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Written By Valencia

March 11, 2018, 11:32 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

Last night, after so many years, I finally closed one chapter and started anew. It was both heartbreaking and yet freeing. A beautiful, long overdue step forward.

But I regret nothing. How could I? Everything good or ill that has happened has brought me to this place. And I would be no where else I think.

I do not know what will happen, but I know in my heart it is the right thing.

To those I love, family and dear friends. I love you more still. Know I will hold you dear until my dying day. Know that I wish you as much light, life, luck and love to last all your days and even after. To those who must go forth to fight for us, be strong. Know that you are loved and we wait to welcome you home and that we will do what me must to help and support you. That we will think on you every day and pray for your safe return.

To my golden lights in all this darkness. To my Northern Star. My beacon of hope and strength. Those I hold most dear. Hold fast. Keep Heart. Know I am here and always will be. Come home to me soon. We have so much yet to to do.

With light, luck and love... as always, as ever.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 18, 2018, 10:07 p.m.(3/20/1008 AR)

Again I am reminded that it's much harder to face darkness without a light in your heart.

Love, luck and hope are the most powerful things in the world, I think.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 17, 2018, 6:07 p.m.(3/17/1008 AR)

A little light in what seems to be a dark time for so many. There are some days that, no matter how dire things are, you somehow find yourself with a spark of happiness that it is just too hard to contain.

No matter how sad or hurtful the news, how painful the unkindness, how unhappy your heart has been, or how dark things may seem -- there is such a light in your heart that it washes over you and what once would have caused grave worry, upset or torn your heart in two does not. There is only hope, love and a powerful strength that cannot be denied.

Today is one of those days. It is a glorious thing to feel. I will have many more with those I care for. I am so grateful for this.

It's harder to face darkness without a light in your heart. I hope I can return this precious gift threefold to all, especially to those who have made mine blossom so.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 4, 2018, 5:39 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

It is not often love is put before loyalty and duty to family and house. I understand why this has been so, but this does not mean I always agree.

Ideally, it is lovely to have both in a match, but all to often this is not so. Ambition and politics can be cruel. Fate crueler still.

But to think that the title of a person is a great measure of their worth as a human being or as a member of a household seems erroneous to me.

And so when it happens, when love finds a way, I can't help but smile a little.

May we all be so lucky.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 31, 2017, 10:41 p.m.(11/16/1007 AR)

My apologies. It has been some time since I have written, but I can no longer be remiss in sharing my appreciation for The Champions' extraordinary assistance in coming forward to champion another of the Hart's charitable causes.

Thanks to the gracious work of Grandmaster Beaumont, it was with the greatest of delight and a great honour to have The Champions some of most gifted duelists in the all of Avrum join us in the Hart's arena to raise support for the families and businesses that were harmed by the most recent fire in our city.

The display of skill was astounding, and in true heroic form, the Champions generously gifted all funds collected at the event to the cause. I'm also very heartened to announce that any funds left over to be used to help establish a city fire brigade.

Thanks to the Champions' event and two of the Hart's previous Sip n'Spar events more than 100,000 in silver and 669 economic writs in goods, silver and services was raised and will donated to this very good cause. It is so heart warming to see what can be done when we all come together to help others especially in these very hard times.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the Champions Guild, Peerless Adder, Grandmaster Beaumont, Missere Agnarr and Lady Joslyn for coming out to support this event and cause. And thank you to all those who donated including Princess Alis, Princess Isabeau on behalf of Valardin, Lady Amarantha, Missere Waldemai, Lady Lucita and the many, many generous and compassionate souls who offered their kind support those in need in our city.

I hope this is the first of many such events to come. Wishing you all light, luck and love. Hold fast.


OOC: Apologies if I missed anyone and I'm so sorry I could not name everyone who helped with the tasks. I'm not sure how to find that info, but thank you all the same. <3

Written By Valencia

Dec. 6, 2017, 8:06 p.m.(9/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Cybele

Congratulations to Mercy Cybele Walker Inbetween of the Children of the Sun, the newest Voice for the Mercies of Lagoma of Arx.

