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Written By Eithne

July 14, 2017, 4:07 p.m.(11/3/1006 AR)

A new rubicund set for a client has me busy busy but anyone who knows me well, knows this is what I love to do. And since it's all the rage to talk about scents people like, I'm rather partial to the scent of the forge and then better yet, campfire. Any kind of fire burning in the hearth or in a fire pit. Something about the scent of embers that really just reminds me of 'home'.

So back to this set of rubicund; I'm really excited about it. It's kind of a challenge for me because of the structure and well the sheer size that I have to craft. It's going to look amazing when it's done and I don't want to give anything away but it will be monumental.

Written By Eithne

July 12, 2017, 12:19 a.m.(10/26/1006 AR)

So what does every super cool armorsmith need in her life? A super cool dog, that's what! Yeah, I got a dog. I never really had to care for anything before like I'm having to care for this pup. Yeah, I've got younger siblings but, let's be honest, I only wanted to torment them when I was little. Like Aurora. It's fun to torture her.

So my pup is named Smokey. Yeah, I know, very cliche'. I'm okay with that. I'm sorta very cliche' myself. You might see him longing around the shop when I'm not actually forging and molding the metal in the back. So if you come on by, feel free to give him some love.

Written By Eithne

July 7, 2017, 2:06 a.m.(10/16/1006 AR)

The Whispers are coming for me!

Not literally coming after me. Well, maybe literally, but it's not at all how it sounds. Let me explain. Some odd months ago I befriended a fellow named Ferrando. I don't remember how we met. Chances are he stopped by the shop and we talked about armor and stuff because he's a big brute of a man and they usually tend to like armor. I know, I'm totally stereotyping now. So anyhow, turns out Ferrando is a bouncer for the Whisper House, keeping patrons in line if they're disrespectful or they cross the line in some way. It's pretty much the perfect job for him.

Friendship turned into a date and a date turned into more dates; so we're dating! Then one night he tells me he wants to bring me around to the Whisper House to meet the people he works for. I immediately thought this was such a sweet thought. Then he tells me they're curious about the woman who has woo'd Rando. Now suddenly there's like all this pressure to be like this super version of me.

I met Radiant Selene and she is every bit as elegant and lovely as one might assume the Whisper Radiant to be and I've also met Mistress Larissa who just today invited me to a girl's night.

A Girl's Night!? Me at a girl's night? Man oh man. This will be epic.

Written By Eithne

June 4, 2017, 11:14 p.m.(8/4/1006 AR)

When I asked what I should be writing in my journals, I was told to share tidbits of my life so they may be documented. So what can I say that I haven't already mentioned? I'm just a small town girl, living in a crazy world. Sometimes I wish to take the midnight carriage to anywhere...

Hey, you know what, that almost sounds poetic! That could even be a song one day.

Written By Eithne

June 4, 2017, 11:08 p.m.(8/4/1006 AR)

I don't make it a point to write too many journals. Truth be told, I spend WAY too many hours in the forge but it's completely worth it. I'm not completely oblivious to the news of the world today but I'm just thankful for my own little sanctuary of fire. I've got everything I need, I lead a very simply life. What more does a girl need than metal, a hot guy, and alcohol?

Written By Eithne

May 7, 2017, 10:07 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Greer

When I was a little girl, I remember my mother being so excited to dress me up like a little doll and take me with her to sell her baked goods at the market. It was torture. The dresses and the re-curling of my hair just so I looked presentable in public when all I really wanted to do was go climb trees and get dirty while digging around for buried treasure. She, my mother, is an amazing baker. She is also the sweetest person in the whole wide world. It's no surprise then that my father fell for her and they had what seems like a million children. Maybe it's seven, give or take. I was not a very good daughter, I think. I gave her trouble when she just wanted me to be with her and do things like her. It broke her heart when I told her I wanted to be like dad. Like all children, I didn't think about the choice of my words nor did I care how they affected her. It was my father who healed her heart and mended the rift I caused between us.

My father is an amazing man. There's no bullshit to him. What you see is what you get and he's the most hardworking man I've ever known. He took me under his wing not only to assuage my mother, but to give me purpose. Thank you, dad, for all you've done for me. I'm not sure where I'd be without you.

Written By Eithne

May 7, 2017, 9:59 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ferrando

How do I write this out without being cheesy? I like it when you call me 'Peaches'.

