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Written By Cassandra

Jan. 6, 2020, 9:37 a.m.(7/6/1012 AR)

In the last few days, I recently had the honor of attending a knighting ceremony. It's not often that I find the time to really attend such things, but I I had forgotten how much I enjoyed them. You never really forget, and my own was far longer ago than I care to remember. The passing of knowledge from one generation to the next. The understanding that eventually, the torch will be passed, and the watch will extend to those newly minted on this particular path.

It is not an easy thing, at least so far as my own experience shows. I never saw the air of celebrity to it, though I'm sure that too plays apart for some. It was never an easy duty, not nearly as glamorous as some might expect, to be frank, it could be downright mundane at times. There were times in my youth that I thought that the standards that Gloria had set for knights were considered too high, too strict.

But as I have aged, moved through different phases of my life, I notice that it seems less strict and standards too high, but more that this is how Gloria envisioned us. Not what we are, but what we should aspire to be. The ideals were not set down as something to be considered optional, one is lesser without them, but rather a goal worth striving towards. It is not that we should emulate what Gloria wishes for us to be, but rather that we strive towards them. That we make the effort to try. And that in of itself is honorable. It is the attempt that matters, and it is in the attempt that we learn who we are as a person. What person we want to be. The kind of person the Gods believe we can be.

Nothing worth having is given, all requires effort. The knighting of Amari Keaton is proof of this. She learned, she toiled, she suffered, and she improved. What likely started as a young woman who aspired to see another, better version of herself is the one I met for the first time. I am proud of that. As I am proud of her, as well as I would think Gloria is pleased by seeing that accomplishment as well.

But, I would say this. We grow restless without a point to direct ourselves. We have achieved something great. Enjoy your accolades, for they are well deserved, but do not linger long. There is more to aspire to. As I feel that there should never be a top to the mountain, it should never plateau. The path is ever long, and we should always be prepared to meet it.

Knights I believe know this better than others.

Written By Cassandra

Dec. 17, 2019, 5:59 p.m.(5/23/1012 AR)

Please do not make the Scholars write scribbles in white journals. If you wish to make some kind of art, devotees of Jayus are happy to be of assistance in such things.

Written By Cassandra

Dec. 16, 2019, 5:01 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

I see you were listening afterall. I had been wondering if I had been sermonizing to myself.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 24, 2019, 5:34 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

I will miss winter. It has always been my favorite season.

I do not, nor ever have I enjoyed the transition to spring. Something about patches of snow melting giving way to grass has never seemed pleasant to look at.

Or maybe it's simply that I'm not looking forward to wearing armor in summer months again.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 23, 2019, 7:29 a.m.(4/2/1012 AR)

Some might think we have lost some good people. I think I would disagree. For if we remember the impact they in the lives of those they were close to. The weight of their presence among their comrade, they are never truly gone from us. One day, they will return, and we would greet them then as we would on any other day.

I wish them the best until I see them again.

Gloria keep them safe.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 20, 2019, 11:25 a.m.(3/24/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Is that an offer open to all Templars or just Preston?

Because I would not say no to a new outfit.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 13, 2019, 9:08 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

It sounds as if you declared every faithful member of the Compact that they were willfully complicit in Thralldom because they didn't disagree with it enough?

You are aware that House Thrax is instituting a steady wind down of Thralldom, yes? That will end in the complete abolishment of the practice? So your issue is that...they're not doing it fast enough?

That the economic collapse of a major part of the Compact that would cause massive unrest is preferable because it soothes your conscience. People would die of likely civil war and famine, but at least they would die free, so it's perfectly acceptable.

I'm not sure this is a fight you want to be picking.

This is the last time I will comment on this issue, but I dearly suggest you educate yourself in exactly what you're talking about before you declare that the Faith is hypocritical on this matter. Which in of itself does not bother me.

What does bother me is that you insult the actions of literally hundreds of people that are working tirelessly to ensure that this practice ends as soon as it's able.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 13, 2019, 7:49 a.m.(3/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

So if I am to correct in your assessment, no one should be forgiven by the Faith, regardless of the mistakes they make. Because why stop at slavery, as there are other crimes that are quite reprehensible in the eyes of the Faith. That regardless of the fact that they willing come to the Faith seeking forgiveness and redemption, not out of some self-serving intention or attempting to placate the masses, but a real genuine desire for introspection? But no, because she erred, there will be no forgiveness and no mercy. Just more blood of lamb, vengeance is mine. If you believe that is how the Faith operates, or perhaps should operate, then you did not listen to your Seraph.

