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Written By Ann

March 3, 2023, 3:14 p.m.(5/18/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Pasquale

General Pasquale Malespero,

My friend. My mentor. Words fail me for what you are experiencing right now. I wish I had more to offer you.

Sometimes, life is unfair. I know this. But this kind of thing? It's the hardest thing and the most unfair thing. The unknowing.

I hope you get clearer answers soon. I will always be a listening ear if you find it sufficient.

Princess Ann Redrain

I know scholar this reads more like a letter then an entry but I am entitled to my thoughts

Written By Ann

March 1, 2023, 2:09 p.m.(5/13/1019 AR)

Who knew mud could be so fun?
I didn't.
Let's do it again!

Written By Ann

Feb. 26, 2023, 9:28 p.m.(5/8/1019 AR)

If one had to be stuck in one spot? This place is not bad at all. The Rivenshari Longhouse is very welcoming. I have enjoyed the food and the stories that have been told around the fires. My children have enjoyed playing with their new found friends. It is very sweet to watch and does this Mama's heart good to see. I always worry that I am not doing enough for them but then to see their cheer in this environment? I know all is well then.

Besides being here? it's cozy as one listens to the rain that falls against the longhouse. I could do without the thunder though as it shakes the building. Not something I am fond of. I am not looking forward to trying to make my way back to the Stacks. I will stay here for the time being. There are worse places I could be in. I do pray that those stuck in this miserable weather find shelter and are well.

It is funny to watch the Rivenshari children daring each other like so. They run outside and back again. Sometimes to be scolded and other times the adults cheering them on to see who is the fastest in the coming and going. I am just greatly amused.

Oh and the bells? Oh spirits, the bells? Beautiful in their song.

Written By Ann

Feb. 26, 2023, 9:04 p.m.(5/8/1019 AR)

I think the mud pit party was a success. It seemed a lot of people enjoyed themselves. It was such a good turn out. I was worried how things were going to go with the weather we have been having here in Arx lately. Thank the spirits that there was a roof over the mud pit so that no one had to swim in the mud. I mean unless they chose to do it.

I am so glad my cousin Prince Nazmir decided to get into the pit. It was a delight to see him in it. Even if he lost to Master Wild. The pair quite entertaining. I was amused. So dear Redrain staff if you see mud tracked all through the villa? I take full responsibility. It was worth it. You can scold me for as long as you want. I will just smile and nod at you.

Don't tell Sir Filshiar that I call him pretty boy Scholar. His name is such a tongue twister and that is how I remember him. He did well in the fight between him and Lord Mattheu.

The most entertaining match to me was the one between Lord Gaspard and Lord Cillian. At least it can be said that Lord Blackwood can hold on tight to a giant of a man's shoulders. In the end the winner was one Sir Filshiar Shieldborne. No wonder he is a part of the King's Own. I am thankful I can call him a family friend.

Now Scholar, what event should I hold next?

Written By Ann

Jan. 25, 2023, 3:46 a.m.(4/16/1019 AR)

I didn't realize how much I missed being a true Redrain. Never did I imagine I would be back to my beginnings. My roots. Princess.

Let me apologize in advance if you see my beloved daughter Raya announcing to any who will listen that she is Princess. Best not take that title from her now or tell her anything different.

I am amused.

It is so good to be home once again.

Yes, yes. I am still an Inquisitor and advisor to the Iron Guards. I just happen to be wearing one more hat or should I say crown now?

Written By Ann

Jan. 25, 2023, 3:33 a.m.(4/16/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincenzo

I believe you. That should count for something. Right?

Written By Ann

Jan. 7, 2023, 3:21 p.m.(3/9/1019 AR)

Soon spring will be upon us.

I will miss the snow.

I will miss the ice.

I will miss the cold.

I don't mind spring too much. It is at least bearable.

It is summer though that becomes unbearable to me. One can only shed so many clothes off before it becomes indecent.

At least with winter you can bundle to be warm. Find a warm body, fire or drink.

Maybe I need to look at the seasons coming more critically.

