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Written By Mia

March 1, 2020, 12:22 p.m.(11/7/1012 AR)

My eldest child, Vahari, is fifteen.

My youngest child, Imogen, is two.

One might assume that two daughters of such different ages would have very little in common with each other, but such an assumption would be a mistake. As I've recently discovered, they both have an extraordinary fondness for the word "No!" -- usually shouted at a truly impressive volume.

Written By Mia

Jan. 25, 2020, 12:31 p.m.(8.575707258597884/19.23960648148148/1012.6313089382165 AR)

This morning, I woke to sounds of panicked shrieking in the hall.

Thinking something was terribly wrong, I rushed out of my chambers to discover that our toddler had grabbed hold of and was trying to show her governess the half-eaten mouse which had been deposited outside the nursery door -- presumably by Tinsel -- as a 'present'.

To anyone else who is suddenly overcome with a desire to gift my children with unexpected pets, I feel I should warn you: I have a very large army, a Prodigal warlord for a husband, and little patience.

Written By Mia

July 7, 2019, 10:12 p.m.(6/4/1011 AR)

There is something immensely satisfying in encouraging newlyweds to make doe-eyes at one another.

I suspect this relegates me to the role of 'meddling aunt', even to those who bear no relation to me or to my House whatsoever.

Written By Mia

June 17, 2019, 7:51 a.m.(4/19/1011 AR)

Is there any phrase in the world that simultaneously excites as much anticipation as it does dread quite the way "my lady, you have a messenger" does?

Written By Mia

April 21, 2019, 10:33 p.m.(12/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

At the urging of Lady Keaton, I have been practicing with a bow every afternoon for at least one hour a day. I cannot say whether or not I've discovered any particular talent as an archer, but I can say that I have discovered muscles I was never aware I had. And they are sore.

All of them are sore.

Written By Mia

March 18, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(10/6/1010 AR)

It is only her second day in this world, and we do not yet know who or what she will become. And yet our dear little Imogen has made quite the impression, which I record here now for her to read someday, many years from now.

Vahari is quite taken with the idea of no longer being the only girl in the nest and is dreaming of all the future moments she will finally be able to share with you. I suspect a few conspiracies against your brothers may be among them.

Rohan, our most rambunctious child, is unexpectedly calmed in your presence. Too young to remember when Kelleth was born, he's quite stunned by how very small you are, and has apparently decided it falls to him to protect you.

Kelleth has reminded me that he asked for a boy, not a girl, and has informed me that is not happy at the idea of having -- and I quote -- "another sister to boss him about."

Written By Mia

March 17, 2019, 11:06 p.m.(10/5/1010 AR)

I offer this warning in the service of all fathers:

The late stages of your wife's term is a particularly inopportune time to mock her for her poor balance, lack of grace, and general swollenness. Yes, she may be slower than normal and thus far less likely to strike, but it's only a matter of weeks -- perhaps even days -- until there will be a tiny, squalling person prone to all sorts of unpleasant eruptions that she can inflict on you as retaliation.

Beware a patient woman. You've been warned.

Written By Mia

Feb. 12, 2019, 9:25 p.m.(7/22/1010 AR)

I've been asked by someone I care for quite deeply to provide assistance in finding her a partner, but in truth, I have never been asked to play the role of matchmaker where love might actually be the determining factor as opposed to a peripheral consideration. On the contrary, I am far more accustomed to working within the confines of politics, with needs dictated by the respective Houses involved and things like dowries and trade pacts to consider.

How in the world do people actually manage this?

Written By Mia

Jan. 21, 2019, 12:38 a.m.(6/5/1010 AR)

They said that we could never replace Copper, and in that they are right.

No man or woman, no matter how strong, or learned, or talented could be her equal. Not a single one of us.

They said that we could never replace Copper, and in that they are wrong.

Every last one of may yet replace her, if we band together as a people, to protect Arvum against that which would destroy it. That was her lesson to us -- and it was her greatest gift. Not safety, but hope. Not strength, but faith. Not power, but freedom.

