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Written By Valenzo

April 7, 2019, 2:25 a.m.(11/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

More likely they were coordinating mutinies to get rid of the both of us due to gross incompetence of command, Ev.

Written By Valenzo

April 6, 2019, 2:36 a.m.(11/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

Why would you do this?!
They read these, y'know!

Written By Valenzo

April 5, 2019, 3:33 a.m.(11/13/1010 AR)

...Welp. I suppose that was inevitable.

If you see a group of rowdy sailors from the Terrapin in the taverns and it looks like they're suddenly feeling an inclination to burst into song, please remind them that shore leave is dependent on them NOT doing that.

If they then proceed to sing anyway, please murder them.

Thank you.

Written By Valenzo

April 1, 2019, 4:50 p.m.(11/6/1010 AR)

Near a year since I came to Arx from Southport, winter of '09.

A lot to reflect on, and even in this I find myself a changed man.

I think the city has made me a more careful person, and more patient...I never thought back in the navy that I'd be spending so much time buried in libraries, burning the candle at both ends.

I think it's also killed my youthful optimism, I'm afraid; I've seen some nightmarish things, and learned things about myself that I wished weren't so. Had my view of the city turned upside down, twice.

Luckily, I have my friends to remind me it's still an adventure, and my crew hasn't mutinied on me just yet.

Going to prop my boots up at the Trader's Tavern, order an ale, and have myself a toast to the next years. Cheers.

Written By Valenzo

March 30, 2019, 10:43 a.m.(11/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

...This is probably the least-sensical thing anyone has said in the entire kerfluffle so far.

Why in the world would a customer be expected to show generosity? Sir Jeffeth had other options, and plenty of them. He did Josephine a favor by choosing to take his business to her, and it was in her interest to provide the best deal she could accomodate.

When their haggling hit a wall and Josephine refused to go lower, that really should have been the end of it, but the implication that someone else could offer a better deal wounded Josephine's incredibly delicate pride and here we all are.

Written By Valenzo

March 28, 2019, 5:35 p.m.(10/26/1010 AR)

The alaricite trade must be a horrifically dangerous, cutthroat line of work. Why else would it involve such colorful characters, eh?

Written By Valenzo

March 7, 2019, 3:02 p.m.(9/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Zeriax

Every time I feel the urge to burden a poor Scholar with what appears to be half a novel, directed at one person in a very public manner after the death of their loved one, in which my opening gambit is to shamelessly admit I'm lacking in social skills and ramble on for a weighty paragraph about how I could never relate to the death of a loved one because I've never had one...

...Actually I can't say I've ever felt that urge, because it's insane.

Master Zeriax, if your intention was truly to help, some things are better said in private. Some of your reasoning following that bizarre introduction was sound, and I'd wager would be well received had it come in the form of a visit to check in on a grieving friend. Not a public confrontation.

However, if your real intention was, as seems more likely, to take advantage of a family's sorrow and make a spectacle to draw attention to yourself, well...congratulations?

Written By Valenzo

Feb. 19, 2019, 5:24 p.m.(8/8/1010 AR)

The more I dig, the bigger fool I feel for digging.

Life seemed so simple before that Gods-damned mirror.

Written By Valenzo

Jan. 17, 2019, 6:27 p.m.(5/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Adora

Gods, I am so sorry, I did it again...I stand corrected!

Please, my good people, if you have any questions about the vile and dangerous beasts known as the krokodyle, Adora has extended the gracious offer of a seminar on their fierce fangs and the quality of their feathers, to be held in her shop! Ask her as many questions as possible, especially about their potent venom!!

And do NOT forget to buy her krokodyle-related merchandise! If you don't see anything up front, I'm sure she will be more than happy to fetch a bit of something from the back if you request it politely, in person and definitely not ahead of time!!!

Written By Valenzo

Jan. 17, 2019, 1:06 a.m.(5/17/1010 AR)

I keep thinkin' back to the Forgotten Island Crew, and I just wanted to shout out to the wiliest, boldest, most adventuresome bunch I've sailed with in quite some time. Don't think the Scholar I'm with appreciates the fact that I am clearly drunk and spilling wine all over in here, and also that I am literally shouting out, so I will keep it brief. (Ed.'s Note: No, I do not appreciate any of that. Gods, I don't think he's bathed today either.)

