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Written By Valencia

July 27, 2016, 10:15 p.m.(2/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianwen

Arianwen is a talented crafter in the city and I reached out to her to do some sort of fashion gathering because ladies plus silk equals profit, and wealthy crafters are productive crafters and I love to shop, naturally. I'll need to get together with her soon and set something up, she's terribly pretty which makes for a great co-host.

Written By Valencia

July 27, 2016, 10:12 p.m.(2/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Prince Edain is a light in the darkness, his good-cheer and endless supply of syrup-laden treats sure to deliver a smile no matter what mood I'm in or trouble I've caused. He's got his serious side as well, and I certainly wouldn't ever want to be on the wrong side of his ire, but I certainly look forward to learning more about him while I'm here in Arx.

Written By Valencia

July 23, 2016, 1 p.m.(2/8/1004 AR)

            On Pride & Vanity

    Pride is what we think of ourselves. It is how we hold our heads when we face our reflections, it is the honor with which we regard ourselves, it is the dignity with which we carry ourselves. Pride sets men apart from beasts, pride is a self-perpetuating system by which we govern our actions and our expectations of our fellow man.

    Vanity is what we would have others think of us. It is in how we speak of ourselves in the hope of those words reaching the 'right' ears. It is in how we speak to others, putting them down to lift ourselves up. It is in the many little comparisons we make to others, oftentimes unconsciously. What jewels is she wearing, what sword does she carry, whose company does she keep, what ladies give him her favor, how much silver does he spend, who did he last best in a duel?

It is pride that causes us to stand up for what we believe in, it is pride that guides the righteous, it is pride that allows a body to address the gods, be it in silent prayer or a Rite of Gloria. For one that has no pride has no reason to seek the favor of the gods, he would not be worthy in his own eyes.

It is vanity masquerading as pride that leads people into all manner of troublesome thought. The fear of looking weak is a vanity, it leads those of lesser talent or skill or accuity to disparage those with pride in their deeds or accomplishments. Vanity leads people to petty hatred and ill-timed words, whether spoken or written or simply thought.

Be petty, be vain. But for the sake of your own pride, be silent about it.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:37 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

She's always the gem of the Velenosa parties, flitting here and there to make sure everyone is taken care of - it'd be exhausting to try and catch ahold of her during one of those things, so I don't. But I should probably corner her soon and force some girl-talk on her, it's been ages.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:29 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Lady Brianna, poor dear, has been under the weather lately. I'm not known for having the best bedside manner, but she seems to be coming around and it shouldn't be long before she's back in the social swing of things. She's no Lydia, I'm not expecting her to be any good at braiding my hair, and she's certainly no Nadia - the idea of her sitting through a polite conversation is laughable. But she's Brianna, and that's good enough for me.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:23 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

There's nothing quite like learning what makes someone tick, figuring out the most interesting aspect of their personality and setting it up to shine. I enjoy finding the use in people, and then making use of it. Does that make me manipulative? No more so than anyone else, I would think. A bit more self-aware than those who deny it.
    Friends are people that serve a purpose you can make repeated use of, for example. They may be good at making you laugh, or making you think, or providing an ear you can safely confide in. Enemies are those that serve as a hinderance to those things that you most want. Enemies have no purpose, and are therefore useless. What do we do with the useless?    Now there's a question that bears some consideration.

Written By Valencia

July 15, 2016, 3:57 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

Princess Deva is my fellow Voice within the Redrain family, and though I've never been fond of sharing the spotlight, I have to admit it's something of a brilliant arrangement. She's the voice of the untamed North, and I speak with the southern tongue so familiar to our allies. Between the two of us, we'll aid Darren in bringing the Abandoned to heel and showing the rest of Arvum a thing or two as well. Now if only I can get her to sit still and allow Lydia to brush her hair.

Written By Valencia

July 15, 2016, 3:52 p.m.(1/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

Princess Freja is Fergus' sister, and the two of them are remarkably similar in disposition, though I suspect for markedly different reasons. She was once the Sword of Farhaven, I'll admit I'm a bit curious as to how Fergus wound up with the appointment instead. Perhaps I'll ask about it once I've gotten to know her better.

Written By Valencia

July 9, 2016, 5:22 p.m.(12/22/1003 AR)

There's nothing quite like southern wine, and southern company. Add some of my favorite Northland family members to the mix, and the party was exactly what I needed. Beautiful, relaxing, and in some moments absolutely hilarious. The highlights, as I recall them:
1. Prince Luca offering his arm to Talen. It was so ridiculously gallant. Talen was a class-act in getting around it.
2. Princess Ophelia murdering the avian intruders in the garden maze. I'd worry if she wasn't such a sweetheart.
3. Duke Vercyn establishing the Northern duchy of Sideline. I wonder if we'll lay down claim upon the benches of future gatherings?

All in all, it was a lovely night with beautiful lanterns, people, and music, a true testament to Lycene sensibilities.

