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Written By Amari

Aug. 11, 2019, 11:22 a.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

A wild feral cat and a cat kept as a treasured pet will both purr when content and happily kill the birds in your garden if given the opportunity. They are by nature cats, even if their circumstances and behaviors may be varied enough to consider them breeds apart.

They really aren't essentially different though. They're all equally cats.

Written By Amari

Aug. 3, 2019, 5:22 p.m.(8/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kedehern

We can at least be sure that Sheila won't suffer any neglect.

Written By Amari

July 28, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(7/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

What if we were to sponsor or own wagon and deliver proper, useful remedies that are safe and actually effective? It would seem that in the absence of good alternatives, the desperate will turn to any cure.

I'm certainly not proposing this because I've always thought, being robbed and killed by bandits aside, a wagon like that would be fun. Though I always imagined doing a brisk trade in books rather than medicines.

Written By Amari

July 13, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(6/15/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kedehern

A rogue poet skulking about the Laurent Manse unseen? How disturbing.

Who could it be and who will they strike next with the dread scourge of poetry?

Written By Amari

July 6, 2019, 10:05 a.m.(6/1/1011 AR)

I had no idea horses could be so unruly and ill behaved. At least one of them preferred apples to mayhem and Norwood's greenhouse was spared further damage. Still, what an incredible mess they left.

I think they ought to be called Duskshire Destroyers. With that much spirit they'll be terrors on the battlefield.

Written By Amari

June 30, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(5/17/1011 AR)

Even the fake princes now! Never again. I'd sooner marry a boot instead. Lord Boot Keaton won't care if I yawn in their face, or forget them outside over night or spurn them for slippers. Also, they'll have an equally handsome brother... also named Boot, but he'll be less his twin and more his reflection and he'll probably be the bad one that's a lot of fun but you can't trust with your belongings because they'll steal everything to fund their drink fueled misadventures and be completely unapologetic about it when caught. He'd probably reek of haze and have a really stupid hat with a feather in it, that somehow still looks good on him even though it's really horrid.

I desperately need some sleep.

Written By Amari

June 26, 2019, 1:36 p.m.(5/10/1011 AR)

I was a little disappointed I wasn't feeling well enough to attend the prayers for Petrichor and see the lilies Petal has been growing in honor of the Archduchess Eleyna.

Perhaps I'll sneak into Norwood and Margerie's bee garden and build a shrine there when they're next away to Duskshire - right in the middle by the pool, thirty feet tall made of hazel wood; Petrichor.

Also, I like dogs and sparrows, and hawks, and sparrowhawks, and hawkbears. I'm sure everyone wanted to know.

Written By Amari

June 23, 2019, 10:56 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

Congratulations! Lady Shae Laurent - that'll take some getting used to.

Written By Amari

June 17, 2019, 10:02 a.m.(4/19/1011 AR)

I appreciate more and more how calm and patient Clopsy is. If not for Shae and her cute ugly puppy, I think those wild horses laying waste to the Clement gardens would have been the end of me (again). Before I seek out a destrier or courser more suited for battle, I'd best learn some equine diplomacy.

I did manage an excellent diving roll to dodge a charging horse that the servants all applauded though. I just I wish I could have saved Kevin. Rest in peace.

Written By Amari

June 16, 2019, 10:29 a.m.(4/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

I love this sword. Wildly Inappropriate is perfection! I couldn't imagine a better representation of myself than what you've created, Dame Ida. Sparrowhawk too, which I definitely ran straight to the field to try out when it was delivered, I couldn't even wait to get the horse saddled. I was too excited.

Your craftsmanship is amazing, as always. I'm honored to wield such fine works of beauty and imagination. Thank you!

Written By Amari

June 13, 2019, 12:16 p.m.(4/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

Should we anoint him the Ankles of the West?

...or could there be competition?

Written By Amari

June 12, 2019, 12:01 p.m.(4/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Jayus bless you.

The best part of the poem was the bit about Kael's muscular legs. I hope everyone compliments them whenever they see him walking around Arx, propelling himself forcefully along with powerful, confident strides.

Written By Amari

June 8, 2019, 7:49 a.m.(4/1/1011 AR)

I'm as good at giving sermons as I am at catching wild horses, apparently. I wish Jael and Norwood could have rescued me from the former as they did the hooves of the latter. I'm not sure which hurt most, being trampled or realizing I'd just spent five minutes ineptly extolling the virtues of trees and squirrels.

I should have stayed at home.

