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Past Actions

Action by Quenia for Granato Expansion Efforts

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 15, 2018, 5:06 a.m.)

House Igniseri has several improvements planned for the city-state of Granato, in order to mitigate some of their population increases as they have taken in a number of refugees from various sources over the last few years, especially now that people have had time to settle, find jobs, and get acclimated.

The first of the planned improvements include the following:

1. Current Farms. Improvements to the lands that are currently used for farming needs, and for the orchards and vineyards. Making certain that the soil is still fertile, and if not making certain that the appropriate nutrients are purchased in order to make the land fertile again. General crops are rotated out with those that will use different nutrients from the ground, while also putting nutrients in the ground decayed material after the crops are harvested. Overused fields will be allowed to lay fallow and recover. Orchards and vineyards will be reviewed to see which trees and plants are flourishing and any measures necessary will be taken to cull or replace those trees or plants that are unable to produce and thrive any longer. Skilled laborors and consultants with agriculutural skills will be hired to help with the improvements of current lands.

2. Adding Farms, Vineyards, Orchards. In order to ensure that the people of Granato can be adequately fed and cared for, the land surrounding the city-state of Granato will be surveyed to see where additional farms, vineyards, and orchards can be safely added to those already being cared for - and those areas will be cleared away and planted with new plants and trees for new food sources and materials for the items that Granto produces. Additionally, orchards of lemon and fig trees will be introduced. Those skilled in agricultural and farming skills will be hired to help identify which areas have the best land to suit the needs of the city.

3. New Housing and Infrastructure. Surveys are being conducted of the current city development to see where new housing avenues can be provided in order to prevent overcrowding of the city. Once those surveys are completed, workers will be hired to start building new housing areas in the city of Granato, making certain to do so in such a way that avenues of commerce and trade are still open and available to the people of the city without creating new traffic jams or crowding out already packed areas of the city. Those skilled in building, engineering, and masonry will be hired to help identify the areas that would work best for this project, and to building the housing unit and the necessary infrastructure needed to ensure proper sanitary conditions within the city.

4. Hiring Guards. With an increased number of people in Granato, it is identified that an increased number of guards might be needed in the city of Granato to keep the peace and make the city safe, and so House Igniseri seeks to hire a significant number of individuals, with varying skill levels, making certain to pave the way for those who might have once been refugees to learn a new trade. They will be tasked with learning the skills necessary to keep the peace for the city of Granato.

Additional plans will be made, as time progresses, to further improve the city, but these were the first improvements considered necessary in order to see the city prosper for now.

Ariella's not one for farms. Or infrastructure. Or any of that other stuff! But she knows what to look for in good and reliable people, so she will put her efforts into helping to find people for the Granato guard. She will put her charm and leadership skills toward the effort of getting the best people into the right positions so as to reduce lawlessness and help refugees and others come to the city seeking safety find the security they're after.

Luis will interview the guards and with his leadership and teaching begin training them for their specific purposes throughout the expansion and construction phases. Encouraging loyalty and camaraderie while also ensuring that each new member is competent for their duties, Luis will invest heavily in the future of Granato.

Lucita uses her charm and propaganda to help encourage skilled farmers and builders to work for a short time in Granato to get the project started and to help current Granato residents to accept the coming changes without resisting them, to be supportive of the efforts Quenia is proposing with donations of their time, efforts, skills and suggestions of things with which they have experience (IE certain plants thrive, others do not, avoid building in that flood-prone spot).This also benefits her own farmers and builders as they have a chance to learn from other consultants during their time there. She has been advising Quenia and teaching her what is needed for successful, sustainable, balanced growth. Additionally, she gives a discounted price on glass for windows for new houses, a project to help both finiancially and strengthen trade.

