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Written By Calypso

Jan. 11, 2017, 3:39 p.m.(8/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

I learned a valuable lesson last night while shopping with Master Saedrus. - Apparently there is a wide variety of pink and choosing the correct shade means everything. Its not just pink, its dust rose and fuchsia and something that was described to me as what an elderly lady wears when she no longer has keen eyesight to be able to distinguish the truly horrible and offensive pinks from the acceptable ones. And not just that, all colors say something about someone. Pink, apparently, has nothing to do with confidence and power.

We went with crimson in the end. Thank the Gods for Saedrus.

Written By Larissa

Dec. 12, 2016, 1:53 p.m.(5/13/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

If I am the unforgiving heat of the sun, then Saedrus is the soothing calm of the moon. He is endless night that wraps so softly around you, so silken and unrestrained that you begin to forget the rest of all the very many things that no longer matter. In his company - you are whisked away. You are pampered with such graceful ease that you almost don't realize it.. you only understand that your burdens have lifted and that this charming man is the cause. No more could be my complete opposite in all ways, and no more could one move so effortlessly in tune with me. We are sun and moon and everyone else is our universe spilling out around us.

Written By Julea

Dec. 12, 2016, 9:24 a.m.(5/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

Every time I see him, he somehow leaves me feeling flustered and lacking in words. Something uncommon for me, usually I've got plenty of words, even if they are (more often than not) the wrong ones.

He reminds me of how far I am from Three Trees, and how different Arx is, in all the good kind of ways.

Written By Viktarkim

Oct. 30, 2016, 10:11 p.m.(12/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

Courtisan Whisperer. Wasn't sure if he was a man or a woman at first. Soft spoken, friendly enough. Likes Sage water. I guess that's a tea.

Written By Ianthe

Oct. 15, 2016, 1:18 p.m.(11/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

Some people create works of art. Some people are works of art. Master Cicisbeo definitely falls into the latter category.

Written By Kima

Oct. 14, 2016, 11:22 p.m.(11/5/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

I am not certain many of my peers, save for those in far-flung, and more rugged regions that sport a smaller populace, can say that they know their commoners half so well as we Saiks. The Cicisbeos have tended to our vineyards for several generations, and though Saedrus has chosen a different path from that of his ancestors, his five sisters remain. (Though technically they've all married into other families).

He serves my House in a new capacity now. One I dare say papa ever expected. Imagine, a Saik with their own courtesan. Eos has stood in as his patron, though I can only imagine this is in hopes of smoothing his less than socially adept rough edges.

If anyone can, it is Saedrus.

Written By Victus

Oct. 14, 2016, 6:48 a.m.(11/3/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

There are ways a man can take to escape the drudgery of a peasant life.

In Thrax you pick up the sword. From mercenary bands to noble households, to serving aboard our ships. With time and skill, a man can become something no matter the origin of his birth.

In Lycene I suppose you dress yourself in silks like a fucking woman and laze about while selling your company to the desperately lonely.

Written By Eos

Oct. 13, 2016, 9:45 a.m.(11/1/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

Luck finds me with Saedrus' return to Arx. He has always had the most unnaturally impeccable timing. I am not poet enough to know the appropriate words to describe the man, so I will say nothing more than he is singular in the world, a soul without like. I have taken him on in the official capacity as my protege, to play the more socially graced and learned extension of myself in the world. There has never been so simple and doubtless a call to make as extending the offer of patronage to one of Saikland's finest.

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