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Written By Titus

Oct. 23, 2023, 3:45 p.m.(1/22/1021 AR)

Tomorrow's promises are but whispers in the wind. Embrace today's actions, for they carve the path to your destiny. Have you used today to accomplish everything you can?

Written By Titus

Oct. 21, 2023, 8:05 p.m.(1/19/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Petraea

You have died, but your legacy endures, Tribune.

You and I were similar in that we were from other places, representatives of different cultures but you were far better navigating society here in Arx than I. You soared but your passing has made me think about yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. Of legacy, choices and destiny.

Legacy, much like the ember's fading glow from Yesterdays, stands as a silent testament to the unyielding spirit of those who came before us. It carries the weight of their struggles and the brilliance of their wisdom. The Code, a guiding flame, compels us to shield and eternally preserve the memory of Yesterdays, for it is the very foundation upon which our Today stands, defiantly burning amidst the encroaching darkness and cold.

In contrast, Destiny, akin to sparks ascending toward the night sky, beckons to us from the uncharted expanse of Tomorrows. Of what might be, what could be, not what will be. It is the canvas upon which our choices and intentions vividly paint the future. Destiny is not an unchangeable decree, but a realm shaped by the conscious choices of mortals—a reflection of the sparks we send aloft.

Amidst this reflection, I am reminded of our sacred duty, akin to tending to cooling embers, to preserve the memory of Yesterdays. Yet, our purpose transcends mere preservation; it impels us to fuel the fires that burn within us, urging us toward perpetual growth. Stagnation, the enemy of life's gift, must be vanquished as we fan the flames of progress, molding a Destiny that radiates ever brighter.

As I write these thoughts, I reaffirm that our existence embodies the intricate dance of Fire. Let us, therefore, stand as custodians of the legacy of Yesterdays, for it is the enduring ember. Through our actions, we shape the Destiny of generations, sending sparks of hope and illumination to light the path toward radiant Tomorrows. I will miss in this lifetime the discussions we had, but I will look up to the new star and reflect on the whispers from yesterday that we shared and strive to be better. In my own culture, the dead Vaevici are burned at the Temple of Pyros at night so that our pyros can be returned to Sangris and strengthen those who live after us. You live on through others, your death has made us stronger.

Tribune, though you have passed from this realm, your memory remains, for I choose that you have not been forgotten.

Written By Titus

Oct. 15, 2023, 9:52 p.m.(1/7/1021 AR)

A set of reflections that I've been thinking about regarding the recent past in Arx while I have been away.

The flower's petals must wither but from their decay new blooms of destiny and life shall arise, death begets rebirth and from birth we are slated to die. Remember the bloom so they will never wholly die.

Our legacy, like ice on steel, preserves the past. Yet it is the flames of innovation that shape our future, transforming us into the architects of our own fate. To remain unyielding, frozen like ice on steel, is to deny the very essence of our heritage each of us have. Perhaps we need to embrace the fire of transformation and change to find our strength.

Written By Titus

July 15, 2023, 7:41 p.m.(3/5/1020 AR)

Immortality. I've come across a few writings where some seek this out as a grand prize, and to them it must surely be as they commit their entire life to it.

Amidst the contemplations of mortality and the brevity of human existence, it is worth reflecting upon the philosophical position that highlights the downsides of immortality. In the realm of eternal life, one must tread with caution, for even this seemingly coveted state carries its own burdens and challenges.

Firstly, consider the loss of meaning that may accompany immortality. With the ceaseless stretch of time before us, the urgency to strive, achieve, and leave a lasting impact may wane. The very essence of purpose and the pursuit of a meaningful existence could dwindle in the face of endless existence.

Furthermore, the emotional burden that comes with immortality cannot be overlooked. While mortals are bound by the cycle of life and death, immortals would bear witness to the constant ebb and flow of mortal experiences, forever detached from their transient nature. The weight of grief, loneliness, and an overwhelming accumulation of memories might befall those who are destined to outlast the passing generations.

In the eternal realm, stagnation and boredom loom as potent adversaries. The unending march of time may lead to the exhaustion of all pursuits, the depletion of knowledge, and a perpetual state of ennui. Without the prospect of novelty or growth, the immortal soul may find itself trapped in a monotonous existence, devoid of inspiration and purposeful engagement.