Leola rides the land. She speaks with farmers about crops, about sales, what has been produced. She offers her own expertise in these matters - if necessary, drawing on the Lodge's resources to offer skilled tutors in this. She tries to reintroduce the higher agricultural concepts - showing how they can bring a greater yield. What crops grow best, and when, and how to revitalise the land

Duchess Grazia is always one to support her vassals, and she speaks of the economic improvements that are being made. She assists her new Duke-Consort by helping to speak well of the military and why people should join up. She particularly focuses, though, on matters of infrastructure, even putting her money where her mouth is and providing quarried stone, including granite and marble, to help with building and supporting any currently needed repairs.

Conveniently taking the opportunity to escape the cold, Ennettia is taking a short vaca-- err, work trip -- back to the south with her boy. This is twofold: to help with the bookkeeping and all the financial and trade paperwork that will likely need to be handled along with the upcoming infrastructure, pension programs, trade setups, and even the buying of the new farmstead equipment, and to escape the Arxian cold. One of these reasons is just an excuse - different people will assume the real reason is one or the other depending how well they know Enny!

Princess Astraea believes in the efforts of Marquessa Quenia, her beloved cousin. She is proud to see such initiative being taken and will support her endeavors in the unexpected way of leading by example no doubt. The princess would love to bolster the efforts by lending her own two hands and beseeching (little b, not big b) nature spirits and Petrichor to bless the agricultural fields, and the domain in general, with bountiful harvests. She doesn't do so easily and will make sure to pay in blood and sweat, carrying soil and seeds, tilling fields, and otherwise helping in the tasks. Most importantly though while she is among the people of Granato she makes it a priority to pay the proper praises to the Marquessa for having such a mind for a just and wise reign.

As new Duke-Consort of Rubino, Aiden has spent at least a good 4-5 weeks in the region after his wedding to Duchess Grazia. In that time, he was learning the needs of the landbase around him, which includes House Igniseri. He uses his established reputation with the Crovane wars to help Marquessa Quenia with a guardsmen program, taking a little inspiration from the Iron Guard and the Silver Wings - the Grayson Archery unit he was in command of - to ensure that the established guard program can cope with the need to expand rapidly, as well as ensuring a way to filter out anyone who would be there to abuse such powers. The personal touch and presence of the Duke-Consort of Rubino may have the desired effect to at least encourage more support for the program, through a few good speeches to sitting down with the present commanders and advising them on tactics and strategies with such efforts that will be required to train a large new group of recruits. -- Adding 200 military writs

Echo desperately wants to help but she's not so good with any of the big picture stuff. So she'll be heading to Granato and doing whatever handiwork she can. It's probably going to be a lot of work and she'll probably be grumpy for the next few days, but it's what she's best at and she wants to make a difference.

As the Minister of Infrastructure for Thrax, Baroness Skye Blackshore has experience with surveying and planning city expansions. She will lend her services to the Marquessa Igniseri on behalf of Thrax, reviewing what new housing avenues make sense to prevent overcrowding. She will provide Igniseri architects with building techniques that Thrax is using. Provide alternative routes to ease traffic on busy streets. She will also review the aqueducts to ensure waste is properly disposed of.

Under Marquessa Quenia Igniseri, Granato is quietly flourishing. She is focused on infrastructure improvements and started calling in favors. Lady Ariella, Lord Luis, and Duke Aiden Rubino target recruitment to bolster army numbers depleted in the action in Setarco.

With Lady Ennettia and Baroness Skye working together to make sure their finances are in order and outlay is exceeded by income, Dame Leola Allenatore, Princess Astraea, Princess Echo, and Baroness Lucita work with the farmers and infrastructure folks and increase Granato's farmlands and the support for their people.

Duchess Grazia works with the people and encourages acceptance and approval of the efforts by the Marquessa is. And she is successful - the Igniseri people are very impressed and happy to work hand in hand with Quenia to improve their homes and Granato in general, and they're rather impressed that their little March is friends with so many important people.

Action by Marian for Gyre Straits

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 3, 2018, 5:24 p.m.)

