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Written By Peri

Sept. 5, 2019, 3:53 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

The Platinum Emissary

This is a wax drawing of a talk in the Hall of Tutelage at the Vellichorian Academy. It is not poorly done, but it clearly not the work of a master. The main focus is on a woman standing at a lectern not too far from the Archscholar. The Archscholar stands only a few inches shorter than the woman. Others in the hall are only hinted at with a few strokes.

This woman has no doubts. She stares out at you from the page with a challenge that demands you to question your beliefs. She would never back down from that challenge, yet she looks tired. Her countenance is that of a parent herding fractious children. Her mouth is compressed in a half-frown that gives a hint of someone asking, "Why me?". In the moment captured by this sketch, there is a look as she might glance up at the ceiling in frustration.

Her eyes are striking. Their angle is unlike the eyes of any Arvani. How many people do you know with eyes the color of gold? You know one now. Her pale olive skin is is perfect but for the white line of a subtle scar on her left cheek. The jet black color of her hair stands out in stark contrast. It is intricately braided and coiled in a neat bun atop her head.

10/12/1011 AR

Written By Peri

Sept. 5, 2019, 10:20 a.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

If excommunication is a declaration from the faith that Elisha is an exile from all of the compact then what you say follows, but I question that it is the purview of the faith to exile people from our lands.

The faith and the law are /only in part/ overlapping magisteria. We may choose to ban any excommunicated person from our lands and from our ward in Arx, but not from all of the lands of Compact or Arx entire. (I have not the full knowledge of law or the faith. I ask to be corrected.)

For my part I was worried he would not be able to seek shelter and food in the charity houses of the city. Now that I know Rinel is providing for him I do not need to guarantee charity.

It is my hope he will return to the faith.

Written By Peri

Sept. 4, 2019, 12:49 p.m.(10/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I assert that an excommunicated person should still be able to buy food at a market. And despite their untrustworthiness, they must be able to work else how shall they eat? How shall their children or family eat?

Written By Peri

Aug. 16, 2019, 1:32 p.m.(8/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Maja

...the resplendent iridescent.

Written By Peri

Aug. 15, 2019, 11:52 a.m.(8/26/1011 AR)

I would go so far as to say that if I treat someone with respect irrespective of whether I respect them then I am civilized. perhaps even diplomatic. There is one level where I wish to have the respect of someone, but on another level the behavior is what matters.

If you are a leader you know this. If you have two people who hate each other working on the same project, you tell them to treat each other with respect. This is how we get things done.

Written By Peri

Aug. 14, 2019, 2:33 p.m.(8/24/1011 AR)

I regret missing the Salon discussion on redemption. I wanted to learn many things from the people there. Herein are thoughts I wished to explore.

Redemption brings to my mind acts that call for judgement after a time of contrition. I may give pardon or punishment - deciding if my vassal is reformed or capable of reform. This also happens on a personal level. I may decide whether someone who has wronged myself or others has reformed. I do not think the path of redemption is about this. I think it is a holy judgement about the life of a person after contrition and not something I decide. It is about what happens after an act of sin and not about what happens after mere crime or abuse. It happens on a different level.

Yet I am not a scholar of the pantheon and hoped to learn where my mistakes in judgement are by testing them at the gathering.

Written By Peri

Aug. 7, 2019, 12:22 p.m.(8/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Eddard

Soot is house trained. If he shat on your carpet then you've seriously alarmed or offended the him. Perhaps he now holds a grudge. I shall no longer ask you for fashion advice via my Soot. Poor Soot.

Written By Peri

July 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

I miss Salon discussions.

It was good to see the faith's explanation on whether crime is a thing that need exist or that naturally exists in a world of change and freewill. I went to that talk only knowing that I think crime must exist in a world with war and great power differentials. For if we do not have people skilled in dirty tricks we will have no competency in bringing choice to people in chains. It was a simple and pragmatic view, and being around those well versed in faith and philosophy was good for my soul.

I valued the perspectives of all of the people at the talk on leadership. We had people discuss what qualities of leadership are vital. Leadership is comprised of many different virtues and what may seem to be vices (tyranny?!). We had leaders of all stripes at the salon to discuss the different qualities of leadership needed to lead one's people to bend the knee, versus the qualities of leadership of one who's people have bent the knee for generations.

These are but two Salons of all the many given. I miss them.

Written By Peri

July 21, 2019, 2:26 p.m.(7/4/1011 AR)

We will be having a memorial service for the slain guards.

Written By Peri

July 17, 2019, 10:55 a.m.(6/24/1011 AR)

Who are the Triarchs?

Recently I was chatting people in the Ambassador Salon and of course the topic of our foreign visitors and Platinum came up. I was told that Arx once received a mysterious delivery of platinum. How intriguing. I went to the archives to search through our recent history. There are many whites about platinum - the metal, the coin, the emperor of the Undying Empire. I found ones about about the delivery of ballistae in 1007.

But even more intriguing, I read whites about the Canticle of the Long Vigil written by Father Alessandro Rubino long ago. He wrote, "beware the coming war between a Platinum Empire, the Triarchs and the lords of the sky." Maybe there was an unstable balance of powers that he saw and his warning was of what would happen if the balance was tipped. Perhaps I can find this canticle to read for myself.

I was not diligent in my study of history as a child, thus I do not have insight from this to apply to our present day. On the other hand, I am a nonpareil sailor. Give me a ship, and I can take a historian anywhere.

Written By Peri

July 16, 2019, 10:45 a.m.(6/21/1011 AR)

As I continue to update my files on foreign kingdoms I wonder about many things. Of late, I ponder lifespans. There are stories where people have lived a thousand years. We hear stories about Platinum and the Metallic Order from long before the reckoning. At a recent talk, the emissary from Cardia said that he has served in his office for 900 years. How is it that these people live such long lives? I've heard stories told about an emperor who sold his soul to live forever but that was a child's tale. Children's tales are simple things that entertain or teach moral precepts, are they not?

