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Past Actions

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 28, 2020, 11:54 p.m.)


It's been a long time since anyone has taken a good look at Artshall's fortifications and defenses. This is what Cristoph is getting up to next, he'll be shoring up anything that /might/ look deficient or aging and replacing it, as well as adding new things. The timing falls right in around when all of these random villages start being destroyed. Perhaps Duke Laurent is being paranoid or maybe he's being pro-active. Have Oathlanders ever been upset about having /more/ military though?

On the list:

*Inspecting curtain wall, repairing and improving where necessary.
*Accounting of watchtowers with new ones to be built where deemed necessary.
*Increased patrols on the road surrounding the seat of Artshall and it's immediate villages.
*Additional stockpiling of non-perishible foods.
*Additional stockpiling of materials necessary to repel a siege.

In her position of the General of Artshall, Jael has built up a sizeable network of suppliers and other military connections. She uses this network to bring in materials and labor for fortifying the defenses of Artshall and its holdings.

With Cristoph's approval and direction, Tyren's job will be negotiating better deals for materials and supplies for the fortifications. After all, they are going to need a lot of bricks and food and spikes. A lot of spikes.

It takes some doing, but between Tyren's skills in negotiating deals, Jael's connections and Cristoph's leadership, things fall into place. The castle of Artshall is shored up, weak spots patched, curtain wall more curtained. There is much success and the people of Artshall appreciate the fact that their Duke is giving them a safe place to shelter in, should something bad happen.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 17, 2020, 6:56 p.m.)

Lord Kedehern and his people went to scout the Shadowood in action #3672 (and using information from clue #3635) and discovered a tribe of Abandoned known as Clan Red Snake. They told the group a story about a person named 'Rand' who came on behalf of House Durand. A person that I will gleefully refer to here on out as: Rand Durand. I can't be convinced that's not the full name, I'm not sorry.

In Kedehern's explanation of events to Cristoph, he mentioned that there was also another tribe. Both were willing to bend the knee to House Laurent but were also in the midst of a fight between one another. Cristoph and company will be going to the Shadowood to speak with both tribes.

He'll be aiming to bring them under the Laurent banner before House Durand can corner and corrupt them. He would like to avoid as many Abandoned tribes falling to the Knights of the Swarm as they can manage. Because really, who needs their enemies to make more enemies to fight you with??? Ideally, they'll convince both groups to join them, but he'll settle for as many as he can get.

They also bring a reasonable show of force with them, because that area is pretty dangerous.

Kedehern shall accompany Cristoph and the others on their foray to speak to Clan Thistlerick and Clan Red Snake, doing his best to keep the party from harm should anything happen during the trip.

Jael can be surprisingly charming when she feels like it, and she turns that on in efforts to mediate and settle the existing matter between the two Abandoned tribes so that they will both swear fealty to Laurent. Can't they just all get along?

Norwood's bringing Queensguard, and staying close to Cristoph's heel. Why can't this damn House Durand just GO AWAY ALREADY.

Damn elves.

Shae is returning to the Shadowood to speak with Clan Thistlecrick and Red Snake in hopes to help find some way for them to end their feud with each other, so that they will both join the Compact under House Laurent. Shae is hoping that between explaining to them about the dangers that House Durand is and their connections to darker things. Along with proposing that once they join, they can settle this issue via a duel.

Which is a time honored tradition in the Compact, especially in the Oathlands. In which she would explain its purpose, that it is not to the death. That perhaps there is a way to find a compromise, like a marriage between the two tribes. Such as the offending party marrying into Clan Red Snake to help fill the the loss of the young man. And so on.

Mostly, Shae is just hoping to find a positive way to help both clans to find a way to work through the current issue to some sort of compromise that doesn't involve the death of a person.

Mabelle will use her skills as a diplomat, her personal charm and ability to sway minds in order to convince the clan to join the compact so they could be saved from the claws of house Durand and the crazy Rands. Maybe even convince the other tribe that is mad at them. Maybe if she runs into one of those single minded Rands she can talk him into telling her things, nothing quite like getting into your enemy's head. Since there is only one apparently.

When they return to the Shadowood, Clan Red Snake's chieftain is adamant; she has no interest whatsoever in allowing her clan to bend the knee to anyone, let alone a member of the Compact, until and unless the culprit from Tribe Thistlerick is turned over for execution. Thistlerick is also adamant; or, at least, as adamant as a small tribe-turned-refugees with dwindling supplies can be; they will not bend the knee to House Laurent if House Laurent does not swear a solemn oath to protect them from all dangers, very specifically including the danger of 'having our leader's son turned over to be killed by the tribe that drove us from our lands in the first place'.

At first.

This is before two more Red Snake patrols and an expeditionary force heading deeper into the Shadowood vanish. This is before a small Red Snake hunting party is found four days after they were expected to return staked out on the border of Red Snake land, their bodies so bloated as to be nearly unrecognizable and swarming with so many insects that Clan Red Snake resorts to lighting them on fire with arrows from a distance, rather than the usual ceremonial burial.

This is before Thistlerick's primary negotiator, an extremely friendly, almost fawningly polite young woman, suddenly attempts to stab Cristoph with a skinning knife during a negotation meeting, ranting about the crimes of House Laurent, before being quickly cut down by Norwood's blade.

They're a little more open to negotiation after that.

A little is not a lot, however. It takes the combined efforts of Shae, Mabelle, and Jael, and every scrap of charm and persuasion they can manage, to finally start wearing down Red Snake's resistance. It takes long nights of arguments and declarations and exhortations. And it takes a sudden attack by a number of the missing Red Snake Clan members, howling and raving, that is cleanly repelled by the significant forces Cristoph brought with them for protection, for Red Snake's Chieftain to finally agree to let the matter with Thistlerick go. She agrees to bend the knee in exchange for the same promise that Thistlerick wants: an oath of protection from Laurent on top of the usual oaths, to protect them against any Compact aggression as well as that from the Shadowood itself.

Not all of Red Snake agrees, however. The prominent warrior whose son was killed storms out of the negotiations, and the next morning it's discovered he's left, along with a small but potent group of Clan Red Snake's best fighters. Scouts track their path as going further into the Shadowood, but Red Snake is loathe to send anyone after them given what's happened. Regardless, the day after that, both Clan Red Snake and Tribe Thistlerick bend the knee to House Laurent.

Action by Mabelle(RIP)

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2020, 12:34 a.m.)

After many months of planning, the Laurents, spearheaded by Mabelle decide to construct a waystation: road-station / Inn near Artshall. a structure that offers hospitality for all travellers for a set period of time That should, in theory, encourage merchants and other visitors to experience their lands and will probably help with strengthening bonds with neighbours and foreigners alike. A way station right outside Artshall that will offer any and all guests simple room and board for a period of three days. The waystation with facilities for merchants and travellers, will have shops and stabling to help fund it. After three days visitors can stay but will have to pay inn rates. Relies very heavily on a cultural importance of guest-right/hospitality as demonstrated in the Oathlands, the waystation will also include services of physicians, animal groomers, hagglers, religious representative and the like.

The waystation is planned to be not only a place for traders to lay down, have a warm meal and gather the energies to carry on in their hazardous journey, but also crucial hubs where travelers didn't waste the opportunity to do business with local markets and traders, and cultural crossroads where merchants didn't just exchange textiles and spices but also ideas, traditions, languages, and even news, both importing their own and taking back home what they had learned along the way.

The project will be engaging different individuals from the Compact to assist, be it people to handle logistics, economical aspects, guarding duties, blessing of the Faith and building a of shrine for gild, artists to embellish the place with fabrics, mosaics, paintings and wood works. Do not forget the beehive chandelier.

This should encourage merchants and other travellers to visit Laurent lands and hopefully increase pilgrimage, merchant business and immigration as a result.

Inspiration sketch:
Inspiration pics and info:

Having reviewed Mabelle's plans for this project, Cristoph gives it the stamp of approval. He also does *a lot* of talking it up while he's at court.

