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Past Actions

Action by Bhandn for Fidelis

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 21, 2020, 9:21 a.m.)

"It all began when he received the sword...and Bhandn feels an uncomfortable sense of something wrong whenever he gets near the Palace of Arx." The time has come to find out why. He has talked directly to both the Lord Commander and First Captain of the King's Own about the issue, explaining that this feeling began when he received that beautiful, frustrating, diamondplate sword with all its troubling implications, and shown the source of that problem to each of them.

With the help of the King's Own and others with whom he has spoken, Bhandn will be taking Fidelis to the palace, uncovered and openly displayed while there, to shine a light on what began when he received the sword as 1011 AR began.

Sir Corban, in his role as First Captain of the King's Own, will guide Sir Bhandn through the Palace in an attempt to pinpoint the feeling of "wrongness" that he experiences. Although he will tour the public and known areas of the Palace with Sir Bhandn, he will not neglect either the Bijoux under the Throne Room or the Newly Opened Passage or Alarice's Study at the end of it. Indeed, if it cannot be found before then, he will lead Sir Bhandn into the tunnels found behind Alarice's Study and see whether that is the source of the troubles. And he will keep his Spooky Senses on alert to see whether he might figure out the source of the Wrongness.

Austen will travel with the others, fully armed and dressed for trouble. Just in case the sense of wrongness that Bhandn feels becomes actively dangerous to them. He'll assist however's needed, searching the palace in a grid pattern if needed.

When Bhandn told Sophie about his affliction and the feeling that he had when he looked at the palace Sophie approached Sir Corban, a friend from her childhood that is now a member of the Kings Own. The incapacitating nature of this affliction when he comes in contact with certain people has Sophie concerned with his health. She will be accompanying Bhandn on his tour of the castle in hopes of tending to his needs should her services as a Mercy be needed.

Sir Bhandn arrives at the Palace, and already it feels wrong, somehow. He waits patiently, and soon enough the King's Own show up - Sir Corban, Sir Austen, and a contingent of Silver Swords that follow. The Mother Mercy also shows up, and it isn't until then that Bhandn unsheathes Fidelis.

Almost immediately he is awash with a sense of nausea, but he gives a grim nod and together they proceed into the palace. The first place they look is the Hall of Metal - because the King's Own is adamant that they first determine if this is something that might affect the King. But whatever churns in Bhandn's stomach isn't heightened by his presence in the Hall of Metal.

And so they turn away and walk back to the Great Hall, and this time Bhandn leads them on a different path. There's a pounding in his ears, and that stomach-churning sensation grows stronger and stronger with each step downward. There is a moment where he stops at the entrance to the prison below and - here he can go no further. Instead, he falls to his knees weeping, and his sword slowly turns until it is pointed at himself.

The Hundred quickly surround him, for his protection more than in concern that he is a danger. He is clearly struggling, tears streaming down his face. He murmurs words that make no sense, in a tongue no one can understand. He sounds like he's begging, pleading for something. Remorse covers his face. And then he passes out on the floor.

Sophie moves to examine him immediately, but there seems to be nothing wrong with him at all. Strange. He's just passed out cold.

One of the guards picks him up and she looks to Corban and Austen - "I'll just take him outside then Sirs? If someone could pick up his sword and bring it too?" She waits for confirmation, and then hauls Bhandn outside. It isn't until she drops him at the fountain of Alarice and splashes some water on his face that he awakens - and all she says is, "You might want to be more careful there. Don't you know that place housed the worst criminals in history? Didn't know you Knights of Solace were so sensitive." There's a spark of amusement in her eyes now, but she waits while the others join them, and then she salutes. "First Captain, I'm on duty with the King presently."

Corban absently salutes and dismisses her - and it isn't until much later that he realizes the duty roster doesn't change over for another hour.

Action by Jeffeth

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 27, 2019, 9:51 p.m.)

Jeffeth will be making a journey across Arvum. The Pilgrim's Path and beyond. He will be acting according to (clue 3079) gather the prayers of the faithful, endure the rials set upon him and deliver the prayers back to the spellsinger(s) in Arx. Before going off on his journey, Jeffeth will fast for thirteen days. A week will be taken to recover and get on food again and spend times with friends and loved ones before departing.

Jeffeth will be listening intently to the Gods and is intent on performing all tasks and trials alone. Sir Corban has been marked on this task as well and will be joined to it. Jeffeth's squire is to accompany the quest as well. However, Jeffeth gives explicit instructions that if they encounter 'trials' that they perceive to be from the Gods that he must commit to them alone. Unless they receive contrary instruction from the Gods themselves. Otherwise the other two are to witness his quest and return with the prayers should Jeffeth fail and fall.

He will dedicate himself to the task no matter how long it takes. If they hear of heroes of the faith, or potentially very faithful individuals on the road they will go out of their way to speak with them, and record their prayers. They will help any who are in need of it. During their travel Jeffeth will spend many hours in prayer and meditation seeking their next path. They will continue until Jeffeth feels they have completed the quest, which may well be quite a while. Whenever it /feels/ right.

Sir Corban (quite against his will) has been drafted as Jeffeth's squire for his quest as a Knight of Songs to gather the prayer of the Faithful. It is perhaps a role reversal for them (both historically and in the present day, given Corban's role as First Captain of the King's Own), but it is one that Corban takes up willingly. He will render whatever aid that Jeffeth requires on his quest, but the Knight of Solace is the one in charge here.

The roads stretch out endlessly, even for a Knight of Solace, even for a Knight of Songs, and Jeffeth finds himself relying on Corban's skills with putting together a camp and food as the nights accumulate. The walk itself is a trial. Although the gods do not speak to either of them at any point, the journey is certainly no easier for the lack of formal trials. They run across washed out trails and villages that have just suffered a raid. Being good folk on a journey that demands care and extra effort, they help clear burnt fields and rebuild burnt houses. They patch up ailing roads and help feed ailing children.

And as they integrate themselves with a large scatter of communities, big and small, they gather prayers and songs of devotion. Some are extremely simple, children's traditions passed down for generations. Some are dense with harmonies or imagery and Jeffeth and Corban have to get transcriptions to have any hope of passing them on. They gather prayers for every god, and often for many gods at once, melancholy and celebratory, mourning and hopeful, those with music, and, largely, those without. It is an archival treasure that they piece together, and an archival treasure that they must protect on the road. These long and exhausting roads.

When at length they return to Arx, Jeffeth finds himself confident of what he has brought -- not all of it will be useful for the spellsingers, some of it will surely only be of interest to scholars, but he and Corban have gathered more than a few that thrill them just to read, that fill them with inspiration and energy, that make them want to be more themselves, that make them feel freer. And once they enter the walls and deliver the wealth of words safely to a spellsinger, Jeffeth feels the mark crystallize hard and shatter off his skin. And Corban feels a lightening of his heart, a strangely -- literal lightening.

Action by Sorrel for Metallic Cycle

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 28, 2018, 7:13 p.m.)

Sorrel has written seven songs that she wishes to spread far and wide to educate the public about the Metallics and remind them of their heroes from long ago. To this end, she's employing an army of bards to get the music out about Iron, Steel, Gold, Brass, Copper, Cobalt, and Silver. She's also trying to provide some historical context for her songs to those that are interested. Some songs are catchy, some are a little sad, some are a bit romantic, but they're all slightly different and designed to be memorable.

Please note that the text of the songs are contained in @theories 369-275, with a bonus track in 376 that will not be spread far and wide (even if Tyrval found it hilarious). There will be a relative slow roll-out of songs, to give people time to start singing them and learning about them, and the events for them are going to increase in magnitude as they go. The coordinating calendar listings are 2455 (Iron and Steel), 2579 (Brass and Gold), 2523 (Cobalt), 2524 (Copper), and 2525 (Silver). Songs will be hosted either in the Hall of Heroes or the Bard's College or another appropriate place for a musical party. Silver's song shall be hosted in the palace, per the king, as the grand finale.

Galen's going to be bankrolling the main tracks of this little would-be Metallic Opera with a substantial amount of resources.

Lisebet is going to help organize parties and she will use her social acumen and singing skill (which may not be bard quality, but it's not bad!) to help spread the songs. Hearing them over and over will definitely work in favour of this initiative.

Tikva will absolutely help Sorrel with this, and she'll do so by adding her songs to her performance repertoire and using them to entertain and educate at every available opportunity! Why not? Sorrel's lyrics are all better than hers anyway!

What's that about an army of bards? Gianna has one of those! Or at least the closest thing to. The College bards will be taught the songs, and Gianna will sing them herself as well, using her reputation, prestige, and social resources to help. If any College types are on their way through Arx going elsewhere, they'll be encouraged to spread those songs. Even other non-member bardic types will be encouraged. This is one of the reasons the College was founded, after all.