If we are not to forgive those who have participated in slavery, that list would be a great deal longer than just one former Thraxian princess. I suppose the better punishment was that she would have to live with what she did. That is not a punishment that I can give, because that is already something she lives with herself. Every day for the rest of her life until she rejoins the Wheel. She will have to remember their faces when she sleeps.

Has the Faith execute those who have committed crimes in the past? Yes, this has happened. And I have been its executioner during some of those incidents. It is not something I enjoy, not something I relish in, not something I look forward to, and I take absolutely no joy in it. But if I were to be given a choice, and there has been much discussion on choice, I would rather try to help one see the error that they made. I would rather see one rise up from the lesser person they were before, to be something better in the future.

I cannot save the people that were put into slavery. That ship has sailed, quite literally. But I can help the person that had a large hand in it happening. The good she has done since she was stripped of her title far outweighs the satisfaction some might get by her head being on the chopping block. But that doesn't matter, does it?

In the end, if you question my judgement, there is always a proper way at displaying it.

Written By Cassandra

Oct. 10, 2019, 12:06 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I shouldn't have to write this but, for future reference, and to make my life a little bit easier, please do not call for a duel after already getting an apology on the matter. As an apology is just as viable as conceding a duel.

Written By Cassandra

Oct. 8, 2019, 11:18 a.m.(12/22/1011 AR)

Last night, I found myself going to the Queensrest, as I felt an obligation to least drop by to refill my stock in my office when work became far too stressful. What I walked into was a murder. I'm aware that Templars not exactly the law for matter not relating to the Faith, but with only two members of the Iron Guard present, I felt honorbound to assist as best as I could to protect those who were there.

What proceeds is a murder based on jealousy from the looks of it, with another woman being taken into custody. While I give thanks to my trio of Templars who travel with me, it was the actions of Officer Merek Black, Princess Reese Grayson, Lady Zoey Kennex, and Count Graham Byrne. They leapt into action when it was required.

Gloria bless them for their courage.

Written By Cassandra

Oct. 5, 2019, 9:55 a.m.(12/16/1011 AR)

Winter was almost my favorite month, but today I find myself a touch more melancholy than I allow myself. I am content in my work, in role, and in my duties. It fulfills me, and places a greater sense of accomplishment than I had anticipated. All well and good, but that is my work life, and when I reflect on a more personal level, there is a part of me that dearly misses home. And my family. I still carry the Laurent name, and I always will, but there is a feeling that with the life I have taken up now, I will understandably miss out on a great many things. Things I had cherished when I was a younger woman.

Were I to do it all over again, I would make no changes, I believe Gloria set me on this path, but that doesn't mean I cannot look back and wonder. If not for the fact that there are times I look at my office and note that it does feel colder than usual. It was personal duty to the gods that led me where I am, however I would think it can be allowed for me to miss my family.

If time allows, if it ever allows, I should spend some time with them.

Written By Cassandra

Sept. 24, 2019, 1:03 a.m.(11/21/1011 AR)

I have spent the better part of the last few days in my office, taking meetings. I would think, after enough time, that I would have learned to managed my time better. That seems to be, even now, a struggle that I continue to grapple with.

Eventually, I will need to find a better work/life balance. Today, it appears to me, is not that day.

Written By Cassandra

Sept. 15, 2019, 10:44 p.m.(11/5/1011 AR)

Now that I have some free time, I realize just how in dire need I've desired it. After spending so much time in the Oathlands, I have returned to Arx to concentrate and centralize my affairs and duties in the city. I also realized I have not had a day off in what feels like months. I will hope that Gloria will understand a moment of respite.

I found myself at the Keaton's Autumn festival. Not the place where I expected to be, but it was a surprisingly enjoyable time. Feels like a different life since the last time I felt myself smiling for the trivial fun.

I should make a note to do that more when the free time allows itself.

Written By Cassandra

Oct. 12, 2018, 5:50 a.m.(10/7/1009 AR)

While I had never put much thought into where my possessions should go in the event of my demise, a dream of meeting my demise at the Lodge has spurred me into considering one. I will put the information in my blacks so that you are not bored of the details here.