Jael recruits and trains a number of soldiers to keep order and peace at the new waystation.

With a clear understanding of the goals Mabelle has in mind and the ways that everyone else is helping, Edward still step in and fulfill the economics logistic and oversight role. While others help with location, procuring materials, and ensuring they get to the site for construction in a timely manner, he will do his best to ensure that cost overruns and quality of materials are used to their utmost. This will also allow him to ensure that there is no siphoning of materials, limit theft, and ensure that high quality materials are not replaced with cheaper or lesser quality materials.

Iseulet helps Mabelle (and the Laurents!) by using the many many contacts she has made over the years to not only spread the word about the waystation to the people that need to know about it (merchants, traders, hagglers), but also ensure that she gets the goods and supplies to build the waystation at the cheapest possible rates.

With the success of the Bold Espressions in Arx, Ryhalt jumped on the opportunity for possible expansion of another shop at this outpost. He reasoned that travelers weary from the road or messengers needing a boost to keep them going down the road would be sure to find a coffee shop a welcome amenity among the other features of the outpost. Therefore, an investment in the Laurent's latest project to ensure a prime location for the shop was a carefully calculated business decision.

To honor the Laurents, the menu selection would weigh towards flavors of coffee that went well with their honey, along with more standard fare for those that did not want such sweetness and would otherwise suit regional tastes. The shop would not be as big as the establishment in Arx, but would still have a cozy area for chatting and drinking inside for cold or inclement weather. Outside would be a small patio for street-side tables to help advertise and to give a place for those who have only a couple minutes to pause a place to sit and enjoy. For staff, mostly locals would be hired, but Ryhalt would send a more experienced member of the Arx branch to manage the shop to ensure the quality did not waver.

Besides the coffee shop, he arranges for the export of other specialty goods from Westrock such as pomegranates, sugar, pineapples to boost variety of products offered by the outpost and to pique the interest of passing traders to goods not yet available in their region, intending to spread not just coffee through the Compact and ensure wider success of the outpost.

And, as promised, he provided Mabelle with tips on the general plan, drawing on his business and life experience to maximize the placement of the outpost and potential for growth and profit for the entire outpost.

Delia uses her family connections to merchants and tradesfolk to spread word about the new Laurent waystation. She focuses specifically on merchants who might have found it somewhat inconvenient to make their way through Laurent lands, talking up the waystation as a solution for that inconvenience. She also intends to travel out there once the building is complete, to bring back personal descriptions of the place.

Llewella eagerly jumps into the project with Mabelle as it allows her to express an artistic and diplomatic idea she's wanted to put into use. Her help takes the form of labor as well as an art installation.

First, Llewella will buy the freedom of more thralls in the isles, seeking to select them from houses sincere in their efforts of reform. These freed thralls will be asked to find employment with Astarrea or House Laurent and used as paid labor to help with Mabelle's project and Llewella's art.

Second, Llewella will talk to the Knights of Solace, House Laurent, and related trading concerns to learn more about the area that is being worked and the people (Arvani or Shav'arvani) that may be involved. She'll seek out their stories, the things important to their cultures, and so on. Using this information leads to...

And third, Llewella and her labor crews will quarry/buy tall blocks of local stone and arrange them at notable, interesting locations around the waystation. On each of these stones will be carved images of trade and cooperation, or civilization and knowledge being exchange. She'll have carved into each several written versions of the stories in all the related languages for those that stand the most chance of passing this way.

Dante has come to protect those who are working upon the waystation. With Tor bordering the Laurent lands (who are also their allies by marriage), the Sword of Tor sees this as an excellent opportunity to aid allies and traffic to and from Tor alike.

Athaur is more then happy to help out his friends in House Laurent. Especially when he believes in the usefulness of their goal. In his own time spent expanding his own house he has developed quite a bit of knowledge in developing and expanding lands and making improvements. He will bring this knowledge to help the Laurents decide where they should build their waystation, how to expand and supply it.

Sanya aids Mabelle in her efforts by spreading word of the project, drawing attention to it in hopes of gaining assistance. She'll discuss the advantages of the Waystation for merchants and travellers in particular.

Colette doesn't really know much about this stuff, but she is more than happy to scout the are and find places to set up new watchposts along the road to help ensure the safety of travelers on their way to Artshall.

There are definitely better people for the purpose of spreading the word about an ambitious project of construction, artistry and, ultimately, diplomacy. But those people probably wouldn't talk to the exact same people as Naka Laurent, so he figures his lesser efforts might still have some efficacy. So Naka goes about talking up the waystation concept and its needs among the Scholars and other primarily Faith folk he comes across in his day to day. Other persons are not immune to a good talking to about this effort, but the above are the sorts of people he most often interacts with.

Dame Alexis leaps at the chance to aid in Lady Mabelle's project. While the Gold Order is respectful of the faith and careful not to overstep boundaries with the Knights of Solace, Alexis sees little issue in ensuring that there are members of the Order at the Waystaton to help relieve the pressure - the Knights, after all, must frequently aid travellers along the way. Besides, the Golden Order are Questing Knights at heart, and what better place to pick up news of those in need of aid than a Waystation? There's even an inn here! So it is that the Gold Order's insignia is seen on soldiers, squires, and knights who rotate in and out, but always maintain a permanent, reassuring presence.

Vicente's roll in this is largely advisory. He will be seeing to any elements that might make the location vulnerable to attacks or raids. Any troops that need trained or advised on defensive or offensive positions based on the surrounding terrain and advising on ideal ambush locations.

Felix will assist not only in helping to establish the shrine for Gild; the building of statue, metal artworks and the like, but in his role as Godsworn - asking for Gild's blessing in this venture for those travelers and merchants who come from near and far to this place. He will also help to establish a shop here for whichever apprentice is soon to earn their journeyman mark and wishes to preside here for a time to represent this branch of Seaborn Weaponry, giving the majority of business to them, while maintaining shipments of quality blades from his own forges for those who do not wish to travel all the way to Arx itself.

Sir Bhandn is here to both represent the Knights of Solace as well as see to the Knights' efforts in maintaining safety for those travelers who would call the waystation a haven from travel and danger. He brings with him a notable contribution (in the form of 6000 military resources) from the Grandmaster for the purpose of improving the fortification and security of the waystation and the area it's in.

Hospitality. Generosity. Home and Hearth.

The Domestique Bell, as Legate Ailith proposed, also known as the Haven of the Honey Bee embodies the vision set by Lady Mabelle - a haven to forge bonds between travelers and traders across the Compact with the community, and to honor Gild and Limerance.

Between the two (more prominently Mabelle), unique and personalized additions were discussed and carefully selected to create a haven that reflects the love of the Gods by way of the hospitality through Gild and the community bonds through Limerance (see OOC section for silver/resources). Boutiques feature such local works by Laurent and its vassals such as honeycomb and wax crafts or the specialty chocolate coated honey coins embossed with the Gild and Limerance symbols. The rooms at the inn offer a "slice of home" with adornments imported from all across the Compact. Ailith reached out to the scholars to create an embossed guest book to be prominently displayed in the foyer of the inn; any visitor may write their name to be recorded in the archives at the new shrine.

For the shrine, Ailith coordinates with Legate Bianca and the Seraph of Artshall to promote a Godsworn as Seraph to this haven - a person who shares the vision for hospitality and community. In addition, Ailith sought to ensure the godsworn and disciples carry forth charitable deeds - offering sanctuary to the weary, healing to the hurt, and compassion to the downtrodden. It is her hope by the hard work and sermons by the Faith as well as the long-standing Faithful leadership by House Laurent that this haven would be remembered as a place where people felt the love of the gods, not just metaphorically.