Y'know what would be a real boost to a show like this? Having one of the most prestigious people in the ding dang city jumping on board to tell people how very excited he is about it! Oh, wait a second! Niklas is one of the most prestigious people in the city! And he's willing to use that. I mean, when you're It then everyone wants to do the stuff you want to do, right? Might as well put that to good use.

Clover is not a singer, no. What she is, however? Is a very smart propagandist. And so that is what she is going to do. She is going to spread these songs far and wide. She is going to get everyone talking about them. She is going to mention to them to everyone she knows. She is going to get her people talking about them. And she's going to start creating little pamphlets with the verses of the songs, and spread those about the city as well!

Sparte is no singer, but he can tell a half decent story. Converting songs to taletelling, he'll try to inspire emotion not with the power of music but that of the listener's own imagination.

Sir Corban is not a bard. But he does sing. How is that? Well, on their morning "jog" around the Ward of the Crown, the King's Own must carry a cadence. And as First Captain, Corban often gets to call the tune. He will in particular promote the song of Silver, the founder of the King's Own. And as the King's Own's drills are often a matter of public spectacle, the songs will spread in that way.

Have you heard about Princess Sorrel and the Metallics opera she wrote? You haven't? Well, Sabella will tell everyone she meets ALL about it, enthusing at what amazing prose Princess Sorrel has come up with and also the music! She composed it all herself! And it tells such an important story. Oh, you have heard about it? Well, let's enthuse about it to everyone around us! She will be talking this up to EVERYONE, pointing out how important it is that these things be taught in many forms, especially ones with catchy tunes attached!

Sanya will use her charm and musical ability to help educate the public on music about metallics. She's hoping she can show her musical range through this job.

Eddard is a bard and is quite capable of putting voice to song. Comfortable clothes and no silks adorn him when he ventures down into the lower buroughs. People /probably/ know him, but nobody should raise their nose at him singing on street corners to anyone who will listen.

Giulio will help with those seeking to learn more of the songs, working to teach of their meanings and provide insights and details regarding those spoken of as necessary. Moreover, he will work to make certain that something akin to 'hymnals' on the subject are available for such.

Orelia is a much better singer than she is teacher or propaganda artist, so she'll take the songs out and go sing them for the public. Most of that will probably be in taverns, bars and pubs as well as other possibly less than savory places, but it may help the songs reach a new audience. She'll sing other places as well of course, more public places.

Sapphira is a bard, and loves to sing songs everywhere she goes. She will sing them to her family, to random strangers, or to the birds. The tunes will be shared and with her angelic voice as she explores the city.

Throughout the history of humanity, many have sacrificed everything for the Compact. Those heroes who stood alone against unbeatable odds. Those who stood in that moment when darkness would consume the world. Those who refused to give in, whose actions were more than could be expected of a mere mortal - who stood and fell as a guardian not just of a city or a fealty, but of ideals great enough to encompass all - those are enshrined in the Hall of Heroes. Many who travel to Arx only once in their lives spend at least a day touring the Hall, reading the stories. Looking at history.

And over time, these stories became allegories. Became morals. Became legends used to guide the next generation, and the generation after, and the generation after that. That is what enshrinement in the Hall of Heroes meant. But memories fade over time, and these legends were faded too - the statues worn in places with touches over the stone, the words carved into the pedestals not always legible. The thoughts more of the morals therein, the examples - and less on the people who sacrificed their lives in these ways.

But Princess Sorrel Thrax has changed that. With a series of concerts, researched well in Vellichor's Archives. With the blessing of the King, with support from Whispers and Bards, from people across the Compact, she has written songs about the Metallic Order. Of Iron and Steel, Gold and Brass, of Cobalt and Copper and Silver she sings. They're catchy songs all - some sad, some joyous, some heartrending. She sings them - and they spread so swiftly through the Compact.

Princess Tikva, Gianna Whisper - the Nightingale of the Bard's College herself - Lord Eddard, Lady Sanya, Lady Orelia, Lady Sapphira - all of them aid, either as fellow singers in her concert, or by singing the songs themselves, or both. Officer Sparte is no singer, but he tells the stories too, reciting them to inspire as he can. Sir Corban is no singer either, but he teaches the songs to the Hundred as a cadence - and now on the morning "jogs" of the Silver Swords, they're drilling while using the cadence of the Metallic Cycle - especially the song of Silver. They teach the songs, the stories to others. They encourage the songs to spread. And spread they do.

'Have you heard the Metallic Cycle yet?' It's a common question among the socialites too. Count Giulio, Princess Sabella, Prince Niklas, Lady Lisebet, Duchess Clover, and many other famed and famous people are encouraging everyone to learn, to hear, to sing. It's on everyone's lips - and Princess Sorrel is becoming the Singer of Heroes, even as everyone reminds themselves of the promise: "As Arx endures, we will remember."

Action by Alessandro

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 3, 2018, 5:04 p.m.)

Alessandro has begun learning all he can about Greenmarch, and throwing himself into learning about the running of the house. Since Greenmarch is in need of building up their military again, he has decided to put his efforts into this task first.

His approach will be two-pronged. His own contribution will be the money side of things -- looking at house finances, seeing where there can be cuts made, drawing from any possible source to find the funds to hire new infantry, pikes, and archers. He will also be looking to make adjustments to house investments to possibly bring in new income.

He will also be speaking to all the members of the house about how they can contribute, whether it be encouraging people to join up in the army, showing a strong united front for Greenmarch through leadership skills, possibly taking on trainees for various military-related skills, or recruiting and training field medics.

Simone will assist by reaching out to their people to speak to them about the honor and the satisfaction of protecting their homelands. She will relate to them stories and tales of the heroes of the Greenmarch family and how they were supported by the troops that followed them into battle to raise their spirits and their sense of pride in their people.

Margret goes to the Greenwood to recruit healers to be trained as battle medics for the army. She organizes the volunteers she receives, and sets up programs in which to train them on healing in battles.

Cullen will use his extensive training in the tactics and strategies of warfare to help train new officers to lead in the field, utilizing such knowledge to recognize and exploit weaknesses of enemy forces.

Monique is Monique. She seduces new recruits. How many? Enough. She uses her Minxish wiles to charm and beguile conscripts, and if all of a sudden there are poets and bards singing flattering songs about the legendary Minx of the Marches in all the taverns this side of the Oathlands? Mere coincidence.

Marius rallies his people to rebuild the forces of the Greenmarch. He sends patrols around the various villages on Greenmarch land, encouraging them to join up, and he himself spends some time gathering people to speak to them. Reminding them of the proud traditions of the Greenwood, and that it has stood, untamed and unconquered, only through the sacrifice of it's people and soldiers.

Sir Corban might now just be a rank-and-file knight in the King's Own now, but he was a drill instructor once. Now armed with some of the latest teaching techniques, he will be join the Greenmarchers and see that the new recruits are shown the best technique and formation to join the ranks of the Greenwood army.

Prince Alessandro Velenosa has decided to start working on behalf of the Greenmarch family to build up their military. And apparently hiring in some advisory help works for Greenmarch and the family, as they all pitch in to help.

Marquessa Simone speaks about the importance of protecting their homeland. Lady Margret recruits and organizes battle medics. Marquis Marius sends patrols out to the various villages encouraging recruitment, and Lady Monique even helps encourage them to sign up by charming new recruits into believing this is the best job ever!

Once these new people have been recruited, Lord Cullen trains officers in war tactics, and Sir Corban helps with drills and some of the latest training techniques to get these green recruits up to speed as quickly as possible.

All in all a rousing success, though a Velenosan prince's heavy involvement raises some eyebrows and assumptions about future marriage matches among Compact gossips.

Action by Cristoph

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 9, 2018, 11:47 p.m.)

Duke Cristoph Laurent, Count Kael Keaton, Countess Reigna Keaton and Lord Corban Telmar held a charity race in the Ward of House Valardin. It was called 'The Armor Run'. Quite a few people attended and they collected numerous writs and silver from various attendees to use towards their cause. They've opted to put what they collected towards helping restablize the streets and aid the commoners in the Ward of the Crown that were affected by the fire. If there's already been IC progress there, this would hopefully help finish and/or add to general improvements in the area.

Lord Corban brought, as Countess Keaton put it, "spirit and energy and positivity" to the race, coming in fourth. Corban also solicited the support of those present, raising significant funds for those affected by the fire.

Reigna spent a number of days baking, baking, baking, with the help of Keaton chef extraordinaire, Marie. They made innumerable baskets of raspberry filled weapon-shaped pastries dusted in powdered sugar and then sold said baskets of pastries so the contents could be eaten, or flung at the racers (as the philanthropist desired). She also designed and crafted the prizes, three silk capes offered to the top three runners. During the event Reigna sold the pastries, and at the finish, handed out the prizes!