Princess Marian, Warchief to Redrain, is gathering her military leaders together and setting the following strategy to repel the abyssal fleet that is sailing on House Crovane's Stormwall:

Phase 1: Call on the Spirits (Led by Khanne) - Shamans will pray to the spirits of Wind to blow away the clouds if the 'night walkers' are present or on Wind and Storm to storm on the enemy before they reach shore if they are normal humans (note: see @action 1878 if they make it through the storm, see below)

Phase 2: Stop the Enemy's Landfall and Defend the Beaches (Led by Vercyn & Edain) - Once the enemy is in range, there are 3 prong attack done in 3 rounds to cut down the enemy as they try to get to the beaches? Round 1) Siege Weapons used to fire on ships to try to sink the men before they get to shore (note: burn the weapons if have to give up ground); Round 2) Fire reigns down on the men that try to come ashore on longboats (note: when cavalry engage, archers retreat back to the castle) 3) Cavalry swoop in and cut down the men that make it to the beach

Phrase 3: Defend the Castle (Led by Marian, Mydas & Ainsley) - once the enemy goes through the gauntlet set up on the beaches... Round 1) As men approach the castle, arrows reign down to kill Round 2) If they manage to storm the castle, pike armies try to get them as they scale walls or break down gates; Round 3) Infantry engages if they get through (note: there will be a way out so we can slip into the passes if the castle gets taken; we would like to rig explosives to make Stormwall one big trap if we have to give it up); The Healers (Led by Eilonwy & Reigna) will be based out of the Castle and assist the wounded from those armies that fall back from the Beaches (note: they will be the first to evacuate if the castle is taken)

Phase 4: Retreat through the Passes (Led Sigurd & Armel) - If we can't kill them at Stormwall, then we will led them into the passes and take them there... Round 1) the Infantry triggers the traps; Round 2) Archers reign down arrows on those that survive the traps

Fairhaven Defense: Darren is taking a unit of Infantry and Calvary to Fairhaven that is going to be outside of the main defense of Stormwall.

As Darren figures out how many Redrain soldiers will answer his call of banners, he begins organizing soldiers in to the most efficient army he possibly can. He'll use his knowledge to set up units and align them in Marian's army to give her a good balance of size and clarity of communication. While he won't be going to Stormwall himself (he has no heir yet) he wants to set up the army to have the greatest chance of success and will dedicate his own knowledge and the resources of Redrain to do it.

Sigurd(Siguard?) Nightgold will be leading the forces holding the passes in case of eventual retreat.

Eilonwy is supporting the militia by working with other healers. She's using her experience as a triage healer in several battles to help lead and ensure soldiers are patched up and sent back out to fight in fighting form or sent to infirmaries for more intensive care.

Reigna will be coordinating with the other healers to set up and maintain triage stations within the castle, making use of several units of the now-trained civilian healers that she's called. Relying on the training they've been through in setting up and breaking down triage hospitals, she'll be organizing and coordinating with the other healers, particularly Cybele, Valery and Eilonwy to maintain protocols and ensure the best possible care is given, while being prepared for potential evacuation. Evacuation plans will be laid in case the worst happens, and Reigna plans to ensure there are drills run so that people are as ready as they can be, they know what they need to do if and when the time comes. With those preparations made, she is also going to be using her skills as a healer to aid the wounded.

Marquis Mydas Acheron will command his troops from the castle, with the intention to preserve as many of his soldiers' life as possible, while inflicting as much slaughter upon the invaders as possible. As such, he applies his tactical mind to the task, making plans within plans to make the pirates pay for every inch. Though they may be forced to retreat if the worst might come to pass, Mydas' soldiers will fight their very best, strike hard and ruthlessly, and offer no mercy to the enemies of the Compact, the Gods and the Spirits. All beneath the red.

Ainsley will be bringing with him the Grayson ground troops. These men and women will be set to fortify the castle. He will also be bringing with him a Siege Weapon, which will be set up to help rebel any forces that attempt to siege the castle. He and his men will be set to protect and rebel. Anyone who gets through they'll fight. If it looks like the castle is going to fall, they will start getting the non-combatants and the like out, through escape routes to Sigurd and Armel's troops.