Moreover, the psychological toll of eternal life cannot be underestimated. The vastness of time and the eternal consciousness may breed existential crises, depression, and a profound struggle to find meaning in an ever-changing world. The burden of eternity and the inability to reconcile oneself with its vast expanse may weigh heavily upon the immortal soul.

In the realm of immortality, one must tread the path with a discerning eye and a tempered spirit. While the allure of eternal existence may captivate the imagination, it is crucial to recognize the potential pitfalls that accompany such a profound transformation. The Spartan soul, grounded in discipline and fortitude, should contemplate the ramifications of eternal life, knowing that even the greatest of gifts may carry with it the weight of unforeseen consequences.

The contemplation on the downsides of immortality serves as a reminder of the burdens and challenges that eternal life may bring. Loss of meaning, emotional burdens, stagnation, psychological toll and ethical dilemmas are among the aspects that warrant caution in pursuing immortality.

Reflecting upon these considerations, I am grateful for the mortal existence granted to me, for it allows me to experience the full spectrum of life's joys, sorrows, growth, and purpose. Being mortal reminds us of the preciousness and transience of my time, motivating me to seize each moment and live with a sense of urgency and purpose.

May we embrace the gift of mortality, cherishing the opportunities it presents and striving to make our lives meaningful in the limited time we have. Let us embrace the lessons learned from contemplating immortality, cultivating gratitude for the beauty of our mortal existence.

Written By Titus

June 20, 2023, 11:54 p.m.(1/12/1020 AR)

Children of Sangris, we acknowledge that in the Red City discipline and stoicism are revered virtues. That we find wisdom in the art of controlling our emotions. It is not a matter of suppressing our innermost feelings, for they are an inherent part of our existence, but rather mastering the art of emotional control. To be led by our emotions is to relinquish the reins of our own destiny and render ourselves incapable of guiding others.

Emotions, whether love or hate, possess a profound power to shape our perception of the world and our place within it. If we allow ourselves to be consumed by hatred, we surrender our inner peace and become entangled in a web of defeat. Hatred blinds us to reason and clouds our judgment, leading us astray from the path of wisdom and virtue. But foolishly being overcome by love or lust will blind us to the weaknesses of others, and by being blind we will not be there to help them when they need it most.

In the great tapestry of life, our thoughts hold the power to weave the fabric of our being. We are the architects of our own destiny, sculpting our character and molding our future through the thoughts we choose to nurture. By directing our minds towards noble pursuits and virtuous ideals, we transform ourselves into vessels of greatness and integrity.

Let us, then, embrace the discipline of thought and the mastery of emotion. Through diligent practice and self-awareness, we can develop the ability to control the time, manner, audience, and means of emotional expression. By doing so, we elevate ourselves above the whims of transient passions and forge a path of enlightened leadership.

We understand that true strength lies not in the suppression of emotions, but in the mastery of their influence. As we cultivate a calm and focused mind, we transcend the limitations imposed by external circumstances and become the masters of our own destinies. Let us remember that we are the architects of our thoughts and emotions, shaping our lives with intention and purpose.

May we strive to harness the power of our minds and emotions, aligning them with the noble virtues of the Red City. In doing so, we rise above the ordinary and become beacons of inspiration and wisdom like the bonfire upon the top of the Temple of Pyros in a world often governed by chaotic passions.

Written By Titus

June 20, 2023, 11:51 p.m.(1/12/1020 AR)

"How is all of this out there for us to contend with when every day we have people succumbing to entirely mundane things - lack of food, exposure to the cold, accidental grievous injury?" asked the lady to the knight.

The knight replied. "My lady, your words echo the reality of our world. Injustices, challenges, and hurts surround us, painting a tapestry of harshness. The yellow waters and thorns you speak of symbolize the abandoned and cursed aspects of our existence. It is true, the world can be a daunting and unforgiving place."

"However, it is precisely because of these realities that we must hold onto hope. Like a guiding star of our ancestors in the night sky, hope illuminates our path, allowing us to rise above the everyday struggles and aspire to something greater. We have the power to transcend the limitations imposed upon us by the world and make a positive difference, however small it may be."