Kael Keaton brought himself to the race and made certain that everyone was aware of it! He posed behind Cristoph at the introduction and he chanted during the race itself (especially regarding Lord Corban), donated a sum of economic writs with his wife from House Keaton, and making certain to help his wife in the kitchen (on the sly, mind you, by being official taste tester). In preparation before the event, he spoke with those soldiers around Arx to see if they might be amiable to joining, attempting to get them to follow his lead. After all, a decent turnout means more money... and free training for said soldiers! Full armor is heavy!

Not a baker, and certainly not a runner, Nicia did what she could however to spread word of the fun, to discuss it with those that might be interested in it, and do any number of other things needed to make sure that any legal issues with holding the run in the location they chose were smoothed over.

To finish what first the Inquisition, then the Champions Guild and the Golden Hart have done, Duke Cristoph Laurent, Count Kael Keaton, Countess Reigna Keaton and Lord Corban Telmar held a charity race in the Ward of House Valardin. It was called 'The Armor Run'. Quite a few people attended and they collected numerous writs and silver from various attendees to use towards their cause. They've opted to put what they collected towards helping restablize the streets and aid the commoners in the Ward of the Crown that were affected by the fire. And thus, with the help of generous charities and aid, the Ward is in tact once more and people's lives are - not restored as they were completely, but able to start the true process of healing.

Action by Ailith for The Despite of Fable

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2018, 3:31 p.m.)

As the Scholars of Vellichor undergo a great archive across the Compact, Seraph Ailith has devised a project to focus regionally, beginning with Valardin. She will reach out to the Seraphs of all the parishes under the Valardin fealty to host monthly (or every two months) a community event (free food!) to encourage the people to share their stories which reflect their family, friends, and community. A local scholar will attend and write these stories to create a book that represents that community (village, town, cities!).

Eventually, a copy will be sent to the Great Archives in Arx where scholars can review and compare any stories to create other books such as a farmer's almanacs using stories and tips from the various local farmers or cookbook of local recipes, even mother's homemade cookies.

The idea is to create regional books that these communities can be proud about. And if any locals attending these community events feel inspired to help the scholar, that young person can be trained to become a scholar, too.

To Unify his past attempts to aid Duchess Clover and Archlector Bianca put pressure on the Story Eater, Edain will try and use the same network of Errant Knights that he is trying to use to assist Ailith. As errant knights wander and set up camps where people can come to share their stories with them, Edain will provide writing materials for them and their squires to take down these stories and to deliver them to the local scholars, that Ailith has recording the stories to be preserved in the Archives eventually. Hopefully this will extend the reach of her story gathering. to smaller hamlets, outposts, mining and logging camps that the local scholars and the workers employeed there cannot neccesarrily reach as easily.

Bianca is openly in full support of Seraph Ailith's call to the collection of knowledge and the promotion events to come. Orders have been dispersed among the Scholar parishes/libraries throughout the Oathlands to ensure everything is documented properly and copies are then forwarded to the Archive to be copied again and dispersed between the five great cities per the Archival Initiative.

Duke Cristoph Laurent will be putting the word out to his people in Artshall, going so far as to help mitigate the costs of these events himself for the local parishes. Everyone is encouraged to get out, enjoy and share stories of their family histories. Even the ridiculous ones! Mead provided by House Laurent.

Lord Corban, Voice of the Telmarch, will contact the new Seraph of the Telmarch and encourage him or her to participate in Ailith's efforts. He will also send Ailith's emissaries with a letter under the seal of House Telmarch exhorting Telmarines to participate in the telling of their stories. Sure, it's not important enough for Corban to go personally, but he can write a nice letter.

Countess Reigna Keaton is reaching out to her contacts within the Scholars to speak to those stationed in Oakhaven, beginning the coordination and brainstorming required to set up these monthly or bimonthly meetings. She is almost making sure they have all the supplies and resources necessary, in terms of parchment, quills, books, ink. She'll be specifically requesting Scholars with a keen ear and the ability to communicate effectively with all sorts of people, who are skilled at coaxing stories from even the shyest commoner or the most tedious noble.

Lady Margerie, Voice of Keaton, will reach out to her former citizens and a network of 'not in the seat of power, but still rather close to it, and stuck in the country' nobles out in the Oathlands to encourage their participation. A special effort will be made to reach out to older people and their families/neighbors to try and collect their stories even if they may not be able to attend some of these get togethers. To encourage Oakhaven's efforts specifically, she'll be sending recipes from some of the farflung places she's encountered in Arx, a chance for them to try new things.

Aleksei is reaching out to his family to get them involved. The Morgans have quite a history of service in the Oathlands, and there are surely plenty of stories passed down that they could share for just such a project. Plus, hopefully the involvement of such respected notables as Guard-Captain Hardwicke Morgan will help to encourage others to participate.

Clover will be reaching out to the vassals of Farshaw. As a new Duchess she feels somewhat on shakey grounds. However, she is providing a legimate heir for the duchy that will help stabilize the power of the area. In the honor of the future ducal heir she is going to be asking the vassals of Farshaw to start a collection of books for a great library to be created at the Westrock Reach, and in their own territories. To provide books of local histories, of local legends, and the like.

Thena asks the Knights of Solace stationed in the Oathlands to make sure that scholars and the cargo they carry are well protected on the roads. And should a Knight him/herself wish to jot down their own stories, well, what's more exciting than tales of adventure?

Beyond being encouraging of the Wyrmguards and their vassals to share more stories with one another and to seek young people with vocations as scholars, Sorrel is even more enthusiastically than usual working to inspire bards to collect and compile regional songs and ballads. (This is pretty damn enthusiastic for those who know Sorrel; it's like she's been unleashed to eagerly harass people about music, particularly old music with songs of the past.) She is absolutely unabashed about bugging other bards for their songs and encouraging them to write new ones based on the stories of today and yesterday.

Seraph Ailith leads an initiative to document the stories of the people. She starts with Valardin and with the help of many of the leaders of the House and its vassals, she and her team move through the countryside talking to anyone who wants to talk. It's a time to come together - refreshments are offered, people are there to listen. The first few towns are skeptical, but by the time they get to the third the word has gone out - they are listening. They want to know. The archival project to record the lives and times even of the smallest, meanest of lives is important. They are important. There's a rush of warmth and feeling, and for the length of their conversation with Ailith and her group, the people are able to feel like they matter. That something of them will live on beyond themselves.

Perhaps no one will care about the lives of the smallest vassals in Valardin. But maybe it all matters. And the people are now linked by the same connection - their stories are told. Their stories are important. Warmth and fellow-feeling grow in Valardin. A fondness for all those who participate in this great effort. And outside Valardin the question is asked - hey? when is it our turn for immortality?

Action by Bianca for The Despite of Fable

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 26, 2017, 8:45 a.m.)

The truth shall set us free.

The call has been made and a great archival is being set into motion by the Scholars of Vellichor, reaching out to the entirety of the discipleship far and wide in an effort to duplicate and spread information contained in each outpost of Vellichor’s faithful from the grandest library to the smallest monastery.

The plan itself is no small task and in reality Bianca is aware it will take years to come to fruition, but they had to start somewhere.

Phase 1: Organization - A rather large focus team is gathered utilizing local Scholars and overseen by three Senior Scholars (NPCs) to take point on the clerical end of the Archival process. The role of this team is ongoing, their job being to disseminate information to the known enclaves of the discipleship throughout the many territories of Arvum regarding the archival process and how it will function. Once the process begins, they will be the ones dealing with the incoming reports and developing an encoded master inventory list of all outlying literary collections within the jurisdiction of the Scholars. A secondary list will also be created in regards to the location of lost relics that may be hidden away though in the possession of the Scholars. This secondary list shall also be encoded, its construction remains solely in the hands of the three senior scholars on point for this team and is only to be viewed by them and Archscholar Bianca. Once both lists are completed a secondary action will be taken to protect the contents of the pages (either via in-game actions or a storyrequest). From there a procedure will be set in place for all future acquisitions to be reported to the Archives to be properly categorized and added to the proper encoded list.

Phase 2: Reproduction - The next step of this accounting is the duplication of documented works. Any pieces of literary record (fiction AND historical) not found in duplicate shall be reproduced by the Scholars located in the parish these works are found to be and aid from Arx will be sent to the smaller libraries in the form of manpower to help. The goal is that a copy of everything not deemed ‘imprimatur’ will be replicated and disseminated to the Archives as well as the discipleship’s library in each of the five regional capitals: Sanctum, Lenosia, Maelstrom, Farhaven, Bastion. Anything deemed ‘imprimatur’ will also be duplicated though these duplications will only be sent to the Great Archive. This process will also be applied to all new information coming into the Archives or discovered by the discipleship moving forward.