Written By Peri

July 10, 2019, 1 a.m.(6/8/1011 AR)

I am glad people are sharing their thoughts on the visitors from Cardia and Jadairal. They give me reflections to study.

Foreign lands have been an interest of mind since childhood. I have investigated this matter and found that only every few years or so a traveler from Cardia reaches us, and that visitors from Nefer'khat or Jadairal are much more rare. It is exceedingly hard to learn about the lives of people like us from those lands. We find bits of ancient history and grudges held over millennia. We do not know what type of houses they live in, what rivers they ford, what they eat. The "Wager of Hearts" just closed in Arx. What could I learn from /their/ playwrights? What is life like for noble or commoner?

I trust them the same as I trust us - if you want to know about Pearlspire, ask me or anyone from Pearlspire. You can trust us to be ourselves. I think the same will be true for their peoples.

I have a goal of one day traveling to foreign lands much like Prince Cerdic Valardin did. I don't have a ship like the Nightstar, but I can see the progress being made in shipbuilding. In the past few years we have gained an ability to reach as far as the Suthryn Wastes - You can read about the travels of the Victorious in the Map Room of the Society of Explorers and the travels of the Carlotta in the whites to see evidence of that.

I would not go to any of them for matters of faith. If I understood the praetor right, the people in Cardia think our gods are alfar except for maybe Aion. It was very confusing; do not take my word on it. In contrast, the emissary from Jadairal called their faith the Grace of the Thirteen and said that they worship Skald. They at least sound like they worship our gods, though I question their understanding of Skald.

Written By Peri

July 8, 2019, 11:19 a.m.(6/5/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincenzo

In your journal you write of the foreign emissaries from Cardia and the Undying Empire. I have also wondered why they have no embassies here. Cardia does not seem to recognize us as a kingdom as yet. Lord Marcus Sulla explained his role as military praetor as an office of a military governor that is set over a region that is not yet under their control. That is the language he used - yet. They seem to acknowledge that other kingdoms exist. They refer to a Prima of a kingdom in Nefer'khat as majesty yet call our King governor. As to their power, It is beyond my comprehension when I consider the history of the Suthryn Reaches as mentioned in the timeline written by Scholar Tobias the Dubious. We have our own histories - the Isle of Blackshore or Saikland Greens being ones mentioned at that talk.

I do not know if establishing embassies is something we'd want - what would follow from a formal relationship? And If we even want embassies perhaps they would need to agree to establish an embassy at the same time as the Undying Empire, given their detente here in our waters. One thinks that would require a work of legendary diplomacy.

Matters are delicate. I do not know what maintains this balance. I pray that our King and his diplomats continue to have wisdom.

Written By Peri

July 8, 2019, 10:34 a.m.(6/5/1011 AR)

At the 'Questions on Cardia' talk there was mention of a prophecy about the skykingdom. I know little about prophecies, and I am making slow but steady progress to lose my ignorance. I have not read many prophecies, and an elderly scholar in the archives who has told me about how vague and allegorical they tend to be. There's no plain language explaining on which date something will happen, or what exactly will happen.

It was also said at the talk that prophecies can be avoided because of the First Choice. It sounds challenging, does it not? How would someone know what to choose when faced with symbolism and poetry?

Written By Peri

June 25, 2019, 12:24 p.m.(5/7/1011 AR)

All this talk of birds reminds me of the nature of crows. They are clever and mischievous messengers with thieving natures. The breeder who created them said the thieving was likely the legacy of magpies.

It is unsettling to hear that the breeder was bound, but many people have crow messengers, even our Legate of the Lost. I do not think a Legate would have a crow messenger if crows were in any way intrinsically bad.

Written By Peri

June 23, 2019, 11:32 a.m.(5/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ajax

Send him trumpets. Kids love trumpets. also drums.

Written By Peri

June 23, 2019, 11:31 a.m.(5/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

I can help with your ignorance of matters outside the walls of Arx. I tell you again of your vassals who work without slaves without starving. Let me also make it known to you that your people have asked for charity with much dignity and passion and many slaves were freed due to this.

Written By Peri

June 23, 2019, 10:31 a.m.(5/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Gesa

When I have tried to appeal to the humanity of slavers they ignored talk of individuals and thought only of economics. I do not talk of compassion to those people anymore.

Written By Peri

June 22, 2019, 6:18 p.m.(5/2/1011 AR)

The pond in the Bisland east garden is my favorite pond in the all of Arx.

Written By Peri

June 22, 2019, 4:54 p.m.(5/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

I confess! I left money at the Shrine of the Queen of Endings.

I was in a panic that day over worry for the safety of my friend. I went to all the shrines that day to pray for him, but at the shrines of Mangata and the Queen of Endings I left offerings. I left a necklace at the Shrine of Mangata and money at the Shrine of the Queen of Endings.

My friend and I are sailors and travel on Mangata's waters. Her waters wash the sands of many shores. I have heard of the black sand in the lowers and thought perhaps she would protect him from it. I left a necklace I cherish in hopes she might protect my friend whom many cherish.

As my friend is also beloved of the Queen of Endings, I left coin with the thought of how ephemeral possessions are and how much chance is involved in life. I thought perhaps the Queen would like that I left it in her hands who would stumble upon that coin.

It was some time later that a friend explained more of gods and the pantheon to me. I was foolish in my ignorance, but I do not regret the offerings if they did not offend the gods.

And I also do not regret them even more now - for they have amused people.

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