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Written By Gaspar

July 27, 2019, 5:48 a.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

My greatest source of lamentation since arriving in Arx: missing most of the "festivities" from Saoirse's party. I continue to hear murmurs about it.

It was a gathering of some of my favorite people, however. It would be pleasant to have them all together with their wits about them next time.

Written By Gaspar

July 17, 2019, 9:43 p.m.(6/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Cassima

Your Highness, if we cannot call each other friends after what we went through last night, I dare say I don't have any real friends at all.

At first I was honored with how open you were with me. But that was formality talking. That propriety, if you will. By the time I left, I felt as though you are truly one of the only people in Arx that I truly "know" and yet there is so much more to learn from and about you. I hope that day is one of those we talked about yesterday. A day of conscious choosing. Of healing.

I hope we can speak that honestly and earnestly about anything.

Written By Gaspar

July 9, 2019, 10:26 a.m.(6/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arman

Without roots unseen, nurturing the plant, the petals cannot blossom.

It takes men like you, uncle, working in the depths and establishing a foundation for the family, that allows those of us that are reliant on sunshine to thrive. Thank you for what you do.

I agree with you though, about the nature of idleness. It can feel synonymous with helplessness, it couldn't be further from the truth. The nature of 'doing' is different for us, uncle. What do we preach throughout lives, uncle? Patience. Sometimes, we simply need to let nature takes its course and let the plants grow after being watered. There is nothing we can do to hurry that along.

Patience, uncle. It is not the same as idleness.

But you are quite right on passion. There is nothing in the world as infectious as passion. A passionate man in the wrong will surround himself with more people and have his message heard more readily than a dull man in the right.

Combine passion and veracity, and you have a person ready to move the world.

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