Phase 3: Dissemination to the Public - While the Archives have always been open to the public and all noble houses, an immediate public relations campaign is set in place to better inform those of Arx and Arvum on the whole that the pursuit of knowledge and information will not be turned away or looked upon with wary eyes. This campaign is to be fostered by /all/ of the discipleship setting the stage for an open door policy and as more information is collected in Phase 1 and Phase 2, the Archive will be able to ideally provide direction if not a copies of what is being sought. The title of the campaign is “Let no question go unanswered.” For those seeking knowledge that extends beyond the bounds of what is considered safe for public consumption, they will be directed to petition the Scholars for access. A small council of senior scholars headed by Archscholar Bianca will be set to task in reviewing such requests and disseminating information on a case by case basis (unless of course PCs come to her directly).

Now, with the discipleship’s funds recently diminished due to the recent expenditure in Stormward, Bianca is also reaching out to all those outside the Scholars willing to aid with this tremendous undertaking. Donations are to be accepted in specific to aid in the Archival as well as individual manpower for replication of books not marked ‘imprimatur,’ though the most poignant request in the forefront is martial cooperation and aid. There is a great danger present and those tasked with the duplication or simply traveling to disperse information and transport copies will undoubtedly need protection and assistance while traversing the many territories of Arvum. And sometimes boats. Boats are cool and there are a lot of islands to be reached.

Lady Monique Greenmarch has a wide net of contacts she employs, along with their silver and her own gratuitous charm, on behalf of the ArchScholar's endeavor. How does she find out the things she does? It's impossible to know, but she will attempt to secure safe roads to travel, and trusted safe houses for those scholars and their handlers to stay in, alongside vaults for the information to be saved.

Fortunato, although no official scholar, is happy to lend his hands and eyes to the work of replication (if with a tiny bit of illumination in the margins as strikes him, not enough to seriously detract from the speed of the task). He is able and willing to travel to the regional archives to aid copying work there as well, if, of course, with escort.

Sophie will be aiding in Phase 2, leading any and all Mercy volunteers to go through the extensive medical records and white journals of known Mercies, collating what is deemed important information. She will also write to the Mercy chapters throughout the Compact, seeking their cooperation, and offering organizational instruction to those wanting. Finally, she'll do what she can to procure what House Valardin has.

Phase I-III: Ailith will coordinate through her increasing network of Seraph contacts across the Compact, and reaching out also to the Seraphs that the Dominus and Legate of Creation informed Ailith about. She'll explain the first Phase of Archlector Bianca's process and encourage the Seraphs in how the parishes may assist such as the Seraphs providing copies of any texts to the Archlector or the three Senior Scholars. Ailith will assist in fielding any questions if the Seraphs respond directly to her. In additional letter will be included.

Calaudrin will be joining with other members of the Iron Guard in helping protect the Faith's documents as they move through the city. He'll be especially on the lookout for anything at all suspicious as they go.

Lord Commander Silas will be helping direct his men in protecting the precious cargo -- copies of invaluable lore from several great libraries and archives. He himself will likely lead the retinue guarding the largest cache. They will avoid all thoroughfares known to be havens for thieves and criminals, and all guardsmen on this mission will be thoroughly armed and alert. They will also not be guardsmen with past criminal history, themselves, no matter how small the theft or how long ago the incident occurred. No chances!

Ainsley will be helping with the Iron Guard portion of things. He'll be assigning more senior soldiers to help with the transportation and dissemination portion-- helping to protect the scholars. He, himself, will be with one squad of people helping to transport and protect. Carrying with him his Alaricite sword and his rubicund plate, as he leads the forces. He'll also supply some of his own military favors, writs, and currency to help with the project.

Harald has given leave for the the scholars of Vellichor to travel to Grihem's Point aboard his ships and under his protection, as well as granting them access to the Grimhall libraries. While the private Grimhall libraries are largely collections of literature (especially traditional poetic sagas which are widely believed simple verse fiction) any pieces desired for copying will be made available. After all, the Scholars certainly aren't likely to find any decent sagas on the mainland; it's a mission of mercy, really.

Phase 1: Knights of Solace agents, in the course of their usual duties, will help disseminate the new archival procedures across Arvum, and bring back reports if needed. They will also be instructed to share with Blessed Bianca or her chosen representatives any information they may have picked up in the course of their journeys regarding the possible locations of valuable documents that should be included in the archival effort. Phase 2: Knights of Solace will help protect sensitive archival works as they are transported to or from the various repositories in Arvum.

Mae has began to distribute the Commoners Bulletin, as well as a primer on a subject (Marin'alfar) that has otherwise been erased from history. She'll be writing more, including a book on reincarnation, and all will be spread far and wide. Take that, Fable!

Christine will help with phase 2, copying books that need to be reproduced, and translating those in Isles shav so they could be spread more easily.

Eirene, with the help of her own soldiers, goes through any of the Malvici libraries in Arx and sends word for the libraries of Southport to be duplicated and the copies added to the efforts, transported as quickly as the lot can be completed. As Malvici has a longstanding history of fighting demonic forces, she hopes to find useful information to be added to the master archives.

Lord Corban Telmar will invest both time, treasure, and resources into the Archscholar's appeal to duplicate and preserve knowledge. He will donate 200,000 in House Telmar silver to copying, transporting, and preserving Archives information in the Oathlands. He will also call in House Telmar's extensive network of military favors to ensure that the convoys transporting the materials are protected, and will personally lead some himself, lending his sword and considerable leadership abilities to the effort.

Armand, as a Templar disciple, will aid in the Scholar's efforts by ensuring their protection, notably during the more dangerous Phase 3 of the project, the dissemination and duplication. Able and willing to travel wherever the Scholars need to go, he will ensure that those he is tasked to protect are able to do their work unhindered. No criminal nor servant of the Abyss shall be allowed to stand in the way of Vellichor's holy work.

The main effort the Templars will offer, as well as general help should they be asked, is during phase 2. With the threat that bandits or indeed things more foul could try to stop the material reaching Arx, the Templars will make up to 1000 men at arms available to escort material from the various holds back to the capital. Alongside this, each Parish will be expected to have their templars provide additional support as material moves through their lands, more a procession of honour though that for military support. As the various archival holdings come together from the regions to head to Arx, the Templars will blob the escorting forces together and ensure that the material makes its way safely to Arx.

Cybele is good at organising and teaching and digging up info, so more than happy to dive into the deep stacks, and set to work looking at what comes in. Besides, the shaman has a knack for finding the right texts. Right? Right.

Delilah will be focusing her efforts on Phase 2, working closely with other scholars to replicate as many texts as she possibly can in her spare time. She will also be speaking with the Master of Questions in an attempt to more closely incorporate the Inquisition with the ongoings of this entire process.

Alaric will be having lots of nice things to say about the project, dropping little mentions to nobles and Crown functionaries and important merchants alike about how nice it would be to hear of people and groups lending some aid to the Vellichorian discipleship with their work, and generally generating some positive PR and motivation for people to get involved with helping.

Fatima will allow the Scholars access to the Thrax libraries available in Maelstrom to aid the Archscholar. More than that, though, she's using her social circle to help circulate the news of Phase 3: Dissemination to the Public. When Bianca signals it's time, Fatima will utilize her propaganda machine to get out the word the Archscholar desires.

Percephon will be participating heavily with the Phase 2 portion of this very important project. Working within his position as Senior Scholar, he will go to the library in Sanctum to assist in creating faithful duplicates of all materials that are that are uncovered and found. With a focus on organizing which overly important and sensitive materials will be sent to the Great Archives.

Estaban will be opening the Saik Library to the scholars of Vellichor, he will also be giving military esscort the schollars where they may need to go.

Victus will be allowing the Scholars of Vellichor within the libraries of the Maelstrom, as well as to comb the Isle the capital fortress is located on for nay other information they deem noteworthy. In addition, he'll be sending a detachment of some Thraxian scholars and stewards who are better versed in history than he is. Surely, the Isles will have LOADs of interesting stories to tell!

Aiden can help considerably in Phase 1 and Phase 2. Since he's had a lot of practice with the Court in reproducing works, that's where he will initially provide the most support, however, he's got a good eye for organization, so he'll certainly swap between the two roles, depending on what's more important at the time. Though since he's an excellent teacher, he puts a lot of his time into Phase 3 as well, answering as honestly as he can and has he has done to anyone in the past who has come to him for answers.

Not being much of a smarty himself, Edain will do his best to give the scholarly types the access and the trust they need to do something good, making sure they have access to the archives in Sanctum. He will also task 100 of his knights with the task of helping to escort the travelling scholars, with as much travel as this entails it is sure to tax even the Knights of Solace and so Edain will do his best to help them escort travelling scholars.

Alis has offered to help Bianca by assigning military escorts to and from Sanctum for the scholars that she sends, ensuring their safety and the safety of any materials they bring with.

Princess Isabeau Valardin will primarily be lending her assistance to this endeavor (in Phase 3) by using her considerable charm and skill in persuasion and propaganda to get the word out to the people that the great Archive's enriched texts are available and that the Scholars of Vellichor can guide everyone, high or low, rich or poor, to greater understanding of their world and the vast knowledge contained within.