And as such, Ailith travels to the haven to lead an elaborate consecration ceremony and ritual for the new Shrine of Gild and out to the center of the crossroads that leads into the waystation. Honeycomb shaped bricks pave the walkway with the outer edges in gold, shimmering like honey. A map of the compact is painted on the walkway with the Laurent lands at center. Names create the roads from the waystation on the map - names of local travelers, prominent and respected traders, inn keepers, and so forth to represent the bonds in the community and those who shared in the creation of this place.

Dead center of the map, Ailith pours a special brand of Laurent honey, wildflower with hints of chocolate blended with holy water. As she pours the honey to create the symbol of the pantheon, she recites the Canticles of Gild and Limerance, sharing stories of how havens as these linked even the smallest of towns to the largest of cities (even remarking on her childhood being from a backwater region of the Oathlands that trade links to civilizations) - news, stories, and songs come way by the road - and the hearts of the locals offering hospitality by generously offering a place to stay can make a difficult journey in life a little lighter. The doors open to the shrine and a feast for all (free for all) is offered. She works with the locals including the surrounding Seraphs to ensure that the stories she shares echo that of people from the community, thereby further personalizing and including them in this haven.

It's a massive construction project, as the Domestique Bell begins to take shape. Called also the Haven of the Honey Bee, or simply the Waystation of Artshall, the waystation is part fortress, part inn and part holy place, and it's a remarkable feat of construction that it serves those three roles relatively seamlessly. Lady Mabelle Laurent's project is heavily hyped from the beginning throughout the Compact. Delia and the Whispers drum up excitement at Court, and Duke Cristoph lending his stamp of approval has many taking notice, due to his continued, triumph success in making Artshall a beacon of security and stability in difficult times. With Iseulet and Naka also helping spread the word, more help is offered though there is a noticably large groundswell of support from suspiciously enthusiastic members of the public after Sanya speaks movingly about its virtues. It really resonated, and goes better than it probably should.

Construction and security of the Domestique Bell is overseen by Edward, Jael, Athaur, Colette, Vicente, Dante, Llewella, Bhandn, and Alexis with her Gold Order. While it's not an inherently military structure, it still is strategically important as its a large fort outside of the city proper for Artshall, that lets travelers rest in safety without having to go to the trouble of entering the city itself. As such it should be a key target for Abandoned, but due to the heavy security there's no meaningful attempts to attack the waystation, and only a few petty acts of sabotage from Abandoned likely pretending to be volunteer workers that don't prove to be more than an annoyance. As its finished, it stands as a huge trading post, fortress, shrine and inn that can easily house hundreds of travelers and in a pinch could likely protect thousands within its walls if packed tight. Ryhalt's trade goods from Westrock gain immediate interest, and Felix's Seaborn Weaponry branch is quite popular.

The care in construction is not lost on the throngs that come to hear Ailith's consecration of the large Shrine in the waystation. Much of the beautiful designs are from Ailith's directions, speaking to a celebration of Gild, Limerance and all of the gods. The huge crowd cheers and applauds Ailith's words at consecretion, and some remark afterwards that eating the providing honey coins created by Ailith gives them nostalgic feelings of hearth and home.

People feel safe at the Domestique Bell- to worship, to rest, and to trade. There's a larger response than there probably should be to the completed waystation, even one as large and significant as the Haven of the Honey Bee. Trade floods in immediately towards Artshall, coming from Tor, Westrock Reach and other places. Many marvel at the comfortable rooms, the sense of welcome from the Shrine, and some say they feel particularly at ease when they inspect the masonry that came from the Isles, with much of the stonework of the waystation having symbols of Gild, and some have writing in a language no one can recognize that makes readers feel at ease.

Aside from the general triumph of the Domestique Bell, a new fabric coming from Artshall catches on and immediately draws notice from the Compact. Artshall velvet, a new luxury fabric, will be spreading throughout the Compact in large part due to the waystation, and the timing of its roll out and completion of the Haven of the Honey Bee is near perfect.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 12, 2019, 8:40 a.m.)

On the thirteenth day of the month, at the thirteenth hour, Cristoph gathers a group of family, friends and allies in the gardens of the Laurent Estate. He sits with his companions and lights thirteens candles, with which he'll consign thirteen items of significance to him. He'll explain briefly, how the following ritual is meant to assist in cleansing the poisoned Priumum from Arvum. But that it's only a drop in the bucket, one voice that when combined with many others performing will slowly erode away at something terrible that affects everyone.


He goes on to say that these sacrifices will represent his personal ideals for the future, that he hopes will affect the Dream in a positive way. The items are an array of things, all deeply personal, some of the significance is probably easy to spot while others are more vague. What's more important than that for the observers are the thirteen ideals, he'd like to see shaped into the Dream:

Courage, to be strong and brave when there is danger.
Honor, to hold it even when it would be easier to not.
Generosity to give freely to those who have little.
Hope, to keep a flame against the darkness.
Faith in the Gods of the Pantheon.
Justice when wrongs are done, to set them right.
Mercy for your enemies, so that you don't become the monsters you fear.
Determination to see through pain and difficulty.
Family, for the joy and solace they can provide.
Loyalty to the things in your life that matter.
Invention, so that we may never grow stagnant.
Love, to nourish your soul.
Humility, so that you don't become mired down in your own importance.

And then the ritual ends and hopefully no one blows up.

Jael is in attendance, still sort of shocked by the fact that not only is magic a thing, but that her brother is doing it. Also she's there to make sure he doesn't get rid of any of HER stuff.

Naka is present, respectful and mostly silent, sitting relaxed without quite actually lounging. The cost to him of the evening is only in attention, which he pays gladly and mindfully.

Kael is most supportive of his liege, and tries to instill the feeling of this on the day of the ritual. During the ritual itself, he walks respectfully, and cautiously. You know, just in case something bad happens.

Tessa attends to witness, entirely comfortable, relaxed and pleased. Adding her own well wishes and energy to the efforts to cleanse the priumum.

Shae will be quietly watching the ceremony, never having seen it performed before and wanting to learn it herself. Being sure to give it her full attention, as she watches it with her keen and perceptive gaze. As well as trying to follow along with the ritual.

Alis is goingto watch, intently. Not too intently, becausee that would be creepy and probably make everyone uncomfortable. But this is a very important ritual! And she must learn it well, to be able to perform the same herself.

Nicia is not entirely unfamiliar with the concept of what they are doing, so her approach to the situation is one of calm and cool relaxation. Yes, she realizes how very, very important this is, but she's also going to follow the ritual that was presented, put everything into it.

On the thirteenth day of the month, at the thirteenth hour, Cristoph convenes friends and family to cleanse the primum. He gathers them at the Laurent Estate, and the gardens are a beautiful and peaceful place to begin. He tells them these sacrifices will represent his personal ideals for the future, that he hopes will affect the Dream in a positive way. And then he begins, explaining each sacrifice - the significance to him, for these offerings are deeply personal. What they represent. The ideals he wants to reinforce in the Dream.

And for a moment, it seems like the Dream itself holds its breath - and then he begins. Courage, he says, to be strong and brave when there is danger. And as the first sacrifice burns, there is a sudden feeling they share as one - that heart-pounding knowledge that something is coming. It's hard to keep going, hard to not draw a sword. But even a glance around the gardens shows nothing imminent or dire.

Honor, to hold it even when it would be easier to not. Generosity. Hope - a flame against the darkness. One by one he lists qualities, those things he holds most dear, most closely.

The flame burns silver - not white but a true silver - is that even possible?

And suddenly they are not in the garden, they are somewhere else. Cristoph is there with them, in ancient armor, wearing the uniform of the Sovereign's Own Royal Guard, and there's the sword of the Lord Commander in his hand.

"No," Lord Commander - Cristoph? - whoever he was, he looks like Cristoph does now, of a certainty. "We're not doing that. We're going to push them back and out. We'll cut them down to a man, because there's no room in the Compact for the Pack of the Slaver."

"What about the ones who haven't fallen?" The Nox'alfar woman next to him stares at him with one eyebrow raised. On her armor - which matches his - the insignia of the First Captain.

