charmed life to be fawned after by the jewels of Arx, and I suppose I cannot help but bask in it. Selfsame purpose I came to thank Ida for her fine steelwork with apple brandy from the hinterlands, and I had the fine opportunity to make the acquaintance of both Acacia Culler and Joscelin Arterius. Beautiful women all. And certainly no one else.

Later in the evening I stopped in to pay a visit on the Velenosan grounds to Princess Isolde Velenosa who I must say cuts a fine figure and functions as a skilled apothecary besides. I have been informed by numerous members of my own holdings that the Velenosans are sly and clever to a fault, but, I cannot help but feel a certain kinship with this woman. Perhaps her mind races at the same lope mine does. Should I stand intimidated? Perhaps. In the halls of their estate, she demonstrates the famed regency the Velenosa are known for.

But my poor staff. How they wrung their hands. I would like to say I am agrieved but I had a good time today and I intend to have as many good times as my privilege allows. So to you, splint-setters, my sheet-changers, and my blessed dressing-makers, I must apologize. Being bed-ridden does not suit me.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:23 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

I only caught the tail-end of the Grayson gathering and I am afraid that I only had pithy nothings to contribute besides by unflinching support for Lady Dawn. Still, I suppose it was better to attend instead of sweating in bed the whole night.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:19 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

I am sure I am not the first to remark that the entertaining Princess Isolde is certainly able to throw one off-kilter with tremendous social strength. Mores mean nothing to her. But she has been kind and gracious, so before I say more that might appear untoward, allow me to say that I owe her some part of my good health and I find her great company that I would love to share on as many occasions as I can find it.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:05 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Acacia Culler is a fine friend of Ida's and therefore, I count her among mine. More than that though, she did charm me. I don't know if I will see much more of her going forward, but I certainly hope to.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 5:01 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I am afraid I cannot grasp how she was wounded, but it appears that she has an infatuation with my cousin, Prince Gareth. I fear that the image she has of him does not square with my perception of reality, but it may be that in this instance my sight is flawed.

For those who may read that as some sort of indictment of my cousin, beware that you do not wag your tongues. It is not.

As for Joscelin, though, she seems to be good friends with both Ida and Acacia, and in my estimation this makes her quality folk, even if I fear that she may herself come off as rather flighty.

Written By Laric

Sept. 6, 2016, 4:58 a.m.(7/2/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Ida Ferron played host to me as I snuck out of the Grayson holdings to thank her in person with a little gift from the stocks I brought in upon my arrival. She was very gracious to do so, and in point of fact she strikes me as the type who long suffers those sorts of intrusions. I believe I have praised her until her ears bled of the sound, but I do mean every word. I'm very fond of this rapier. I believe I will name it Sentinel. She has quite a lot of friends, doesn't she?

Written By Laric

Sept. 3, 2016, 12:31 p.m.(6/22/1004 AR)

My hand hurts so painfully I can hardly put thoughts to paper. I pray the Gods don't find a slight in this, but if they do, you try writing sober with your ribs screaming bloody murder at you.

Written By Laric

Sept. 1, 2016, 6:22 p.m.(6/16/1004 AR)

Well, the commoner knight, Sir Silas, has once again thoroughly whipped my sorry ass, and his humility makes me all the sorer. I guess I should be thankful for his tutelage but these bruises encourage thanks for nothing. Still, the man has been gracious with his time, even if he's contractually obligated to be. We keep good folk in House Grayson.

I also had the opportunity to shake hands with Lord Harlan! What a reserved gentleman, I could not get a single rise out of him, and I did tilt enthusiastically. Another fine chap looking for a fine wife. One that won't abscond without a prenuptial agreement, or die. Good luck, heir of Ashford Keep, good luck indeed.

Well, I stopped in to have a little look-see at Eithne's shop, and of course she is stunning in person. She has made a suit for Sir Silas that looks positively debonair. I am chomping at the bit to see the final product.

Speaking of final product - Ida's commission of a rapier has me QUITE pleased, so much so that i purchased another sword that was also her make from her storefront. I suppose its a good thing House Grayson is rich, but then, we have earned the privilege to wear the finest crafts Arx can offer.

Faye sent a three word letter by carrier pigeon. I think she must be mocking me.

Written By Laric

Aug. 31, 2016, 6:22 p.m.(6/13/1004 AR)

Well, after many sore days of riding I have arrived at the capital, Arx, and what a fair city she is. Full of dapper gentlemen and fair ladies as I traverse slightly uneven cobblestones - in point of fact, I see nary an ugly face among them. So, as I carry out my assignments here as an Inquisitor, at least I will not be forced to look upon ugly, squashed faces.

I think back to dear old Berthold, may his soul rest eternally in well-deserved peace, and what he used to tell me. "Son, if you are going to do something, don't even bother if you're not going to do it well." To me, this well encapsulates the Grayson ethos and I pray it be said it encapsulates my ethos as well.

Therefore, with the tourney invitational coming up, with some sort of madcap skirmish course on the horizon, I am blessed to have the assistance of Lady Dawn and her vast coffers in finding the very best weaponry and armor that a distant Prince can ask for on such short notice.

Yes, messengers certainly do make a brisk business here, don't they? Not a minute goes by where I do not see some courier riding down the lane, even as I pen this at dusk. I have dispatched a few myself.

One to Ida, fabled champion of bloody knuckling and also a well-renowned weaponsmith. With a swiftness I could scarcely believe, she furnished me with a beautiful rapier I will use with as much alacrity as I can muster inthe match. I am certain I would be lost without her help.

Another to Eithne, who has been most kind to tender a short-notice request for forging armor, once I sent her due payment and my requests. Gareth has chosen well to sponsor her.

Ah, Gareth, the Royal Inquisitor. I fear that I have miscommunicated ill intent with the chap! I've begged to show him deference and he thinks I mock him. Perish the thought. He has been adroit with telling me my Inquisitorial business and for this I am grateful.

Sir Silas, who first invited me to go to battle on House Graysons' behalf in a friendly tournament, has been instrumental in helping me settle in. I must remember to find him a decent thank-you gift for his hospitality.

Amidst the Graysons I am showered with great help and friendship, this cannot be denied. For their companionship I am rather grateful indeed, and I have remarked as such to Faye whom has not seen fit to give me a reply, so to here I record it for posterity that she has snubbed me, for all of the kingdom to read.

However, as soon as I step outside of the Grayson's company, I find myself terribly alone and in strange lands. Therefore, to Prince Darren himself (pardon the boldness) I have addressed a message begging him to teach me the art of falconry, to which he has agreed for the promises of cask-aged whiskey. Perhaps I should not have promised what I squandered on the way here....perhaps there is a brewer that can help me save face.

Well, it has been busy but lonely as I settle in to Arx. I pray that, in the capital at least, I will not be kept too busy by bogus reports of magic influencing dice rolls or pregnancy, as has often been the case in the hinterlands.

There is much more to say, but I suppose that will suffice for now.

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