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Written By Jeffeth

June 23, 2019, 11:21 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)

A man bent words of what I said. Asking what the sense in what that was. But it's not what I said, and the man knew that it is not what I said. It was an attempt to make me feel bad, to confuse me with words. I'm not the brightest and perhaps he could see that.

The man does so again to this individual and that individual. Bends words, casts accusations on things that were not said.

The man knows what he is doing.

It makes me fear, if a man can do this so casually, what does it mean when a man says he is worried about people who are scared and confused? Is it really worry? Or is it something else?

Is it fear and confusion? Or is it anger, that he represents?

Written By Jeffeth

June 16, 2019, 9:20 p.m.(4/18/1011 AR)

If anyone has some very cheap but shiny jewelry or trinkets. Things of little to no value, that you no longer want or need, I would love to talk to you soon. Please write me.

Written By Jeffeth

May 26, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(3/5/1011 AR)

Relatively soon, in a ritual dedicated to Gloria, Dame Imi Deadfall and I will be taking to the field. For thirteen days we will step on the field at dawn and fight until we drop. The next day we will rise and do so again. Each day we will meet each challenge that comes to us and fight until we cannot any longer, all in honor to Gloria. We ask that any who seek to challenge us to bring a donation. A minimum of one silver piece. At the end of the thirteen days, all of the donations will be sacrificed to Gloria.

Come in any number, and come to honor Gloria. Thank you.

Written By Jeffeth

May 26, 2019, 11:47 p.m.(3/5/1011 AR)

If you know how to read, know that I'm looking for you and I hope you're alright. You probably can't see this. But I want you to know I've been looking for you and I hope I will find how to find you soon. I'm leaving on a trip, it might help me find you. I promise if I do, I'll take care of you, we'll find a way to set things right. Just hang tight a little while longer.

Written By Jeffeth

May 19, 2019, 9:11 p.m.(2/18/1011 AR)

I have heard that the Tourney of Thorns possibly has a folly as the grand prize.

This is most unfortunate. As I have said before, I will say again. Humans should not participate in follies. This is not about humans being /more/ and acting past their potential and overcoming hardships or outperforming expectations. Follies are just not meant for us. We all have such potential, all of us. If a Nox enters a folly, and dies, they can still live out that potential.

If a human does, and dies, they will never be able to accomplish the important things they could have accomplished. While skill may help in surviving a folly, it is also sheer fortune whether one passes out of it or not. It is a holy rite dedicated to the Queen of Endings. Perhaps one day, when I feel that I have accomplished all I can, that I have made a difference and my job is done perhaps I will enter another Folly and return to the Queen and see her smile.

But if humans have things in this world they wish to see done, people they wish to see again. They should not participate in follies.

Written By Jeffeth

May 19, 2019, 1:13 p.m.(2/18/1011 AR)

I am a journeyman singer, I sing a lot on the roads. So I took lessons and tried to play the lute a little bit so that my songs on the road would be a little more pleasant to those around me, traveling with me. I will never be as good as those in the Bard's College. If one of them were to express confusion as to why I tried singing without being a singer I would be... Well that would be too bad.

To express distaste that someone is trying to take up any field of skills simply because you are of a higher degree of skill is unfortunate. And to say one would have the ability to tell if someone is willing to take a life simply by a spar or a words. When the shield wall goes down, when enemies charge, you never known what someone is capable of. I have seen hard men and women, very skilled in combat break down and flee. I have seen incompetent, untrained individuals, when the moment came to it, who had ice in their veins.

With that said, I hope most who learn how to wield a weapon, are never put in the situation where they have to take a life.

Written By Jeffeth

May 13, 2019, 11:17 p.m.(2/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Maja

So sorry there wasn't more blood for you Maja. It's just awful to hear you were bored!

Written By Jeffeth

May 7, 2019, 1:47 p.m.(1/22/1011 AR)

I've never seen anyone write out a will before fighting me in a duel.

I do not remember the last time a Champion was killed in a duel. Of course there is danger, but the Champions guild is trained and practiced in how to engage in a duel while avoiding fatalities. Perhaps Orathy should have hired one.