Written By Cassandra

Sept. 26, 2018, 4:20 a.m.(9/3/1009 AR)

As I have watched words such as chivalry, honor, and the Thirteenth bandied about in the whites, I found myself turning inward and looking at the circumstances that brought me to the place that I am today. I was still but a youth when Gloria introduced herself to me after a battle that left it's kiss upon my cheek to this day.

I thought at the time, that to serve Gloria - to be chivalrous - was to continue to follow the path that I had placed upon by my birthright. To become Duchess Laurent and to bring about the next generation of rule for Artshall. And to do everything as I should as a noble to bring this about.

But I could not. I thought that this type of chivalry is what was expected of me because it was what my father expected and I should have to honor my father and mother as providence of Gloria's teachings. Then one day I was out in the stables, and it came to my attention that there was a new mount that had been brought in - a gift from one of my suitors at the time, that needed to be introduced to the others of the herd.

That is when I realized that chivalry can be likened to taming and training a horse.

What does it take to tame a horse? It takes courage, not recklessness, but that kind of disciplined and developed courage that comes from learning to fear being thrown, and getting on horse again. It takes self-mastery, because the horse is a prey animal that will amplify your fear. You must learn to ride through it, until even you don't really feel the fear in the same way anymore.

It takes gentleness. A horse responds to the slightest touch. You must be sensitive to its movements, its breathing, the language of its body.

What does it take to ride a horse to war? It takes trustworthiness. The horse must believe in you to charge into the smell of blood.

It takes honor. You can't ride alone. You must build relationships with other men and women like you, who know they can count on you while there is blood in your body. There is your self-sacrifice, even to death.

Anyone can have chivalry - you can practice it every day as you deem it. Chivalry is about doing what it right. What is kind. And it is what brings it into the direct conflict with the Thirteenth. As Legate of the Arts, I can understand the draw and allure of the power that he offers, and the temperament that must come with it. Those that would want to Tehom are going to find themselves drawn to a horse that does not wish to be tamed.

There are creatures that I was told of in my youth - they would take on the appearance of a calm and gentle horse waiting in a pasture near a stream. When approached, the horse would allow the rider to mount it to take it on a ride. They would ride and ride, and when the rider would grow weary and want the ride to end, the horse's body would start to pull in the rider as it bolted for the nearest lake. And once there the horse would reveal it's true nature as it drowned the rider and pulled the pour soul down.

Chivalry is not a perfect code. You cannot simply hold yourself to it's standard and always be right. That would not make sense. Everyone, myself included, will make mistakes from time to time. Chivalry, at the end, is three things: mercy, charity and humility. Mercy means that you are conscious of your advantage and treating other humans with kindness and geniality. Charity means that you give without anything expected in return. Humility for when you make mistakes, you accept them and recognizing that those who do not have your advantages are not your inferiors. It is tied to honor in doing what is right and just even if it comes into conflict with others - but that is a writing for another time.

Written By Cassandra

Aug. 29, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)

I am more than pleased that the escalation between Princess Marian and the Duke and Duchess Crovane came to an end with the assistance of Juniper Whisper. It seems that while a Rite to Gloria was not done, much honor and humility shall be paid to the Faith, as is right and proper, by the Crovanes.

Let us hope this is the last we'll hear of the matter, and that Princess Marian, devoted to Gloria and the rest of the Gods, has found satisfaction in the terms worked out.

Let this be a lesson that while some in the Compact may not practice the Faith, not a single one are outside of it.

Written By Cassandra

Aug. 27, 2018, 12:16 p.m.(6/21/1009 AR)

Perusing the whites today, I find myself hoping that there is a miscommunication, and Duke Asger isn't openly mocking or spurning the Faith, especially after the sacrifices made by many a Templar to defend Stormwall. To make light of a Rite to Gloria - regardless of your personal faith - would be a serious matter within the very Compact itself, and not simply a northern Duke thumbing his nose at religious rite he perhaps thinks himself outside of.

No one is outside of the Faith.

I would urge the Duke to clear this matter up with Princess Marian, posthaste, and take up her brave and honorable offer to conduct a Rite to Gloria on your terms.

Written By Cassandra

May 8, 2018, 4:26 p.m.(9/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

That song will be in my head for eternity.

Written By Cassandra

Feb. 4, 2018, 7:05 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jhond

I have been so busy of late.

Written By Cassandra

Jan. 24, 2018, 1:49 p.m.(1/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Regla

Today I had a wonderful lesson about spending too much time behind a desk, and getting old. I cannot quite match the Sword of Escuma blow for blow, but at least I didn't crumple easily.

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