Preston is leading the Templars en masse up North, leaving only a small force of Crownland Templars to guard the capital (Army: Templars on Parade #156) in case the Dominus needs them, or a army of cultists rises up and needs a right good stabbing. The rest, including the newly purchased trebuchet Aion, will be heading to crovane along with a heavy mounted knight contingent of the knights of solace. This is detailed in action #1774 as well as action #1874 in greater detail. The Templars will be offering an alternative to Phase 1, namely prayers to the pantheon and seeking Gloria's assistance to defend the innocent against the wicked, and to hold the honour she has taught us dear. The Templars are bringing gear for more temporary trebuchets as well as their more permanent one, so will be helping in that part of Phase 2, as well as engaging the enemy in what is hoped is a decisive battle. Templars have a deviation then after phase 2. As detailed in action 1774, the Templars will retreat south and should the enemy attack/siege stormwall and the defenders sally out, they will charge into the rear, otherwise as Phase 3 and 4 occur, the Templars will withdraw south to prevent the enemy marching down into the Compact.

Thesarin will be leading the Riven forces in the defense of Stormwall, under the direction of Marian and Ainsley. He'll be paying special attention toward the forests around Stormwall, to bleed the Gyre's forces on the approach (@action 1844), with the plan of falling back to the castle as the army approaches. He'll help coordinate plans, lead troops, and fight in combat himself if need be.

Edain will lead his force of 2000 mounted knights into battle on the beaches of Stormwall, per Marian's battle strategy, but he will be relying on Lord Alban to assist him his strategiest and look to him to help him set his formations.

Edain will be following Marian's strategy and coordinating with Duke Vercyn and Archlector Cassandra to arrange Cavalry strikes on the Pirate Kings Forces as the touch down on the beaches. When it comes time to fall back to the city he will direct his forces to cover the shaman, archers and seige engineers falling back to the city. When it comes time to fall back completely they will fall back and regroup, all the way to where Armel and the Knights of Solace hold the pass. Once regrouped and ready they will try and attack the Priate King's flanks once they are enaged with the walls of Stormwall. They will help Armel defend the pass if it is comprimised after falling back.

See action for #1821 for more details of those assisting Edain.

Acting as infantry in the frontlines of the defense, Echo will hold her ground in Crovane lands with her blade in hand, doing whatever she can to protect the enemy from breaching the first line of defense. Should Stormwall's defenses fail and Echo be forced to fall back, she'll be helping out set off traps.

Knight-Princess Astraea swore a vow that she would see Darren and Donella safely to Farhaven and she intends to do so. She makes her pilgrimages to each of the shrines around the city, leaving her offerings and prayers to each of the Gods. After she believes herself armed with their blessings she will see to her duty. When that task is complete, Astraea takes her sword and shield with the fastest horse before making haste to the frontlines. She will fight to stop the enemy's advance and defend Crovane lands with all the ferocity and might she can muster.

Seymour will be overseeing supply lines and resupply from the safety of somewhere other than Stormwall. Specifics are in action 1782.

Ordered to keep an eye on Giant's Reach's forces and lacking any real commanding talent, Amarantha spends her time volunteering and gathering funds. She sees that the supplies from Sanna go to the correct places and invests her own writs into supporting Redrain's armies.

Agatha will be involved in phase 3 of the plan, the castle defense, where she will lead the pikemen in their attemps to smash and cut down the vanguard of the enemy onslaught attempting to get to the castle at the doors and over the walls. After prayers to the Pantheon and communion with the spirits, armed with a mighty roar and indomitable spirit (and gear), she'll be doing her best to keep the men and women of the pikeline steady so they can help delay the enemy as long as possible before a retreat is necessary.

Tallius will ship out with the other Redrain, lending his bow and his skill as a carpenter in whatever measures they can be of use. He'll help with any building of last minute defenses, and then be present as a fighter in the battle to come.

