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Written By Hadrian

July 18, 2021, 8:13 p.m.(11/11/1015 AR)

Today, nostalgia has shown me that it can lead to some very peculiar places. When it happens, it is often of its own accord and the subject of that sense seems random at best.

It's a fanciful distraction from more important matters, but sometimes it's heartening to reflect on the past to further motivate the present and future.

Written By Hadrian

July 18, 2021, 8:11 p.m.(11/11/1015 AR)

I can remember a time when the holdings of House Saik were little more than a small, landlocked keep on barely useful farming ground. It was held by a bloodline that was on a path of dire straits, with each loss felt as a great impact to the future of the family.

These days it has a coastline, specializes in the creation of fine glass, and vineyards that leave impressions across the Lyceum. That is the simplest list of its achievements over the years, of course! Today the line seems to be flourishing with the standard-issue twins cropping up left and right.

The point which I'm grasping at is, the Saikland Greens that I remember isn't the one of today. The people of Saikland have worked hard to prosper and flourish from meager origins to something greater in years past or even yesterday. The people of Ostria see something of a kinship in that effort and industriousness, because they too have seen their own lives improve over the years. An increase in personal wealth, infrastructure improvements, economic stability that is further reinforced by the First Bank of Ostria, robust efforts to provide security to the State and its people, and even reforms being considered when it comes to crime and methods of punishment!

Time changes all as part of life's cycle. We can look back to consider the way things were, because nostalgia is both a cruel and wonderful thing. We mustn't dwell in that place though, because the path ahead demands our attention and action.

I am proud of the achievements that House Saik has claimed over the years and look forward to its future series of accomplishments.

Thank the Pantheon for prosperity.

Written By Hadrian

July 11, 2021, 4:08 p.m.(10/25/1015 AR)

Forgiveness can be the opening gambit of a revenge plot.

Written By Hadrian

May 19, 2021, 11:08 p.m.(7/4/1015 AR)

Dear journal,

Hello, it's me again. I recently came to the realization that I haven't hidden away under this bed while I got inside you for quite some time! So here we find ourselves now. Hiding in the gloom, stowed away under a bed with you, an inkwell, and a quill to offer my thoughts to Vellichor. There is obviously a reason that I'm hiding under this bed, but before I go into that I'm going to put some thoughts down that have been causing me some level of concern for a little time now.

Let's start with the matter of Pieros. I've spent some time now brushing up on the matters of battle, war, tactics, and all the rest. I've been fortunate to learn from a number of people over my lifetime, most recently being those who truly helped me knock the proverbial rust off of the intermediate learning that I was privileged to receive during my mandatory service to the people and city of Southport. Count Domonico Magnotta and Princess Reese Grayson were instrumental in helping me to achieve my desired level of competence. However, on a battlefield it isn't exclusively knowledge and scholarly competence that is fit to lead. Experience is a substantial component to the strategies one employs on a battlefield. It is for that reason that myself and the Third Hydra were kept in reserve in the event there was a substantial break in the lines; only a limited amount of direct experience commanding on that scale. I, nor my people, were sent forward to fight as a result of our placement. This has weighed heavily on my mind since the battle, because we were not called to the front while others fought and died to preserve us and the Compact as we know it. Everyone who fought and especially those who fell have my gratitude and appreciation.

The subject of Pieros turns my mind to another subject. I have noticed something amidst all the celebrations, ceremonies, and other observations of that battle. There has been little to no mention that I've heard of those who stepped forward to lend us aid, who are not part of the Compact. While I did not see them myself, I'm told that there were Cardians among our people during the frenzy of battle. People of another land who stepped forward during a pivotal moment in the Compact's modern history to lend us their aid. Our honor should demand of us that we acknowledge those lives lost alongside our own and metaphorically hoist them up to a place of honor as we would our own. We can disagree on this detail or that regarding another nation's customs, but the fact is that when steel was in hand and the threat of our lands being outright invaded was staring us in the eye? Those who believe in our potential stepped forward to stand and give their lives with us to safeguard our path into the future; even if for one more day.

It is for these reasons that I look to these foreign representatives and offer my gratitude. It is not because I believe we could not have carried the day without their aid or that we would have soon found ourselves bound by decree and chain without them, because to think otherwise would be to dishonor the legacy and efforts of our own people who were lost. I express my condolences and my appreciation because I recognize that they could have simply stood aside and let things unravel as they may. I choose to honor the lives that were given by people not born and raised on this land, who died fighting in support of those who were. They chose to give us their help and that is something that I believe warrants recognition, because it is the right and honorable thing to do. I'm at greater personal ease respecting someone who has fought and fallen beside my people, than spitting in their face in disrespect after the battle has only recently ended.

This is why I am seeking a sculptor to create the memorial I envision. It is to be an acknowledgement of that cooperation between our people.

