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Written By Magpie

April 3, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Nope, sometimes jokes aren't funny.

This one was, though.

If I had sold them in my shop as collectables I'm fairly sure people would have bought them.
You should see the squirrel couch I sold.

Written By Magpie

April 3, 2018, 8:24 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Dear People of Arx,

Sparte has been honorable and a true friend by protecting my involvement in the Great Bunny Prank on Prince Laric. However, I cannot throw him beneath the runaway cart and sit by idle while he takes all the blame. He and I worked together on preparing the Dead Bunny Brigade and while I can understand that some of you can't possibly help yourselves and must have something to righteously get upset about... The rest of you should be ashamed. Really? Pulling support from the people that are protecting us? Did you stop and think about it for even a minute before you got your breeches in a twist and lashed out?

Getting angry with the Inquisition over what was obviously a stupid joke? How are we supposed to fuckin' fight the enemy if you're scraping for every excuse to turn on our own?

I'm irritated. Really fuckin' irritated. For one, we're fighting big shitty enemies and this was a way to laugh at their way to threaten us. For two, I have to *defend* the Inquisition by writing this shit in my journal. The last thing I ever want to do is defend the damned Inquisition. And three? I worked really hard on that joke and no one even got to appreciate it because you all acted like a bunch of butt-hurt babies.

Get over yourselves and get serious about where the real danger is.

They're bunnies, for fuck's sake.

Magpie Grayhope

p.s. Laric, if this was all you trolling us in return? Well played.

Written By Magpie

March 21, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(5/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mayir

I don't know how much weight my opinions carry. I mean, I doubt it's much because I make a habit of being ridiculous. However, I can say in all seriousness, Mayir Grayhope was the real hero out there in that battle. He's the one that saw the trap of the shark. He's the one that called for us not to attack it and focus on the fleet instead. High Lord Victus Thrax heeded his words.

If you run into my cousin, Mayir, you buy that man a drink and tell him that if he hadn't been there, I truly believe the entire fleet and Setarco would have been lost. Mayir is a fucking hero. I'll punch anyone that denies it.

Written By Magpie

March 17, 2018, 12:30 p.m.(5/17/1008 AR)

Supply Commander's Log, for the archives:
We're out at sea. I don't usually write this shit but I thought it'd be fun.
Once all the ships were pointed in the directions they were meant to go, we had a ship-wide drinking contest on The Magpie, with the winners getting pick of their duties for the next day. This really wasn't much of a contest though because I wasn't giving up my place as Captain and Dan wasn't going to let anyone else be first mate. Mostly we all just drank.
After the drinking contest, there was a ship-wide pissing contest which involved aim, distance, and power metrics. Except for Fort. He was belowdeck being broody and artsy. Surprisingly, Zavi won that contest.
Then we came into some sand bars and reef areas we're fond of and did some fishing so we didn't have to dip into the war supplies. In honor of Dean, (We miss you buddy!), we had fried squid for dinner. Sooo good when caught fresh that afternoon.
After dinner we had our nightly flotilla with the Crow's Nest. We practiced rope maneuvers of swinging from ship to ship like raiders.


It's been a few days. More supplies. More cargo. Same old same old. The waters are fantastic though and I couldn't be happier, finally out at sea after so much time cooped up in the city. Mayir and I have gotten our rope maneuvers down to a respectable time. Not that either of us plan to take up raiding, but you never know when you might have to swing wildly on a rope while screaming like an idiot.


Supplies, supplies, back and forth. Then I ran into Lord Wash and his fleet. Convinced him to let me practice boarding via rope-swinging with his marines. Good times. Good times. Also met Mercy Victoria.


WOW. What a storm. Fucking spread the supply fleet everywhere and I'm just taking a few minutes breather before I go deal with the thick fog we're stuck in. Gotta find The Crow's Nest. Mayir crashed here on the Magpie last night and now his ship is off away somewhere.