Written By Valencia

July 9, 2016, 5 p.m.(12/22/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

Forget everything I said about her before. Duchess Nadia Nightgold is much more than I took her to be at first glance. She's not simply pretty, she actually has a sense of decorum that is all her own, and not simply a Northern approximation of southern sensibilities. She's clever and witty and I don't find myself making up excuses to escape her company, which is rare these days. My patience isn't what it used to be.

Written By Valencia

July 8, 2016, 11:17 a.m.(12/20/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Prince Luca is charming, though it would take a great many words and glasses of wine to put my finger on exactly why that is. He's lazy and unmotivated and in dire need of a haircut. He's also funny without being obnoxious, something many southern men are entirely inept at - 'suave' is a dying art in the Lyceum. His offering of his arm to Talen at the recent party (I'll talk more about that later) was the second most amusing moment of the evening.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:27 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

One could make the error of assuming Duke Vercyn Halfshav is a kind, compassionate man of affable disposition. It would be an easy error to make, really. He is startlingly talented at projecting all those things to an excess that would put many Lenosian courtiers to shame. But he is a Halfshav, and it would be foolish for any to forget that, even for a moment. Some errors are costly, indeed.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:23 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

Viviana was almost set to duel Duke Hadrian Malvici, and what a glorious ass-kicking that would have been. Alas, it turns out that a priest actually altered his White journal, and was punished with the swiftness and unforgiving harshness for which the Scholars of Vellichor are famed. She seems fired up and still eager to duel, I might make use of that still-raging fire, yet.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:20 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

The Sword of Lenosia. It's absolutely no surprise whatsoever that Talen's made something of himself. Uncle Niccolo didn't raise any losers, at least, none that we speak of at any length. Do I regret how I mistreated him as a child? Sometimes, in softer moments. He's got a spine of steel and a diplomatic streak a mile wide as an adult, and I suppose he has me and some of the others to thank in hindsight. Swords tempered in the forges of adversity, and all that. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's grown so handsome, who could pick on him now?

Written By Valencia

June 26, 2016, 9:18 p.m.(11/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

Isolde has come into her own, and I never saw it coming. Oh the things I have missed, being away. She's charming and caring and cunning all at once, and fiercely loyal to the Velenosa house. The mirrormask business is of course unfortunate, but it likely comes of being the younger sister. It's worked for her certainly, she can grab the attention of just about anyone with that mask, and then hold it with her charm and wit.

Written By Valencia

June 26, 2016, 9:15 p.m.(11/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

I've invited Brianna to stay with me at the Redrain Villa, where I'll be better able to guide her in the ways of the courtier. She's already friendly enough, sometimes to am excess, but there are finer points of etiquette and deportment that could use some work and if I have her trapped in the Redrain estate for a time, it'll be that much harder for her to duck my lessons.

Written By Valencia

June 24, 2016, 9:24 p.m.(11/8/1003 AR)

I feel the pain of Angus' passing renewed every time something happens that reminds me of him. I wish I could have told him that I finally sent the ring he made me to be fixed, I still regret throwing it at him that day.
    He'd tracked mud into our bedroom and when I complained he'd very rudely told me to 'get used to it', that I'd never fit in here if I whined about some mud. I took the ring and flung it at his head, but my aim has always been lousy. It hit a vase, cracking it down the middle, and in the process, the ring chipped.

I've gotten used to mud, Angus.

Written By Valencia

June 24, 2016, 6:58 p.m.(11/7/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

I met with Uncle Niccolo for the first time since the King's Rest began. He seems... different. He's still condescending and enfuriating of course, but he also seems a bit more paranoid. Where has he been all this time? Surely not hiding from the world. He mentioned that troubles are brewing in the northern islands as well, I'll see what I can find out but I do worry that I'm chasing spectres of a heartbroken man rather than actual conspiracies.

Written By Valencia

June 20, 2016, 10:34 p.m.(10/24/1003 AR)

(In Northern Farhaven, just after the start of the King's Rest)
"And now, I'm a widow. What does that even mean? I was barely married a year, now I'm a widow for the rest of my life? How is that fair? Everyone is so wrapped up in their own grief, but what about me? Am I supposed to waste away in Farhaven now? I think not. I'll come up with something, I have to. I'm far too well-connected to let my talents go to waste. I won't stay in Farhaven, but I can do Redrain one better. I'll give them the gift of my stellar diplomatic accumen - from somewhere warmer than here, naturally. It's the least I can do, since I definitely didn't get around to giving them a pint-sized Redrain.
Princess Valencia Redrain

Written By Valencia

June 18, 2016, 7:38 a.m.(10/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

I haven't seen her around the villa since word came of the king's condition. The poor girl is probably beside herself with grief, everyone knows that she and Alaric IV were nigh inseperable before his marriage, and now this. I should reach out to her in some way, but how do you broach the topic of the death of someone's since-married ex-suitor? Carefully, when they're as violently inclined as Brianna Halfshav.

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