"Seal 'em up, on the Queen's orders," he says grimly. "I don't like it, but maybe if they sleep long enough they'll forget this war, or we'll be better positioned to deal with their disagreements. But we can't just leave 'em loose or all of humanity will fall."

"For the Queen then," she returns, though it's clear she's not comfortable with the orders given - she's also not contradicting them.

There is a sense of purpose there, and in that moment, all the qualities that Cristoph values so highly - courage and honor, hope and faith and justice, mercy and determination. Family, for now as the Queen's Own surrounds them, they all feel that sense of camaraderie, that family of shield and sword. Loyalty. Invention - they are doing something new here, and they are witnessing the birth of a unified Arvum.

And then the vision fades, and so do the flames, and the rite is complete. It leaves with them a sense of purpose. A taste of battle. A rush of love and pride and certainty, even as they slowly disperse to consider their own rites, and their own mundane duties.

Action by Cristoph for House Durand

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 29, 2018, 1:23 p.m.)

You know what's a real pain? When people show up to your villages and burn all of the crops just as winter is setting in. It's just so RUDE. In response to the findings in @action 2689 and following the thread of plot: House Durand #54, Cristoph organizes what can best be described as a light military response. They'll be bringing non-perishable food reserves out to the affected villages, but the people bringing them? The Swarm of Artshall (which we're starting to think is maybe not a great army name, totally open to suggestions on that one) along with several notable military leaders from the region. And should any "bandits" turn up, they'll be ready to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Another day, another trip to Artshall. Jael accompanies the expedition sent to protect her people, bringing as much food as she can arrange for and using her position as a military leader and part of the ducal line to charm and reassure the citizens of her family's holdings.

Norwood brings his report back to Cristoph (2882), and then comes along for the rest of it. His sword is ready for "bandits" and he honestly hopes to run into the ones responsible for the murder of Duke Edmund. Norwood really liked that guy, even more than he liked Dave the gardener.

When his Liege informed him of the goings-on, of course Kael was at the ready to stand in service. Marquis Keaton serves as one of the military leaders brought on board, assisting with the coordination with the Swarm of Artshall and also ready with his own blade should trouble arise. Getting wind of the food shortage, he as well detours some goods from Oakhaven for the people of the Duchy.

Alis is tagging along as one of the military leaders that Duke Laurent has requested to assist as part of the response. She brings with her supplies and silver to utilize in offsetting the damage done by the bandits to show Valardin support for Laurent and its affected vassals. And, her trusty shield and flail. Just in case any 'bandits' happen to be run across.

The farming village of Beesboro is under a half day's ride from Artshall, far closer to the heart of the ducal holding than any Abandoned normally dares to attack. True, it's easy for even a significant force of Abandoned to slip amongst the wilds in between ay of the towns and villages, and many of the ancient woods and hillds could hide much, but it's still a peaceful region where those direct vassals to Laurent trust in the protection that the duchy grants them.

Which makes the dozen armored riders wearing gren tabards descending upon the 'food delivery' all the more shocking.

It's troubling for a number of reasons. First, most Abandoned usually aren't in full platemail with silk green tabards on destriers and using lances. Secondly, if one was fighting well equipped, mounted knights, they usually aren't trying to raid villagers. And thirdly...

As the 'defenseless food delivery train' reveals itself to be Cristoph leading the Swarm of Artshall, and Norwood pulls out his sword, and Jael, Alis and Kael all ready for battle, mounted knights usually don't all issue an unholy howling roar that seems to shake the earth as they all scream in perfect, echoing unison, "LAURENT! KILL THEM ALL!"

The fight is short but brutal. Armored and well equipped or no, the dozen raiders are grossly outnumbered. Laurent soldiers rally around the Oathlands heroes, and while a few Laurent soldiers are cut down, the dozen raiding knights are cut down fortunately quickly with all of them fighting with suicidal ferocity. There's clear relief, even as worried murmurs spread as they find the surcoats of the raiders bore the sigil of House Durand. But in the midst of conversation, there starts to be an odd chittering sound.

The armored bodies start to shift. The armor seems like it's collapsing in on itself, with a metallic clanging as if they were being hit by hidden hammers, and there's the sound of snapping bone and sinew. And then the bodies all seem to explode. Teeming masses of centipedes, each the size of a large snake, mill forward and attack. Several Laurent soldiers are buried underneath the writhing mass as Alis is cutting a path free among them, and Kael, Jael and Cristoph all find themselves fighting in a quickly shrinking circle as the hew and cut back the massive horrifying mass of centipedes chomping and trying to tear into them. And then Norwood's sword starts to glow.

There's a flash of light, harsh and blinding, as if everyone unexpectedly caught a glimpse of the sun and had to flinch away in instinct, followed by a great screeching sound that is suddenly cut short. As everyone opens their eyes, all the centipedes are turning to ash and starting to wither away and blow in the wind, as if they had never existed at all.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: Sept. 6, 2018, 9:36 p.m.)

House Laurent is so, so busy these days. But there's been one task that Cristoph has delayed dealing with for a long time. And that's his father's affairs. Sure, the manse in Arx has been taken care of. But aside from ledgers having to do with their business dealings, he mostly packed everything up into boxes and sent it back to Artshall. Those boxes ended up in the late Duke Edmund's study and that study has barely been touched in the last four years. Even his mother hasn't bothered to go in there, save maybe to open the windows and let in some air.

With a trip planned for quite a few of the Laurents to return to Artshall, Cristoph decides this is the time to finally go through the study. Look through all the books, folders and boxes. Set things aside or throw them out and really make the place his own.

Of course, that's not all he's planning on doing. He's brought the House Durand signet ring that they found under Gardener Dave's floorboards and he'll be comparing it to other documents. Did his father know anything about the Durands? Did he try to hide it or was he planning on ever doing anything about it? Is this why Duskshire's territories were always such a hot mess? Are there any mentions of 'the green' rising?

This wouldn't be party without Jael, so she'll be here too. As a secondary goal he's going to dedicate quite a bit of time into folding up paper gliders and throwing them at her head.

What is she, an archivist now? Don't they have servants for this? Nevertheless Jael sucks it up and joins her brother in the quest to clean out their father's office. All right, maybe it is the sort of thing that should be handled by family. She'll help Cris look through the contents with as much scholastic rigor that she can bring to bear (not much but she tries).

This does of course eventually devolve into a paper glider war, though their mother intervenes when Jael escalates it to spitballs.

Duke Edmund own's writings revealed that he thought House Durand was a preposterous legend, much like silly fables of 'wood elves' and 'house redire' and other foolishness that might have had a grain of truth five hundred years ago, but were certainly just foolishness now. He had little time of it. In his youth, he said that a ravashari fortune teller warned him that 'the Green' would be the death of him, and he made it into a running joke during his youth, and had largely forgotten it by his older years. Duke Edmund's death was considered not suspicious, as he sickened and died relatively quickly, and it frustrated the Mercies that saw to it, but he was not young. It was rather cold and wet the day he met those prodigals spreading tall tales about how their clan was hunted to extinction by 'the scions of House Durand', when Duke Edmund was fairly sure it was just outlaws fighting outlaws.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 13, 2018, 9:59 p.m.)

The Laurents are finally putting their money where their mouthes are. 3750 economic resources have been tagged for transforming Duskshire Keep and the surrounding lands into a new barony. They will be ennobling Sir Norwood Clement, who will be known onward as Baron Norwood Clement. Prior to any official proclamation a social campaign is conducted with the Whisper House in order to raise Norwood's esteem with the peerage (@action 2421). Cristoph will be handling the diplomatic feather smoothing and palm greasing that this will entail, while others will be using their own strengths. The Swarm of Artshall and the Laurent Cavalry will also be sent to Duskshire in force, to dissuade anyone that might considering harassing Norwood and Jael while they're down there.