Okay, that was a shit pit. Sending this back to the city to be archived. Need to track down Victus and get word to him. Supply fleet mostly found, Crow's Nest is gone. This shit just gets worse and worse. Stay away from Darkwater Watch unless you're someone I don't like.

Written By Magpie

March 14, 2018, 3:48 p.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Thank you, High Lord. I needed that.

I'll make sure the next release has more steamy scenes in it. Although, my next release .. well, let's just say it's book about a specific royal in the city, but I'm sure they won't mind if I spice things up.

Written By Magpie

March 11, 2018, 11 a.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Dear Journal,

I was going to write that I decided that war is for the birds. Then I realized that using *that* particular expression worked against what I wanted to express.

War is shit.

The siege? I was stuck here in the city. *Then* I got this stupid thing called responsibility dumped on me. Thanks Aureth.

Now? I'm busy all the damned time. My ambition got the better of me and I'm committed to a lot of things. I miss free-sailing whenever I wanted.

I sure hope I get what I was promised for all this hard work. If I don't, I'm gonna be one cranky Magpie.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 27, 2018, 4:19 p.m.(4/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Challenge accepted, Thena.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 24, 2018, 10:48 a.m.(4/3/1008 AR)

It's been a while since I wrote some moving poetry for the whites, and for the sake of rhyming I'm going to be referring to myself with the royal 'we'. It also fits if you make it to the end of the poem.

Here we go:

There's a man whose name rhymes with rictus,
And we have to admit, he tricked us;
We went to a meet,
Of plans for the fleet;
And that's when things all went awry.

At the planning there was lots of talk,
A great many nobles did balk!
The High Lord brought change;
Spoke of tactics and range,
But that's not what we're here to decry.

It was at the end of the show,
When all were preparing to go.
He bade one more question,
fore he ended the session;
Was there any last business to be had?

We stepped forward to speak on behalf;
Of the merchants and cogs in the path.
How to stay away from,
The battle to come,
And what followed made us very sad.

The admiral did not even ask,
before he laid upon us a task;
The responsibility,
of supply-runs at sea,
Are now a mess we have to cope.

And so...

As the new commander did stare on in woe,
Beside him was uttered, "Oh no."
Magpie's loyal right hand,
True friend of sea and land;
Master Assistant, Mayir Grayhope.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 16, 2018, 12:45 p.m.(3/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Wylla

Mmm. No. I don't think so. Concert sounds boring.

I wouldn't have smeared her blue paint if she hadn't lunged at me.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 15, 2018, 6:27 p.m.(3/7/1008 AR)

Be careful when going by the Shrine of Jayus. There's a mad woman there that will punch you in the gut if you get too close to her canvas.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 13, 2018, 2:43 p.m.(3/3/1008 AR)

Luca! .. Luca.. I had a lot of that cinnamon nonsense and I'm still feeling it. However, the bottles in question will be for sale at my shop. Soon.

I also can't taste anything today. I think I broke my tongue.

And I don'

Holy fuck someone challenged me to a duel! ALEKSEI!!! I wasn't going to point this out because I thought we were friends but now that is over!
WHO sent Aureth a friendship bracelet? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't YOU.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 13, 2018, 2:31 p.m.(3/3/1008 AR)

I must correct a grievous error that I made! Aureth is right. Aleksei has very fine abs and he could destroy me in a fight. Mostly I was just picking fun at you, cousin. (I still looove you, we're best friends remember?! <3 )

Where the fuck was I going with this. My point was, shit. I don't remember. Actually, that's a lie. I do remember but people keep asking me to shut up about things because of something that starts with 'polo' and ends with ticks. And politics really are kind of like ticks, aren't they? They latch on, all tiny and unassuming and then suck away your blood, and if you swat them they burst messily.

Yep. Good image, that.

So I guess to be a House Sword you have to be a noble. Therefore, I offer up an alternative.

MAGPIE GRAYHOPE for Sword of Dame Thena Grayhope Lounge!!