Valery's smoke bombs are useful again! She will prepare a batch of both her kinds of smoke bombs, the normal ones that just make normal smoke (around 15) and a few red ones, those that itch a lot in the eyes (another 3) and she'll give them to Marian to distribute as she thinks it's best.
She'll also make sure that those from House Redrain going into battle have some ointments and bandages other medicaments they may need to treat the wounds derived from the battle, so they can take some precarious care of them until a healer can reach them.

Cybele is being asked to aid along the healers, so that is what they do - working with Lady Reigna and Eilonwy, guiding the Mercies as best they are able. Primarily working as a surgeon, trying to find the places they can be most effective.

Alban is investing as much military support he can get into shoring up the defenses of Stormwall. The banners have been raised, but he is making last minute personal pleas to try and get more knights, soldiers, archers, and everything else to go to Stormwall to try and stop the Gyre in their tracks!

The Crimson Blades have been hired to do the high risk operations for this theatre under the direct command of Marian, and Tobias intends to do their job well. Blue and Tin Company (100 heavy infantry each) will be fitted for winter gear and light skirmishing, and heavy infantry bodyguarding as necessary. Ruby and Emerald Company (100+ archers/scouts) will be combined for this battle under Colonel Violet. Violet will be in charge of finding Crimson Blade targets, while Tobias will be in overall command of Crimson Blades in this battle, making sure they actually /can/ hit the targets she suggests, and working with the rest of the army commanders to make our job smoother; including discussing all he and his men learned from the Battle of Maelstrom so they don't repeat the same mistakes made there. They've been contracted to be high mobility skirmishers and bodyguards for this one... and Tobias intends to see them through. Tobias will be typically wielding Requiem, his alaricite blade. If they face obvious undead though, Tobias is going to try an rubicund blade, and see if that makes them easier to destroy... or anything with resistance to Requiem, for that matter.

Aiden's part in this act is the Commander of the Grayson Archers (adding military res 50). He's received his orders in the strategy meeting. He will work alongside Mydas to ensure unified command amongst the archers within the castle and upon the walls. Runners are assigned to ensure that messages get to Mydas in case the strategy has to change and the tide of the battle turns differently than what they've planned for. The Grayson Archer forces will be spread out along the walls, covering key points and using murder holes in the lower levels to be more effective when it comes to sharp shooting. The Silver Wings specifically have been told to aim for the heads of their enemies. Longbowmen will be arranged in the courtyard and will upon command of in coming enemies (with range called out and wind accounted for), offer volleys over the wall and into the battle field. There will be a percentage of archers who will always be resting to ensure lower levels of fatigue. He'll make sure that the sub-commanders and captains below him are aware of the strategy. 1) If fog conceals the beach, they'll wait for the order to loose their arrows, are to be taken so to not risk friendly forces. 2) Should the enemy start taking the castle, they will follow the escape routes and prepare to give ground in an organized rout, coming together again at the passages once they escape through the tunnels. 3) No fire arrows.

Aiden does make a speech to his men, lofting up a Cobalt Bow, quick and efficient: "Today we stand against those who would devour our homes and make us slaves to their might. Let them know we will not fear them and that we will fight them. Remain strong, stand firm. There are None Greater. Archers - Make every shot count as it could be the one that matters! Prepare your bows!"

Cirroch will be leading his troops in battle to try and defeat the enemy host. In addition to his own leadership he is adding to the defenses of Stormwall to aid in it’s defense; wooden planks on the beach for archers to hide behind, trenches between the beach and the walls to slow down the enemy host (hopefully with enough spikes in them to make it hurt), and plenty of heavy objects to drop from the walls on anyone trying to scale it.

Violet has been made the Colonel of the combined Ruby/Emerald Company. Violet's job is finding high profile targets for the companies to attack. This is where her preperation of learning the city a few days before the battle will be important, as well as map studying up until that point. They will be using hit and run tactics, bolstering Tin and Cobalt companies as they move through the city. Violet will also be able to keep an eye on the flow of the fight and intends to arrange a way to send vital info to the leadership in the Castle while they are out in the city.

