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Written By Silas

Dec. 27, 2016, 12:25 a.m.(6/28/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

He beat me!

I must have a dent in my armor or something.

I kid - he's good and duly receives my admiration and praise.

Written By Garza

Dec. 18, 2016, 9:44 p.m.(6/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Redrain ain't one for titles. And that's quite alright with me. I mean, it ain't like I call them Silks anything but m'lord and m'lady anyway. Seems to me, those two words capture whatever their titles might be just fine.

That greatsword he carries is impressive. He's wanting to spar, and I'm wanting to oblige, but I ain't in top shape. Gotta do some training. Maybe I'll spar him anyway, and hope I don't get cleaved in two in the process.

Written By Agnarr

Dec. 15, 2016, 10:10 a.m.(5/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

True enough.

Written By Agnarr

Dec. 14, 2016, 1:50 p.m.(5/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

That hurt.

Written By Larissa

Dec. 12, 2016, 2:06 p.m.(5/13/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I love Summer.
Anze loves Winter.
I love the loud bustle of the city.
Anze loves the long silence of the mountains.
I love the world to the south.
Anze loves all of the north.
I love all the many beautiful, wordly pleasures.
Aze loves simplicity and minimalistic values.
I love wine.
Anze loves whiskey.
We both love coffee - and perhaps that is all it takes for friendships to flicker to life.

Written By Agnarr

Dec. 12, 2016, 11:02 a.m.(5/13/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

A likeable lord. Beat me once.

Written By Julea

Dec. 11, 2016, 11:44 p.m.(5/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I think he is my favourite Redrain.

Written By Valencia

Dec. 11, 2016, 11:42 p.m.(5/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Ah, what can I say about my sweet cousin-in-law? He is a true man of the North -- strong, fierce and wild in his way, and by all accounts a bit of a jester. Delicious.

Also to his credit, there is clever and good-natured warmth there that cannot be denied and always makes me feel at home.

I trust him completely, adore him entirely, and am proud to know him. Being in his presence fills me with the greatest of joy and I am pleased to find myself there often.

Though, perhaps he could do with just a ~little~ more southern refinement and flare. Tis a work in progress, but we'll get there. I have faith in him.

Written By Kima

Dec. 7, 2016, 8:35 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze Redrain was my partner by lot for the Concordal Melee. I have fought along side men of northern blood before. Marcas, as it happens, in the last melee. I have always found northmen to be incredibly solid personalities. In battle, they are gleefully without fear.

The north, I think, produces excellent warriors.

I have yet to determine if they produce equally excellent soldiers.

Speculation aside, I hope Anze and I continue to grow our friendship. And not solely because he has this completely charming desire to unravel the licentious mysteries that weave themselves so utterly around the Lyceum.

Written By Kima

Dec. 7, 2016, 8:35 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze Redrain was my partner by lot for the Concordal Melee. I have fought along side men of northern blood before. Marcas, as it happens, in the last melee. I have always found northmen to be incredibly solid personalities. In battle, they are gleefully without fear.

The north, I think, produces excellent warriors.

I have yet to determine if they produce equally excellent soldiers.

Speculation aside, I hope Anze and I continue to grow our friendship. And not solely because he has this completely charming desire to unravel the licentious mysteries that weave themselves so utterly around the Lyceum.

Written By Nadia

Dec. 4, 2016, 10:56 p.m.(4/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze is the brother of Fergus and Freja.I haven't had much of a chance to speak to him, but he seems to have a good head on his shoulders. A damned good fighter, from what I've been told by peers. The few times we've crossed paths, he's kept me in good spirits with humorous quips. Sometimes he's incredibly insightful when I least expected it, too.

Written By Darren

Dec. 4, 2016, 7:39 p.m.(4/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Another cousin, sibling to Freja and Fergus. That great big sword of his hits exactly as you would expect a great big sword to hit ... when he can catch you with it, of course.

It is nice to be surrounded by family, especially so far from home.

Written By Aslaug

Dec. 3, 2016, 8:16 p.m.(4/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

(where there should be writing is instead a sketch of a handsome faced man, though it takes a moment to notice he's missing his ears)

Written By Silas

Nov. 30, 2016, 12:38 a.m.(4/3/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

He isn't as vicious as his brother is in combat, but I suspect he's better at conversation. A little bit.

He is definitely one to watch.

Written By Antonio

Nov. 29, 2016, 3:07 a.m.(4/1/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I did not think there was anything my people could have in common with his: they are a mountain people, we are the scions of the sea.

But perhaps we are not so different. Certainly, the Lyceum enjoys its pretense and civilization, but cast that away, and we seem to be peoples who embrace living.

Perhaps we should be looking for closer allegiance to House Redrain.

Written By Deva

Nov. 27, 2016, 8:47 p.m.(3/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Anze has a great sense of humor and a good head on his shoulders. It's a relief to see more familiar faces around the city, while at the same time it makes me miss Farhaven all the more. I think he too knows what it's like to be the one just outside the focus of attention. It's a blessing and a curse. Thank the gods for more Redrain cousins to drink with -- it's so hard to find people who will keep the pace with whiskey.

Written By Aksel

Nov. 27, 2016, 7:21 p.m.(3/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I like this man. He speaks plainly and seems to give everyone a fair shot. To that, he gave me more lumps than I had expected. Honestly, he made me wonder just how good I was as a soldier. Though we seemed to agree on the point that the training weapons in the training center are complete garbage, and said he wanted a rematch when I had a proper weapon that I was more accustomed to. Said it wasn't a fair fight.

Normally I'd agree with that, but the weapon doesn't make the man or warrior. So it's clear I have my work cut out for me if I'm going give this role as Sword of Stonedeep the credit it deserves.

Still, good man. Should have a drink with him sometime.

Written By Freja

Nov. 27, 2016, 7:13 p.m.(3/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Another older brother that makes it his duty to make me overly aware I am the 'baby' no matter how old I get. He has a fury that Fergus and I are famed for, but his is far more rare. He keeps me smiling where others may fail. I am happier for him being here, but hope he finds purpose here and does not feel as aimless as his siblings do.

Written By Edain

Nov. 27, 2016, 6:52 p.m.(3/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I finally met this Prince Anze Redrain that I have heard so much about. He makes his is plain spoken brother, Prince Fergus, seem loquaciously tame by comparison. He is a very good fighter, and probably wields a great blade with better precision than anyone I have seen who is not named Victus. He seems to think my sister cannot carry a deer for some reason. This is of course proposterous, Princess Alis is perfectly capable of carrying any dead animal she so chooses.

Written By Natalia

Nov. 25, 2016, 10:05 a.m.(3/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

Tea could have been called for a different reason, but I thank you for listening and understanding my points as well.

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