In other news! The renovations of the Salon continue, but a good deal of it has been completed through the fashionable and extremely talented efforts of (the now) Guildmaster of the Crafter's Guild, Caprice Artiglio! I could not be more pleased with the results that we've had thus far and have truly come to appreciate the Guildmaster's extremely creative and industrious mind. While it's not our first time working together on some project or another? It is the first time in recent history and I foresee my seeking to enlist her talents whenever she will permit me, because she's just that impressive. While I will not go into detail regarding the letter that I wrote to her upon her being named the new Crafter's Guildmaster? I will echo a small portion of it here: she has joined a legacy of great names, but I am optimistic hers will climb to those same heights by the end of her tenure - if not before.

The renovations were made possible by a charitable donation by Duchess Cambria Mazetti. Her generosity has granted us the means to update and, dare I say, refine the furnishings and decor that it may hopefully provide greater comfort to the Empirical’s guests. Because the Salon does not charge membership fees in the interest of creating an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged, it’s often considered a hindrance to the potential for that dialogue. As a result the Salon continues to thrive from the generosity of its friends and patrons, so that we may keep the place functional and the conversations flowing. We should consider commemorating those who give freely; perhaps a statue? Too expensive, I think. Maybe a small bust or plaque somewhere within the Empirical itself? We’ll think of something.

Another matter that I wish to write about is my excitement for the expedition that I am arranging in support of Lady Mabelle Laurent's effort to create a new cultural dist

They've come. I can hear them. Seeking us, with their grubby hands and uncouth manner. The children.

Cambria is hiding here with me, journal. I hope that she will not give away our position. If we are discovered because of her? The Sentinel, Gloria, all of the Pantheon, please, forgive me for what I must do.

I should stop writing now, they may hear the scratching and then it will be an endless flurry of question upon question upon question upon question if we're discovered.

I've enjoyed being inside you,

((The journal ends abruptly. A portion of it has been saturated with dark ink, while the edges of it seem to feature inky finger marks, as though someone was trying to grab it.))

Written By Hadrian

May 8, 2021, 11:13 a.m.(6/9/1015 AR)

In my eagerness to have my journal submitted, I forgot a crucial part of it!

While I've made an effort to advise every attendee of the Salon's gatherings of late that I've appreciated their presence? I'll memorialize it now, in writing.

To those who have joined us at the Empirical to permit themselves a little relaxation, a bit of idle banter, a bundle of debate, and permitted themselves an opportunity to discuss their views on the selected subject: you have my appreciation for your minds, your time, and your efforts. It gives my mind and my heart the warm and fuzzies to see so many in open discussion and debate, keeping their minds open to the views of others, while still standing in support of their views. Even those I have disagreed with or found to have opinions that run counter to my own, I still respect your views and yourself for having the courage to speak them among a mixed crowd.

Thank you to those who have helped to create the environment that the Salon has achieved today.

Written By Hadrian

May 8, 2021, 11:06 a.m.(6/9/1015 AR)

The past week or two has been an energetic, exciting time among the members of the Arvum Philosophical Society for the Empowerment and Enlightenment of Curious Minds. To each guest, member, contributor, or observer? The Salon thanks you for your time and efforts. Over the last few weeks we've held a number of gatherings focused on a number of topics. There has even been a private gathering that was not open to the public; of which I anticipate more in the future.

We recently held that private gathering to discuss a painting. The donation was made on the condition that the creator remain anonymous and I have respected that request and will continue to do so until told otherwise. The piece itself is a magnificent work and I can easily find myself becoming lost in seeking to unravel its mysteries. I've decided that the artwork will be put on display well into the future for the benefit of the Salon's members, that it may hopefully inspire future discussions and theorizing as to the meaning of the piece. It is a thought provoking piece that opens the gates for the imagination to run wild; if only you'll let it.

Additionally, we are looking into the matter of redecorating and some light renovations for the Salon's headquarters, the Empirical. Through the significant generosity of Duchess Cambria Mazetti, we'll be able to see those updates carried out to create a more comfortable environment for the guests of the Empirical. Ideally that greater comfort will translate directly into an overall increase in the exchange of ideas and open discussion. I'm thinking a plaque may be in order to commemorate the charity provided.

All in all, it has been a great last few weeks and I'm eager to press forward into the next. Whether that is in personal, House, or Salon business. All of it is an opportunity to meet and engage with new people, new ideas, and new opportunities.

Written By Hadrian

April 10, 2021, 2:18 p.m.(4/9/1015 AR)

There is no single approach to diplomacy that encompasses every situation. Each interaction must be tailored to that individual or group, dependent upon the needs of that specific and unique encounter. One of very few imperative traits that carries from one interaction to another is the need to be genuine in your dealings.

