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Written By Alarissa

April 4, 2021, 10:08 p.m.(3/25/1015 AR)

Lady Medeia had made for Astrid a most beautiful gift. Though the creator is one that makes me turn my head a little to the side. Victus has been rendered into plush form, a fur cloak and all. Upon his shoulder, Scarf has been fashioned and for once, not Lilybelle. There's a small flask that holds a thimble full of liquid, that can be placed at the hip of the otter or within Victus' hand. It looks like him, down to the beard and the scars.

The other one is a doll of myself. I admit that it stung some, to see me rendered in silks and yarn without my left arm. But that was assuaged by the presence of two arms that can be buttoned on that side. A rubicund arm, with the flask hand and then one of the arms that I have never seen fit to wear because there's never been quite a time to wear it. They tuck within the back of the doll and she can be dressed in other dresses.

Astrid has delighted at these gifts, and the twins already squabble over it and are demanding their own. Eleyna cares not, she has her own doll of someone she admires. Danse considers himself too old to play with stuffed animals or dolls.

They are a marvel, and a delight and my pride shall get over what it sees and can appreciate the care and detail taken.

Written By Alarissa

March 19, 2021, 11:03 p.m.(2/22/1015 AR)

The second entry has been submitted for the literary competition.

Needless to say, I have asked Victus to flex his pectoral muscles a few times so I can picture what is going on in the book.

Maxene was laughing at the end of it and I can just imagine a few fighters that I know who would most certainly be on par with those in this time.

How many more will be coming? Fiction? Non-Fiction?

Written By Alarissa

March 17, 2021, 9:31 p.m.(2/17/1015 AR)

The first entry into the literary competition was so sweetly deposited at the estate, and never have I ever seen the servants look so overjoyed to bring me something. Nor remain behind. Maxene offered to read it to me and we all settled in the atrium.

I think we broke the glass laughing and gasping.

The Barony and the Bun in the Oven: An Epilogue

I swear I had this series in the library. I swear it and yet, I cannot for the life of me remember where, if they were lent out and if so, when and why have they not been returned to me.

Because clearly, I need to be reading this.

I'll have to ask Victus if he wants to join me baking some bread.

So the first entry. I wonder what other entry's will start to come.

Written By Alarissa

March 14, 2021, 9:03 p.m.(2/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Maren

I had a delightful afternoon and respite from the cold in the Jade Moon. It was a trudge from the carriage through to the doors but very much worth it. I had never seen tea that transformed from a ball to a blooming flower but now I have and the twins and Eleyna did so delight in it. Even if there was fighting over who had the better flower steeping in their water. Ever does their great aunt dote upon them. Such worries that I had when she appeared within the city and presented herself at the estate. But then, I always worry about everything. But between then and now, it has been a delight to see the look on my husbands face when she is around. The children flocking to her when she comes to the estate and YaYa as they like to call their cousin to whom Astrid just flat out adores.

It's good to have family around. To see them all embraced and accepted. I miss this. Have missed this. I shall have to thank Gild for the blessing laid upon this family and cherish the time despite the turmoil around us. I shall remain in envy though that Aunt Maren was permitted to know the name of Eleyna's doll but that I am still bereft of the knowledge.

Written By Alarissa

March 13, 2021, 11:41 a.m.(2/9/1015 AR)

As was done in the past for the Gilded Page, so I shall uphold this competition. This years it is dedicated to the memory of Archscholar Sina Godsworn and as always, to Vellichor.

Official Rules of the Gilded Page Literary Contest:
1. One entry per author, though submissions may be more than one volume. Any subject matter.
2. Deadline for book submissions: 4/10/1015 AR (OOC - RL April 20th, 2021).
3. Open to all, nobles and commoners alike.
4. Only new works are permitted.
5. Authors will remain anonymous through the voting period, which will last for four weeks from the deadline for submissions and culminate in a Literary Soiree; the voters being comprised of anyone who would like to cast a vote. One vote per person, and votes may be sent to Princess Consort Alarissa Thrax via messenger.
6. Voting period: 4/12/1015 AR to 6/12/1015 AR (OOC – RL April 21st, 2021 to May 21st, 2021).
7. Copies of all entries will be on sale at the Gilded Page during the voting period, with all funds received being donated to the Faith.
8. Entries may be sent by messenger to Princess Consort Alarissa Thrax, with no author noted on the cover or insides of the book to retain anonymity for voting purposes.


First Place: 100,000 Silver
Second Place: 50,000 Silver
Third Place: 25,000 Silver

Written By Alarissa

March 7, 2021, 10:03 p.m.(1/26/1015 AR)

Astrid has spent the day writing a thousand times upon parchment as a lesson. "I will not carve my name into the goldenwood table".

She has carved her name into the base of the new table in the dining room. Thank the gods that it cannot be see unless you are under the table. She stated she wished to practice her writing her name and sentences, and wrote Astrid sits here, and an arrow pointing to the seat that her father takes up at the table.

I have no idea how to further punish her. It's not like she'll come up with the half a million silver to replace it. Perhaps no time spent on the practice grounds with her father and polishing the table with the servants will remind her to respect the things in the house.