"Though we witness people succumbing to mundane hardships, such as lack of food, exposure to the cold, or accidental injuries, it is in our collective resolve to address these issues that lies the potential for change. By lending our strength and compassion to those in need, we can alleviate suffering and create a world that is a little bit better, step by step. And what journey ever hoped to reach the end without taking a single step in the right direction? The overwhelming feeling of trying to feed the thousands is hard, but we can as you've shown, choose to help even one individual."

"In the face of adversity, we must not lose sight of our purpose and the potential for transformation. It is through our actions, guided by hope and fueled by our shared determination, that we can sow seeds of positive change and bring light to the darkness. The Compact demands that we strive to uplift those around us, extend our empathy, and work towards a future where the harsh realities are softened by the collective efforts of compassionate souls."

"You will one day pass on your stories to your daughter and they will pass on to their daughters your stories and their stories combined. Like the mote of light that shined so faintly at the beginning in the Heart below and now shines brighter than the sun with all those who have been touched by the Heart's sacrifice, I'm positive you will leave the world a brighter place."

Written By Titus

May 25, 2023, 6:17 p.m.(11/16/1019 AR)

The lesson of the Rainbow Serpent is simple. If we hold too much to the past, the burdens and the energies which no longer are fit for our future, we will die in those bonds we've placed on ourselves. We must shed, change and transform to become the better person we aspire to be.

Written By Titus

May 25, 2023, 6:15 p.m.(11/16/1019 AR)

“How can we dare aspire and hope to transform the world, if we neglect that transformative power of change that lies within ourselves?”

The Rainbow Serpent danced upon the canvas of the sky and sea, adorned with pearlescent scales shimmering in every vibrant hue when the light touched it. It reveled in its radiant beauty, weaving ribbons of vibrant colours across the heavens and cascading through the depths of the boundless sea. With each graceful movement, it bestowed joy and wonder upon all who beheld its mesmerizing form. Yet, in its timeless wisdom, the Rainbow Serpent knew that growth and transformation required stillness and introspection. In reverence to the eternal cycle of existence, it would retreat to the sacred place of quiet solitude. There, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, the Rainbow Serpent would surrender to the essence of change, shedding its old skin, a magnificent tapestry of colours. As the skin touched the earth, it faded and merged with the soil, becoming one with the land that cradles our footsteps.

In this act of shedding, the Rainbow Serpent relinquished the burdens of the past, releasing the energies that no longer served its purpose. It surrendered to the healing touch of change. And as the Rainbow Serpent slumbered in its place of sacred solitude to contemplate the past and the future, its new skin began to form. Bit by bit, with each passing moment, it grew stronger, brighter and more vibrant. The Rainbow Serpent would emerge from its slumber with scales that glistened with renewed vigor and power and hope for a future worth fighting for.

So it is with our own existence. We too possess the the potential to undergo a profound metamorphosis. Just as the Rainbow Serpent sloughed its skin to become one with the earth, so too must we allow the remnants of our old selves to gracefully merge with the tapestry of our past experiences and life. We honour our history and embrace the lessons it has bestowed upon us, while eagerly stepping forward into the embrace of the unknown, brighter and hopefully wiser with the lessons of our past.

Embrace the Rainbow Serpent, to embrace the power to change, to shed the burdens that no longer serve our higher purpose. In the embrace of change, we find the essence of our truest selves and become catalysts of transformation, not only for ourselves but for the world that surrounds us.

Heed the wisdom of the Rainbow Serpent and embrace that transformative power that lies within us Shed our old skin, step into the light and become an embodiment of change, radiating with the luminosity of rebirth.

Written By Titus

May 15, 2023, 4:20 p.m.(10/24/1019 AR)

I’m reminded: Be careful. They don’t always come with nightmares, fire and destruction. Sometimes they come wearing or gifting everything you’ve ever wanted or desired or needed.

Written By Titus

April 17, 2023, 7:57 p.m.(8/24/1019 AR)

Dreams made real with hope and choice in hand,
Their beauty shines and brightens up the day,
As I move forward through the shifting sand,
My heart and mind so full of hopeful play.

But when I'm driven by compulsion's weight,
And bound by chains of sorrow and despair,
The nightmares come and bring me to my fate,
With no escape, no way to get out there.

So let me choose the path of hope and light,
And keep my dreams alive with all my might,
For in the end, it's my choice to make things right,
And make this world a place of hope and light.