It is folly to become trapped in thinking that dictates one method will work for every interaction. For some, words of affirmation and approval will go farther than lavish gifts. While for others even a minor act of service can be enough to show your dedication to a mutually beneficial arrangement. At its core the key to discovering what is need is quite simple: listen, understand.

It is important that while working diligently to make yourself flexible enough for the needs of others, that you do not allow your own wants or needs within the agreement to be entirely overshadowed or outright ignored.

Written By Hadrian

April 4, 2021, 8:57 p.m.(3/25/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia

It was a grand opportunity to sit down and hold a long discussion with Lady Medeia. She's certainly grown into grand company! She can carry on a conversation and keep both parties interested with effortless ease. I look forward to the next opportunity for she and I to sit down and chat about whatever we please.

It is my goal to make certain our next discussion doesn't take ten years to arrive.

Written By Hadrian

April 3, 2021, 9 p.m.(3/23/1015 AR)

I feel that with the upcoming spring, Donkey Knights needs a new mythical creature to capture. Naturally that means that a bout of Donkey Knights needs to happen for such a decision to have any purpose. What should that fantastical creature be? Something classic and expected? Or something entirely new?

This requires a great deal of consideration, of course. Maybe a ravenous unicorn? Or perhaps a majestic griffon? Possibly a terrifying checkered bonguddler? Possibly one of those darling spritely dragons that delivers babies to we humans? There are many options and all of them warrant a fair weighing.

Maybe this year I'll host the party leading up to the bout itself and finally trust the unfamiliar with maintaining their composure.

All that I know regarding the subject is I wish for this winter to fade, while fun and warmth make a resurgence. I feel that's need right now. Perhaps the celebration deserves to a little larger this year because it's so dearly needed.

Luigi, remind me to have a trophy made. You can't have these things without some sort of trophy.

Written By Hadrian

Feb. 14, 2021, 8 p.m.(12/9/1014 AR)

Only recently would I have ever felt a measure of delight upon receiving an unsolicited sandwich. Messages take on the strangest forms sometimes.

Written By Hadrian

Feb. 14, 2021, 7:44 p.m.(12/9/1014 AR)

When the blade rattles in the scabbard? The cause is likely that the scabbard is used far too often.

A clever word can disarm just as readily as a sword pulled from its scabbard.

Or disguise a slap in the face.

Written By Hadrian

Jan. 24, 2021, 10:07 p.m.(10/23/1014 AR)

Ever does my wife's cousin prove a source of pride not only for herself, but also for her House and people. She is a person of many gloves, many hats, and many cloaks. She came into this world part of a pair, but at this point she has risen exceptionally high to claim the coveted favorite title.

We, her family, are immensely proud of her many accomplishments and are ever eager to be astonished by those that will inevitably follow. Most recently she has given us yet another lesson in our centuries old history; vainglory and ambition can be wonderful things in the right hands, but those who become consumed by their thirst for personal greatness often forget it is the family - the House - which was always there, always waiting. It is the mark of a truly impressive individual who remembers that while their personal glories are of great importance, their thirst for acclaim is intricately bound to the very foundations of their House as well. No one is greater than their House and the House is of no great importance without its exceptional people.

We are in this together and she, my dear cousin-in-law, has shown once again that she is part of that dream. May her future endeavors prove as fruitful, just as stunning, equally astonishing, and always bring glory and honor to her and her House. I look forward to celebrating her achievement - and future achievements - as readily as my own.

She's awe inspiring.

Written By Hadrian

Nov. 30, 2020, 9:25 a.m.(6/24/1014 AR)

Remember. It is effective that if you want someone dead and they happen to die under mysterious circumstances? Great lengths should be pursued and considerable resources exhausted to discover the validity of those claims. Always, always, always ensure that they won't reappear in a year or two or six or seven.

When in doubt, pray to the Queen of Endings that she summarily finish the job.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 16, 2020, 7:24 p.m.(11/8/1013 AR)

Lady Braith Mazetti held a fine gathering, with a good deal of merriment. For that she has the gratitude of her Duchess, myself, and her House. It has been quite the undertaking! One which has consumed a good deal of her time, but I sincerely hope she is fulfilled by her achievement.

I likewise wish to extend warm regards and thanks to each and every soul that came to celebrate alongside House Mazetti. There were certainly a number of impressive feats that were performed and I am eager to see what the next festival may bring.

Written By Hadrian

June 21, 2020, 2:19 p.m.(7/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Braith

Lady Braith took it upon herself to arrange a dinner, joined by friends and family, a good time was had. Food, drink, music. Good company and conversation. I'm given to understand the invitation roster will differ from dinner to dinner, which I'm excited to see unfold into the future.

Plus, I didn't have to arrange or host it. Which makes it about 42 times better. I fully support her new unofficial role as the curator of family dinners. I can only imagine there will be some necessity for guest list reviews at a point, though.