While Nicia is not the sort to go out and pick up a sword, she has paper and writing utensils, and the knowledge to fight battles on that front. So while the rest of the Laurent's have lended far more martial efforts to reclaiming Duskshire, she has lended her assistance in a legal manner. She has fought the battles that have cropped up there, argued and made sure that things are smoothed out. In addition she has aided by making any contracts that might crop up, making sure that those with skills and vocations are protected, and those that have ways to trade are going to profit, thus the profit moving up the chain.

Jael assists Norwood with the reclamation of Duskshire, sending Artshall troops to assist with cleaning up and rebuilding the keep. She will travel there herself on occasion as well, to show the people that one of the Voices of Laurent and the daughter of the old Duke is invested in the project.

No number of years of service could have prepared Norwood for the honor that Cristoph is setting forth, and he isn't backwards about saying so. Norwood meets often with Whisper Amanda to learn what will help him become a good steward of the Duskshire lands. He'll stand for himself with the quiet composed dignity that has been the hallmark of his service to Laurent. Knowing that those who have sway in the peerage are doing their thing, Norwood focuses instead on the rebuilding of Duskshire. He works to show that life out in Duskshire isn't the dangerous prospect it has been for years to entice the right kind of people to take the chance. He guarantees their safety with his own life, swearing that he'll fall before Duskshire does. Woodworkers and stonemasons are sought out, the best that Norwood can find to help rebuild the keep and surrounding areas to be ready for the people who will call Duskshire home.

The news from Duskshire is interesting these days. Duskshire? Yeah, that little bit of land near Laurent lands, where of late the Duchy has been focusing its resources and attention. Under Sir Norwood Clement, the area has been cleaned out and rebuilding is starting. In fact, barely a day goes by when someone from the Laurent family isn't talking about how amazing Sir Norwood is.

They've canvassed the people. They've highlighted his heroic actions - how he saved the Duke's life. How he has year after year of faithful service to the Laurents. How his honor as Sword of Artshall is unquestioned, and how he has been a loyal supporter of his Duchy time and time again, not hesitating to put himself between them and danger for the good of all their people.

It is, then, a receptive people who listen to Duke Cristoph's proclamation that a new Barony is being established in Duskshire, and that Sir Norwood is being elevated to Baron Norwood to govern it well. Duchess Nicia handles the paperwork and details, for the full support of the Duchy in creating this Barony and seeing these lands brought once more under Compact dominion are engaged now. Lady Jael shows her personal support as well, and is the loudest voice in the song that sweeps through Laurent lands lauding the new Baron.

And while there are some side-eyes from the people of the Compact as a whole, many of whom neither know Laurent lands nor care about them, all the diplomatic and social work undertaken - including sending Baron Norwood to the Whispers to acquire the sort of polish a nobleman needs - mean that there is surprisingly little grumbling when the elevation occurs. Oh, he's still new to the nobility. But it's far easier when it's someone that has dedicated their life in leal service and is well known for it, as the exact sort that nobility is usually able to tolerate being ennobled, and when there's a catchy song, well. And as it happens - there is a catchy song.

Who's the good man who is Sword of Artshall?
Norwood! Norwood!
Who's seen demons and hellhounds and slaughtered them all?
Norwood! Norwood!

Who protected the Duke and then all of his heirs?
Norwood! Norwood!
And who fought off Abandoned alone and in pairs?
Norwood! Norwood!

These are reasons the Laurents owe much to this man
Norwood! Norwood!
He does all the things that no other Knight can!
Norwood! Norwood!

This fine fellow's honor is never in doubt
Norwood! Norwood!
So raise up your voices and give him a shout!

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 5, 2018, 6:08 a.m.)

In the months and weeks before any official proclamation is made regarding Norwood's ennoblement and barony, a carefully constructed social campaign begins to stir. When Cristoph is at court, meetings or formal dinners, he speaks of the man when the opportunity arises. He encourages other people in House Laurent, to drop Sir Norwood's name when appropriate.

They tell the story of how he lost his wife, but carried on bravely to take care of his young daughter. They talk of how when there were less gray hairs on his head and in his beard, he saved Duke Edmund's daughter, Lady Jael, from a fierce bear in the woods. How he guided and shaped her into the industrious young woman she is today. For which many are thankful, considering she was Cristoph's heir for many years and remains in the line of succession even now. Then they'll joke of how his daughter and the scion of House Laurent are likely to blame for all the grays he has /now/, with some help from Lord Klaus to boot.

And of course, there's the most recent act of heroism and bravery. The moment when his duke lost his horse in a fierce battle in Setarco and was nearly torn limb to limb by fierce monsters- or were they just dogs? The story is unclear here. But regardless, he charged forth on his horse to sweep him to safety. Yes, yes. He did DROP him but right after that, he supported the other man and helped him walk (he dragged him, basically) to safety.

Most recently there are tales from a little corner of Artshall known as 'the Duskshire', a small keep with attached lands that's served as a sore spot for the Laurents for years and years and... well, a long time. Sir Norwood was instrumental in leading various teams to the area and cleaning out bandits as well as some roaming groups of Abandoned that had attempted to set up in the keep.

There is /no/ finer knight in all of the Oathlands. A man who has shown his worth through actions and deeds, through a life well lived and decades of service. It's believed they'll be talking about him for many years to come.

But that's not all! Cristoph employs the works of the Whisper House to help train Norwood in etiquette (and other things!) so that he hopefully won't make some of the same social gaffes other ennobled commoners have made. And the duke collaborates with them to promote and smooth the path for Sir Norwood into a society that will not be thrilled with his presence.

Amanda will take a two-pronged attack to this little battle against public sentiment. First, she is coaching Sir Norwood in matters not just of etiquette (he mostly has that down, good Oathlander he is) but socializing. Play the game, shake some hands, smile every so often. Next, she will be seen with the good knight in public, to help create a smoother image for him here in Arx. Finally, Amanda will take to passing along word of Sir Norwood's good deeds, as outline by Cristoph. Sanctum born-and-bred, she has plenty of contacts back home.

As general of the Laurent forces (in no small part due to the training she received while squiring for the man of the hour himself), Jael reminds those who serve in the Laurent military units of Sir Norwood Clement's feats of valour and his long, long looooon record of service with the Laurent family.

Nicia hasn't known Norwood nearly as long as the rest of the Laurent's, but she is more than willing to repeat the stories to others, and provide her own spin on the more recent ones. How if it hadn't been for him, she'd be a widow and how because of Norwood's loyalty and bravery she was able to see her husband again after Setarco. A man that brave, and that loyal, he is exactly the sort that is worthy of being moved up in social status and position.

At last, Margerie's letter writing campaigns can once again come to the aid of Oathland causes! It isn't a new thing for her letters to the various elder nobles of the Oathlands to include praise for Norwood Clement, as warranted, but it becomes focused to support the Duke's talking points. There's an emphasis on his long years of service, the guiding influence he has had on these successful young Laurent leaders, and his close friendship with the Keaton family as well. She isn't above mentioning that she has taken an interest in helping him to develop his social skills. There may also be reminders that it wasn't long ago that she groomed young Kael Keaton from a lost, unknown boy to a well regarded Count in a very short period of time. Her recent position as High Lord Edain's protege may lend some extra weight to her words. In the city of Arx, she is seen with him publically regularly. While there is nothing untowards and certainly no kanoodling in public, her esteem for the man is evident. They walk arm in arm and he is frequently her escort at various functions and dinners. It's a public stamp of approval for the knight.

These days, it seems all the Laurent family can talk about is Sir Norwood. They tell the story of how he lost his wife, but carried on bravely to take care of his young daughter. They talk of how when there were less gray hairs on his head and in his beard, he saved Duke Edmund's daughter, Lady Jael, from a fierce bear in the woods. How he guided and shaped her into the industrious young woman she is today. For which many are thankful, considering she was Cristoph's heir for many years and remains in the line of succession even now. Then they'll joke of how his daughter and the scion of House Laurent are likely to blame for all the grays he has now, with some help from Lord Klaus to boot.