I admit, it's a bit of a mouthful, but so is DMoRPA, and I'm making that work.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 13, 2018, 10:33 a.m.(3/2/1008 AR)

I'm a little hungover, but let me see if I have this right.

Noble gets kicked out of noble family for being a loon. Easiest way for nobles to deal with it.
Loon gets thrown out of the Faith.
Loon is then cut down dead by 'honorable noble' in 'self-defense'.
The man was a *scholar*! I mean, I don't know about the rest of you but have you seen my cousin Aureth? He's a man of the Faith and not a scholar and you could beat him up with a pinky.

But I'm sure Costas was just shaking in his boots over the loon possibly hurting him.

Yeah, seems pretty clear-cut case of murder to me. Remember that time a bunch of shav were wholesale murderered before being captured for proper ques-.. oh wait, I'm not allowed to talk about that. I'm not a noble. No one is going to smooth over my transgressions for me.

Can I be a House Sword? I'd love to have the freedom to cut down my enemies and call it self-defense too. Anyone? Magpie for House Sword?

Written By Magpie

Feb. 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(2/28/1008 AR)

You send a person a friendship bracelet and they write back asking you what it's about... Obviously not enough people had friends in their childhood. Everyone should send friendship bracelets out to their best friends.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 9, 2018, 8:39 a.m.(2/22/1008 AR)

Luca was writing about my Pecker in the whites. Ah, another goal crossed off the bucket list.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 5, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(2/15/1008 AR)

I always remember to take *my* tea.

It's as much a habit as taking a piss in the morning and I'm high all the time. I'd think a *baron* would just have the cup delivered on his silver breakfast platter every morning?

But I guess it's good that he at least acknowledges the kid.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 4, 2018, 8:58 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

I'm starting to think the first part of being an older brother to someone is to never, ever, believe anything they tell you. But that's enough hanging around in the archives.

Nice to read Joscelin is having fun.

Written By Magpie

Feb. 4, 2018, 8:51 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

I met my brother-in-law today! Itzal is a lot like Mae, I can tell already. That's probably why I liked him, despite the fact that the first thing he did was lie to my face and rudely dodge my punch to his jaw. If anyone has suggestions for how I'm supposed to treat a younger brother, I'd love to hear them. The closest I've had up until now is Mayir, and he's awesome, but I feel like I need to be filling some kind of specific role with Itzal.

And when did I become 'older' than people around me? I've always been the youngest. It's weird.

At least I'm not super old like Aureth and Fort.

Written By Magpie

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:35 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Nothing like getting out on the waves to help me feel right with the world again. I really need to make time for sailing more. Maybe I should have grown up Thrax. Then again, I like to run my mouth so I'm sure I'd have three lifetimes of thralldom on my head by now if I had.

Journals have been interesting. Some fellow is trying far to hard to be disliked. Nierzen is on point, as he tends to be. I truly am in the greatest family in this city. If you're reading this and don't understand that, then you clearly aren't paying enough attention.

Got a commission to build a turtle house this week. That'd be a house for turtles, not a house made of turtles, or fashioned to look like a turtle. Although, I suppose if I wanted to get extra creative I *could* fashion the turtle house to

Nevermind. Anyway, my hand is starting to cramp up from all this writing and I can't remember much of my week to record for the history of the Compact. I smoked a lot. I drank some. I smoked more. Lots of Haze. A little Dust mixed in. Oh, had a really scary moment. Yep. Went on a booze cruise with my cousin. That about sums it up.

Written By Magpie

Jan. 24, 2018, 11:01 a.m.(1/11/1008 AR)

A journal mentioned a new series of figurines... They're not ones that I released, so I'm curious where they're being sold. Anyone that knows want to let me know?

I absolutely promise I won't send anyone to rough up the person crowding into my market share in any way. I'm simply interested in comparing the quality.
Honest! I would never threaten anyone about such a thing.

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