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Written By Mae

May 15, 2018, 3:55 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

If anyone would know if a donkey was pleased or not, it would be Lord Niklas Kennex.

Written By Mae

May 15, 2018, 2:52 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

A father and his daughter were on their way to the Arx, hoping to buy a new blade for their plow. Walking with them was their beloved donkey. As they walked, they passed people here and there, who began to talk. "Look at those two fools. They've a perfectly good donkey, yet they walk! Surely they are too stupid to ride."

Hearing these words, the man grabbed hold of his child and set her atop the donkey and continued on the way. It wasn't long before they were hearing talk from the travelers they passed once more. "Look at that spoiled child, sitting atop the donkey while her father walks! Such disrespect."

Hearing these words, the man grabbed his child and took her down from the donkey. He mounted the beast himself, and they continued toward Arx. As they walked, they heard more chatter. "Look at that selfish man. Riding atop the donkey while forcing his child to walk. So cruel!"

Hearing these words, the man reached down and grabbed up his daughter, bringing her up onto the beasts back so she could sit in front of him. They continued on toward Arx, and it was only a few minutes before another group going the opposite direction passed them. "Look at those two," said one of the group. "Overburdening their donkey. Torturing that poor beast. Don't they know how awful they are?"

Hearing these words, the man was truly frustrated. He climbed down from the donkey and pulled his daughter down as well, and had a good think. After some time, he came up with a solution. He and his daughter fetched a pole, then bound the donkey's feet with leather straps. They hoisted the creature, carrying it by the pole, on their shoulders, upside down. As they struggled and groaned, the finally managed to carry their donkey into Arx, where everyone at the Seawatch Gate laughed and laughed at them. "Look at those two fools, carrying a donkey!" "Look at those monsters, dragging in this creature still alive to sell it's hide!" "Look at those poor savages, unable to afford a horse and cart to properly haul their beast."

The father and his daughter were both embarrassed and furious, but before they could come up with a new plan, the donkey finally bucked and kicked and broke free from the leather straps. Panicked and upset, the donkey ran off, never to be seen again. The man and his child lost their donkey, forever.

Try to please everyone and you will please none.

Written By Mae

May 10, 2018, 1:18 p.m.(9/19/1008 AR)

Two pregnant women. Three babies. One breech birth. The worst hangover of my life.

Both mamas safe and sound. All three babies happy and whole.

Thank the gods I had a capable assistant to conscript!

We didn't even drop any babies. I didn't even puke on anyone!

Permission to sleep for eternity now?

Written By Mae

May 10, 2018, 8:57 a.m.(9/18/1008 AR)

For the first time ever, I got drunk at one of my own drinking tournaments. I stayed mostly sober until the thing was over, and while I did have a few shots of the nasty booze, it was the bottle of wine that really did me in. I think.


Is this really what everyone feels like after being up all night drinking? Why would anyone choose to do this over and over?!

Is it an attempt at penance? Do we punish ourselves for our sins? Or is this the punishment for the sin of overindulgence? Overindulgence and writing letters when we really shouldn't be writing?

Really, really, really shouldn't have been writing.

I pray to the Gods for forgiveness and healing.

Written By Mae

May 10, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(9/18/1008 AR)

Another successful Darts and Drinking Contest at the Murder of Crows!

In darts...
Princess Reese Grayson claimed both the high throw of the night and the championship, defeating Josephine Arcuri 146 to 136.

In drinking...
High Lord Victus Thrax and Lady Kalani Seliki went five rounds before neither could manage to figure out how to hold a cup. I got tired of waiting for them and so we flipped a join. Lady Kalani won the coin flip!

And the booze was Magpie's idea and I'm not going to write about it because the white journals are not a toilet.

Written By Mae

May 9, 2018, 12:16 p.m.(9/17/1008 AR)

There's a lot I have to write about. A lot on my mind. But through it all, one thing is continuing to annoy me. And so I'm going to try my best to start a fight in the white journals.

Why can The Salon not actually produce anything? Why are all their meetings held so randomly, with no one bothering to write anything down? I keep being told I can read the entire minutes of the meeting, but it's usually followed by some indication that no one was paying close enough attention to be able to say what happened at their latest debate. Or, more overtly, as one princess put it, everyone was too drunk to write anything down.

I've written to three (four?) members of The Salon about my grievances. I'll write them publicly, now.

Please, members of The Salon, write down what the debate was about, a summary of the various stances taken, and if there was any outcome. It's not that much work, and in doing so you might actually prove yourself useful! I'll even see that these write-ups get published and distributed!

Pretty please?

(And for anyone who wants to say "Why don't you do it, Mae?", I say to you, "Why don't you do it, you?" )

If this task truly is impossible, I'll be satisfied if The Salon formally renames itself to the "Rich, Idle, Drunk, Ineffective Club". Ridic, for short.

