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Written By Abbas

June 20, 2017, 8:36 a.m.(9/8/1006 AR)

Thank you Juliana. As I sharpen my axe I cannot help but smile at your poem. Knowing my sweet sister is safe from the carousing scoundrel of the Salt who would seek to rob her of her heart.

Why Fatima was just sharpening her spear while I polished my murder-armor happy to have kept you safe from such terrible threat. Why the things we would do to those who would injure you.

The horrible... terrible things. A rain of entrails.

Still though, I am your brother.. not so romantic next time.

Written By Abbas

June 17, 2017, 9:26 a.m.(9/2/1006 AR)

I believe sometimes that the people of Arx do not fully comprehend the precarious nature of our current lives. The horde of death and demonic disposition just fought inside of the Palace. These creatures have been plotting our rot and decay for centuries. They are everywhere. No one is safe. Now is the time of axes and glory.

The people of the Mourning Isles are used to surviving within the hard crush of the margins. We thrive in it. And through the pressure we are forged harder and stronger. The fury of the Salt has been our proving grounds and we wait with baited breath and with vipers coiled in our bellies for the next turn of death's machinations.

Written By Abbas

June 11, 2017, 9:11 p.m.(8/19/1006 AR)

As of late I have made many changes not just for myself but for others as well. There has been shares of skepticism. People doubted my resolve to act but it is there now for all of Arvum to see. I thank the Gods for their guidance and the Faith for its support.

Written By Abbas

June 11, 2017, 9:09 p.m.(8/19/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fatima

My sister,

During the cold nights in the Maelstrom as children we were dependent on each other. It was never easy with a father executed as a traitor and a mother who abandoned us. Forged in cold fire the rigors of the Salt life has shaped who we are. I do not regret those days because of hard circumstance hard people are made. Survivors.

But it has never cracked the foundation of what we are. Brother and sister. We have forged an unconditional bond that is a support structure for whatever comes.

Written By Abbas

June 11, 2017, 9:09 p.m.(8/19/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fatima

My sister,

During the cold nights in the Maelstrom as children we were dependent on each other. It was never easy with a father executed as a traitor and a mother who abandoned us. Forged in cold fire the rigors of the Salt life has shaped who we are. I do not regret those days because of hard circumstance hard people are made. Survivors.

But it has never cracked the foundation of what we are. Brother and sister. We have forged an unconditional bond that is a support structure for whatever comes.

Written By Abbas

June 11, 2017, 9:07 p.m.(8/19/1006 AR)

My half-siblings and I have been building a relationship since their arrival in Arx. The Duchess Pravus has opened her home to me and given me a familial welcome and allowed me to foster a positive experience.

I have always been about blood and singularly focused on a name. The power of love and kinship goes beyond letters arrayed together in a common order.

My siblings will always have a protector in their Warlord brother.

Written By Abbas

June 4, 2017, 6:53 p.m.(8/4/1006 AR)

Tonight Thrax shall be victorious and the pool shall belong to the Sea Serpents!

Written By Abbas

June 4, 2017, 7:27 a.m.(8/3/1006 AR)

I stopped my and prayed to Mangata this morning. Life is a fickle thing that goes with the pass of a blade and then showers the earth in moments by the bucket.

Yet the dead do not simply die and vanish. The souls of the departed take a piece of you with them and haunt you until the end of days.

I think of those who have yet to die in this conflict. There will be many. And when we thought we have given enough the blood tithe will come due again and again. It is our duty to keep the Compact together and not at odds. To that extent I must do my part. And others must do theirs to bridge the chasm between each other.

In this war our only chance is together. To reach this end we must compromise. We must compromise ourselves, our values, and we must see the world as one people of Arvum. And then as the war widens across endless horizons we must see each other as simply people.

I will do my part. Will you?

Written By Abbas

June 3, 2017, 10:08 a.m.(8/1/1006 AR)

Things do not plan for generations of life and then go silent to be bled out at the first kiss. They go quietly and wait. They cut a thousand times. They stab at your heart. They prick and prick until you are weak. And then the horizon grows darker still and they sweep in to finish the war of attrition they started.

We have yet to fight the real things that come to snuff the life from Arvum. We must begin to cast aside our difference as division is their strategy it must become our rallying cry.

Arvum needs butchers -- yet it needs them within the context of what the common core of the Compact can agree upon. I concede this in my prayers for wisdom.

Mangata guide my axe.

Abbas Thrax

Written By Abbas

May 29, 2017, 3:23 a.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

Lord Darrow Darkwater is my champion. He stands as my axe in matters of dispute. The line starts there.

I trust the Knight of Sorrow in all tings. Including the protection of my life and of my interests.

As such he has earned my consideration as well. Any slight upon his station or attempt to do anything but increase his power in his lands with be met with hostility. Make no mistake about it. He has been a brother in blood and we have paid the tithe over and over. Such bonds do not falter.

Abbas Thrax

Written By Abbas

May 25, 2017, 9:38 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

I have had the pleasure of meeting the Duchess of Pravus finally after so long. I must say I rather find her presence and company agreeable. She is deep of thought and can easily read the logical flow of war and what must be done. I look forward to building upon our friendship.

Written By Abbas

May 25, 2017, 9:35 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

I am happy to have met my sister. It pleases me a great deal. I look forward to learning of her and keeping her safe from the foulness of the evil that surrounds Arx and Arvum.

Written By Abbas

May 25, 2017, 9:35 p.m.(7/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

I am happy to have met my sister. It pleases me a great deal. I look forward to learning of her and keeping her safe from the foulness of the evil that surrounds Arx and Arvum.

