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Written By Kastelon

Jan. 16, 2021, 2:10 p.m.(10/6/1014 AR)

When next I am considering what to learn in my adventures in soldiering, perhaps it is not swordplay that I ought seek to master, but dodging. I am clearly not as evasive as I'd thought. That, and perhaps poetic justice that it's not a sword that caught me, but another archer's arrow.

My shoulder should heal, I hope, before anything too serious comes lumbering into my path again. If life is kind.

Written By Kastelon

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:53 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

I seem to have acquired a set of new gloves through the tournament held to celebrate Princess Alis' birthday. Not that I'm at all certain how I managed it, but I placed first amongst the archers - and all while actually hitting only those things I aimed at.

Not that anyone receiving training from me had doubts about my ability, but perhaps this raise confidence in such when Keaton's archers are in the field in the coming weeks.

Written By Kastelon

Dec. 27, 2020, 11:27 a.m.(8/22/1014 AR)

The summer's dwindling fast and there's yet to be a second running of the cows. To think I've spent much of the summer preparing Bessie and Astra for a second attempt to capture the crown in the Bovine Grand Prix.

Am I the only one who misses such things? Alas.

Written By Kastelon

Dec. 13, 2020, 9:02 a.m.(7/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

I do not often find myself so very much surprised by the actions of others.

I've mentioned in passing to friends, in recent weeks, about the fact that I would find it beneficial to learn to ride and get a horse of my own for journeys to and from Oakhaven. Princess Valencia of the Hart has been a receptive audience to some of these discussions and, this week, inquired, if I would be desiring to accompany her on rides in the forests near the city. The ride was beautiful, and we saw a number of deer - who escaped unscathed, unlike we - before returning to the city.

I know not if I have it in me to fall from the saddle as much as she mentions needs be done to be considered a 'horseman', but... words cannot express my gratitude at her kindness to give me an opportunity to pursue this want of mine.

Written By Kastelon

Nov. 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m.(6/9/1014 AR)

Not that it's not a wonder, the things available here in this vast city, but larger events oft make me miss the solitude of being in the forests.

Resolute, you're fortunate for the excuse to be at home waiting to see what treats I bring you.

Written By Kastelon

Nov. 15, 2020, 8:43 a.m.(5/21/1014 AR)

An interesting meeting last night, all told.

My cousin the Marquis has seen fit to entrust to me the command of a troop of archers for the coming war with the Eurusi. On a ship. *A SHIP*. And further, to train our companies of archers before and after the conflict to come.

I had feared perhaps that I would be left behind as a rear guard after what happened at the Queensrest. Trust in one's judgement and abilities can be very fragile in these turbulent times. I will make my family and house proud.

Written By Kastelon

Nov. 8, 2020, 12:21 p.m.(5/8/1014 AR)

Concerns about with the whispers I'm hearing.

Tonight's the house meeting to discuss future plans and I find myself dreading what's to come. It's not that I dislike not knowing and having no expectations of what's to come, but that I see too many paths before us and it's worrying.

The last few conversations with Gerrick also have me concerned, but I have hopes that they will not be needed. "Where you go, we shall follow" remains the watchword.

Written By Kastelon

Oct. 31, 2020, 11:29 a.m.(4/19/1014 AR)

I've been informed by "Aunty" Margerie that cows are social animals, and that clearly, Bessie did not do as well as she could at the recent grand-prix run-off (hoof-off?) for lack of socialization. I'll confess I'd not thought about whether or not Resolute was companion enough for her.

Margerie surprised me this morning with Astra, another cow, to keep Bessie company. Such a wonderful and unexpected gift this is. I shall have to take time in the coming days, especially while the weather is increasingly pleasant, to make sure that the barn I have is large enough for both cows. Cheese, it would seem, is in the offing - now to learn how to make it.

Written By Kastelon

Oct. 25, 2020, 7:06 p.m.(4/8/1014 AR)

The small weapons event last night, held by Lady Monique, was quite the fascinating happening. I must admit that I'd not had thought before about the possibilities for concealing small weapons on a person or their use in such cases, and am embarrassed I did so poorly on attempting to not-quite-garrote Lord Ian. But, mistakes are how we learn to do better in the future, as my old master Gerrick used to remind us.