Written By Mae

May 8, 2018, 8:01 p.m.(9/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

I want to make it as clear as I can here in the whites. My brother, Itzal Culler, has had very, very, very few romantic partners. It's my understanding he's had but two kisses in his entire life (admittedly, at least one of those must have been incredible, worth a million or three). My constant attempts to find him a date are not because he has an overabundance of "close friends", but quite the opposite. I just want my little brother to find a man or woman that makes him happy!

Written By Mae

May 8, 2018, 2:29 p.m.(9/15/1008 AR)

I like to consider myself lacking in a sense of humor AND incompetent. It's just the safer thing to be these days!

Written By Mae

May 8, 2018, 12:13 a.m.(9/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Learning art from Fortunato is the most costly thing I've ever done. Do not believe his lies. You will pay in hours, in tears, in wounded ego and regret and grief. You will pay with a piece of yourself, which will be lost forever.

Unless you're a crummy artist, then you'll probably be fine.

Written By Mae

May 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I need to write the Commoner's Bulletin today. It's admittedly been a hard week, and despite having plenty of time to read, I couldn't get up to the Archives to read the journals. So what did I find today, when I could finally make it? Talk of oath breaking and princesses charging for tutoring. What an exciting world we live in!

If I missed any other spats in the whites over the past week could someone please send me a summary? I'm too slow a reader to go through these all.

<3 Mae

Written By Mae

May 4, 2018, 5:23 p.m.(9/5/1008 AR)

I'm able to stand now, and walk around some, but the healers (and Magpie) do not want me going very far from bed. Also, no running allowed, whatsoever!

But I can stand. Which means I can stand in front of my canvas. Which means I set right into created my next GREAT WORK. And completed. And delivered it to Whisper House, where I am hoping it finds it's way to it's rightful owner. And yes, I know, I already painted her once, but it wouldn't be a proper obsession if I didn't obsess some.

Written By Mae

May 3, 2018, 12:11 p.m.(9/3/1008 AR)

I'm writing again, to say, again, that I'm just fine! Really. I'm even fixing to take a walk today!

So, if anyone reading this is very worried about me, don't be. And if you want to write, write to talk about things, not just ask how I'm doing. Because I'm doing great. And if you want to come see me, come see me! I like visitors!

I love you all very much, and I'm very grateful that so many people care, but my hand is starting to cramp up from writing "I'm okay, and I'll be back on my feet soon" over and over.

<3 Mae

Written By Mae

May 2, 2018, 10:15 a.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

It's true. I had a bit of an accident. The physicians have said I'll make a full recovery and be right as rain in a few days. So, please, no one worry! There's much better things to worry over than me.

So, while I'm laying around in bed being bored, Magpie is going to take over day-to-day operations at the Murder. Mayir, too!

Written By Mae

May 1, 2018, 2:15 p.m.(8/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaine

Get well soon.

Written By Mae

April 29, 2018, 6:42 p.m.(8/22/1008 AR)

Lumen has won a sort-of commission from me. I’ve never really done a commission, and even though she only gets to select a theme for the painting, I’m still nervous.

Also did I hear someone trying to buy Priorities of a Marquessa? I can’t hardly believe it. Will that be my legacy? I’m horrified.

Written By Mae

April 25, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(8/13/1008 AR)

The thing about puns is that they must be well done. They must have a purpose, a point, a direction. When used appropriately (and sparingly), they are brilliant! When used excessively, they are a fine source of torture.

I say we all embrace puns, carefully. They're clever. They're fun. They make wordplay a lot more than some antics.

Written By Mae

April 23, 2018, 3:49 p.m.(8/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

For gift day, my brother sent me a poem. I love you, Itzal Culler!

Mae was a woman all agree,
Ever busy like a bee,
Yet her brother,
What a bother!
Was by her presence happy.

Written By Mae

April 22, 2018, 8:20 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

My darling brother has found a kitten. More likely the cat found him, and he's now responsible for it. This is worth mentioning in the journals because this is the first time my brother has been responsible for anything else in his entire life. I do hope he does well.

And brother, you seek a name for your kitty?

How about Furen?

Get it. Fur-en?

Written By Mae

April 22, 2018, 8:14 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Lots of talk to proteges and patrons of late. Lots of promises what can be given and what is expected. How lucky am I to have found a patron that expects not a thing!

Though he better make good on that monthly dinner.

Written By Mae

April 16, 2018, 9:59 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

Oh, oh! Are we doing bad jokes? As a Harlequin, I'm duty bound to tell a bad joke.

No, no, not the best bad joke ever. That one I'm saving for Death Herself. But still, this should make Itzal sigh and rub his forehead and question if we're REALLY related.

What's blue and not very heavy?

Light blue.

What's that? You want another?

I saw a seagull today. It was huge. Almost big enough to be a D gull. But not quite big enough to be an eagle.

One more? Okay, last one. It's a little dirty.

What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anyone can roast beef.

You're welcome, Arx. You're welcome, Scholars.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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