I cannot think of a better choice for this important position. Mercy Cybele has done so much to help this city and it's peoples in times of need. I am sure that this hard work, devotion and fair judgment seen in past practice will result in most excellent representation in the future.

Well met, Princess Sophie Valardin. Well done, Mercy Cybele. Wising you much light, luck and love in your new position.

It's nice to see hard work and dedication rewarded so aptly.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 3, 2017, 7:26 p.m.(9/14/1007 AR)

Last night we celebrated the first year of opening our Hart with grand event and the opening of our Starlight terrace and roof gardens.

It was a was a wonderful night and I couldn't be more pleased or happy to see so many beautiful and fond faces there to help us celebrate. The company was splendid and Lady Lucita's performance was inspired and so very perfect. It was a perfect way to mark the occasion.

I cannot believe it has been a year since we opened our Hart to the city. We come so far since our first event, I must say. It has been a remarkable journey for me, one that was not always easy. As always, so much good, some bad -- but I will never regret starting on this path.

I know I say this often, but in truth I do not think it can be said enough. I am grateful to the good people who make this place so wonderful. Those that fill our Hart with good cheer and excellent company. Those who work so hard to make everyone feel welcome and well cared for. Those who support our good causes and good works through donations and deeds. I cannot say enough how much it means to see what a difference we make when we come together.

Thank you with all my heart to everyone for making the Hart what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. I am so proud of what has been accomplished so fair and cannot wait to see where it leads us next.

With light, luck and love... as always.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 3, 2017, 3:08 a.m.(9/13/1007 AR)

What a truly brilliant night our last Sunday spar turned out to be. I do not think I have had such fun in some time. Gods, I am so grateful to those who came to make this night a delight.

The matches were outstanding. Dame Esoka Greenblood vs. Lord Ansgar Blackram; Lady Joslyn Stonewood vs. Marquis Cirroch Sanna; Lord Corban Telmar vs. Lord Darrow Darkwater; Lord Luis Igniseri vs. Master Waldemai Isenhu and Lord Luis Igniseri vs. Baron Estaban Saik displayed the most remarkable skills in some of the best matches I have seen in some time.

Lord Graham Stonewood as always was a delight and so very helpful seeing that guests were well welcomed. I delighted in the company of so many beautiful and wonderful people. I was beyond thrilled to see Lady Lucita Ignisere, Count Thesarin Riven, Count Kael Keaton, Lord Ian Kennex, Princess Sasha Valardin, Master Zerric Memphit, Missere Aksel Nygard and the newly arrived Lord Marcos Saik as well.

I cannot wait for our next events! They keep getting better and better.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 21, 2017, 12:31 p.m.(8/16/1007 AR)

I am failing to see the good in goodbye this day.

Perhaps time will teach me to count my blessings in this and to take such things with more grace and laissez-faire, though there is apart of me that worries I will find too much good in it. What a shame that would be, but just so.

I'm not sure which is worse. The pain of a final goodbye or the realization that maybe it is a blessing in disguise.

Either way, I'm not sure I like goodbyes. I definitely do not like regrets. I much prefer hellos and the sparks of delight and hope that brings.

Good and beautiful things can be built around the word hello. I hope it is something I get to say often to those who are worthy.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 18, 2017, 3:12 p.m.(8/10/1007 AR)

That moment when you look at someone, or they look at you, and suddenly you feel like your heart has lit up.

That little spark that flows through you like fire. The one that makes you secretly smile.

You know the one. Gods, I love that.

Everyone should feel that.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 12, 2017, 4:08 p.m.(7/26/1007 AR)

I had such a lovely time at the Hart's event last night.

Wonderful friends, meeting new people, and excellent conversation and laughter that lasted till the wee hours.

Oh, and there was such a remarkable moon. So unlike many I have seen before.

Thank you to all who help make such lovely memories. I am so grateful for you.

I cannot wait until our next gathering.<3


Written By Valencia

Nov. 2, 2017, 7:09 p.m.(7/6/1007 AR)

Time to clean house I think. I hear that spring is the time of year for such things.

Let go and make room for better things and all that.

