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Written By Corban

Sept. 11, 2017, 9:54 a.m.(3/12/1007 AR)

I am now returned home from the Gray Forest. Though the missions were not quite what we expected -- the threat has moved far too close to the City for purely preventive diplomacy -- we had our successes, and hopefully have done something to shift the momentum regarding the threat.

I was in command once more, and succeeded in defending a Tribe of helpless Abandoned being pursued by dire animals. It felt good, to be among the best Arvum to offer, and to hold my own. And I get a kick out of the appellation "Scourge of the Dire Bears."

But just as soon as I am returned home, I am deployed once more, now in support of the Ministry of Defense. It is good to be useful. But it would be nice to have more than a few nights in my own bed.

Written By Corban

Sept. 5, 2017, 12:36 a.m.(2/24/1007 AR)

Prince Calarian and Princess Reese:

On Princess Reese's command, I led a team of diplomats and soldiers to investigate reports of Abandoned and dire animals west of camp. Approximately one-half-day's march from camp, we discovered two sets of tracks in opposite directions: One belonging to what was believed to be four dire bears and one belonging to what appeared to be a Tribe of Abandoned. Upon further investigation, we determined that the Tribe was primarily civilian in nature and was significantly injured. I deduced that the Tribe may have been attacked by the dire bears and was attempting to flee them, and I ordered the team to follow the Tribe's tracks.

My deduction appeared to be correct. The Tribe had posted warriors and archers in a last stand against the pursuing dire bears, but it was clear they would be wiped out without help. We organized the defenses as best we could in the short time available, posting archers in the trees and melee warriors in front of the sick and wounded.

Battle against the dire bears was pitched, and Dame Alexa and High Inquisitor Alistair were slashed by their claws. But Lady Clara -- nominally the healer of our group -- felled one with a strong blow of her axe. A team effort then brought another bear to heel, and I removed another two from the fight.

After the battle, we debriefed the Tribe's leader -- Brunhilda -- and her warriors, learning that they have been under repeated attack by Abyss-tainted animals, including wolves, bears, and badgers. We camped overnight and provided what aid we could. Then, upon sunrise, we led the Tribe back to camp to heal further and re-provision. I leave them to others' inquires regarding the larger threats we face.

The entire team performed well. I recognize especially Lady Mia for her translation and diplomacy with the Tribe, Lady Clara for her incredible skill with an axe, and Lord Killian and Lady Monique who made key discoveries while tracking the Tribe.

I remain available at your convenience for further questions.

Respectfully submitted,

Lord Corban Telmar

Written By Corban

Aug. 30, 2017, 3:34 p.m.(2/13/1007 AR)

I am soon to deploy in support of Princess Reese's mission into the Gray Forest. It is satisfying, in a way, to be once more on campaign. It was my life before I came to Arx, and there is a rhythm of being with a mission that is not duplicated in city life.

This campaign different from many others, however. Rather than an army of conquest, we are envoys of peace. My role is to be primarily defensive and reactive, not offensive. Nonetheless, it is an honorable assignment, and I look forward to carrying it out well.

Written By Corban

Aug. 25, 2017, 10:36 a.m.(2/3/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Ansel

Ansel is my cousin, technically. But he is the closest thing I have to a brother -- even more than my actual brother. We trained together. We now serve as House Voices together. We make a good team, even if he is a better warrior and scholar both than me. Together, I cannot see anything that House Telmar cannot accomplish.

Written By Corban

Aug. 22, 2017, 8:59 p.m.(1/25/1007 AR)

It has been days of intense sparring.

First, I participated in Princess Reese's "grand melee," which turned out to be very much like a game of defend the princess. I was paired with Prince Luca and Prince Antonio, and I played my traditional role of front-line combatant. That meant I was first to fall, but it was all in service of a victory over a far-numerically-superior force on the other side. I also think we may have been Evil Pirates in this scenario, but I never quite caught onto the roleplaying.

Second, I sparred with the Marquessa Dominique Wyrmguard. We were an equal match for one another, and a perhaps-misguided attempt to press her attack opened her up to my blows and allowed me to secure victory. Nonetheless, she appears as honorable a warrior as they come, and I look forward to speaking with her in the future.

Written By Corban

Aug. 17, 2017, 1:05 p.m.(1/15/1007 AR)

I am returned from my patrol in the Gray Forest, at the behest of Princess Reese and the Ministry of Defense. It was a rush to be in battle once mor --

That is strange. There appears to be a sudden bevvy of messengers at my door. What in the world could so many people want from me at the same time?

So it appears I am to be a Voice of House Telmar, tasked with building our place in the Capital and among the noble houses of the Compact. That is -- a change. I can only pray that I have the wisdom and the courage to do what is right for the Telmarch people.

Written By Corban

Aug. 16, 2017, 11:05 a.m.(1/13/1007 AR)

I have received my first outfit of silks. They cost a fortune, but if nobles in this City are to be known as silks, then I suppose it is only proper that I have one good outfit for appropriate occasions. Perhaps for that dinner that Lady Monique proposed. She is one to appreciate these things. I think.

They are perfectly proper, of course. Dark, midnight black items with the mark of the Telmar on them. None of the daring Velenosa fashion. And I admit they fit well and handsomely. But still, it is curious to have such luxury after years in the rough-and-tumble of the Telmarch.

It is getting chilly, though. Perhaps I have silk just in time to need wool. Timing.

Written By Corban

Aug. 15, 2017, 9:41 a.m.(1/10/1007 AR)

One thing you learn in Arx is that what being a professional -- even exemplary -- solider in the Oathlands is being merely run-of-the-mine in the Capital. I may be one of the strongest blades in the Telmarch, but routinely find myself humbled in Arx, in training and in the Grand Melee. I suppose that is an opportunity to grow, to be humble, and to improve one's craft. But it is an adjustment nonetheless.

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