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Written By Ophelia

March 15, 2017, 8:08 a.m.(2/5/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

I don't know how Artorius sleeps.

Having another human being to look after is quite possibly the most stressful thing I have ever experienced in my entire life.

She's not even mine! And it's what, for a few days? A week? Two weeks? And she's not even the terribly helpless tiny pink kind of child that's 90% potato.

I can't sleep. I just stay awake and stare at her and occasionally go into panic mode.

Should have seen the face of the waiter that convinced me we were finally under attack when he dropped a tea kettle in the stairwell. I'm proud to say I mobilized us within 30 seconds and made him have an accident in his pants within 45 when I showed up on the staircase wielding a sword in one hand and a chamber pot in the other.

She does keep me on my toes, however. She finds the strangest things to do. I think we'll make strawberry jam tomorrow. She assures me she knows just how.

Written By Hadrian

March 12, 2017, 2:13 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Another cousin to have made an appearance in Arx. A welcome sight and sword arm, no doubt. He brought his young daughter along with him, which is unfortunate given what the city faces soon but I can not blame him for not wishing to put his own offspring beyond his own reach. Let us hope that our many brave and skilled warriors are capable of holding back the tide and ensuring that the fighting does not reach these streets. From what I've gathered he was able to best my sister in a duel, which of course gives me pause because of the simple issue of that being my sister, but it gives me some reassurance that Artorius will not be just another body to be in the way of the warriors. He will be right there alongside them and will no doubt do his family name proud.

His daughter, Serah, seems to be a scrupulous young lady. Judgmental possibly. She has no issues, even at her young age, with openly surveying those she encounters as though she were taking their full measure before committing her willingness to address. I will say this much for the young lady however, she seems unwilling to call champions into the perceived slights. When she seemed to display some manner of issue with myself, I instructed her to call her champion and be done with it. She did not.

I guess I win. Your move, Serah.

Written By Calypso

March 12, 2017, 11:57 a.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

My cousin Artorius has heeded the call to come to Arx recently. His sister Caelis arrived not long ago. It's nice to have so many siblings together again. His daughter Serah is delightful, if a touch clingy. Truth be told I've never spent much time around children. Having one in the house is going to be something TK get used to.

Regardless of the 5-year-old, I am glad to see my cousin again. We took a turn in the training center last night and just as he always does, he sent me flying. I really have no idea how he grew to be so tall. But I am greatful To have such a warrior in House Malvici.

Written By Caelis

March 11, 2017, 10:22 p.m.(1/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

I love my brother. Deep to my bones, I do. But we still fight like children when pushed, maybe we are too much alike?

Written By Ophelia

March 10, 2017, 11:11 a.m.(1/24/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Yesterday morning, in the stone garden - I met a man and his wonderful daughter. Together, we fed our horses sugar cubes, let them graze, and fed the winter birds.

He and his daughter made me laugh and smile. I could not imagine a better father figure. It's times like these when I miss my own father.

I see a lot of Serah, his daughter, in myself too.

I can't wait until the siege is over and we can find more things to do. Like horseback riding and chasing butterflies. It was minutes I spent with her - well, twice, but the Winter Rose, as she is most definitely called now - has stolen my heart. And I realized we fight this battle very little for ourselves, but for her. Specifically her, and specifically the other children of this Realm and I feel honored that Artorius would entrust her with me during the siege.

My plan is - the Menagerie. It probably won't be attacked right out, and if the battle lasts longer than usual, I have a supply of fresh meat and water. I'm going today to bury some provisions including camping gear and possibly set up a vantage point in the highest tree, for a lookout. If they get close I'll release some animals that have a somewhat defensible structure/compound/stable for us. I need to find an apothecary that can make smokeless fire or something. To keep us warm.

If this fails I will move us to the Velenosa or Grayson Estate on either side - depending on which side is more open. If that fails, and I am capable of getting there I will then go to Thrax. You know, hit Perrach up for that favor he totally owes me.

Serah - definitely love at first sight.

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