And of course, there's the most recent act of heroism and bravery. The moment when his duke lost his horse in a fierce battle in Setarco and was nearly torn limb to limb by fierce monsters- or were they just dogs? The story is unclear here. But regardless, he charged forth on his horse to sweep him to safety. Yes, yes. He did DROP him but right after that, he supported the other man and helped him walk (he dragged him, basically) to safety.

Most recently there are tales from a little corner of Artshall known as 'the Duskshire', a small keep with attached lands that's served as a sore spot for the Laurents for years and years and... well, a long time. Sir Norwood was instrumental in leading various teams to the area and cleaning out bandits as well as some roaming groups of Abandoned that had attempted to set up in the keep.

There is no finer knight in all of the Oathlands. A man who has shown his worth through actions and deeds, through a life well lived and decades of service. It's believed they'll be talking about him for many years to come. There might even be a song in the making.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: May 8, 2018, 10:55 a.m.)

**War Pensions**

House Laurent will be taking 1,000,000 silver out of the bank and portioning it out over the next several years to the families of soldiers slain in the fight against the pirate king. Cristoph as well as members of House Laurent will be traveling to Artshall to oversee the initial distribution of funds and touch base with their people. This will include meeting personally with families and stopping in villages to assess their situations and listen to grievances.

Nicia is making certain that, legally speaking, the funds go to the right people, and are protected in such a way that they aren't going to be taken away over the years. She is accompanying Cristoph and the rest, with her mountains of paperwork and making sure that their people are as protected as possible.

Jael helps with money distribution, as someone who can ride around with bags of silver and not require too much guarding.

Norwood comes with the Laurent Duke as he hands out the pensions. Much like he did in Oakhaven, the sword brings a commoner's bent to the venture. He tells stories of the soldiers he served with and leaves the families with tales of valor that he either experienced with their loved ones, or were passed to him by their loved ones. In addition he helps out as he can, helping with some scattered sheep here, a broken fence there, and all around does what he can to help them move on after the trauma of lost loved ones.

Naka travels along with other members of House Laurent to meet with families of slain soldiers. The main commitment from him is time spent in listening and commiserating. There is nothing that can be done to bring back those who have fallen, but it is a genuine rather than a manipulative sentiment that their sacrifice is remembered and respected. When it seems appropriate, Naka will speak up to that effect.

Under Duke Cristoph Laurent, the Laurent family takes a mind-boggling 1,000,000 silver and parcels it out to the families of the fallen in the recent actions against the Pirate King. Duchess Nicia, Lady Jael, Lord Naka, and Sir Norwood travel with Duke Cristoph to Artshall to make arrangements for the distribution of these funds in the coming decade.

The people of Artshall are stunned, and very pleased to see that their ruling family is taking such care of the families of the fallen - not just in the immediate, but over the coming years as well. Their estimation of the Laurents rise, their praises are sung, and many a smug conversation is had in Arx over a drink, pointing with pride to their particular ruling family and how carefully they take their responsibilities to their people. The Laurents aren't just randomly donating to soup kitchens, they point out - they're taking care of their own, just as they're supposed to do.

Action by Cristoph for Gyre Straits

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 4, 2018, 4:07 p.m.)

House Valardin has decided that 1/3rd of its cavalry will ride to Southport in order to protect its interests there and to reinforce defenses, should the city be attacked. Duke Cristoph Laurent will be taking the lead on this leg of the campaign, bringing down 1/3rd of ALL the mustered cavalry within the fealty of House Valardin.

These cavalry will ride patrols around the city of Southport, keeping an eye out for trouble as well as looking rather impressive in all their armor. Their focus with patrols is going to be on getting advanced notice back to Duchess Malvici should they spot anything in the surrounding area that looks suspicious or if they should see anything along the Lycene split while patrolling. They will also fight the enemy if it becomes necessary.

Cristoph will be investing personally in the well-being of of the troops and their horses.

1500 military and economic total combined resources: To be used for hiring experienced farriers and those well versed in the care of horses. Several armor and weaponsmiths to take care of equipment repair. Tents, uniforms and other necessary non-edible gear for the knights as well as their mounts. Non-perishable and longer-lasting perishable food items so that there isn't an unnecessary strain on Southport's resources.

500 social resources: To be used on items to keep idle Oathlands troops from getting bored and starting theological/moral debates with their Lycene cousins that are camping outside of Southport. and/or the Abandoned. Cristoph is also going to be recruiting the help of several skilled people in order to produce some pamphlets and other literature in order to help keep his troops out of trouble. There's been some historical friction between the Lyceum and the Oathlands and he's sensitive to what a bunch of heavily armored and trained soldiers might like to people already stressed from their current situation (The Turmoil in Southport + the Abandoned outside the gates).

As an accomplished rider, Jael will be going out with cavalry patrols on her wicked black war stallion of hell, that foul beast from the east, that hulking creature of venom and spite known as...Freddie the warhorse. Anyone who looks suspicious is getting an arrow in the knee...if they're lucky.

Norwood will be going with Duke Cristoph to Southport to assist in leading that 1/3 of the mustered Cavalry. He will be involved with patrols to make sure the Duchess has all the information she needs about advancing troops. He'll be working with Cristoph to stay abreast of the evolving situation and making sure that he is free to go at the drop of a hat if needed, even if Cristoph must remain behind. Keeping the Laurents at Southport like, ALIVE, is also a main goal.

While no commander like Norwood or Klaus, Thorley has been busy with his own duties and assisting with teaching those soldiers that will be participating in the action, training with their blades and skills in combat to keep their minds and blades sharp and on the task at hand. He attends the nightly briefings from Cristoph, the knight is making sure that the information is disseminated to the ranks.

Klaus Speaks nightly with his men and closest under him. His words are encouarging and aggressive at times, enciting some of the soldiers to possess anxious feelings. He enjoys being in command and is attempting to harness the momentum that his duchy has been building.

Eiran is going to Southport with Cristoph and the rest. He's a knight (seriously though, honest!) and he's going to do the respectable thing and knight around with his mace and shield. But he's useful for more than just soldiery: he's a natural when it comes to chatting people up and understanding and/or swaying their feelings, and he's fairly sharp. All of those things will have a place in his efforts to keep a finger on the pulse of what's going on locally - with the knights and with local citizens - and to help things run smoothly, with minimal kerfuffles.

Duchess Calista Fidante is set to use her rather skilled silver tongue when it comes to the matter of assuaging two very different types of military personnel with the hope that both the Oathlanders and the Lycene forces can work and fight together against the common enemy. As a first cousin to Duke Cristoph Laurent (their fathers were brothers) and wife to the former Inigo Malvici (Now Duke-Consort Inigo Fidante), Calista appeals to both parties on a very personal level. Clearly she has everyone's best interest in mind. Sure, the last time fighting broke out among these two groups, it was Duke Leo with the aid of House Valardin and the Oathlanders who took down Count Lucien Malvici in the Tor-Southport War, but with Calista's marriage to Inigo being favorable and Prince Edain's marriage to Caelis Malvici also being widely accepted, all that former bad blood should be water under the bridge. Right? At least that is what Calista reminds the people when she speaks to them. Elegant and graceful, yet strong and passionate, Calista sets out to prove to the people of her beloved family that she is not called The Steel Rose for no reason. Now is the time to put aside any residual feelings and work together.

Margerie Keaton consults with members of the faith and Lycene companions before writing up pamphlets to be distributed amongst the literate set of soldiers heading south to fight. Ideas on activities, cultural sensitivities, how not to get bent out of shape when someone tries to prick those delicate Oathlander sensibilities with licentious displays, diplomatic ways to not tell someone you think they are going to be condemned do the Abyss for all eternity because they looked in a mirror. She's putting her gentle, charming humor and respect for all involved into the pages. Might even find some illustrators to lend a hand.