Gods save me, we found everyone else's name carved on the underside of seats as well. Apparently Siggy and Delia are only permitted at the far end of the table.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.(1/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

There was a time when you were a servant. A handmaiden to Thrax. You have served Princess' before you served the Gods. Most forget that before the Dominus, the Legates, Archlectors and godsworn gave of themselves to the Gods, they were aught else. It's strange to think of that.

It was strange to sit before you in your office with your mantle and remember the way you brushed my hair.

I have always prided myself on my ability to adapt. From Grayson to Valardin, from Valardin to Thrax. Without fail I have found my place, found the way to thrive. It was harder with Thrax. Without you, I do not know that I would have managed so as well as I presume that I have.

I remember with eyes closed, my hair in your hand and the comb going through it, you filling me in on the small nuances that came with this people. The expectations of the traditionalists, with that of the progressives. Of who in the house below the stairs to rely upon, who to watch, who was not getting their proper due. When you rubbed ungents on my skin to keep it soft and spoke to me of the house and how it ran before. Of life before Victus.

You were there for the painful victories and silver-tinged sorrows in my life. Of holding me in my grief when I asked one that I loved to sacrifice himself to ensure the return of another that I love. When it happened in truth instead of a possibility. It was your forehead pressed to mine and your fingers twisted in mine in the early hours of bringing the line of Thrax into the world and telling me it was okay to yell and yelling with me while knee deep in saltwater before the gods until he could get away from duty to take your place near the end of it all. You helped to take the pain and bear me through it.

You took the knife and split my breast to expose my heart when you told me your wish. You'd warned me. We'd talked about it in the late nights in the library after returning from obligations. You had warned me many times. And yet the knife. I begged him to let me the one that walked with you into the Cathedral and sever the oath to Thrax, see it reforged anew to the faith.

You were a thrall. You bought and earned your freedom and then you remained in the house to serve when you had every right to leave it and all that it represented behind. you served Donella before she left to stand at the side of Redrain. You turned to serve me when I came to stand at the side of Thrax.


You are gone. This comb will be placed in the alcove. Beside the portrait of my brother, Vance's ribbon, Driskell's rum and the piece of marble from Darrow's statue. Knowing, it still hurts. I am sorry I could walk with you like we had before. But there were always paths that I took that you could not. Sometimes, we cannot walk them together.

I can only hope that I see you again, before it's my own turn to walk a road that cannot be walked with any other. I will make sure that my children know of the thrall who become the Archscholar and that nothing, is unobtainable if you have the will to see it through.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 7, 2021, 10:36 p.m.(11/23/1014 AR)

It was the first time that I have worn a dress and didn't obscure my left side. I don't know that I would have done so for any other two men. To be fair, I wore a false arm that was crafted witch such care by Master Apollo and one couldn't see anything but the scars that the Marquessa Reigna has long since tended to.

I will be making a donation for the gown and jewelry that I was so graciously permitted to keep. Tuck it away and wear another time, once it has spent the appropriate amount of time on display in the crossroads. But it was divine and I felt...


Written By Alarissa

Feb. 3, 2021, 1:51 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Little Eleyna's birthday comes. In a weeks time she turns four. It makes me smile to think of the water lily, turning four. The twins come swiftly after and five. Siggy wishes a horse. Delia wishes a boat. Astrid, to whom has already had her own natality demands a new axe even after being told that she has already celebrated.

Four years. She breathes a little easier these days and I now believe the Mercies when they said that age would bring with it strength. Age brings with them, strength. We got her a new doll, to replace the reese on that she has dragged about since she could crawl. She wished one with red hair and a white dress. She told the seamstress what she wanted, and a drawing that she did her best to replicate. She has not let it be since the seamstress presented it to her, along with a matching dress for her to wear as well and silken water lillies for her hair to wear on her birthday.

I can't remember ever playing with dolls. I don't remember having a favourite. I remember Barric had a stuffed horse that he would let me ride. The nannies I suppose would know better than I. But they have all aged and perished by now I am sure. Some things lost to the annals of time and age. the reese doll shall have to be put up on the shelf. Seven years it has served our children. Perhaps, it can be cleaned and mended and another child can give it love. Or saved until Astrid is grown and has children of her own. Or Eleyna.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 1, 2021, 10:09 a.m.(11/10/1014 AR)

It would seem that I have made it back from Maelstrom barely in time. The winds made the last days far less easy and I think it will be some time before blood comes back into my hands from gripping onto shelving and I've a few bruises. Little Eleyna as well. We did our best to keep spirits bright. But Mangata watched over us and we slid safely into berth in the harbor. Safe enough. I worry for any ships that are caught out there in the full brunt of it. I pray that they will make it to safe harbor in time.

At least I'm not birthing a child on the deck of ship this time.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 12, 2021, 11:49 a.m.(9/26/1014 AR)

There is cat hair everywhere.