Written By Eithne

May 7, 2017, 9:49 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

The end of the siege means end of countless hours in the forge. It means I actually have a moment to myself and this is what I chose to do! Figures. But in all seriousness, to the men, women, and children of Arx, to everyone who came together to fight for our freedom, for our lives, I thank you and salute you. My fingers are worked to the bones with all the armor my forge has made these last few months and weeks; Armor that was already created that needed some refinement, and those fancy ass pieces of rubicund that just seem to gleam something eerie despite being enameled. They are my favorite. No, it's not because they're red... Okay maybe because they're red. I've never felt more proud to be an Arxian. Cheers to you all!

Written By Eithne

Nov. 24, 2016, 3:34 a.m.(3/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

I'm not the kind of lass that gets asked to tea but the Princess was insistent. Who am I to refuse royalty?

We had a lengthy discussion about armor and fashion and somehow the topic of my sister taunting me with the idea of making me a dress with cherries embroidered on it became the catalyst of Natalia's inspiration.

I am now the proud owner of a creepy red headed doll wearing a mint green dress with cherries.

Thank you, Princess. I'll cherish the nightmares forever.

Written By Eithne

Nov. 24, 2016, 3:28 a.m.(3/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

More than a drinking buddy; more than my neighbor. He is someone I consider a friend.

He lets me wear his hat and he's okay with this.

Written By Eithne

Nov. 24, 2016, 3:26 a.m.(3/14/1005 AR)

Work, work, work, work, work...That's all I ever do. This isn't a gripe or woe is me for never doing anything else. We've fallen on dark days and the people of Arx need armor to protect them. They need -the best- armor and I intend to give it to them. Even when it is exceptional, it's still not good enough in my eyes. I can always do better. The people inspire me, they are my muse and I cannot fail them.

Written By Eithne

Aug. 21, 2016, 10:47 p.m.(5/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

This mercenary is someone I could consider a friend or at least friendlier than some others that have come in and out of town. I don't really ask questions about what he does but he's interested in my armor. I'd say that's the start of something promising.

Written By Eithne

Aug. 21, 2016, 10:44 p.m.(5/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Wolbrand

Wolly - He hates it when I call him that but his name is rather cumbersome on the tongue; Wolbrand. WALL-/brand/. It's not the kind of name you would cry out in the middle of passion. Not that I have, but I have totally thought about it. I wondered what it would sound like in the midst of ecstasy, words thick with honey... Ahem. He's my guildmaster. A god one at that..GOOD one. He's a good man.

Written By Eithne

Aug. 21, 2016, 10 p.m.(5/12/1004 AR)

Where has all the time gone? I really can't keep track anymore because I've been working day and night and night and day and it's starting to take a bit of a toll on me but I'm working tirelessly to perfect this rubicund armor. I'm not there, yet. Not yet, nope but soon. So soon and I can taste it! Can you imagine the best of the best soldiers and nobles all bedazzled in 'rose' armor? I mean, I'd love it. It'd totally match my hair. Soon ladies and gentlemen. Soon.

Written By Eithne

Aug. 2, 2016, 3:24 a.m.(3/9/1004 AR)

I was born and raised in this great city here of Arx, and you've gotta admit, we've got it pretty nice here. We are a living and thriving Mecca of trade and commerce since we've got that nice port over by the Eastern Gate. Now, let's see, Arx attracts folks from all walks of life and you best believe I've seen 'em all. Well, almost all. I've seen -most-.

We've got'em big and tall and small and short and fat and skinny..light and dark and somewhere in between. We welcome all to this great city; the city of the King and the city of the beloved Greyson family. I don't really get much up into politics. I don't follow much like my daddy used to. I'm thinking these days he's happy that I took over his business so he can stay at home with mama watching my nieces and nephews. That's something you gotta know about the Thornburns, we got a large family and it just seems to keep growing. What about me? NO. Absolutely not. Not right now, not when I'm in the absolute prime of my life with my business.

I've got this shop down in the center of town, right off of the city center called Fire and Brimstone, because it's a forge. I am an armorer extraordinaire. I'm sure you've heard of my old man Gervis Thornburn. He's been one of the resident crafters for a long time and when I decided to get my hands nice and dirty, because they -do- get dirty, he told me, Ethie, you've gotta get yourself involved in the Crafter's Guild. I didn't really question him. I never question my pops. He's the smartest man I know, or that's what I like to tell him, makes the old man feel good about himself.

So yeah, I've got this shop in town and it's real nice and quaint. In the afternoon I get to work on my 'mail by the window watching the folks go by. Many of them wave back to me or will just stop on in to say hello. It's a great life. I really can't ask for more. Well, gotta get going to my next appointment, I'll be sure to come back and give you regular updates. Until then.

(Signed with a flourish - Eithne Thornburn)

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