Arvum, we are told, has been presented with a choice -- to be annexed by the Skykingdom of Cardia or the Undying Empire of Jadairal. This choice is an illusion, for there is no true choice here at all. What we have been offered is to be bound in service to one of two great nations who would use us as tools in their ancient war against their hated enemy -- one another. The choice is not whose 'protection' we will accept, but whether we wish to be made slaves bound by writ or by chain.

I say neither.

Slavery is not in our nature. We are a free people, the children of Arx, and strive even now to be ever moreso -- to break those last lingerings bonds and walk the path of Choice, no matter how winding and difficult it may be. I urge you all, people of the Compact, whether you lay claim to the Crown or to a single coin, to remember that. To remember Copper, the Light of Hope. And to strive every moment to honor her by embracing what she has given us, by remembering what she died for, by bringing whatever measure of hope you can to this world.

She may be gone, but she is not lost to us -- yet. She lives in us so long as we strive to be free.

Written By Mia

Sept. 2, 2018, 11:20 p.m.(7/6/1009 AR)

I owe my gratitude to Princess Denica Thrax and to Lady Delilah Whitehawk, for their bravery and their commitment to bettering the lives of those who would seek to live free. This enemy I cannot forgive, but nor will I forget Riven's friends.

Written By Mia

Aug. 19, 2018, 11:56 a.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

I've heard much talk of last evening's Gala and, for many reasons, deeply regret that I was unable to attend. But the demands of a mother are neverending, and even the glitter and grandeur is not enough to pull me away from an ill child's bed. For that, I hope that I may be forgiven by those who poured so very much effort into the entire affair, particularly given the embarrassing and egregious fact that I was not there to offer my thanks and my compliments to those who made my unexpected good fortune possible, as I now find myself in possession of a particularly fine fire-weave cloak. It is -- I dare say -- more precious than all of my other personal effects combined, and will one day join the Twain as heirlooms of our House.

So let me express my delight and my wonder here and now, for them to see, and the public to know, and history to note. Perhaps one day, several generations from now, a Count or Countess of Riven will wrap themselves up in the warmth of this treasure, and read my words of its origins, and think of them.

To Lady Monique Greenmarch and to His Highness, Prince Tyrval Ael'Noctis of the Nox'alfar --
Your generosity is astounding. As it has always been, with my House, with my husband, and with me, even in moments when I have least been deserving of it. I would say my thanks to you if you'd hear them, but I believe you'll find them to be awkward, stumbling things, unfitting of the gift you have given in exchange for a simple scrap of paper.

To Mistress Petal Penrose of the Tangled Skein --
You, madame, are a living wonder who has wrought nothing short of miracles from things as simple as a bolt of cotton and a bobbin of thread, which many items in my wardrobe are a testament to. Now, to have this, which you have clearly put so much of your heart and your talent into is a blessing. I can only hope to wear it well enough to see you pleased with the accomplishment. Thank you.

Written By Mia

July 29, 2018, 10:52 p.m.(4/15/1009 AR)

Recently, I sent word through the city that Riven was planning to expand its library and would be interested in making purchase of a fairly large number of books. In reply, I received no offer of sales, but instead received several generous gifts from a number of residents of the city. I should like to name them here, both in order to express my thanks and to record their generosity for posterity's sake.

Prince Niklas Grayson
Lady Delilah Whitehawk
Master Oswyn Spencer
Mistress Gianna Whisper

The tomes they've given me have been placed in our library for members of the House to enjoy, both now and in the future. Through their gifts, they have contributed to the education of subsequent generations of Rivens, and I pray that Gild and Vellichor both smile on them for it.

Written By Mia

July 23, 2018, 12:50 p.m.(4/2/1009 AR)

Recently, my husband procured an advanced copy of "The Baron's Muse - Part II" for me as a gift for my birthday.

I've just finished it, and must admit that I am entirely enamoured with it and with its characters. What a lovely present to have received! But in addition to thanking the Count, I must also thank the proprietor of the Gilded Page, Lady Monique Greenmarch, for providing the copy and the anonymous "Storm Night" -- its author -- for agreeing to the sale of the early manuscript. You, good sir or madam, whoever you may be, have my heartfelt pledge that it will remain locked in our private collections and its content locked away in my head until it has been released to the public at large.