Written By Titus

April 13, 2023, 6:48 p.m.(8/16/1019 AR)

It’s highly important to understand the influence of history on our present and future. Often, battles shape these three.

As a Vaevici, I know all too well the horrors of the battlefield. The clash of steel, the cries of the wounded and dying, the smell of blood and smoke are all too familiar to me. It’s a place of tragedy and sorry, where lives are lost, families torn apart, and dreams sundered. I know the decisions I make on the battlefield will have a profound impact on the lives of soldiers I lead and the fate of my people. But, it isn’t just the present moment I must consider.

The past holds a key to our understanding of the present, and it often those who control the narrative of history who hold the power to shape our future. This is why it’s important to share the stories of the past, to let those stories live on in the hearts of those who desire to seek and listen, so that the stories can’t be lost like what has happened in Arvum. And to look at history with a critical eye and question the narratives we find presented.

But, there’s also a deeper layer to the battlefield, a terrible song that few wish to hear. It’s a song of war and death, of sacrifice and honour, of triumph and tragedy. As a conductor of battles, I’m keenly aware of this song. A song sung by the fallen, a song that echoes through the ages.

Yet, even amidst the horror and tragedy of the battlefield, there’s a glimmer of hope. It’s the hope that our sacrifices will not be in vain, that our struggle will bring about a better future for those we leave behind. This hope is what drives me and others to continue fighting, to continue striving for a better world.

I’m reminded that the battles we fight today will shape the course of history. It’s up to us to understand the lessons of the past, to resist the attempts to manipulate and control history and to create a better future for ourselves and future generations we will not see.

In the end, the terrible song of the battlefield will continue to be sung but it’s up to us to ensure that its message is one of hope, of sacrifice and of honour.

Written By Titus

April 3, 2023, 7:58 p.m.(7/24/1019 AR)

In Sangris, our city of crimson stone,
We are the guardians of our fate alone.
The needs of many outweigh the needs of few,
Our pyros empowered by choices we pursue.

We are warriors of honour, born and raised
Within the walls of Sangris, where we're praised
By the Stone Watchers, vigilant and strong,
Who've witnessed Vaevici heroes for so long.

Our city walls are massive, red, and feared,
Dreaded by any who wish to interfere
With House Vaevici and the people of Sangris,
Who'd die to protect what we hold dear in this.

Our minimalism yields effectiveness,
Our strength outshines ephemeral success,
For we value enduring works and might,
And put our military first in sight.

We stand in the Caldera, a land at war,
Our coast called the Sea of Skulls, forevermore
Haunted by the spirits of the dead,
Who seek to continue battles they once led.

But Sangris has never been breached, and we
Are hardy, warlike, and unwilling to flee.
Our pyros burns bright, fueled by honour and code,
Our destiny shaped by the choices we hold.

In the Valley of Flies, where corpses lay,
We remind invaders what's coming their way.
And at the Godfall, a sacred site we hold,
Forbidden to outsiders, a story untold.

For in Sangris, our city of crimson stone,
We are the writers of our fate alone.
And with the Stone Watchers as our guide,
We'll continue to stand, never to divide.

Written By Titus

April 3, 2023, 7:49 p.m.(7/24/1019 AR)

Oh Sentinel, faceless god of justice true,
Whose helm that hides thy visage from our view,
I pray to thee for strength and grace,
To face each trial with honour and embrace.

Not victory alone, but growth of soul,
Through trial and hardship make us strong and whole.
May honour be our guide in every quest,
And virtue guide our deeds at every test.

Thou art the Silent Watcher of our strife,
Recording all that happens in this life.
In failure, let us be unmarked by shame,
And in thy justice find eternal fame.

And Gloria, Grandmaster of the brave,
Whose sword points downward to an honoured grave,
I pray not for mere victory in war,
But strength to do my duty evermore.

When faced with battles where defeat seems sure,
May honour be my shield and strength secure.
And when I cross the threshold of the next,
May my head be unbowed, my soul unvexed.

For thou, O goddess, champion of the right,
Inspire us to stand tall and join the fight.
I pray to thee for strength and guidance true,
To face each challenge as a knight should do.

Written By Titus

March 27, 2023, 2:09 a.m.(7/8/1019 AR)

In days of old, when knights were bold and true,
Two goddesses did watch o'er battles fought,
One Gloria, the other Death, they knew
The thin red line, the price that must be bought.