Off to war! Duke Harlan Ashford will be leading the Ashford ground troops with the Compact forces on the way to Stormwall. Once there, he'll turn over command of the ground troops to Ainsley, while he and and his archers will be positioned to assist in raining down arrows upon the invading forces, as well as assisting with the retreat as necessary.

Along with many from the Redrain fealty, Morrighan travels to Stormwall with the family, assigned to Marian. The Redrain Knight will be glued to the Princess's side, acting as guard and protector to the Warchief - where Marian goes, Morrighan follows. She'll join the battle to defend the castle, fighting the fleet once they come on land and make their approach to their location - and she's armed to the teeth. In addition to being clad from head to toe in her exotic leathers, she's bringing with her her rubicund blade, an alaricite weapon, and a Cobalt cutlass.

Olivia is accompanying the Grayson forces under Prince Ainsley as a healer. Presumably she'll be stationed at the castle with the other healers! It's her second battle doing triage etc so everything should be fine, right? She'll bring her assortment of medicines, rare and unusual ingredients and strange flowers just in case.

Genevieve will be in Emerald/Ruby Company of the Crimson Blades. She will be part of the skirmishing, lending her bow and blade to the mission of the Crimson Blades.

At Stormwall, the Compact's soldiers have worked hard to fortify the city. They evacuated as many as possible, they came up with a coherent first plan that didn't last beyond the first engagement with the enemy (as plans never do), and they responded to the insane strategies of what must clearly be a madman directing the troops. And miraculously, it worked - or it seemed to at first. Gradually though, Compact forces were overwhelmed as wave upon wave showed up to press into the city.

And then, seeing what they faced and the numbers that came at them, they put into motion a brave (and possibly insane) plan of their own - they strategically trapped the enemy in the city, and they burned it down around their ears. It was one of those plans that you only put in motion when all other hope is lost. One that has no reason to work. One that only the truly desperate would use - and those who understand that the value of a place is not in its buildings but in its people.

And it succeeded. The enemy died where they stood. Those who fought that day watched the ships retreat and wondered if they would come back - but they knew that the day was theirs. Those who saw the end of the Battle at Stormwall were left to lick their wounds, patch up who they could, and bury the rest. And there were so many to bury.

And yet the Pirate King did not get a toehold in Stormwall. And Redrain lands remain free. A victory, if at a staggering cost.

Action by Darren for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 4, 2018, 11:47 p.m.)

"Let's kill some Pirates in the Snow!" - Darren is calling all the banners loyal to House Redrain to stand and prepare to fight the Gyre. Darren will be calling on his Ducal houses to provide 2/3s of their forces to his main fighting force, but is leaving it up to the individual dukes to decide how much to ask of their vassals. Instructions are given to favor land units, the Redrain and rest of the Northlands have small navies, it is the infantry, archers, pikemen, and cavalry that are needed.

As a Redrain born and raised in Farhaven, Gwenna will be going around and speaking with the different houses, encouraging them to give as much as they can to this effort. She understands that they may be hesitant, even resistant, to helping the south or fighting beside the Templars. She will gently remind them, though, that it took a Northerner, the first Redrain, to marshal together different (bitterly warring!) factions and lead them as a whole to break the demons of a thousand years ago. It shouldn't be too difficult to band together with these current people, our allies of Arvum, to smash this present foe. The North is needed and should answer the call with all the strength they have.

Marian gave a speech at her husband's funeral (OOC Note: see to rally the Redrain NPCs to action as the new Warchief to House Redrain. She acknowledges the recent challenges with losing Princess Freja and Prince Fergus but puts herself out there to help the vassals know they are in good hands. She will share her Crovane Military Analysis 12/18/1007 AR with the vassals that need help understanding what is needed.

Ann is supporting House Redrain's efforts economically by carefully monitoring the budget and seeing that the proper funds are allocated where they need to go and directed as efficiently and quickly as possible. The armies and navies must be fed and well supplied - as well as the ports at which they are planning on restocking. She sees to it that they have the financial power to suport this.