Lark is opening the Grayson library to the Scholars, and spending her own time overseeing and directing efforts of scribes to copy their works.

While waiting to offer what aid he can for the protection of contents, Aleksei will also reach out to his the vague network he's beginning to form of those freed or aided in their freedom by the Liberators of Skald. Plenty of ex-thralls served in administrative capacities, and he'll kindly ask if they'd be willing to help the Scholars in their various local parishes. Hopefully it will provide some additional manpower for the copying of books and journals to be conducted under the local Godsworn at these various parishes.

Cicero is promising the scholars the use of the Silver Consortiums contacts and networking of infrastructure for moving about the Compact and keeping their scribes supplied as needed.

Deacon will focus his efforts on Phase 3. As a composer of some small renown, he will write a short series of ballads to promote the knowledge contained within the walls of the Archives. The goal will be to help popularize the pursuit of knowledge on the cultural level. Once he's written the music, he will make it available to every bard and performer whom he can convince to take it.

Samael will open up Pridehall libraries and provide military escorts for the Scholars coming to and leaving Pridehall. In addition to that in Phase 3 Samael will help to disseminate information using his oratory skills.

Sasha will in Phase 1 and Phase 2, she is able to reproduce and also translate many texts should the need be there. She is also a very good teacher as well so she will also assist with Phase 3 when the time comes.

Lucita, with her love of music, has been collecting old songs and legends through trading them with other musicians and travelers, bards and music lovers in the taverns, inns, bars and during social events in Arx. Many of these serve as oral history and some have not been documented. This she does and helps contribute to the overall effort toward Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Sebastian will be assisting in accompanying scholars to provide protection and whatever other assistance is needed as they travel throughout the Lyceum to various smaller locations. He will assist in acquiring passage through the lands and courts with which he is familiar, particularly around Setarco and the surrounding isles. He will also assist in locating the smaller repositories of knowledge, acquiring the information and documents required, and seeing their return to Arx during Phase 1. He will also work to help with transcription and the reproduction of drawings and other artistic work contained within the documents acquired during Phase 2. During Phase 3, he will help with the public relations campaign to help promote the use of the Archives and the future expansion of the knowledge contained therein through art and social engagements.

Juliana will be helping Sebastian and the accompanying scholars to provide protection and healing as well as any other assistance is needed as they travel throughout the Lyceum to various smaller locations. She will assisting him in acquiring passage through the lands and courts with which they are familiar, particularly around Setarco and the surrounding isles. She will also assist him in finding the smaller repositories of knowledge and in acquiring the information and documentation, to see that they are returned to Arx during Phase 1. She will also try to help with the work of transcription of the documents acquired during Phase 2. During Phase 3, She will help with the public relations campaign to help promote the use of the Archives and the future expansion of the knowledge contained therein through art and social engagements.

Orathy will be helping Sebastian and Juliana Pravus during the course of the events. He's particularly good at flanking the enemies if there are any, his fighting style coming from the shadows rather than direct assault, therefore, scouting might be his thing. He'll shield Sebastian and Juliana while on mission, body guarding for them.

Nierzen sets to work writing propaganda in support of Phase 3 to move the hearts of people to favour and support the work and effort. He aims propaganda at nobles, motivating them to generously give silver to the Scholarly work, and he aims propaganda at the residents of the Boroughs, moving them to cooperate and even go out of their way to help collect stories and information. In all things, his propaganda tugs at the ideals of duty, faith, and self interest.

The Great Archival Project of 1007 AR causes a complete uproar. In every corner of the Compact, people turn up to add books to the archives, to add knowledge to the archives. To make copies of precious books and send them on. To spread the word - if you need information, your best hope is to find it in the Archives. High Lords and Nobles have opened their libraries. The Templars and the Knights of Solace, as well as many guards hired by various families across Arvum are moving to preserve knowledge and see it safely from the far corners of the Compact into Arx itself. It's a huge project, and under Archscholar Bianca's watchful eye, an incredibly successful one.

Tomes once thought lost are found, copied, and brought to Arx under guard. People are encouraged to come to Arx to seek knowledge. Learn from the Archives of Vellichor, learn from our tutors, our Scholars. Knowledge is available, free for the asking.

Action by Valery

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 19, 2017, 3:14 p.m.)

Valery has kinda-adopted a couple of children several months ago. They help her in the garden and, in exchange, they get a small pay, shelter and food. And she's teaching them some gardening and alchemy.
Not so long ago, Lady Sasha offered Valery to work in her garden too... but that may be too much! Instead, Valery had a big idea!
She's asking people with gardens to offer shelter as she did to some orphans. If they give then a house, food and a small payment, she offers to teach them what she knows of gardens. She wanted to teach some healing and alchemy too, and she may teach those related to the plants they are growing, but since there are already other organizations taking care of that, she will let it to just a basis, so she won't get in trouble with them.
That way, the garden-owners get more help and children get a place to stay and a future!
She also intends to ask other people like Maeve to help her teaching and, for that, she's building a small school of Gardening in her garden, in the small house she has there (that, some people already call the Mouse House.)

Princess Sasha is going to be assisting Valery in her teaching of the children and help supply food and shelter for them during their classes and once graduated supply them pay as well. She will also be making sure the children have durable clothing for all the seasons as well as shoes.

Estaban has agreed to take two children into house Saik, he will be taking it a step further. Not only will he be taking them in so that they can have a safe place to live and clean sleeping quarters so that Valery can teach them about herbs, guardning etc. He will also be making sure that the two children have a education and once they are old enough they can return to the community and be able to support themselves and those around them.

Monique takes in urchins! After all, there's the hedgemaze and the forest solar to care for! And Greenmarch is quiet these days. Plenty of space to house street children! And give them lessons. And con Corban into taking some for Telmar, too.

Conned by Lady Monique, Lord Corban has agreed to allow some of Valery's orphans to work in the Telmar gardens, around the hedge maze and the like. He will pass this off to his House gardeners to take care of with an admonition to make sure that do not take anything.

Larissa will agree to help Valery by apprenticing orphans to the Botanical Gardens of Arvum to give the children a home and an education in the field of agriculture.

Maeve has a perfect place to offer a home for any of the orphaned children. She owns a small yurt behind her shop which she would use to house orphans. She is willing to take on and provide orphans a forever home if they so desire. It is Maeve's intent to help them follow their dreams and help them find the training required to follow their dreams.

Action by Valery now has your assistance: After speaking with the Hart’s head gardener and members of her staff, Valencia has offered to assist Valery by providing paid apprenticeships at the Hart for her students. Safe and welcoming homes for four additional children will be found with some of the Hart’s staff who have families of their own. At least one of the four orphaned children rescued from the fire, and currently in the care of the princess, would like to participate in the program and so the princess will cover the cost of their fees. Funding will also be supplied to help fund any tools or sundries the children may require to start their training. Free breakfast at the Hart is offered to any student who has need. The children in her care will also be offered education in literacy, maths and other skills to help them support their learning.

An apothecary named Valery is starting to make a name for herself as a practical philanthropist. Along with Princess Sasha Valardin, orphaned children who are interested in learning more about herbology are being housed while taught to be gardeners, caretakers, and herbologists. Beyond simply teaching these children something useful she has also reached out to make contact with nobles who have room for more gardeners, and found placements for these children once they're skilled enough to continue on their own, supplying home, a job, and a good new life for those willing to learn. Lord Estaban Saik, Countess Monique Greenmarch, Lord Corban Telmar, Princess Valencia Velenosa at the Golden Hart, Maeve Aisling, and Whisper Larissa at Arvum's Botanical Gardens have all agreed to offer new jobs to these orphans. The people are impressed at Valery's thoughtfulness - she isn't just showing these children new skills, she's helping them find new homes and make new lives for themselves. And look who's supporting her and signing on! Everyone loves helping orphans in winter, and it's a good feeling for all to see them start their new lives.

Action by Corban for Thralldom in the Isles

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 9, 2017, 5:03 p.m.)

Previously, on Thralldom in the Isles (@action 1398), Corban and Ryhalt went to Stormward and recruited freed thralls to settle in the Oathlands. Now it comes time to integrate those freed thralls into the Telmarch.

In this crisis action, Corban will return to the Telmarch with a retinue of both allied Telmar nobles, vassals and retainers and hired Whisper House assistants to ease the transition of the freed thralls into Telmar society. It isn't easy, after all, given that the Telmarch is built on being the Great Red Wall that keeps out the Abandoned that would attack the Oathlands. But Corban plans to attack the problem from two ends: Helping the thralls integrate into society with training and support AND engaging with the existing citizens of the Telmarch to begin nudging their attitudes towards more Abandoned-friendly positions. Corban would never expect the Telmarch to hold hands and sing songs with all Abandoned, but his overall message will be that the Telmarch needs to focus on those aggressive, enemy Abandoned that would invade us and move away from offensive campaigns against more-peaceful tribes. Our resources are better allocated against the Looming Threats. This won't happen overnight, but Corban hopes by having some resettled prodigals among them and focus on the issue, attitudes can evolve.