Written By Amari

June 7, 2019, 3:44 p.m.(3/28/1011 AR)

Don't try to wear someone else's plate armor if they're half a foot taller than you. Lesson learned.

Thankfully the major pieces of my own properly fitted armor are finally complete and I can move well in them without any pinching or rubbing. The sparrow motif is hardly the most intimidating, but it has significance to me and it's very handsome in my opinion. I hope all the rest of it turns out as well and will greatly reduce the number of bruises and wounds I end up with in future engagements.

But, is it normal to feel slightly invincible? I probably shouldn't stroll around the city eyeball daring people to hit me but this new feeling of invulnerability is fantastic.

Written By Amari

June 6, 2019, 10:06 a.m.(3/25/1011 AR)

I won the Laurent poetry joust, and I'm probably just as surprised as you are by that. It wasn't on the strength of my poetry or riding either. Clopsy just barely kept to the line.

There were much more experienced and skilled competitors in attendance, and far more amusing poems recited than my staid one about keeping oaths to honor Limerance and maintaining proper decorum. Lady Jael's was about underwear armor, and Duke Cristoph's was an ode to a certain Queensblade armed Baron who thinks of kittens as he rises gently from bed each morning. Lady Ouida's was surely inspired too with its very surprise ending. Everyone took to the challenge with aplomb, even Kedehern, who I hadn't expected so many verses from.

I know in the end it was mostly Norwood's excellent instruction and a full measure of luck that guided my lance. Still, when these wild improbabilities occur, I can't help but imagine a bored Gloria reaching down to sprinkle some glamour over me before nudging the god next to her and saying with a smirk, "Watch this."

The gods must need a good laugh sometimes.

Written By Amari

June 4, 2019, 3:32 p.m.(3/22/1011 AR)

Decorum, how does it work?

Firstly, the primary purpose of a question is not to score a point against the person you're addressing in most situations. Show them all due respect and consideration while making your (hopefully concise) inquiry in accordance with any formalities expected, such as waiting your turn. Comport yourself with some dignity, even if you find their opinions repugnant and their replies not to your liking. You needn't pitifully lavish anyone with empty flattery for the privilege either, just be civil and mannered. If they don't reciprocate, disengage.

If emotions run too high, excuse yourself from the discussion. Try not to shout wild accusations or insults before running from the vicinity, attempt to loudly judge or blame the other person for something not in their control, stroke the pommel of your sword menacingly, sigh disdainfully or mutter invective, take an overtly aggressive posture towards them, or interrupt the conversation with a cry of outrage or an appeal to the crowd for support. If you have been personally insulted somehow, calmly demand apology or satisfaction in a proper duel if the slight is a severe one.

And there you are, by following these simple suggestions you too may become decorous and others may better enjoy your company! How keen.

Written By Amari

May 28, 2019, 7:58 p.m.(3/8/1011 AR)

Thank you Duke Cristoph, Lady Jael and Uncle Baron Norwood. You really brightened my day. It was silly, but I regret nothing. I'll be giggling as I run laps out in the snow.

Written By Amari

May 27, 2019, 9:59 p.m.(3/6/1011 AR)

I'm so excited! Dame Ida's agreed to create both Sparrowhawk and Wildly Inappropriate. I couldn't be happier and can barely wait to see her work and hold them in hand. It will be amazing to have these fuzzy things of imagination realized by a true artist.

Written By Amari

May 25, 2019, 9:33 a.m.(3/1/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

A stain can be removed, or at the very least whitened in the sun or scrubbed to the point it fades, leaving a mark that gives character and reminds you to be more cautious. That its presence causes discomfort long after is only right.

Thankfully, you haven't casually taken your honor, wadded it into a ball and thrown it into a mud puddle to begin stomping on it in earnest. You further didn't take your crumpled up honor from that fetid water and proudly wear it around dripping muck until it dried into a crusty brown and stinking mantle. Then after, you didn't douse it with strong spirits and light it on fire because you were upset about someone pointing out that you were wearing horrid crusty muck and had no right to judge the honor of anyone else.

You certainly didn't then petulantly roll in the ashes afterwards.

Written By Amari

May 1, 2019, 10:16 p.m.(1/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

You did give me the wheelie horse, and a special cake when I was feeling bad as well. I've known people longer who have gifted me far less, Baron Uncle. Thank you for the Honor knot. Now, I feel I should find for you and Aunt Em something amazing which I won't write here because it will ruin the surprise.

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