It finds it's way into the food, onto my clothing, I smell it burning when a strand hits a lamp and the crackle. While his Majesty's benevolence is gratefully accepted, I find the sheer amount of cats... overwhelming. You cannot move without stepping on one and they seem to congregate the most in the cross halls. I am forever stepping on a tail without intention and the creatures shred the hems of my gowns and glare at me as if it were purposeful.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 4, 2021, 9:59 p.m.(9/11/1014 AR)

I weary of people telling us how to raise our children. Without fail, it is Astrid that they focus on. Never instructing us on how we aught to raise Danse, or Siggy, Delia or even Eleyna. Always Astrid. Likely because she is the oldest and tends to hang about literally on Victus' arm. But without fail, we are told that we should hug her more, let her be a child more. She has fleeting years before she is to be high lady, we need to relax and let her being a little girl.

She carved her abyss forsaken name into the arms of no less than ten of the fifty year old chairs and the underside of the table in the dining room with a dagger.

I would surmise if anything, that we are not being stringent enough. For someone has far too little time, and the nanny's managed to apparently lose track of her. She's getting more than enough of a childhood, and tutoring in the necessary subjects for a child and the necessary ones for the future High Lady. Including ethics and morals.

Mother Ailith teaches her how to bake bread. Victus teaches her how to rule and involves her when appropriate so she can learn by seeing. She journies to other houses to play with and interact with the others to whom she will rule over and other houses in the compact so that she may learn to rule with.

It is not like we keep her tied to a table and chair and endless piles of parchment before her.

I even heard her laugh the other day.

Clearly, anyone who questions whether we are too strict with her or not, has never seen her running down the hall with Scarf in her arms and littel sword raised, chasing after Elegance or falling asleep with a Scarf scarf in Victus' throne in the cross halls.

Most assuredly, we are raising our children to be children but also to be the leaders of the house, and the future of Thrax.

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 19, 2020, 12:27 p.m.(8/6/1014 AR)

How long since the first Caraval sailed into the mouth of our harbor.

How long since the Archduchess Eleyna called those of her lands to her at a dinner party and presented to each, the plans and instructions on how to make them for their own shipwrights to build them. To gift it to the King and then to Thrax. The Carlotta.

I was upon the Victorius in the mouth of the harbor, little Eleyna wished to go on it and who was I to deny her this. I stood on the deck with her in my arm and we looked at the city from afar, the cliff face, the lowers, the Thrax estate and sovereign bridge. To see the other numerous caravals that over the past five years have been making their way into the city's harbors.

Who would have thought of such a creation? Does anyone remember that this came from Velenosa? The sheer cost? The shipwrights and carpenters, is it carpenters who make them? They have become so more skilled at churning them out. We know they can be bigger, we have seen the Imperator Draconis and it's sheer size that still dwarfs our own.

I look at the Caraval and I am reminded of what can be made if one just puts their mind to it. Of that lasting mark that my daughters namesake made upon the naval community. She gave us a Caraval. She gave us the possibility of travel past our own waters.

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 10, 2020, 7:44 a.m.(7/16/1014 AR)

A lovely wedding. Fourth births and now a wedding in the atrium. We are fortunate and it was lovely. Flawless save for the octopus that made it's appearance. Of course it decided to show itself properly then.

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 3, 2020, 6:22 p.m.(7/3/1014 AR)

An octopus escaped from the kitchen. We find wet trails, but no creature. How it has avoided the claw, I don't know. But we're losing fish in the atrium and we hear a squelching noise now and then. Beware if you step through our halls, it could be anywhere.

Written By Alarissa

Nov. 30, 2020, 2:30 p.m.(6/24/1014 AR)

Lady Amari knows just the right thing needed for the city. Yes indeed. I'm very delighted to partake in this little grand adventure.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 15, 2020, 9:15 p.m.(1/12/1014 AR)

The days pass, easily enough. Despite the snow. Another year comes and goes and I found myself quietly celebrating my thirtieth birthday in the estate, with my husband and our children. A quiet evening within the confines of the atrium and unwrapping yet another... interesting arm designed by Astrid. This one with fabrics all tied in knots around more wood. Who is helping her with these, I do not know. But without doubt, I shall have to wear it at some point.

Future jewelry designer, she will not be.

Snow gathers on the lips of the frames in the atrium and I find myself sitting quietly there and looking up. Watching.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 6, 2020, 10:10 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

There is a distinct difference in the way that we raise her. And in the way that she treats each of us. Together in her presence, she strives to balance the expectations of manners and etiquette from myself, even as she is soon set to turn six. But when I have left, she turns into a craven little beast, that half the time seems to care not to listen to him. And yet, she is his heir and so, I hold my tongue. At least, from him and her. Now, her tutors, a far different thing. Gods help me, when I heard she just yammered Yaya endlessly while chasing the fish, it was a good thing that I was in repose to aid my sides in healing faster.

I do not remember being so willful as a child. She must surely get such from him.

Written By Alarissa

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:39 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

She is so young. She doesn’t understand or comprehend what has happened. Was it accidental? Intentional? My actions or something she will inherently be able to do...

I am afraid for her.

Written By Alarissa

Aug. 20, 2020, 9:52 p.m.(11/16/1013 AR)

Maxene found a gray strand. She plucked it out, thinking to hide it from me.

This is on par with the woods that one time with Teagan.

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