For his part, Corban will work with the thralls that have enlisted in the Telmarines, drilling them into proper Telmarch soldiers. He will also use his commanding presence and leadership abilities with the existing Telmarines, ensuring that the new enlistees are treated as comrades, not outcasts or canon fodder.

To assist, Percephon will compile lesson plans and organize classes in order to teach any newly freed Prodigal vital information that will benefit them in their new life among the Telmarch. He is hoping to integrate them with as much as possible, and easily, without there being too much of a culture-shock.

For the nobles and commoners of the Telmarch, he is offering the same - offering to teach any uncertain or suspicious citizens how to better understand the newly freed and sworn Prodigals so that a bridge toward understanding one another can be built.

Bliss has been hired by Corban to help integrate the freed thralls with Telmarines. She'll be doing this in a number of ways:

* Bliss will go to the freed thralls and tell them heroic stories, sing them epic songs, and act out other acts and legends of Telmar that she has found by working with Corban and his associates. She hopes to use these performances to inspire the former thralls so that they see glory and honor in their new service and come to understand the ways of their new liege.

* Bliss will take the stories of the freed thralls and tell them to the telmarines, singing songs around campfires and so on to hilight their similarities rather than their differences.

* Bliss will take a freed thrall to dinner each night among the Telmars, introducing said former thrall on a personal level, so they are people and not just 'thralls.'

Nisaa can relate to the freed thralls, in a way. She was once a slave in Petrioch, and now has freedom in Arx, living in the Compact. To assist the mingling of Thralls and Telmars, she will speak to them of what it means to have freedoms some of them might have never known. She will explain what it has been like for her adjusting to the ways of life as a free person in the Compact, and tell them what opportunities they might have for their own lives; professions they might enjoy and feel comfortable doing.

With her unique knowledge, Nisaa would also offer to speak to the Telmars that are bringing the former thralls into their places of businesses or even homes. For a smooth transition into this new way of life, a mutual understanding is required. Some thralls may have had an easier life than others, and she would help to explain what some might have endured, what they might be used to, so that if something happens (a flinch when a hand is raised, dropping to knees to beg forgiveness, or a wide variety of triggered responses), the Telmar can approach the situation with understanding instead of utter confusion.

In short, Nisaa will offer her understanding as a former slave to both the thralls and the people of the Telmarch.

Jhond will meet with Telmar nobility and common alike to tell them of the Thralls. Of how they are men and women like them, but newly freed. many do not really want to be there, in the compact at all, but are trying. Patience will be needed as they will run the gamut from being too compliment to being resentful of any order given to them. they should be given tasks to own and make their own, something to be proud of. coddled when needed, put in line when not but always with patience and a mind to their recent life.

Monique has been recruited by the fabulous Corban Telmar to be a translator and charming go-between for the newly freed thralls and the Telmar citizens. As she speaks all manner of shav dialect, included Isles, this positions her well for the role. The Minx of the Marches also spends long hours with the thralls, patiently answering questions, offering advice, and just generally talking about who knows what!

Korka will be joining the rest of the group in assisting in folks getting integrated, but she's focusing more on individual levels, seeking out the overly negative and the obviously uncomfortable, and both evaluating them and anyone else who seems interested in them for possible trouble-causing. On both sides. She'll also be more generally canvassing for troublemakers. Anyone that turns up either way will be looked at more closely, evaluated as to whether they're a credible threat or just uhappy (just unhappy is allowed, if they're not causing problems iwth it!) and reporting in on actual problems to Corban.

It's wildly successful. Korka, Monique, the Whispers, all of them are extremely good at this sort of thing, and the integration goes extremely smoothly under Corban's leadership aided with Percephon's teaching. The infantry numbers in the Telmarch grow a bit from new recruits, and the duchy sees a spike in growth, with the resultant rise in incomes.

Action by Corban for Thralldom in the Isles

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 11, 2017, 9 p.m.)

With so many freed Thralls, many are looking to (hopefully) resettle to other lands. Lord Corban will lead the lent West Rock merchant marine, escorted by its traditional allies, the Telmar navy, to Stormward to recruit those that may wish to resettle in the Oathlands. Corban will also detail soldiers as security forces in case troubles should arise on the voyage back home.

Unlike some, Corban is not looking for just crafters or those in thralldom from debts. He will accept prodigal warriors for Telmar, seeking to grow the army ranks, and those that Ryhalt might show interest in, inspiring them with tales of the lives of honor and service that could await them. (Since the Oathlands are so far from the Isles, it is not as if these warriors would battle their old neighbors). He will also use his silver to set up resettled thralls with the necessities of life where they land.

Ryhalt is sending a number of ships from the Westrock fleet as well as a complement of armsmen to help keep things orderly just in case, bent on ferrying former thralls that need a place to live and work, settle areas in the westrock marches that are away from Darkshore influences, or go wherever in the Oathlands will take them if they prefer.

Thanks to their efforts, a number of refugees settle in both the Telmarch and Westrock Reach. Their military forces do a great amount of peacekeeping, and under their watchful eyes, there's no attacks on any of the refugee movements, though there are rumors of pirate activities on isolated shipping away from the convoys. Both Westrock and Telmar see small population gains.

Action by Reese

(Public Action, OOC Date: Aug. 22, 2017, 2:47 p.m.)

%It was brought to Reese's attention that any Shavs in the Gray forest who have not bent the knee are likely to be recruited to the Horned God's army and to serve as his slaves while fighting against the people of Compact. Reese would like help prevent the Shavs from becoming enslaved as she highly values freedom, but she would also like to help prevent increasing the size and power of the Horned God's army. She also wants to secure the Gray forest as much as she can to make the it more difficult for the Horned God to take action there.

With this in mind she went to her cousin Calarian for help. Calarian and Reese decided to embark upon a mission to help secure he forest and encourage the Shavs to bend the knee. Calarian would be focusing on the diplomatic side of this mission and Reese on the military side (providing the diplomats with protection from any possible threats). Reese fears that treats might come in the form of Shavs who don't like this missions, abyss tainted animals and etc. The goal of the mission is to use words and charm rather than violence as much as possible.

Reese and Calarian would like to bring others with them, especially of the Grayson faction, including vassals and commoners who are interested in such an effort. They would like to bring scouts (who know the forest), social characters (who can help charm the Shavs over) and warriors (who can help defend the party). While on this mission they will be trying to stay alert for anything amiss including, but not to limited to (signs of the Horned God, cultists, blight, abyss tainted animals, any unexpected animals and any signs of monsters).

Reese will not hesitate to kill in defense of their party or herself, however she will offer any mortal and non abyss tainted combatants a chance to surrender. She also has moral problems with killing when not in defense. Which means she probably not kill Shavs who will not bend the knee if they are not attacking the party, not behaving as a threat or not engaging in acts she would consider evil. Reese will most likely follow the commands of Calarian who is voice and above her in rank. She wishes to be inclusive as possible and to invite the Grayson faction to aid in this effort.

Thanks, Reese's player

Since this is getting a little long and unwieldy, I'm going to save this one for reference as we go over the PRPs and applicable crises. Since it's getting hard to track what's resolved in PRPs and what's not, let's break it up into separate ones to make sure things aren't missed and go ahead and throw up a prprequest to make sure staff responses to anything outstanding aren't missed.

Action by Reese for Fighting Legion

(Public Action)

Reese is commanding Grayson forces who are going into the Gray Forest. They are traveling to the border between the Grayson and Redrain part of the gray forest. The Redrains are aware of such and Princess Freja asked her do this. She intends to keep her people as much as possible on the Grayson side, but if there an urgent need to defend against the abyss she won't be too shy about crossing over (but won't linger and will let the Redrains know promptly that she went over the border and why). Her intention is to create a barrier, making it hard for the horned god or his minions to travel into the Grayson part of the forest. She believes (having heard a vision) that the horned god plans to march through the redrain forest to the grayson forest and to compact from there. There are few things that Reese is attempting with this. 1. The protective barrier explained above. 2. To try and recruit any Shavs she finds to compact's side and keep them away from the horned god's side. 3. To be a loud distraction, keeping the horned god and his minions (hopefully) focused on her instead of those looking for the weapons. 4. To take down anything abysmal in the area and thereby reduce the power of the abyss. 5. To take down any agents of the horned god in that area and to thereby reduce his power. 6. to Search for clues of where the weapons are, primarily by asking and investigating amount the Shavs in the area. If clues are found for the location on Redrain lands she will give these clues to them and let them decide how to act. If clues are found or weapons on Grayson lands, she will dispatch out a team to look for them.

