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Declaration of Martial Law

Posted by Prisila on 08/17/18
To the Compact of Arvum,

Due to the increased piracy and raiding in Seraceni waters and the clever tactics adopted by the culprits in question, military intervention has been deemed necessary by the Marquis Dario. While the recent tourism to the isle of Ischia and the surrounding cities has been appreciated and will be welcome again in the future, it is of the utmost importance to us that we resolve this issue for the safety of all travelers passing along our sea lanes. Until further notice all non-merchant vessels /not/ associated with the Empyrean Trade Route are asked to evacuate our waters for the time being.

Houses Stonewood, Crovane, Melaeris and Kennex are exempt from this declaration as a show of good faith for their participation in previous and future efforts to combat the rising trend of piracy within our domain. We appreciate the cooperation of our Liege Lords and all the people of the Compact and hope that there is no misunderstanding in this endeavor to keep the people of the Compact safe and weed out any misguided elements.

Take Everything,
Lady Prisila Seraceni, Voice of Ischia and Queen of Silver

--- Kennex Stance (from Ford) ---
House Kennex is ready and willing to assist in the removal of this problem so that Ischia can feel safe again in their own waters.

--- Crovane Stance (from Ann) ---
House Crovane stands by House Ischia and will be sure to pick up the slack in their supply route. We fear no storm (or pirates).

--- Crimson Blades Stance (from Violet) ---
The Crimson Blades are available and ready to assist our friends in House Seraceni.