Written By Ann

Dec. 17, 2022, 3:14 a.m.(1/22/1019 AR)

Tonight's Rivenshari Bardic Winter Fire was a learning experience for me. Something I will never forget. My mind keeps swirling and processing in all that I have learned and heard tonight. Lord Titus sharing a story and scaring Ilan. The children trying to steal cookies and my boy Sil so excited for his treasure. Raya wanting to share their story about yurt building her way. It was an enjoyable night of light and laughter mingled with grief. The way life should be looked at. Lady Petra's dancing even when Virgil got in the way. Lord Mattheu playing that violin. And Lady Eshra showing for all the world to see her grief and her joy in her dance. I will never forget the lessons and the love I learned tonight. I was honored to be able to see just a small peek of what Rivenshari House is and I am humbled to be a part of it. I may be from the North of snow and ice but there is much to be learned in wind and rivers. I fully intend to be a student as long as they will have me. I will forever be grateful when I hear the bells and what they mean to them. For now they hold a special place in my heart and to my children.

Written By Ann

Dec. 10, 2022, 2:58 p.m.(1/9/1019 AR)

Winter is the best season
I can dance in it
lift my head up
to taste the snowflakes
feel the wind in my hair
play with my children in it
I love the cold
you can only do so much when its warm
always can warm up with fire, furs, hot baths
hearing the ice hit the ground is of its own music
the storms remind me i am alive
Summer is shit

Written By Ann

Nov. 27, 2022, 1:53 a.m.(12/10/1018 AR)

Relationship Note on Rufio

I can't wait to see you in your glorious dress. You will look fabulous! Next time I see you hopefully you won't look constipated. Or is that how your serious face looks?

Written By Ann

Nov. 27, 2022, 1:50 a.m.(12/10/1018 AR)

I have set up linguistic lessons for the children with one Lady Zoey Kennex. Perhaps they will come home and teach me something for once. Onward to find other teachers and the like to shape the future of young minds at heart.

Written By Ann

Nov. 26, 2022, 3:54 p.m.(12/9/1018 AR)

Dance, dance, dance like no one is watching!


Written By Ann

Nov. 22, 2022, 1:07 a.m.(11/28/1018 AR)

Sometimes it is scary to ask something big because you expect to be denied. Then the sweet unexpected answer. The one that you had hope for is really reality? Now you can breathe and journey on for the good of the compact. Things will be fine. All is well. Just have to come back.

Written By Ann

Nov. 21, 2022, 3:08 p.m.(11/27/1018 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

Look. Really? You are going to go to the middle when it comes to seasons? Tsk. Tsk. Btw? 11/10

Written By Ann

Nov. 21, 2022, 3:06 p.m.(11/27/1018 AR)

Do you think that I care that you came to AOP barefooted? No, not at all. I won't have any sympathy when you get frost bite either. So there. Stubborn.

Written By Ann

Nov. 20, 2022, 10:08 p.m.(11/26/1018 AR)

As I live and breathe it is my children that will always mean the most to me. They have been the best part of me and Asger. If I were to lose them I do not know how I will survive. I hope they know I would do anything for them. Anything. My hearts. My loves. My best.

Written By Ann

Nov. 17, 2022, 7:41 p.m.(11/19/1018 AR)

Little One
Over the edge
At the docks

Written By Ann

Nov. 15, 2022, 5:20 a.m.(11/14/1018 AR)

Life has been calm and manageable right now. Makes me wonder what is coming around the corner? What should we be preparing for next? Guess the gods will let us know soon enough. Hope we are ready.

Written By Ann

Nov. 13, 2022, 1:10 a.m.(11/10/1018 AR)

Relationship Note on Gaspard

I am delighted that Lord Blackram has taken up my offer and is now my protege. I believe he and Miss Morgan shall get along splendidly. I can't wait to see how things progress for us all.

Written By Ann

Oct. 12, 2022, 1:49 a.m.(7/18/1018 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

A kind loyal friend and a devoted father to his daughter. I am interested in seeing how this friendship develops.

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