Reese is taking 200 archers, 200 infantry men and 200 pikemen. The men are primarily under her command, but she is open to people such as Rymarr, Silas and Killian helping her command they are around. She plans to be loud over the top and recruit as much as she can. She hopes to bring diplomats, warriors, healers, scholars and so forth. Reese intends to protect those who come with her as much as possible, especially healers, scholars and diplomates She will not kills Shavs who are not hostile to them or working with the abyss, but will go out of her way to be human, protective and to follow the laws of Gloria and honorable combat.
A few more points. 1. If the Horned God himself shows, Reese will order a tactical retreat, saving as many as she can, rather than engagement.

2. Rymarr is her second in command, he is fully in command if something happens to render her unable to lead.

3. Command assignments go like this: Rymmarr: Second in Command of the mission, command of Deepwood Troops. Command of Any Kings Own Troops (that may or may not come). Killian: Command of any Ashwood troops that come. Second Command for the Grayson Army. Arianna: Stonedeep Troops Commander. Reese: Mission overall Command. Grayson Army Command. Co-command of the Knights of the Solace. Thena: Commander of the Knights of the Solace. Tobias: Commander of the Crimson Blades. Preston (if he comes and he might not): Command of the Templars. Corban: Back up commander if another commander falls or is not present.

3. Fergus asked if some wanted to do missions in the north. Reese will let her people do that or possibly send out on missions on the Grayson side if a need arrises. She will let pretty much any pc who wants go, but she is specially interested in sending some of the more champion like fighters without armies to command on these such as: Vesper, Dameon, Alexis, Kaldur, Graham, Faelan, Luca and Barric.

4. Noncombant attendees or possible attendees include Mia (diplomat), Margot (Diplomat), Rey (Healer) and Aurelian (Investigator). Reese will try to protect them. Esoka is also assigned to protecting the diplomats. Monique and Esoka, despite being fighters are assigned with the diplomats due to the backgrounds and langs.

Above is the goggle doc. Thanks Staff!

Reese has a few secret actions to take here.

1. The first one is protecting Thena. Reese believes that Thena is important to the Horned God and that if she dies to his agents his power might be increased. She realizes that Thena is a great warrior, but she still feels it is her responsibility to make sure she is safe. Thena is partly coming as a lure to keep the Horned God's attention away from those seeking the weapons. Reese is concerned about such, but Thena really wanted to do this and she respects that. She just intends to bring her out of this alive, even if it means taking blows for her or doing down herself in battle.

2. If the Horned God makes a personal appearance, she plans to retreat. She is open about this plan. What she is less open about is that she will try to save as many lives as possible among those who attended this mission and will try to guard their retreat even if that means she doesn't make it out herself.

3. The third one is that Reese believes that Thena is a new commander without the leadership skills at this time to be sure the Knights of the Solace will be succesfully commanded. She believes she will develop such in time. She believes this because Thena asked her to command the Knights. Reese intends to help command the knights, to watch out for them and at the same time to try and not upstage Thena with them. She wants to step in as needed without taking the spotlight, if she can manage that.

Barric, armed with Elvesbane and a backup sword just in case honor demands he not use the heirloom in a given situation, will be primarily serving as bodyguard to Reese and any other Grayson of rank that shows up for this affair, up until the point where he sees anything abyssal, at which point he will endeavor to stab evil in the face. Repeatedly.
If Reese needs him to go on a mission (a la 3), he will gladly go.

Margot attends with Reese to work predominently on #2 to try ad recruit and shavs she finds on the compact side and keep them from joining the Horned god, which is something she's getting rather practiced at at this point. She ensures her own escorts (the peace keepers), come with food and supplies to give out to Shavs who have come through the winter but it hasn't warmed enough to replenish their stocks yet.

Lord Corban has pledged his sword and skills to Princess Reese's mission. He will guard what needs guarding, slash what needs slashing, and otherwise do his usual job of Guy with a Sword in these missions.

Tobias and the Crimson Blades have been hired via Reese Grayson to join up with the Princess' wall in the forest. Iron Company (100 heavy infantry) have been contracted, and Tobias himself will be commanding the mission on the Blades' behalf. If this becomes obvious that holding the line is suicide, Tobias will work with other military commanders for an orderly retreat. Otherwise, the elite of mercenaries will hold the line, just like the Night Grove, if need be.
Tobias will be primarily wielding Requiem for this... but if the army comes up against undead, he'll switch to his rubicund blade to see if that helps to cut them down quicker.

Killian will be joining the armies of Grayson as one of Reese's lieutenants, and taking command of whatever troops she designates him to command on the expedition. Of course, he'll also be personally entering whatever battles are joined. He'll bring along whatever troops Ashford sends (new Harlan, so not sure of what this will be) as well.

Kaldur will be going on the mission, as a mounted knight if needed, or on foot as the case may be.

Monique is fighting as needed, but mostly helping to recruit the Abandoned with her extensive Abandoned background and languages.

Thena will personally lead a contingent of Knights of Solace out with Reese's forces, to help the Princess accomplish her listed goals.
As Thena is not particularly experienced in leading troops, the Solace divison will be co-commanded by Thena and Reese, with the help of a trusted (NPC) Solace marshal.
Solace unit consists of 30 knights, 70 footsoldiers, 1 marshal.
As a Godsworn priest of the Pantheon, Thena will offer any religious support as needed such as prayers, blessings and holy water. A few, though not all, of the Solace Knights are Godsworn as well. She will also offer aid as a battlefield medic and herbalist.
Thena will be bringing with her Dame Vesper, newly Godsworn Knight of Solace.

Aurelian signs on to assist in investigating the weapons as best he can, and hesitantly to act as an additional diplomat if needed.

Daemon rides alongside Thena and Princess Reese as a brother in arms to the Knights of Solace bands. He will assist in combat and wherever he will be needed otherwise.

Silas will be lending his sword and the armies of Whitehawk to the cause, bringing with him his archers/rangers while leaving his infantry behind in Hawkhold to defend it in case of a surprise attack (unlikely but who knows). He will command his rangers to scout the area they decide to camp at, in hope of countering any surprise ambushes or enemy movements and to see if they come across anything... strange.

Mia will be assisting with this as well, once I can see the full action and know what to add!
Mia will be bringing 50 of her archers and 100 of her infantrymen on this mission, with them under command of the following PCs in this particular order: Thesarin -> Esoka -> Rymarr -> Silas. Additionally, she will be acting as one of the diplomats attempt to convert as many shav'arvani as possible, making use of both her familiarity with the language, their customs, and her own reputation as the head of a House composed of a significant number of prodigals. Being as Esoka may be called to another mission concurrent with this one, she will be in need of some type of bodyguard, as she's not particularly combat ready.
Added in 30 AP.

The Grayson Princess General has asked Lady Arianna, and by extension, House Stonewood for aid in fighting Legion. Never one to deny her duty to Grayson, Ari has graciously agreed to lend her blade, expertise and knowledge of the dark forces that Legion will no doubt be utilizing. While that might be enough, Arianna has gone above and beyond by bringing along a detachment of Wardens with her to help support any military action that may occur. The men and women under her leadership have excellent Commanders drawn from the recent population of Prodigals and other Abandoned tribes which have filtered into Stonehearth. Above all, Arianna makes sure that she stays close by Reese with ten of her best men willing to die for their charge. This Royal Guard falls under the direct command of Princess Ribbons and is sure to follow her word even when their Liege, Lady Stonewood, is dispatched on any secondary or tertiary assignments such as recon or elimination of enemy commanders.
Arianna is a talented Investigator and has the ability to find leads and hunt them down with a relentlessness that borders obsession. When she is not commanding the Wardens (of which she brings five hundred), she is at work speaking with the local Shav populace and gathering information that might lead to a breakthrough in the hunt for the weapons they seek.

Lady Lailah of House Bisland has sent along 750 infantry and 250 archers under the command of Lady Arianna to help supplement the Gray Wardens. The additional men will be organized into units along with the Wardens, creating a combined fighting force to operate under the direction of Princess Reese. Lady Arianna leads these men by example, and follows Princess Ribbons military directive as she is the more experienced General.

Saedrus will be assisting Reese through diplomatic measures in trying to secure Shav'arvani are loyal to the Compact rather than the Horned God. As a Whisper brings with him his effortless charm, his carefully honed diplomacy and, beyond all else, the kind of empathy that cannot be taught or learnt to get through to the Abandoned tribes. He'll also keep himself well out of the way of all the martial types and generally keep himself away from frays, or anything other than being charming.

Halsim will be providing scouting services for the army (wearing his black robe and mask to keep his identity hidden to the Abandoned), and when necessary, provide his expertise on occult and investigative matters for the weapons search. When not doing any of this, he will provide his alchemical expertise towards equipping the army with medicines, poisons, and useful alchemical cocktails.

Alexis will do what she can, which is primarily serve as a meatshield to stand between enemies and more important targets. She brings her weapon and her armour, and will escort and patrol, and fight, as needed.