Written By Abbas

May 21, 2017, 5:03 p.m.(7/3/1006 AR)

Now is the time for the bold and fierce women of Thrax to assert their will into the Salt. If they are worthy then Mangata will see them through the turbulent storms and find them a place within the Leviathan.

There are so few right now but upon their shoulders are the dreams of strong Thraxian women like my mother.

Written By Abbas

May 21, 2017, 5 p.m.(7/3/1006 AR)

We must not grow soft in the rest between battles. The war is not one. One does not snuff out centuries of plot and fiendish behavior after centuries of preparation. I have watched as people breathe, rest, and lose sight that before us is the time ripest to take the fight into the depths of those whose foolishly stand before the will and feats of mortal man.

Written By Abbas

May 7, 2017, 1:22 a.m.(6/1/1006 AR)

In the depths a beast terrorizes and remains. And a host awaits. We are never tired, never conquered, and we rise from our struggles merely harder and more determined.

I am proud of Thrax and its vassals today. They chose /our Ward/ and unleashed their long-held plans. And they were driven into the brink. The men did not break. Walls will shatter, violence will unfold, and the Leviathan and her ships dominate the horizon.

Soon we shall take the dead and burn them upon a great pyre. They are the ones we honor for their sacrifice and glory. For they died proud men useful in battle. One could not ask for a finger death.

Long live our High Lord, Victus. Long may he spread fear and boldness into the belly of the beast.

Written By Abbas

April 30, 2017, 10:32 a.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Sieges and the vast stretch of the Salt are not common bedfellows. They are harder to maintain. As Warlord of Thrax I get to conceptualize given the size of the Thraxian fleet the prospect of siege at the level that armies could never dream of. By starving someone from their economy and conducting war through self-sufficient isolation. There is little use to parking a fleet outside of a solitary city and expecting a good return and the blood price not be too steep in the forward investment.

This is why I would rather quickly sack a smaller unawares city than keep one.

Written By Abbas

April 21, 2017, 10:39 p.m.(4/24/1006 AR)

I pray.

Written By Abbas

April 15, 2017, 5:23 p.m.(4/12/1006 AR)

I am no politician. I have no ability for it.

I was tasked to make war. There is no glory in this thing. There is no pride in watching a man... or woman -- stuff themselves back inside themselves just to taste of hope once more before they die. I am proud of my men who went to war with me. They obeyed hard orders. They did the /hard/ thing because of duty they return home having sacrificed.

Some speak of things as if these choices were easy and done so out of a desire to see such suffering. Over the last years I have seen my fellow brothers driven mad and waste away to nothing. We have seen entire peoples turned and driven to the most horrific things imaginable; including cannibalism of those they once loved. Imagine a life where you must devour your own blood, your lover, your friend, your parent or to see them suffer as mindless horrors.

We have seen the true evil and malice of what seeks to consume us. I will not see my child born to a hopeless life. I will not see this evil turning upon the Mourning Isles in the homes of those I love and hold dear. I will stand to my last breath and make the hardest of choices to make sure that the hopes and dreams of our people continue. I shall fight the war of the Salt that keeps the dark tides away from the shores of Arvum.

I will fight this horror in the deepest reaches so that those we love and cherish shall have a chance at knowing the heat of the sun, the warm breeze, the spray of the Salt, and the sweetness of laughter or love. For the peaks of joy and the valleys of sadness to live on I will stand strong. And when the evil is gone I shall fade.

We have won a hard start to the war. My men are tired and they have sacrificed greatly. They have been burdened with a duty that is so very troubling. We sacrifice like those brave twelve of ourselves but we must go on living and fighting. Thrax is stronger. Arvum is stronger. We have isolated the evil to the deep and lessened the odds of the horrors visiting those that mean everything to us. The war is a little less hopeless.

There is not a day I do not pray that war is not needed. But when it is needed… against this evil – against this malice where every life is a weapon to smother all hope and dreams; we must do whatever it takes to see it wither and die.

We do what we must because others cannot. There is no choice in this war – if you side with the evil you must know not mercy. Many mothers of Thrax will sleep seeing their sons or daughters home from certain death and doom. Another winter may pass where hopes and dreams may continue. There is no price we should not pay of ourselves to make sure those who come after us. We who stand now have a duty to go against the tide and storm courageously into the unknown and do whatever we must so that this malice is driven root-by-root from our doorsteps.

You may look to the Salt horizon another day, hold your loved ones close, and pray for a better tomorrow upon the tides. I do not mind your stares or curses. I will continue to fight for the life and fate of the endless depths shall be in my hands. I sadden that people seek to assign my people hate when they give of themselves the most to make sure we live another day.

It is not easy. I pray every day for a better tomorrow for those we seek to protect. I pray for peace with all of my being. The plate before me though is not peace... it is then end of everything. And I will swallow it all so that another may not have to suffer another bite.

It is not easy to sacrifice for your people.

My people.

And your people.

Prince Abbas

Written By Abbas

April 2, 2017, 1:26 p.m.(3/14/1006 AR)

I dream at night. The men are ready and while I wish not for foul things in war. I have the harpoons lashed to the decks. The barrels ready. The men who taste for a gloried death have anointed to their chosen fate. Every ship in the fleet waits with impatience but none more so than I.

Somewhere out there the eye lingers. And somewhere I shall hunt it and I shall take it as my prize. The horror shall sleep.

"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering kraken; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee."

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