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Bcome Heroes of Legend

Posted by Puffin on 02/07/18
And Telmar calls their banners too. Lord Corban takes the lead, encouraging Marquis Gaston and Tady Teagan of Blackram, reminding people throughout Telmar and Blackram of the legends of Dame Sugan, who rode against the Darkness when others would have stayed their hands. He encourages them to call their Counties as well. Lord Ansel assists, traveling with Lord Percephon and Lord Corban to reach as many as possible. They're armed by their wits, their stories and legends, and by additional letters and speeches written by Bastien of recent theatrical fame. He does a fairly good job writing to target specific houses and encourage them, and the response is excellent. Even Duke Arn bestirs himself and calls upon ancient ties and oaths of fealty and obligations. Telmar, he reminds them, has been there for them throughout history. It is time to come together again to fight. Telmar and Blackram will join the battle!