While everyone is all RAWR for war, Donella appreciates that not everyone is going to be able to fight. She sees to the very quiet, orderly evacuation of the vulnerable (elderly, infirm, very young, and gravid, etc.) as should proceed battle, to Farhaven and/or other vassals lands, leaving the burden for their care and provisioning in no one place. She is well aware there will be proud (stubborn) individuals that need convincing to go. Fortunately she has a little experience with difficult people, and hopes she can convince them.

Astraea isn't anyone important, she doesn't have a particularly adept way with words, and she won't make false promises to the brave men and women who will answer the call to banners. However, as a Knight of Farhaven she will lead by example. Letting them see that with simple steel and the blessings of Gloria that each and everyone will fight with the ferocity of ten dire bears for their homelands and their families. "Actions speak louder than words."

Prince Artur has been seen moving amidst the nobility and vassalage of the Redrain Fealty on something of a charm offensive! Everywhere the counts and barons or the like meet to discuss the calling of the banners, it seems Artur pops up with that winsome smile, recounting the heoric tales of Rathlander Redrain and the like. It's an attempt to stir up northern pride and encourage his cousin Darren's bannermen to commit as many of their troops as possible to the defense of the realm.

Cirroch will go around to the other vassal houses of Halfshav and trying to rouse and inspire them up for war, encouraging them to join him in sending send House Halfshav 2/3s of their fighting force to war.

As Duchess of Nightgold, Lydia rallies her people to Darren's call. Of course she orders the regular troops to provide what Darren has asked for, but beyond this, she uses her [Charm] and [Propaganda] to rally the vassals of her lands, determined that Nightgold be remembered, hopefully for glory not sacrifice.

As Voice of Nightgold and Marquis of Acheron, Mydas makes use of his authority and leadership to encourage the vassals of both Nightgold and Acheron to raise their own banners. The North requires infantry, archers and pikemen, and the mountain men are well-suited to provide those.

As Voice of House Sanna, Tila works to rally those counties and baronies that bend the knee to Giant's Reach. She reminds them of the strength and protection her House has granted them, their oaths of fealty, and assures them their bravery and sacrifice will be rewarded when the fighting is done. She lays out the threat to the Compact - particularly to the Crovanes - and tries to make it clear it must be stopped now, before it threatens areas for beyond the coasts.

In an effort to assist with the gathering of troops for Redrain, as he has pledged to do so on Cirroch's behest, Jacque Valardin will be visiting each settlement, bringing some measure of wealth to give to families and making generous use of his family's reputation as honorable warriors to call every able-bodied man and woman to arms. He will attempt to impress them with some trick of swordsmanship, expending his resources and money to incentivize these displays in the form of local tournaments as well, promoting the need to defend their land from the aggressors and the duty of every person of the Compact - not just Northerners - in the defense of Arvani ancestral lands.

Jhond speaks to the people of the north he encounters, from the low born on up, of the threat coming to hem all the the need to face it. to heed the call.

As ordered by the High Lord, Kaede is reaching out to her own Ravenseye Tribe, along with any Barons that are beneath the Tribe. She doesn't exactly have the authority to demand such, but she's more than a little convincing when she needs to be!

Prince Darren Redrain issues the call to Redrain. They're a little less affected by the calls of the Faith owing to the large number of shamans in the fealty, but they're still members of the Compact and by the spirits they'll answer the call! Princesses Donella sees to the evacuation of the elderly out of Crovane and to Farhaven or other safer places. Princess Ann watches the ledgers, making sure supplies are bought and sent where they'll do the most good, and the armies and navies are well suppled and stocked.

While others work to prepare and protect the populace, Princess Marian Redrain steps up as Warlord of Redrain. Princess Astraea lends her public support as well. Jhond Whisper speaks eloquently on behalf of Halfshav in support of Marian too, and throughout the lands of Redrain warriors, healers, shaman - everyone that can respond and hears the message seems to start making plans to get to the muster points.