After all, I'd hate to spoil the surprise for your other readers.

Written By Mia

July 16, 2018, 3:13 p.m.(3/15/1009 AR)

Just a few short hours ago, my thirty-fourth birthday passed. It should be a time of celebration, but I -- as I am wont to do -- find it to be a time of refelection, instead.

I have now been "the Countess Riven" for half my life, having come to the title far earlier than most, and in the midst of a great tragedy both personal and political. And in that time, the Twainfort has changed more than I ever could have imagined. One choice, made to save my House and my people, has now spiralled into dozens and dozens more, which have irrevocably changed so much of who we are. My husband calls me 'the Chief of a Hundred Tribes' in jest, but in truth, I've started to loose count of how many Prodigals from how many peoples march under our banner now. I used to know each and every one by name or by face or both, and now it's a matter often delegated to Ministers and to census-takers and to Scholars.

The girl I was at seventeen would not have looked at the Twainfort as it is now, and recognized it as her home. But to the woman I've become, it is precisely that, and proudly -- even fiercely -- so.

What will it be in another seventeen years, when -- if the gods are good -- I will have past my fiftieth year and boast more gray hairs than black? Who will I be, and will I be worthy of what Riven has been made into?

Written By Mia

July 15, 2018, 10:45 p.m.(3/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Today, the Keatons were -- after much dedication and hard work on behalf of their people -- elevated to the rank of Marquis and of Marquessa. I'm quite pleased for Oakhaven, and on a far more personal note, for them. After all, it was Reigna Keaton alone who tried to save me at Stormwall after my foolish attempt to protect our fleeing wounded and healers, who had no other guard save Dame Harrow to cover their retreat. And though she was forced to flee, she was the only one who'd tried at all. Were it not for her moment of aid to my guards, I may not have lived to pen this now. My respect for the woman is, needless to say, immense. That I do not know her better is a regret, and one that I ought to remedy soon.

Written By Mia

May 6, 2018, 11:04 p.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Well, I think we'll be keeping him after all.

Written By Mia

April 8, 2018, 11:22 p.m.(7/8/1008 AR)

Once again, Grayson has rowed itself to victory -- with two of House Riven at the oars. My congratulations to my husband, to my Sword, and to all of the fine competitors at today's race.

Written By Mia

March 25, 2018, 11:39 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Once again, I find myself commending the actions of Dame Thena Grayhope -- now Grandmaster of the Knights of Solace -- though not for her elevation to such a station. Nor is it for her bravery on the battlefield.

No, it is for the simple act of tending the wounded, which was how I came to know her a year ago, as I watched her tend my husband. And now she has tended me. Were it not for her, I doubt I would have returned from Stormwall.

Riven will not forget the debts it owes.

Written By Mia

March 17, 2018, 12:48 a.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

From the Battle at Stormwall, 5/16/1008 AR:

At this rate, I am going to have enough scars to match my husband.

Written By Mia

March 8, 2018, 8:05 p.m.(4/28/1008 AR)

In the coming days, many of the men and women of the Compact will march north or sail east to meet the coming onslaught brought upon us by a mad and massive enemy. While it will not be the first time that I am thrust into combat, for which I am ill-suited, I find the prospect of destruction on such a scale does not rest well with me. Rather, it dredges up memories of a time more than a decade past when my House was nearly destroyed and those of us left behind were force to rebuild from the ashes. It brings to mind the question "What goodness will I have left in this world when I am gone?"

Without hesitation, I say to that 'my children'. I hope that one day, if I am very lucky and the gods are very kind, I may also say 'peace' for the riverlands and all her peoples.

And yet there could be more.

I am neither artist nor crafter, but I am blessed with rank and with title. It is within my power to lend my voice and my name, and frankly my silver, to a protege whose brilliant work is worthy of more recognition than it now receives. When I return from the North -- should I return from the North -- I hope to find one. Or several. Arvum will need to be reminded of the beauty and possibility in the world.

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