With Gloria's sword, the knights did charge ahead,
In battles fierce against the darkness' might,
They fought with honour, never filled with dread,
Their cause was just, their valour burning bright.

But Death, she watched with laughter in her eyes,
She knew that all must end in time, it's true,
Yet in their deaths, she saw a new sunrise,
A chance to start again, to live anew.

Though victory was not their sole desire,
Their valour and their honour undefeated,
They would rise again, fueled by the fire
Of Gloria's love, Death's cycle completed.

So fight they did, both for the here and now,
And for the promise of a new sunrise,
For though they knew not when, they knew somehow,
That Death would come and bring them to the skies.

So let us fight, with Gloria's sword in hand,
And know that Death is but a friend in wait,
For in her laughter, we can understand
That all must end, but valour conquers fate.

Written By Titus

March 18, 2023, 4:27 a.m.(6/19/1019 AR)

Am I marching with purpose towards my goals, or am I a leaf on the wind at the mercy of the shifting winds of fate?

Do I find fulfillment and joy in my daily battles and interactions, or am I but a pawn in the epic struggle of life?

Do I make deliberate and conscious choices based on my convictions and values or am I a puppet whose strings are pulled by the whims of others?

Do I take time to reflect and learn from my past conquests and defeats or am I just a drone buzzing from task to task without thought or introspection?

Do I seek new challenges and adventures to broaden my horizons and make my world bigger or am I content to dwell in the familiar prison walls of comfort?

Life is a continuous process of learning, and every experience, whether good or bad, is an opportunity for growth and enlightenment. When it's time for me to meet the Queen may Vellichor speak the chapter of my life in His Story and the actions I did be verified by the all seeing Sentinel that what I did was honourable.

Written By Titus

Feb. 26, 2023, 9:38 p.m.(5/8/1019 AR)

As Vaevici assist in the Pravus ward and elsewhere with a positive response to the flooding and storms, I've given some thought on the matter. May the tempest that comes after the battle wash away the blood and grime not only from our armour, but also the heart and mind. May the rains that come after nourish the earth so that life might spring anew. And in the dark storm, let us look to the future and a brighter tomorrow.

Written By Titus

Jan. 13, 2023, 2:39 a.m.(3/20/1019 AR)

Every day I awaken is another day Arx endures, and each day I will remember. I hope others too speak the words and bring them to life each day.

I shall feed my hungry brethren; I nourish as a mother;
I shall honor soil and seed; I am fertile as a father;
I change as the world changes; I light the path ahead;
I return to my ultimate beginning; I face the end without dread;

I swear no oath I shall not keep, I love without reserve;
I speak no lies before gods or men, I judge every soul by its deserve;
I accept the kindness of the gods, I give freely of my charity to all;
I keep no brother or sister in chains, I claim my choice come rise or fall.

I learn all the gods have to teach, I take in wisdom respite;
I act with every breath in honor, I surrender no righteous fight;
I create with hue and light, I bring forth new life with my every mark;
I praise the Dream Eternal; I swear my life to protect it from the dark.

Written By Titus

Jan. 13, 2023, 2:35 a.m.(3/20/1019 AR)

Zealotry makes people uncomfortable because it's more convenient and safe to be indifferent, to kick the problem to tomorrow's burden. But we should never be lukewarm, instead we should be like father phoenix and burn hot and uncompromising in this life. A Child of Sangris rejects indifference for the enemy is all in and we should be as well.

The Code demands no less.

Shine bright even if you feel you are but one flame against the encroaching cold and darkness for those you save will glow as well as their children and their children's children to the end as your life's choice ripples and reverberates in the great dream of life. After all, we never pray for victory but instead to stand to the end with honour unbroken.

Written By Titus

Oct. 26, 2022, 4:25 p.m.(8/19/1018 AR)

Three gifts were given. The first was the certainty of the past. The second was the challenge of the present. The third was the hope for tomorrow.

Written By Titus

Oct. 13, 2022, 6:42 p.m.(7/21/1018 AR)

Don't come in as a friend only to pull the rug from under your host's feet when they're at their most vulnerable and then bring some uninvited stranger from a far off place to appoint them as the landlord.

That just isn't what friends do.

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