On the diplomatic front, Princess Gwenna and Prince Artur take the lead, spreading the High Lord's word through their vassals, helping where needed, lending their voices to the various leaders of the fealty as they talk to their people. Duchess Lydia, Marquis Cirroch, Marquis Mydas, Lady Tila, Prince Jacque Valardin - acting in concert with Cirroch, and Lady Khanne Halfshav answer the call. Even Kaede Starfinder reaches out to her Ravenseye Tribe to convince them to help - and help they shall!

Even as a fleet sails toward Crovane, Redrain unites for war.

Action by Astraea

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 9, 2018, 12:32 a.m.)

Astraea has been thinking about the Faith quite a bit. She always has but never more so than now. Any turmoil in the Church has an impact on the people, the messages they send through their actions or inactions are all dominoes that topple over and have wide ranging effects. There are good people in the Faith and undoubtedly there are those who have succumbed to Abyssal corruption. She isn't prepared to begin singling people out who need the Sentinel's Justice but she can help in her own way. Leading by example and through her own actions, no matter how small. If the people hear of Astraea Redrain and feel pride that she is one of them then she will know she has done good. Continuing her trend of volunteer work where it's most needed, the princess-knight isn't above grueling labor or work others might consider humiliating or too dirty to perform. She will travel to all the shrines and make sure they are immaculately cleaned and all well stocked with prayerbooks and offerings. Traveling into the different Wards of the city isn't anything new but now she goes to teach people about the gods. Not as a member of the Faith but just as a member of the faithful who wants to spread the love of the gods to those who want it. Astraea does her best to help those in need and always tries to leave people with hope.

Ectorion isn't much of the people person, not really. But he's a man who has great respect for the Gods, and he's a man who thinks very highly of Astraea. He'll go during his own time, and not in his armor of the King's Own, to help out with what Astraea is doing, but he's more of a background guy and silent support. Carrying things, chipping in physical work, that sort of thing.

Helping out the Faith? Echo is /so/ on that. She's probably already wandered away to a shrine and begun cleaning. Sweeping floors, polishing mirrors, taking care of every little detail with as much precision as she can muster. If there's someone in need, Echo should be right there ready to help them. Of course, all this is done with a warm and genuine smile!

Helping out the faith? Well, it certainly aligns with Darren's belief that the Northlands needs to run a charm campaign, and so Darren is more than happy to help out Astraea. He will make a very public showing of his support, talking up Astraea as the immensely devout and dedicated servant of the Gods she is. Additionally he'll make sure he can attend one of these "cleaning and stocking" sessions with Astraea, showing that the North supports her in her efforts.

Manual labor? Ha. Ha. Ha. Amarantha chooses a different route in spreading the love of the gods. She sings, tells stories, and tries to spread the Faith's influence through various forms of spoken word. Whether any of her lyrics hold teaching value is debatable! But they might boost moral.

Let's go into the Lowers! Hand out prayerbooks or whatever. Astraea will give Apollis some sort of task, I'm sure.

It wasn't hard convincing Jericho to help out Astraea. Once he got her missive, he went out to help his dearest friend. While he wore his armor, he lowered himself, regardless of what his nobility or rank might suggest, just to help the people out. Let the people know that Valardin cares too.

Princess Astraea Redrain organizes and leads a large scale outreach program of pious volunteerism. She and those helping her travel the different wards of the city helping perform public works and spreading Gild's charity throughout the city, and making a point to perform grueling manuel labor herself. Then she makes a public show of piety by praying at each of the city's shrines repeatedly while talking to other penitents about what they might need. It's immensely reassuring to many of the faithful that a princess of the great house of the North is so devout to the faith, and some of the Oathlands Orthodox use her as an example of what they want to see more of from House Redrain. Most of the commons love that sort of display, and are huge fans, though some of the Peers of the Realm have mixed feelings. They certainly won't criticise good works and public service that win over the commons, but some nobility do feel its beneath their dignity to roll up their sleeves and work. ((Vox updated, large gains with the Faith, moderate with redrain and other service orgs, Astraea loses some respect with the Crown while gaining affection, to represent the mixed feelings of the Peers.))