Reigna is deploying units of healers to Southport under the guidance of an NPC leader who has been thoroughly trained in how to work with Laurent forces. These healers have been trained in setting up and breaking down triage tents and hospitals. The healers have been trained to work within the ranks of the military forces there.

With her work in Southport and her roots in the Oathlands, Archscholar Bianca hopes to stand as a representative of the Faith and further bridge the theological mindsets at play alongside Duke Cristoph, Duchess Calista and Lady Margerie's efforts. She will be enlisting the aid of a small grouping of Arx local Scholars to join her and assist in the distribution of the pamphlets Lady Margerie prepares (200 social). In this act she hopes to stand as an icon of the Faith and bolster morale, offering blessings over the gathered calvary. Prayers to Gild focus on those of the Oathlands troops as they make their way from the North to the South. Prayers to Gloria to uplift a sense of honor in and off the field of war. Prayers to the Sentinel in that their efforts may be just and the righteous guarded. In hopes of not stirring up any contention she strays away from any other sweeping prayers/blessings to avoid riling sensibilities, but amidst the camps and in the quiet of the evenings each grouping is offered private counsel and prayer.

In all of this, as the reports of casualties come in and weary commanders sit down to write letters to the loved ones of dead soldiers, people look strangely at a sizeable force sent to Southport. The Malvici armies stayed in Southport - which, considering there are shav camped outside is understandable - but for some reason some Valardin forces and Velenosan forces also deployed there. With no public reports of the Pirate-King targeting Southport or sending his fleets there why, people wonder, were ground troops sent there at all?

In truth, some in Redrain wonder at the heavy deployment of ground forces in Setarco, what with the entire fleet deployed there too. Some argue that it was necessary for Setarco to be saved so that the chain of cities beyond that initial port weren't vulnerable. But then what about Grayson and Redrain lands? Are they not important too? They look at the destruction of Stormwall and they wonder - why so many?

And they look too to the armies at Southport and they wonder - is there some kind of corruption in the Ministry of Defense, that Compact forces were diverted to the city ruled by the Minister of Defense herself? Or was there some reason others are not privy to that made the deployment make sense? As with any confusing strategy, people start talking about it and become very passionate as they argue one pet theory or another. Overall though, Calypso, Edain, Alis, and Eleyna take some heat with Redrain, Thrax, Darkwater, and Pravus folks for diverting soldiers to a port that was never in danger from the Pirate King. Perhaps, as tempers run high, it's time for a little diplomacy.

For those in the army deployed to Southport though, the people are less concerned - particularly as they were just following orders. And, when it became clear there was nothing to do in Southport and that Setarco was seriously under siege? They high tailed it to the thick of the fighting and did their level best to make sure that they helped keep the Silk City free from the tyranny of pirates. After all, the Lyceum may be full of shenanigans and people of dubious moral character, but they're not pirates. Most of them. They're far too civilized for that.

Action by Cristoph for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 24, 2018, 9:56 a.m.)

Cristoph Laurent is calling for all vassals of House Laurent to heed his call! Raise to arms! He'll be sending out word through the marches for them to rally and raise their banners as well as that of their vassals. He's served as a soldier and commander before himself, so he'll be banking on that experience there to help him rally the men and women sworn to House Laurent.

He doesn't work alone! He petitions the help of family members, house servants and other allies to get the message out as effectively as possible.

The Keatons, as a whole, are doing a GREAT tour of their lands, the Baronies beneath them, in an attempt to rally the troops. However, during their adventure they are moving through Laurent lands as well, and Kael will be speaking highly of the Honey Duke and his skills, not to mention the great need for any and all capable soldiers to go to arms. He attempts to inspire, to command, and to rivet them of tales. Not to mention he might have smuggled some Laurent mead along for the journey to share drink with any and all for camaraderie.

Naka decides to take time to physically travel to key points within Laurent and Laurent-sworn lands. He concentrates his efforts on the population, hoping to convince them to accept the idea of a smaller number of troops for home defense in order to free up additional forces to answer the muster call. These people may not have any say in who actually gets sent where, but Naka hopes that helping to allay their concerns and convince them to keep a determined, positive attitude at home will give the associated nobility a spur towards going above and beyond the least necessary participation.

Nicia is planning to play upon the emotions of the vassals and their men by appealing to their sense of loyalty, and honor. Making sure that they feel compeled to rally and raise to arms, for fear that doing any different would lessen their regard in the eyes of the fealty. She has taken to sending messengers, and putting in visits to those close enough, making it a more personal quest to speak with them.

Klaus has rallied all of his men. Men that do not faulter at their lords command. The sight of men at arms to nearby vassals shows that there is no room for avoiding the situation. Coupled with the respect that his men have for him it should be rather usefull in a quick mustering of troops.

As House Sword, Norwood will be helping Cristoph rally the marches and leaning on his skills in leadership and years of experience.

Aeryn is using her spreading her infectious optimism like a disease, rallying everyone that will stop and listen! She keeps spirits high and morale at maximum!

With all his charmed talents Saedrus willingly steps in to assist Cristoph to help gather Laurent’s vassals to arms. It is with an empathic call that Saedrus helps rally the Duke’s men to the cause. Missives are sent with poignant prose to stir the recipients to answer their duty, to bolster them in the face of their fears and remind them that great honour is found in their bravery.

While the youngsters rally armies and large speeches and the like, Margerie? She's using contacts. If she's at the speech? She's standing next to the woman that everyone in the holding looks to as the moral center, the one who can give entire neighborhoods The Look about what they know they should do. Or that man who employs half the town, who knows how to train the other half to keep business going. She's going for short walks, buying a meat pie for them. She's a guided missile calling on decades of service to from Oakhaven up to Laurent to know which person needs convincing at their stops in order to keep the convincing going when they've moved on.

Bastien has been hired to assist with matters of propaganda. He writes a series of speeches to provide to Duke Cristoph and various others who are doing the actual traveling in the Oathlands to speak with the vassal leaders, speeches about the nature of history and living within it, of the weight of recognizing the times they live in now. Speeches of honor and oaths and sacrifice. He tailors the speeches to the various houses, trying to include known notes from their histories in order to apply particularly targeted pressure. In addition, he'll supply a few different outlines for written pamphlets that can be copied and spread through the various cities to also encourage each domain's populace to support their leaders' dedication of troops.

Derovai is providing whatever advice his good judgment of character will afford Duke Laurent in this matter.

Jael has always been an outside kid. Sometimes with an sizeable entourage, sometimes with just a few retainers, she rides out to every part of the Laurent territory she can cover on a massive wicked-looking black warhorse named Freddie to rally the troops. This almost always involves some inspiring speechifying done while performing lot of fancy horseback maneuvers like caprioles and courbettes, pirouettes and piaffes. Maybe even some friendly jousting! All this will hopefully show the vassals that the Commander of the Laurent forces is competent and approachable, and worth rallying to. Also a badass who can manage large wayward beasts with ease.

House Laurent is calling for all their vassals to heed the call, and so, it is time to act. House Valardin's own Prince Rook is lending his aid as a ghostwriter, spin-doctor and one-man propaganda machine to polish up the efforts. As he's come from a very well trained background as a sophisticated courtier, he knows the political and social landscape well enough he can push and prod without sticking his oar in too hard where it oughn't go.

And having worked with the Keatons to call their banners, now Duke Cristoph turns his attention to House Laurent. He's sending out word through the marches to rally and raise their banners, and encourage their vassals to do likewise. He's smart about it too, he isn't trying to do it all on his own, but rather includes his family and those willing to stand with him.

Count Kael and the Keatons are already doing a tour of their lands, and he takes the time to speak highly of the Honey Duke and his skills, inspiring them with tales of his liege. Lord Naka concentrates on the populace, organizing troops for home defense to free up additional forces to answer the call. Duchess Nicia stands by her husband, appealing to their people's sense of loyalty and honor. As often as she can she turns this into a series of personal conversations, using her charm to encourage as many as she can.

