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Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:38 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

He's been out of sight since Aunt Carlotta was lost in the recent tragedy, or so says the information coming out of the Lyceum. So many have lost so much, it wouldn't be gracious of me to not extend my sympathies in his direction as well, I suppose. He is my uncle after all, more or less. Less since this petty squabbling between us began, perhaps it's time to bury the hatchet. I certainly won't be apologizing first, however.

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:37 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

Young Prince Kieran has lost his father, I can only imagine his grief. The idea of Kieran in mourning is an odd one, he's always so manic, so full of life and vigor it's actually a bit exhausting. Perhaps the gravity of the situation will center him long enough for him to find himself and discover the type of man he means to be. There's only Princess Deva between himself and the throne now, in theory.

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:37 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailith

I haven't seen Seraph Ailith since news came of the king's condition, but I imagine the girl is stricken. So much of who she is seems so tightly wound around the idea of her closeness to the king and indeed the entirety of the royal family, this tragedy may have touched her almost as deeply as those of us that actually lost family.

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:37 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

I haven't seen Prince Darren since tragedy struck, though I suppose I should rightly start thinking of him as 'His Grace' now. I don't know how close he and the late Prince Sherrod were, let alone how close he was to his cousin Angus, but I fear it's an uncomfortable conversation we'll need to have soon. Widowed without issue, what exactly is my place here, now? Do I still have a home at Farhaven?

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:37 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Princess Alarissa is a sweet girl, though the brightness of her eyes cannot mask her ambition. Good for her, it's nice to know that joining the Valardin doesn't immediately sap the will out of the ladies that wind up there. I haven't seen her since tragedy struck, but if I recall correctly, she was engaged to Alaric IV for a brief time. I hope she's holding up well, she's lost so much, and so many, in such a short period of time.

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:37 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I haven't seen His Grace since tragedy struck, truth be told I haven't seen much of anyone. Just recalling the silly, exasperated look on his face when Sir Arugala tossed him off, or the determination on his features in the training center... I hope recent events haven't stolen away his expressiveness. That's often the worst part of these things, the way people sometimes seem to shut down, guarded against letting one in.

Written By Valencia

June 11, 2016, 8:29 a.m.(9/23/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Max

The Dread Count Darkwater - what a dreadful name. He seems particularly fond of it though, so I imagine there's no harm in introducing him that way, it's amusing to see him try and hold back a smile. He scowls so much he's going to look ancient well-before his time, but I suppose with a name like that he's got to look the part.

Written By Valencia

June 3, 2016, 6:23 p.m.(8/28/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

Uncle Niccolo recently lost his wife and while I'm terribly sorry for his loss, it's not like everyone doesn't know she's the one that sent me off to the icy North through no real fault of my own. Thankfully, I've taken well to the North and my own good fortune has brought me south again to Arx, but I can't help remembering that he didn't protest my being shipped off to ice, snow, and uncertainty. I mean to forgive him, really I do. Eventually. Maybe.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 5:07 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

While Kieran's antics would drive me up a wall from a Southern courtier, they're endearing coming from him, and relatively harmless. It sometimes feels as if he wears his Northern attributes like a suit of armor, but I think there's a sophisticate full of potential under there, somewhere. I should look into potential matches for him, nothing shapes up a man like a good woman nagging him incessantly.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 4:57 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

"Eccentric" doesn't quite cover the bases with regard to Viviana. On the one hand, swaggering around in breeches and boots while other ladies truss themselves up in gowns and silk slippers certainly makes her stand out. But on the other hand, it seems to fit her so well that after the initial double-take, it doesn't seem strange at all. Her teasing personality and self-described 'debonair' antics make spending time with her worth my while whenever we have the chance.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 4:51 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

It's easy to love how laid-back Brianna is, every conversation is an exercise in probing for the boundaries of her copious amounts of patience. It can be hard to find much in the way of intrigue in the North, perhaps being in Arx will provide more opportunities for me to find out just what makes this flame-haired wildling tick.

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