Adora! Without your wondrous woodsense and wicked wordcraft, we'd have piled onto that ladder and broken our fool necks! Also you stabbed a dilrerock right in the Gods-damned eye, with a hairpin! That's hardcore!! Yes I do need to keep shouting!!!

Evaristo! The Best Captain, and my best friend. Listen, if any of this... Stuff going on with...the Thing I told you about goes south...Dietrich's yours, mate. Also Kevin. Also my ship. Also tell Josie? Is that too much pressure??? (Ed.'s note: Yes.)

Gilroy! If you hadn't used all of your skill on that Suspiciously Normal Chest, we'd all have been dilerock chow. (Well, sooner than I was, anyway). Also I've sailed a lot of ocean, bosom buddy, and never heard a better owl impression.

Mae! I don't think I have ever met someone with such a useful assortment of spicy and stinky elixirs in all my days, and I wish I'd had a chance to see what else was in that messenger bag! How's Skully? Is he eating enough?

Raymesin! Gods, you are one scary fellow with those knives o' yours, and also seriously how's the weather up there? --Yes, it is funny, please give me the wine bottle back. Okay, LISTEN -- okay sorted, anyway, I hope you're enjoying the books, let me know if you want any of these romance novels!

Anyway, hope you're all enjoying the riches, and here's to returning someday soon!

Written By Valenzo

Jan. 1, 2019, 8:55 p.m.(4/13/1010 AR)

Good and lively night at the Murder this evening; Evaristo put on quite the show, and his tales of Copper helping the common folk were ones I'd never heard! Knowing someone with that much power went out of her way so often to use it to help us down here, and then still gave it all when the clocktower a salty sea dog some much-needed perspective on that day. I'm humbled, and will take a bit of hard-earned coin to pick up a little bit of something copper to wear on my person, much as others have done.

We all had a very spirited conversation about choice, for good or ill, and our Visitors From Afar...voices about the emissaries have been pretty grim down here, some even suggesting we Lowers folk will be the ones to pay a blood price in the end. Think the emissaries are a bunch of pompous tossers, meself, but talk of blood is always alarming, so I did what we've been asked to do and reached out to Sina Godsworn, one of our new Commoner Councilors, and asked how a humble sort could expect to know much about Undying Whosits, and she responded right away -- seems more information for us is a big concern, and in the works!

Don't harbor any illusions that anybody subscribes to me Whites, but...if you see this, be patient. Keep your ears and eyes open, friends...we're not alone.

(On that note, seems like there was one among us who was tonight who was not exactly who she appeared, and sparked most of our talk about choices...may have been a trick of the light as she left, but...we certainly live in interesting times!)

Written By Valenzo

Dec. 21, 2018, 9:59 a.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

Missed all the excitement of the clocktower after getting Day Drunk and passing out with the crew in the Lowers, then the sky pissed on us all week, and now it's /snowing again?!/

The Terrapin hates the snow, she always complains under the load, but...least it's not giving us those funny rashes anymore, I suppose!

Written By Valenzo

Dec. 13, 2018, 1:02 p.m.(3/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Don't know that I can say I have ever been a godly man, but ahhh Mangata...if I were the poetic sort, I'd be Waxing Poetical /so hard/ right now.

(Maybe I'll have to ask Dietrich, big man tries to hide it but he's got a lyrical soul, the lump. Don't ever ask him to sing about his gods-damned soup.)

It's fact She's seen me and my crew home more times than I can count, so I figured it was high time I honor Her with a bit o' something on my person, and who better for a bit o' something than Guildmaster Joscelin?

Guildmaster, your Generosity and Kindness shine bright as your gems, and I got everything I hoped for! You are the best.

(, hopefully, Mangata will take that much longer to decide to pull me down for a little squeeze and a kiss!)

Written By Valenzo

Nov. 15, 2018, 3:28 a.m.(12/28/1009 AR)

Had breakfast today at the Trader's Tavern.

Bread wasn't too bad, ale was nice. Good company as well, I'll have to go back again.

Kevin drank roughly a pint and threw up, daft bird. Gave him the rest of the bread and he was cranky all the way back to the Tasty Terrapin.

Will update again if I make it back from ship inspection with the crew. Some of them said unkind things about coming back after one day.

I leave everything to Kevin, just in case.

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