I of course will only go to first blood and as always secure my weapon as soon as I see blood, either mine, or my opponents.

Written By Jeffeth

May 6, 2019, 12:07 a.m.(1/19/1011 AR)

It's nice to see a new winter. A winter that doesn't have any green in it. I hope I'm not speaking too soon. But it would be nice to have a green-less snowfall this year.

Written By Jeffeth

April 21, 2019, 5:51 p.m.(12/18/1010 AR)

Luca was a good man. I have seen some confused on the circumstances of his death. If any would like clarification I invite them to write to me.

Written By Jeffeth

April 19, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

After all the strange and dangerous things you've done.

After all the crazy places and situations I've seen you in.

I suppose it makes sense that it ends with dancing. You were a good man. You will be missed. I'm sorry for everything. And thank you, for everything.

Written By Jeffeth

April 17, 2019, 9:59 p.m.(12/10/1010 AR)

I, Jeffeth Bayweather, Knight Commander of the Solace issue a standing invitation to any in the city to write to me on questions they may have about anything. If I have knowledge on a subject, I will share it with you. Of course I will not betray anyone's confidence nor will I endanger anyone or just you know.. Make anybody sad. But if I can share something. I will. You need only reach out. Even if it's about me and it makes me uncomfortable. I'll answer. I already have been asked about birthmarks, so everything will probably be easy.

Written By Jeffeth

April 7, 2019, 10:24 p.m.(11/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Don't worry Grandmaster, I took care of that errand for mistress Perronne.

Written By Jeffeth

April 7, 2019, 1:42 a.m.(11/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Sorry Grandmaster, I'm a Knight of Songs now! I guess!

Written By Jeffeth

March 29, 2019, 12:31 a.m.(10/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gretchen

Thank you.

Written By Jeffeth

March 28, 2019, 4:11 p.m.(10/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Mistress Arcuri,
I again apologize for how my words have been received. It is truly not how they were intended and every apology I have given, I assure you has been sincere. I am sorry also you did not like that I said 'oh goodness' sometimes I do that when I get frazzled. When I said I could not afford those prices and would try someone else, I did not mean to insult your time or your skills. I do not know how else to prove I am sorry than what I have already done. I wrote without thinking overly long on what I was saying, and what was said or how you took what was said is not what is reflected in my heart. You have my deepest apologies for offending you so.

Written By Jeffeth

March 27, 2019, 7:19 p.m.(10/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Once more, Mistress Josephine, I express my most sincere and heartfelt apologies. I did not mean to offend you. I tried to explain in the apologies I sent to you in messengers, but you still seem very upset in messengers and now here on the Whites. I only meant to say I would need to use a vendor I could afford and I am horribly sorry it came off in any other way that may have felt like disrespect. That was certainly never my intention. I honestly was rather surprised when you were upset, I was not aware I had said something inflammatory and that is my own failing for not being more careful or precise with my wording. Again, my most sincere apologies. As I stated in my messengers I would happily welcome any opportunity to make this up to you.

Written By Jeffeth

March 8, 2019, 2:07 a.m.(9/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

I do not want to be insulting. But there are many in Arx who do not seem to understand or display an understanding of what happens to a person in a deep state of grief.

There is no such thing as an understandable and reasonable request to a person who is deep in the midst of their grief. Of course it is understandable to you. But to confront someone in the Whites with this 'reasonable' request shows a profound lack of empathy and respect. This was not put out in a desire to help someone.

I am not saying the bounty was justified or right. But explaining to someone who is in the throes of just losing a loved one how they're doing something wrong... I am at a loss that I keep having to explain this. There are ways to help someone. There are a variety of different ways. And certainly in our grief, someone should try to keep us from acting out in a way that would hurt ourselves, those around us, our environment. But that is certainly not done in an essay explaining how someone is wrong.

Finally. I'm not very good at math, but I will put this out there. Pelts at the market go from 500 silver to 5,000 per pelt. There are a lot of pelts at the market. I am confident a good portion of those pelts are wolves. Those who sell the pelts need to gain a profit, so they probably buy them from the hunters less than 5,000. I'm no merchant but I would guess anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 while the lower quality perhaps 250 silver? Lady Moore's bounty at its peak reached 2,000 silver I believe? So depending on the quality of pelt it could roughly be, the same that it already is with certain merchants?

