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Written By Eirene

Jan. 10, 2018, 10:58 a.m.(12/9/1007 AR)

Let me clarify my last journal because SOME dumb fuck will interpret it wrong.

Southport will answer the call to arms and assist. Make no mistake of that.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 10, 2018, 10:45 a.m.(12/9/1007 AR)

Normally I would welcome the opportunity to show off Southport's navy and marines, but we're a LITTLE busy right now. If the Gyre would kindly wait until we have our affairs in order, that'd be great.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 8, 2018, 6:29 p.m.(12/6/1007 AR)

Falling asleep by a mirror is a weird feeling, waking up and seeing myself. In other news, my hair is pretty messy when I sleep on it in braids.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 5, 2018, 10:38 p.m.(11/28/1007 AR)

Yeah. I know you're reading this.

Fuck off.

Written By Eirene

Jan. 2, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(11/19/1007 AR)

Blood and crustini do not mix. Luckily Marcos was there to help me patch our people up.

May not be so generous to those who tried to kill my niece. They can be fodder for my trainees. They'll get medical care, just not from me.

What's more disturbing than blood at the dinner table was traitors in our house, but I suppose opportunists will strike when they see opportunity. That sounded better in my head, I think.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 31, 2017, 12:49 p.m.(11/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

Also - Aislin is missing. Which is a damn shame because I never got to sit down and discuss bullshit with her about everything. Just one more supernatural threat to kill. Or try to kill. I don't think we can kill them, just put them back into bed with a spanking and no dessert for 500 years.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 31, 2017, 12:48 p.m.(11/15/1007 AR)

I've been debating the merits of sexual revenge lately but I'm too good a person for that.

I saw that smirk, Scholar. Don't laugh. I have morals. Lycene morals but morals.

Mostly I'm too smart to be thinking with my genitalia.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 28, 2017, 5:22 p.m.(11/10/1007 AR)

Someone out there must be LOVING my paranoia and frustration as of late. It's part jittery watching over my shoulder and part wanting to throw things at a wall.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 28, 2017, 5:01 p.m.(11/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

QUOTE: "We have discussed it for some time (including in these pages), and at long last Duke Cristoph, Count Kael, and I have agreed upon the First Annual Armor Run in the Valardin Ward. It is for charity, of course, and there is some talk of pastries, though I am not certain I understand the inside joke. In any event, it should all be in good fun. Come cheer me on if it is in your nature."

I read this as 'It is for Chastity, of course.' and I thought, 'Well of COURSE it is.' And then I read Pastries and thought pasties.

I guess this shows you the difference between a Lycene mind and... anyone else.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 28, 2017, 4:59 p.m.(11/10/1007 AR)

My desire to troll the world is only lesser to my common sense. Oh what a dangerous (and dead) person I'd be if I wasn't smart enough to know when to Black Journal or just keep my damn fool mouth closed.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 22, 2017, 10:22 a.m.(10/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Killian

Went on patrol with him at least once. Never interacted with him much but he was a good soldier and did his duty til the end.

I don't pay much higher compliments than that.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 21, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(10/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Just got her out of surgery. Won't print an untruth here, she may still die. But there's a stronger fucking chance she'll live now. No offense to my dear Mercy friends, but when it comes to trauma surgery with an abyssal taint thrown in, I'm probably the number one person in Arx you want standing over you with a knife and a readiness to keep your blood on the inside.

Not that I'm bragging. Just fucking true.

Only person I want standing over me with a knife if I'm wounded and infected is Sophie, for the record.

Now don't die, you bitch. I'll look like an asshole if you die.

Aksel - well. I couldn't do much for him at the moment. Maybe we'll see how he progresses under observation. If he stabilizes more I might be able to help.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 15, 2017, 10:31 a.m.(10/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

Why we don't hang out more I'll never know. Guess our paths run parallel.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 15, 2017, 10:30 a.m.(10/11/1007 AR)

Had another mini breakdown the other day. I have no shame in writing a White about this. The sheer horror of what we're up against is catching up to me and sometimes it's a little overwhelming when you stop and think about it.

Alcohol is my best friend. It's done a lot to help me forget or at least cope. Sometimes I think I rely on it too much but so far it's been more a boon than a bane.

Who needs sleep anymore, right?

Written By Eirene

Dec. 8, 2017, 2:46 p.m.(9/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

After a day of being maudlin over the war with Tor, I went to the Taste of Tor party. Even dressed up pretty for it (Which Petal remembered she's responsible for). I need to sit with Calista and talk about what happened; she deserves to know.

I have to laugh - Malvici camouflage is to dress like normal Lycene.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 3, 2017, 5:44 p.m.(9/14/1007 AR)

In happier news, my apothecaries from the Guild who went with Maeve reported they were able to safely transport the flowers back to Arx and get them to grow (albeit slowly) in the Lodge. The salve made from them is reportedly very useful, so I can only hope those little leafy buggers do well. Something something special fertilizer...

Written By Eirene

Dec. 3, 2017, 5:28 p.m.(9/14/1007 AR)

Neither by Chance or Fate - those are our words. We take them seriously. We leave nothing up to dumb luck but make sure things go the way we want them to go. We don't 'get' lucky. We plan, we prepare, we execute.

Someone has made a grave error in making an enemy of us. Oh don't get me wrong, we have a lot of enemies, and we will make sure that whomever is behind this regrets their decision. Already, we plan. I can't wait to get to the execution part.

In other topics, the fact that the Lyceum and the Compact as a whole are supportive of us is reassuring. They have seen Duchess Calypso's leadership and the organization structure we present. That this would suddenly vanish overnight is seen for what it is; a blatant attempt to eat away at our support base. Too blatant.

Malvici is glad to have served the Compact and in return, glad it stands by us.

Did I mention I want to get to the execution phase? Yeah.

Written By Eirene

Dec. 2, 2017, 10:06 a.m.(9/12/1007 AR)

I have suspects. All of them are people (or things) I will happily spit in the eye of. They made the pre-emptive strike. As a military commander I have to appreciate it. Nothing says 'Fuck you, Malvici' more than making us look like incompetents.

I will find a way to fuck back, oh believe me. Harder. With spikes on it.

Written By Eirene

Nov. 20, 2017, 10:01 a.m.(8/14/1007 AR)

It wasn't even my idea in the first place. I got stuck being the mouthpiece.

Ah, my life is full of weird shit and I shouldn't complain. Hasn't killed me (yet).

Written By Eirene

Nov. 13, 2017, 10:04 a.m.(7/28/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

I better schedule that Royal Pub Crawl before the King gets sick of waiting and goes without me.

I guess this means I better take a tour of all the various regional bars and get a feel for them.

Except the Murder. Sorry. Now way in the Abyss I am taking the King into the Burroughs. No offence.

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