Lord Klaus is a man of few words now, relying on honor and the respect his men have for him, the Sword of Laurent, Sir Norwood, at his side. Lady Aeryn adds some cheer and charm, enthusiastically supporting the message and spreading it far and wide.

Saedrus Whisper steps in as well, sending missives with poignant prose to stir the recipients to answer their calls to duty. Lady Margerie tries a more oblique tack, talking to those who stand as the moral centers, the ones who give The Look to entire neighborhoods when they decide something needs to be done. Or she's reaching out to that man who employs half the town, who knows how to train the other half to keep business going. She's calling on decades of service and her finely-honed intuition to reach out to influential movers and shakers wherever they go.

Prince Rook works as a ghostwriter of speeches. Bastien also works writing speeches of honor and oaths and sacrxifices, tailoring speeches to the varying houses, trying to include known notes from their histories in order to apply particularly targeted pressure to answer the call.

Some of these are used by Duke Cristoph, others delivered by Derovai to Lady Jael to use as she rides out to every part of the Laurent territory on a wicked-looking black warhorse named Freddie to rally the troops. She gives inspiring speeches while performing ancy horseback maneuvers like caprioles and courbettes, pirouettes and piaffes. Maybe even some friendly jousting! All this proves to their vassals that the Commander of the Laurent forces is competent and approachable, and worth rallying to. Also a badass who can manage large wayward beasts with ease. In a different house this might be less welcome, but here in Valardin where Knights are often riding before they can walk, they cheer on Lady Jael's acrobatics.

Laurent is rallied to war!

Action by Cristoph for Silence

(Public Action)

Cristoph is going to continue actions against Shav raiding parties, leading his and any other assisting troops in person to try to wipe out as many small parties, scouting and foraging groups, as possible. Obviously he is not going to be able to make a huge impression in a force eighty thousand strong but he wants those troops to reach Arx as hungry, blind and disorganised as possible.

As such he is going to repeat the same thing he did before, form a mobile column of Laurent and (hopefully!) Lyonesse troops, heavy on cavalry and with an agile supply chain. They are not going to go berserk or try to engage the main bodies of the enemy army, they will shadow them and pick off smaller groups that detach to try to forage.

The plan is to be aggressive with this and entirely ruthless, ambushes, letting the enemy start to settle into forage/raid/loot then sweeping down and annihilate them with knights as they are disorganised, attacking and burning camps at night. No effort is going to be made to defend anything unless that is tactically helpful, the priority is maximum efficiency attritional skirmish warfare.

Also as a note he is not going to be trying to really fight himself or be a hero, he is going to be there, armoured and mounted on horseback, but concentrating on effectively commanding his troops and with at least a dozen Crimson Blades guards for if things go wrong or a charge of the reserve is required.
Cristoph is partially carrying out event 347 for public relations reasons and because huge hunts are awesome, but this will also be an exercise in denuding the local forests around Arx of game ahead of the siege and will be carried out on a massive scale. He will be spending an additional 20,000 silver on top of the event cost to hire a literal army of beaters along with sending all of his hired Crimson Blades out with crossbows and recruiting as many local peasants with bows as possible. The goal? To shoot as many edible animals as they can, both to help stock Arx (and the peasant hunters) larders and to deny said food to the enemy when they arrive.

Rather than withdrawing his cavalry forces within Arx, Cristoph is going to keep them active in the Grey Forest, behind Abandoned armies that move to invest the capital under siege. Communications with Arx will have to be by sea and suitable (too small to be on the main map) ports identified. A command and supply center will (Grayson willing) be established in a suitable baronial or comtal castle and Cristoph will spend up to 100,000 silver ensuring adequate stockpiles of provisions, weapons, but most importantly food and appropriate clothing to continue the fight over the winter.

Hopefully final addition: This crisis action is prominently for cavalry actions along with whatever mounted infantry has been procured, there will be efforts to coordinate with Calypso's attack on one of the Abandoned armies. Ideally, the combined cavalry forces will arrive behind the Abandoned army and participate in the battle, if, as seems likely, this is impossible due to the issues of communication and distance, then the cavalry will attempt to position to help cover any retreat or take advantage of any victory to inflict maximum enemy casualties.

The remaining Laurent infantry will be fighting under Alis' command.

Jael is going to support the supply chain, riding with it between the troops and the city. While with the troops, she'll keep a finger on the pulse of their morale, doing her best to be visible among the men and women, talking with them, getting their feedback.

She's also going to join in on the raids, particularly ones where they can strike from a distance, focusing on mounted bowmanship to strike and flee without waiting for retaliation.

Okay. I don't know much about how to do this so: All Isidora will really be doing is doing her best to keep her head down and heal people where she can.

Demura is going to lend some of her men to Cristoph in hopes that they will beneficially help him ravage the enemy's vital resources and reduce the number of viable opposing soldiers, providing a critical weakness that can be exploited through other means.

Sigurd will be coming along with 250 Nightgold cavalry and a supporting column of mounted infantry for reinforcements. He will be the assistant commander in this mission, with Duke Cristoph having overall command of the troop's movements, including his own, while Sigurd provides his aid when the troops hit rough terrain (survival training comes into play) as well as being the main leader once the troops actually engage the enemy, leaving Cristoph able to direct larger troop movements while he leads the charges and provides leadership in the forefront. Together, they hope to seriously curtail and disrupt the enemy rituals, movements, and especially foraging parties, making it next to impossible for the Bringer army to sustain a siege.

Aislin will be taking a contingent of Ashford scouts into the forests to assist, at Maude's request. The Ashford guards are, of course, well familiar with both the Gray Forest in general and the area from Arx southwards in particular, so this is their home territory. While they lack their network of watch-platforms and pathways among the trees, most are skilled at both climbing and archery. They'll be supporting other troops, scouting from overhead where possible, and providing archery cover from above.

Aislin will also be bringing a number of Society scouts along. Field cartographers who can map out the movements of the enemy, and help assist Duke Cristoph and others with determining where best to cut the enemy's troop lines, to carve off chunks for easy dispatch. And, of course, Society members /do/ tend to be a little more aware of occult considerations, if it comes down to Bringer encounters. Aislin will be predominantly with the Society scouts, trying to coordinate.

Niamh is coming along with Aislin and Ashford's forces. Mostly Niamh is there to smash skulls and cut off heads. She'll go where Aislin goes, mostly, and try to keep the Ashford safe. She's not a leader though, so Niamh mostly fills the roll of the Big Damn Hero and Murder Machine. She's bringing Gyrd, her war elk (retainer), an alarcite sword, and full rubicund armor to the event.

Tikva will be working with the other scouts that Aislin is bringing, as a seasoned and rangery agent of the forest! In the event of a combat with the Forces of Evil, she will hold nothing back (fully kitted out with bow and arrows) -- but as a scout, her primary skills will be in mapping the area, keeping an eye on troop numbers, and moving quickly and discreetly in conjunction with other scouts to keep track of troop movements for the advancing army.

The Laurent forces, supported by House Nightgold and House Ashford, ravage the western 2nd Column of the Bringer forces and smash their supply lines. Most of their foraging parties are cut down in exchange for minimal losses, though two hundred horse that attempted to skirmish with the 3rd Column is entirely lost, and it is unclear why- just none returned from that particular skirmishing mission, which is adequate encouragement to concentrate their forces on the 2nd Column.

Guided by Tikva and Aislin with excellent knowledge of the Gray Forest, and the leadership of Sigurd, helps prove to provide excellent mobility in continually outracing the enemy and following Cristoph's well laid out strategy for bleeding the bringer forces. More than once, the 2nd Column attempts to seek battle and is led into ambushes, leaving several thousand dead over the course of the week and slowing their advance to a crawl, which in turn buys time for the main forces of the Compact under Calypso to return to the defense of Arx, after the destruction of the first bringer column.