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Written By Evangeline

June 18, 2019, 8:55 p.m.(4/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

I cannot begin to express the joy I feel when I am reconnected with those from my past. More and more, I am discovering acquaintances and friends I have met in my travels convening in the city of Arx. Lord Martino is one of those familiar faces whose presence fills me with absolute delight. I have enjoyed working with him in the past and very much look forward to rekindling our friendship now that we are both in the same place once more.

He is not only one of the most kind noblemen I've ever met, but he is quite generous. He also has a way with words that leaves me breathless. Gentle readers, if you have not made the acquaintance of Lord Martino Malvici yet, I am not sure what you are waiting for!

Written By Evangeline

June 14, 2019, 6:04 p.m.(4/14/1011 AR)

The city of Arx has not disappointed me since I arrived. I have met the most intriguing individuals, have had the opportunity to work in the political arena and of course, dabble a little in my first passion which is of course, writing. I have been sitting with my assistant, who is also an apprentice Whisper, writing every morning, practicing penmanship, and drafting letters for my clients who are ripe with passion but lack dearly in the art of written language.

It does not surprise me there are some who assume I would be willing to sell these illicit secrets. These are not even my stories to tell. What happens between my clients and my quill and parchment stays there. Do not kill the messenger.

Written By Evangeline

June 14, 2019, 5:57 p.m.(4/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Willow

I often save high praise for those who are truly deserving. From the moment we met, I knew we would become fast friends. Little did I know this would be trouble but it is the best sort of trouble I know.

Written By Evangeline

May 1, 2019, 6:16 p.m.(1/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

I met Lady Peri at Boldness Espressions during one of my days of travel. In my attempt to acclimate myself to the new city, I have been randomly selecting different venues to visit.

From the start, I was intrigued by the noblewoman, ripe with knowledge, full of vim and vigor. I wonder now as I had not taken notice then how exactly she takes her coffee. Perhaps hers was a strong brew but I envied her energy and enthusiasm. I look forward to meeting with her against soon.

Written By Evangeline

April 30, 2019, 4:38 p.m.(1/8/1011 AR)

I do not remember the last time I felt like the wide-eyed wander I seem to be since I've arrived in Arx. It is true that I have traveled extensively; Seen many places, met many people but nothing like the way it is in the main capital city.

At first blush, traversing the streets is overwhelming. My senses have been heightened by the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes I've experienced. The clothing here is nothing like I've seen before. Since there are so many flavors and customs in this melting pot, fashion takes on trends one does not find elsewhere. Marrying the Mourning Isles with Redrain or even Lycene touches is not typically the norm, or at least I have found this to be, in the lands proper pertaining to those fealties. I have been inspired to seek a clothier here so that I may put my old clothing to rest.

I have met some wonderful and interesting people in my random travels. There is no shortage of people in the city. They all have a story to tell, all come from varied and colored pasts. I cannot wait to delve deeper into their tales.

Written By Evangeline

April 26, 2019, 9:03 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

It is my very first week in the city of Arx and I have been swept away by the sights and sounds that greet me from the moment I step outside of the Whisper House. The people and places would be overwhelming for anyone but I feel invigorated by all of the life that is occurring right before my eyes. I have met some truly lovely people so far. No one has been bitter or sour as one might expect in a big city. I was warned, before arriving in Arx, I may run into people who are jaded with their lot in life. Perhaps I am seeing this city with rose colored glasses, but I see nothing but endless opportunities.

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