Would I have posted this bounty? No. I don't think it will accomplish anything, really. But again, I didn't lose a family member.

So perhaps we take a breath. The wolf population is fine and is going to be okay. But on this side of the wall I think we could use a bit more compassion and a little less outrage. Or, if we must continue with our outrage, perhaps be consistent with it and direct it to at the merchants and hunters of Arx who consistently keep us flush with leathers and furs.

Even Orathy Culler deserves to say stupid things when in the throes of grief. I hope we can all let go a little bit of these 'reasonable requests' and instead take up some more compassion for our fellows.

Written By Jeffeth

March 7, 2019, 12:24 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Zeriax

You say that you've never lost someone, then you explain that even though you haven't you can understand it because of what you've seen it do to others. You don't, though. You don't understand until it happens to you. And when it happens you do things people would call foolish. You yell at people you care about. You punch people you shouldn't. You bristle and you cry. When you lose someone very close to you one day, I hope and pray that the people around you will allow you to grieve however you do. That they won't write long letters to you explaining how you're grieving badly. Or they won't explain to you how it was his choice, and you should accept it. I pray they let you grieve in whatever mad way you do.

I have traveled much of the compact. Wolves are everywhere. Bounties for wolves are also in places where they get too populous and make the roads unsafe. As protectors of travelers the Knights of Solace are no stranger to fending off wolves, and these bounties are commonplace. A single noble woman beset by loss is not going to wipe out a species. Not even close. There was a danger with rabbits sometime ago, but that was something sponsored by the entire Compact. One noble lady isn't going to take out wolves, and if they are attacking this close to the city perhaps it's time to push them back a bit. The bounty will eventually run out of steam, especially as healing takes place over time.

My only concern would be is I haven't heard of any other attacks or wolves encroaching this close to the city. Seems strange. I would want to verify that they indeed are becoming an increased danger before I started beating them back. But I didn't lose a family member.

If you want to help. Actually help. Maybe you could do that, look into wolf activity surrounding the city. Take your findings to the grieving lady. In that way maybe you could actually help her rather than saying you're helping. Telling someone sick with grief that they're doing something wrong is only going to get you punched in the mouth. And you would very much deserve it. We're not drunk with grief it is on us to be the more sensible ones, to take care of those who hurt. Explaining to someone how they are not being sensible is not caring for someone and it isn't going to work.

Written By Jeffeth

Feb. 8, 2019, 11:09 a.m.(7/14/1010 AR)

I'll confess I haven't been keeping up on many of the journals of people I follow recently. If this thought has been going around already I suppose I apologize.

The issue of Brass and Thrax is a heated issue I'm sure. You can feel the heat coming off the pages in the archives even if you don't read them. Thrax asked for fifty years Brass said one. I've seen some of the arguments, that this would send Thrax into a civil war or they'd just collapse on themselves.

There are many islanders, and many of the Thrax bloodline that I deeply respect and cherish as people. I don't like thralldom, I guess I sort of just tried to ignore it when people I would deeply care about would speak about thralls or call that person that would in any other house a servant a thrall. It made me uncomfortable. But I suppose I sort of just stuffed that down. I regret that, and I'm sorry.

While I don't like it, I do very much like the people who have it. And if they're saying it will cause them pain, I believe them. Do they deserve the pain for simply being born into a system they did not create? I don't think so. I also don't think the thralls deserve to be in the situation they're in. Brass's offer could force something that should happen into happening rather fast. But there will be a cost.

My offer is simple and modest. I know I'm not much, and perhaps I wouldn't actually be able to help all that much. But I offer my full and complete support of House Thrax should they accept Brass's offer. Financially, physically, anything needed at all. If there are civil wars, I offer my ability as a fighter. If there are places people need to stay, I offer a few empty rooms in my house, if there is need for silver, I offer what I can.

It's a hard decision to make. But I stand behind all those in Thrax who, even if rushed into it, are making a very hard decision to do the right thing.

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