I hear it's cathartic and good for the heart. I just wish it was easier. Perhaps I should cease being so sentimental.

It makes me wonder how others can throw things away so very easily. Things once with meaning now nothing at all. Is there a trick to it?

Perhaps I shall discover the secret and make good use of it.

As always a vixen,

Written By Valencia

Oct. 22, 2017, 2:38 a.m.(6/11/1007 AR)

When I read these excepts of journals it reminds me that there are layers upon layers of happenings and stories being told in this city.

I suspect most of these interactions and events will never cause pause or reach the light. Some lost by eclipse of other tales. Some are hidden away in dark dens never to be spoken of even in whispers and kept close by those who lived them. Others are the smallest flutter of butterfly wings that grow to cause terrible tempests that changes the landscape forever, but the origin of the story are not so widely known. And some are just the silent break of daily life, a page between one tale and the next.

But the glimpses here and there by word or on journal pages make me curious and hungry to know more. To do more. To be more. And perhaps make my own beautiful, meaningful mark upon a page or two. Though to be true, as immodest and vain as it is, I'd rather be the tempest than a butterfly's wing.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 16, 2017, 1:51 a.m.(5/27/1007 AR)

I have never been more pleased to get my goat.

I was so very lucky tonight and somehow not only managed to catch a very jolly little fellow with a sweet face and beautiful eyes, but much to my surprise I also won a beautiful dagger because of him. I cannot say how delighted I am. I kid you not!

Truly, I have not won many things at parties before. I think I like this very much.

Thank you again to the very sweet Keatons for hosting such a lovey party. I am over the moon!


Written By Valencia

Oct. 15, 2017, 7:49 p.m.(5/27/1007 AR)

I am reminded that sometimes one's mistakes are the best thing to ever happen, despite the resulting, and hopefully temporary, embarrassment or angst.

I am grateful for this little reminder and even more grateful to those who have taken such and used it to build a bridge rather than to burn it.

Feeling so very blessed.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 1, 2017, 9:26 p.m.(4/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

There are so many great artists in Arx. I knew there were many, but I did not realize just how many. To be true, I am glad of it. To capture something with words is a wonderful thing, but to catch it and illustrate or paint it with an artist's eye, that is something that is truly remarkable. I wish I had skill for it.

I was speaking to Lord Sebastian of his art and we spoke of hosting an event to show the talents of our many artists in the Hart. He is truly an amazing artist. I am so glad to be allowed to see his works in progress. The more i see the more I think this would be a wonderful thing to share his and others artists work with the world and give it proper due.

Perhaps if all goes well it will be a summer soiree after our grand masquerade perhaps. We shall see. For now I will just watch in wonder and be amazed.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 24, 2017, 12:32 a.m.(4/9/1007 AR)

New season. New opportunities.

With life, luck and love wonderful things will come along with the spring blossoms, I think.

I am hopeful, perhaps a little frightened, too. But so very resolved to see my way bravely forward. I must admit there is an eager anticipation that makes me smile perhaps far too much. Gods, it seems foolish to hope so much for such things. Like a call for fate to take bad turn, but I cannot help it.

And, if these things than make heart sing so beautifully do not come to bear, so be it. If all else fails, at least there will at least be beautiful blossoms and a promise of new and wonderful things to come for so many others. The sultry nights of summer will come soon enough.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 17, 2017, 12:38 p.m.(3/24/1007 AR)

I think we as humans are destined to always all just short of greatness. If we did not, we'd be less inclined to seek the favour of the gods and more inclined to walk with them.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 16, 2017, 5:22 p.m.(3/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Antonio

Don't die.

I shall be very vexed if you die.


Written By Valencia

Sept. 10, 2017, 2:28 p.m.(3/10/1007 AR)

Just because I'm not writing about you in the white journal doesn't mean I don't appreciate you or that I am not thinking about you elsewhere.

The truth remains, I am still silent most of the time when it comes to public discourse and such things.

Though I wish I were more open with my musings sometimes. But then I realize no one would care to read that and rightly so.

Why do I write this after all that. Simple answer. Wine and a ridiculous need to share something. Well, maybe it's not the wine.


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