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Written By Maeve

July 8, 2017, 10:46 a.m.(10/18/1006 AR)

I have come in posession of a shop in which to sell my fragrances! It is a very nice shop. In the back is a little courtyard that can easily be turned into a beautiful garden. There is also a yurt to the back of the garden! As exciting as it is to have this shop, it is also bittersweet. This shop used to belong to Shadow. Sure, I could have built my very own shop. However, that just seemed like a waste of resources and space. It would mean unnecesary lumber and plaster being used to create a new building. So, it pleases me just to reuse something that is perfectly there. It is just sad that Shadow had to go in order for me to obtain the shop.

Written By Maeve

July 8, 2017, 10:38 a.m.(10/18/1006 AR)

I am still in shock and disbelief. His Honor, Darren Redrain has made me his Minister of Agriculture for the Redrain! This is simply mind boggling to me! I would have never ever ever ever thought I would be graced with such a high title. He knows how much I love the lands. I just hope my love is enough! I have also decided to learn more on agriculture itself. I know nature. I know plants. I know animals. However, Agriculture is a new set of knowledge in of itself. I am excited for this opportunity to serve, learn, and grow!

Written By Maeve

July 8, 2017, 10:30 a.m.(10/18/1006 AR)

So many people came together to fix the forest. There were the warriors that fought off the dangers. There were the leaders that organized the efforts. There were the workers that were willing to clear the brush and till the soil. It was myself and Prince Aiden Grayson that were willing to do the dirty, but very necessary work! Through our efforts, we were able to gather up tons of poo! Well.. people like to call it fertilizer, I call it what it is. It is this that will be tilled into the soil to give it life again. There is so much work ahead of the people of Arx. However, it warms me so much to know there are so many that pulled together to ensure the forest lives on.

Written By Maeve

June 19, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(9/7/1006 AR)

The forest continues to remain in a sad state. A decree has gone across the lands that forbids people from venturing out into the wooded lands. People are turning up missing and being hunted out there! There are people working on making the forest safe again. Until then, I will continue my efforts in developing a compost project for the blighted lands. This is going to take a lot of effort and planning. The land is vast that has been affected. I need to think of something..

Written By Maeve

June 18, 2017, 9:54 p.m.(9/5/1006 AR)

I have learned a very valuable lesson. Sometimes one should investigate whether they -should- do something instead of if they -could-. I also learned that ignorance is not bliss. I am just very lucky to have people in my life that are patient enough to explain to me why things are bad when I make mistakes. I am just very very happy that my mistake was stopped before anything bad happened. I am very very happy to learn from this.

Written By Maeve

May 28, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

I had the most interesting of adventures. I went with a group of very capable fighters and we delved into the shadowy crevices of the city. There are rats. GIANT rats! The smaller rats were the size of cats! Let's not mention the size of the Rat Lord! Oh my goodness! I helped to leave grains below. Tainted grains of course. It is laced with pain medicine created from the poppy. The medicine is a good thing, but must be used sparingly with people. Too much will simply make you sleep and stop breathing. I found it a more humane way of disposing of these unnatural creatures. It is also safer since those rats can seriously bite! I plan on going back in about a week's time to see what progress has been made.

Written By Maeve

May 28, 2017, 10:29 p.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

The forest's current state completely saddens me. Whenever I look upon it, I cannot help but to shed tears. So much life.. it is gone. It is just gone. Recently, I decided to strengthen my resolve and do something about it. So, I gathered various soil samples into various containers. I added different things to each bit of soil and planted marigolds within. The answer to the soil's problem is simple. We must refertilize it. The soil acts like farmland that has had no break. So, I have begun to go to various people in an attempt to gather spoiled food and.. poop. We must create compost! The dead plants must be cleared so that new life may grow. The soil must be tilled and fertilized. This will be a daunting task and it will be many years before the forest will retake it's former glory.

Written By Maeve

Dec. 9, 2016, 11:33 a.m.(5/4/1005 AR)

I don't know much about thralls and slaves. Sounds like a city problem.

I will say y'all need trees. You wouldn't be so upset if'n ya just shut up and hugged a tree. So everyone shut up and hug trees.

Written By Maeve

June 29, 2016, 11:51 p.m.(11/23/1003 AR)

Here I am writing again.
I have met the Prince Gareth of House Grayson, who is also of the Royal Inquisition. His Highness seemed nice enough. He's a stern man, but that's to be expected, as he must be in great pain because of his scars and everything. He asked if I would work for him, but I told him he'd have to ask this of House Redrain. I did send him a small pot of burn ointment for his scars, and something for the pain.

I have also collected some plants around the city, such as I found just growing out on the streets, not in anyone's gardens. I don't believe there is any law against this. Why, maybe the King should be paying me for it. I pulled down a chokewood vine off a branch before it rotted right through. It could have broken off and landed on someone's head, right on the street, or worse. And it was a good and solid tree that could live to see my grandchildren's grandchildren, if fate has any in store for me.

Also, once steeped, this vine is of great use for the innards, such as when they are loose after eating spoiled meat and some of the more flavorful dishes of the Lyceum.

And that is all I am writing now.

Written By Maeve

June 21, 2016, 5:30 p.m.(10/26/1003 AR)

I finished tallying our stocks of ingredients, and all the salves and ointments and potions and such prepared mixtures as there are, and also liquors and ales and wines, and some molds I found in the pantry.

I have also been doing my errands and looking around the city to see what I can see. I met folk, as well as princes and lordships and ladyships and I can't complain much about anyone.

I visited the Menagerie as I've been meaning to do. This is a bird I met there.

<what follows is a crude drawing of an exotic bird with abundant and showy plumage, with closer detail for the wings and beak>

I don't know what it's called. Maybe the next time I write in here I'll draw another of the beasts they have. Most of them I've never seen before. I saw a squirrel but I don't think it belonged.

I ask myself if they miss home. I can't complain, but I am here because I want to, and their Highnesses are good folk. Not that they're what some call folk, but they're good people, and they're closer to folk than others in this city. But I don't know if they'd like to read this, so I hope they don't, and I shall stop writing now.

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