100 Infantry, 50 Pike, 25 Cavalry, and 50 Deepwood Rangers. Marquis Rymarr Deepwood's contingent to travel northward into the Gray Forest in preparation to play distraction. Those remaining in Deepwood are given explicit orders from the commander of Old Oak's military leader to be vigilant. A heightened state of security ordered, increased patrol regularity, reserves called into service for the duration, etc. Before setting off, Rymarr will gather his troops; first to speak with them and explain to the whole their objective, their purpose, and hopefully inspire them to fight hard and return home safely. Watch over those in front of and beside themselves, and trust those behind them to watch over them. He will also join his men and women in prayer to the Pantheon's deities. In regard to more Shamanistic means of religious observation, Rymarr will make himself present in support of those under his command, though he will not take direct part in their activities.

The Deepwood forces, under Rymarr's command, will be working in conjunction with a number of military pieces into one overall unit. Acting as Princess Reese Grayson's second-in-command, he's prepared to follow orders or lead, as is necessary dependent on the situation. Additionally, Rymarr is an experienced (and learned) battlefield commander - the first order of business will be locating important terrain features and choosing a strategically strong defensive point to make their presence known and draw attention. Ideally this position will benefit Deepwood's forces, while still permitting them ease of withdrawal, resupply, and all the rest - while preferably robbing any potential aggressors of those same traits and altogether impeding their ability to fight effectively. The former Lord Commander of the King's Own is prepared to play advisor - admittedly quietly to the overall commander of the mission, Reese. He's not afraid to speak up and offer an alternative plan, if he deems it strategically wiser.

Resources which Rymarr will be making use of(13 Economic, 27 Social, and 27 Military) are used to represent the fact that Rymarr will be hiring mercenaries to assist in bolstering both numbers and presence. Their orders are to... follow orders, but when a retreat is called, to retreat.

Having suggested a strategic withdrawal to Princess Reese should the 'Metallic Traitor', 'Horned God', or whatever name will be used for the day, makes an appearance on the battlefield? Should that time come and the Horned God makes his presence known on the battlefield, then Rymarr will work with the other commanders to promote an expeditious but strategically sound withdrawal. A fighting retreat, if necessary.

An additional 100 Deepwood Infantry, 50 Pikes, and 50 Deepwood Rangers will be on hand in the event such a fighting retreat is necessary, in which they will cover those withdrawing and begin a systematic retreat using the two separate forces to withdraw under the cover of arrows and fresh troops to cover the retreating force.
Additionally the King's Own will be there in the form of Dame Felicia and Dame Paloma, each with four Silver Swords/King's Own under their command. So they'll be doing their thing under Rymarr's guidance and ever watchful eye. They're amongst the greatest knights in Arvum, so there's not much that he'll need to command them on. But, he'll keep an eye out to ensure that the don't get in too deep over their heads and to correct any strategic matters he may notice. Despite being their very own past Lord Commander, he'll lead those few knights as though they were any other troops under his command. Given the history, no doubt they could work together to great effect. Their overall command will fall to Dame Felicia and Dame Paloma, per Lord Commander Leona Thrax, but Rymarr will be present to offer any strategic and leadership course correction as necessary.

Felicia is going to gather up her squad and assign them to the direct protection of the various VIPs (Rymarr, Reese, etc.) within the main attackng force. This is ostensibly because the King's Own trains for the defenseo f the King and so is particularly suited for this role but also because the secondary role she intends to take on would be to accept 'special' missions. If specific targets need to be eliminated the King's Own can be tasked with these dangerous but vital missions, including eliminating enemy leadership, etc. She wants to make use of the King's Own high level of esprit de corps and training to make a single squad as valuable as possible without getting them killed unnecessarily.

Luca is doing as usual and joining the fight to add to his monster head collection and keep his beribboned badass of a wife safe. He's becoming a decent scout, but mostly he's just there for the stabbing of things.

Tikva will be posting herself amongst the archers and scouts serving beneath Reese's command. She is especially lending her services as wilderness survival expert and scout to the efforts to comb through the freezing north, hunting down the Abyssal and/or hunting down agents of the Enslaver /as one does/. She will also be along to provide plucky morale assist to those who care to listen to her, and in case Reese needs cousinly advice and/or a hug, because you never know.

High Inquisitor Alistair will be taking a cadre of Confessors and lower ranking Inquisitors into the Gray Forest alongside the Grayson expedition. The High Inquisitor has multiple reasons for joining the expedition and the war effort against the Horned God. 1. To capture living agents of the Horned God to obtain information on their master and other abyssal entities. 2. To better train the Inquisition to deal with abyssal forces, especially in martial conflicts. 3. Provide martial support to the Grayson effort.

With the support of the Faith, and the need to attract the attention of the enemy, Preston and the Templars are going to try and muster a sizable force of 400-600 Templars to march in support of Reese. If they can't manage that, they will at least try to send several lances of mounted knights. If they manage the full deployment, they will act as a second 'battle' of the column, alongside Grayson troops, allowing some mutual support and flexibility, including the ability to pin the enemy with one and smash. If they only manage the knights, they'll act as a mobile reserve and try to pin down any breaches of the shield line. But in all things they will act in support of Reese, a thanks for her and Grayson being a friend of the Faith.
There is a request associated laying out a bit more detail on our motivations - ticket 6028

Joslyn will be sticking close and directly taking and relaying orders given by Lady Arianna, all while armed with Alaricite hairpins and adorned in leather. While her skills are mostly in stabbing and making sure that things stay stabbed, she'll also ensure that all of Arianna's operation runs smoothly. She'll help Arianna with command if it ever comes down to it, but mostly she'll just be doing copious amounts of stabbing.

Paloma will be assisting Rymarr! And leading her four troops to glory and good tactical use.

Lethe is going along as a healer for the group.

Zenix, a native to the lands, will provide insider insights about the various Clans and Abandoned Tribes that occupy the area. Including their numbers, an estimate of how many warriors they have and what chances one might have at flagging them as friend or foe. Besides their guidance through the land, Zen will stay close to Lady Arianna's side protecting her with her entourage of Wardens and Mistress Joslyn.

Olivia is joining the group largely in a supportive role behind the lines, as a healer and apothecary. If it proves useful, she'll use her alchemical and herbal talents to help with treatments for anyone who needs it, and potentially, if any weird abyssal blight, corruption, sickness, or that kind of thing rears its head, to try and combat it via whatever potions or elixirs she might be able to come up with. Failing that, she's got decent medical training and can simply service as a medic, and will aid wounded soldiers.

A scouting force heads out from the Gray Forest base. There have been a lot of these of late - small groups, meant to find shav, to treat with them as possible, to stop any flocking to the Horned God's banner. Tonight, Arianna, Joslyn, Zenix, Olivia, Kaldur, Silas, and Faelan are headed into the Forest. When they return, it is with a single shav and tales of the hideous creatures that were going to eat the woman's dog (and possibly the scouting group too). They are bloody and battered but alive. And hopefully the very grateful woman who is now swearing dutifully to the Compact is willing to give them information on the movement of the Horned God's armies. And the dog? The dog lived.

Meanwhile in the Gray Forest, Marquis Rymarr Deepwood's army has been busy. Today as they returned to the base camp, they told a tale of cultists trying for a sacrifice to the Horned God, one of the First Children about to be sacrificed, and perhaps most importantly, a prisoner escorted back by Lord Killian Ashford and delivered into the hands of the Inquisition.

A party of diplomats and diplomat-likes, consisting of Margot, Alistair, Aurelian, Monique, Saedrus, and Tikva ride out into the deep woods, it'’s said, to speak with a nomadic group of shavs claiming to possess key strategic information. Whatever negotiations happen past the ragged flaps of ragged tents remain private, but the group emerges with a sheaf of parchment and none the worse for wear.

The stories coming out of the Gray Forest tell another tale as well, as a large group of refugees is escorted to Arx by contingents of the Grayson army. They spread word of the valiant heroes who lead their defense, protecting them against the horrors coming from the northlands. Princess Reese Grayson's army, along with the Iron Company lead by Lord Tobias Telmar, apparently encircled the refugees as they were soon to be overwhelmed by the enemies which had pursued them nearly to their destruction. They tell tale of Prince Luca Grayson's 'nearly insane bravery' in fighting three huge monsters at once, to draw their attention away from the injured Grayson troops. Of Prince Barric Grayson's prodigious strength and prowess, as he cut one of the monster's heads clean off. Of the efforts of Lady Lethe Tyde, who set up triage and sought to mend the injured in the thick of battle. They tell of the hundreds of enemy dead left upon the field, and of the heroic troops who fought such overwhelming odds, standing behind their leaders against the coming onslaught and turning it away with their might. Needless to say, the refugees are being redistributed to Grayson lands, having bent the knee to such heroic representatives of the house.