Written By Kastelon

Oct. 11, 2020, 3:01 p.m.(3/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

I cannot help but notice how often Resolute and I end up over at Princess Valencia's Golden Hart. It's not just a matter perhaps of finding a comfortable place that's out of the horrid wind that howls through the city streets in the depths of winter, or how it makes the snow get everywhere under one's cloak - it's the warmth and graciousness of her company, and the enjoyable conversation. Seeing how she makes all who come through her door feel welcome, and tries to best meet the needs of those under her roof, and seeing the joy on her face each and every time said guests are delighted.

This world would be a far better place, were there more people like her highness within it.

Written By Kastelon

Oct. 11, 2020, 10:52 a.m.(3/7/1014 AR)

The snow continues to come down without respite. As I've told others: the weather itself hardly offends me, but it's the wind down the streets of the city that leaves Resolute and me pining for summer. Even with the likelihood of what greater difficulties are waiting with the turn of the weather, I can't help but long for the end of this interminable snowfall.

Written By Kastelon

Oct. 4, 2020, 1:46 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

Finally owned up to my 'wager' (as it were, to be fair) about climbing a tree in the wake of Bessie's loss in the Grand Prix, with the Princess Valencia, Gerrick and Lady Gehenna in attendance. Ended up with a picnic in the trees, which I'm still not sure how we managed... but it was delightful.

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 27, 2020, 4:12 p.m.(2/8/1014 AR)

I'm honestly not quite certain of what to make of the bull riding competition - certainly, cow racing seems easier, more so when you don't have to deal with the pointy-bits being a threat to life and limb. Perhaps if there's a repeat, I could be persuaded to try my hand at it.

On the other hand, there's a good point to not being involved - being unencumbered for the evening lets you watch everything afoot. And her highness Valencia, gracious hostess as ever and kind friend that she is, showed me a fantastic spot for the next time I take in an event in her arena. Resolute doesn't seem to agree, but he is entitled to his opinions.

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 20, 2020, 10:07 p.m.(1/22/1014 AR)

There is surely one good thing about winter in the city as opposed to out in the wilds - it's certainly easier to make acquaintances about fires at the taverns in the city than it is huddled about one in the forest, and far more faces to be found about them as well.

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 18, 2020, 9 a.m.(1/17/1014 AR)

I think I've learned the hard way that sometimes, speaking one's mind in polite company's more fraught with peril than going out into the forest looking for bears. Though in both cases, it's more perhaps knowing when it's wise to actually stick your head into any particular cave.

Though on that note, I'm grateful to have understanding family who know I mean well.

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 13, 2020, 9:39 p.m.(1/8/1014 AR)

The snow reminds me of winters in the forests with the Shadow Bunnies. The quiet, the soft sound of snow falling, the way our tracks disappeared...

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 13, 2020, 11:38 a.m.(1/7/1014 AR)

I fear that the race did not go as I had hoped. Bessie did her utmost, but Baroness Gilden's Goldie was by far more fleet of foot, and hoofed it to the finish line far, far before any of the others. As was pointed outbid the Lady Medeia, Bessie ran better at Ashford and perhaps the city doesn't agree with her, so I ought push for similar venues in the future. Time will tell. I have at least a statuette for Bessie's troubles from the Queen.

In the meantime, the Princess Valencia has been kind enough to offer me the choice of any of her trees to climb in my shame, thus to make good on my promise to Gerrick to do such if Bessie was not crowned champion.

Written By Kastelon

Sept. 6, 2020, 8:12 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

The bovine grand prix looms in the coming days. It may not be the diversion others seek, but I am certain that we shall best Baroness Gilden's champion. Not that I think that Bessie cares much about the cup, to be fair.

Written By Kastelon

Aug. 30, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

My cow, Bessie, tied for first place at a bovine race hosted by the Ashfords. I've never been more proud of her, and credit Lady Thea Malvici for the gift, as well as the flowers on the Keaton grounds for providing excellent nutrition. All glory to Gloria.

Written By Kastelon

Aug. 23, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(11/21/1013 AR)

The joust was glorious.

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