Regardless of the particulars, the dinner was a resounding success and Lady Braith truly demonstrated her exceptional talents for all to enjoy after dinner. Her performance was truly breathtaking!

Written By Hadrian

May 31, 2020, 10:21 p.m.(5/22/1013 AR)


Count yourselves fortunate that you've not been named Hadrian IV. Or count yourselves unfortunate, because it would have made each of you just a little greater. It's up to you the view you wish to take. I know none of you can really read, but some day you'll look back on this journal entry and you'll think "damn, I could have been named Hadrian?"

The answer to that is a simple one. Yes, you could have been. Hadrian IV. Are you bothered that you're not? Are you confused about Hadrian II and III? Blame your mother. She stole my thunder a lot. She also stole me, incidentally. She's pretty big on theft when it comes to me, it seems. She stole my cup. It was the best cup ever. Bathed you, my children, in it. So I threw it in a fire and had a little daydream.

Don't let her name your children, too. She's your liege though, so she just might try to claim that privilege.

Never forget that each of you could have been Hadrian IV. Sure, this is a joke. Sure, your mother's none of the things mentioned above. I'd even contend that she's quite the opposite. She is charitable, greedy, kind, merciless, remorseless, compassionate, clever, focused, and so many more ways to describe her. Definitely never underestimate her though, that would be among your greatest mistakes. A joke and good advice?!? See? I care about the five and two-thirds of you so very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, vveerry, very, very, very, very, very, verryy, very, very, very, very, verrryyyyy, very much.

The previous bit of humor and advice is likewise bequeathed to any future sons or daughters, too. Yes, future Hadrian VI, as my daughter you were likewise susceptible to this name.

Be who you choose to be. It is a choice. You needn't concern yourself with the name you're given, it is the actions you partake while bearing it that will make you great. There is power in a name, but there is strength in your actions too. Greatness is in how you elect to wield that power. Whether you're named Damianos or Hadrian V.LXVI or Hamdria I? It is up to you to make yourselves and your name memorable, great, feared, envied, or whatever else you deign to make it.

If you want some more good advice? Make your decisions with your people in mind. Your choices should uplift them. You should never leave an option off the table when it comes to their safety. Your decisions should nurture them. You should never be slow to discipline them should it be necessary. If you show them that they carry within them a seed of greatness as well. They will admire you for it, they will serve you with enthusiasm and loyalty. Show them the way to a secure, prosperous future. You can achieve greatness with your people. You needn't sacrifice their or prosperity for your own achievement. Share in it with them and you will find your own life and name prosper.

This entry has had its highs and lows, I know. It has gone from humorous, to sound advice, back to humor, and then into some very serious advice for your future years. These are but some of the lessons your mother and I have strove to instill in each of you since the moment you could comprehend even the most basic concepts. It is our duty as your parents, your liege, her Voice, your House, and members of the Peerage to ensure that you are raised with a firm understanding of your duties to the people and a proper education. Do not disappoint us. Don't disappoint me. You may regret it if you do.

As you grow into adulthood, I hope you will read this advice and carry it with you in your daily actions. Or don't. Don't come crying to me when you've not followed good advice and regret it.

Written By Hadrian

May 31, 2020, 9:04 p.m.(5/22/1013 AR)

Rarely does one person dislike another without some justification. The justification can be stupid, of course! But there is most assuredly some justification if one only seek it out.

It's unlikely to be as random as one would imagine. The accuracy of it may very well be debatable, but the origin of that dislike is most certainly there and in most cases ready to be offered up with scathing commentary if one only seek it. If fortunate finds you, then you will be spared such frantic remarks and faced instead with a measured answer of what error was made that resulted in the distaste.

The discovery of that reason is actually one of the easiest ways to lay it to rest, so parties may make amends and move forward. If one is concerned with such things, anyway.

That is, of course, assuming that there is some problem to begin with. Far too often anxiety and paranoia will lead many to assume there is a problem without there ever being one. Communication is an essential element to a peaceful existence. It's also one of the faster ways to cease having a peaceful existence. Interpersonal relationships are fun like that!

Written By Hadrian

May 31, 2020, 8:26 p.m.(5/22/1013 AR)

There is little difference between vision and daydream. They both are free to be forgotten as quickly as they end or recognized as the many varied paths of potential laid before you. They even both require effort to draw them from the mind into the world.

One can daydream always and forever, but without taking that first step they will never cease being daydreams and begin being achievements.

Written By Hadrian

May 15, 2020, 8:19 p.m.(4/18/1013 AR)

Shoulder to shoulder is far more preferential to teeth to throat.

Written By Hadrian

May 5, 2020, 6:10 p.m.(3/26/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Everything's a boat if you strap enough inflated goat bladders to it.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

Leave blank if this journal is not a relationship

Mark if this is a private, black journal entry