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Action by Velenosa for The True Faith

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 8, 2022, 5:23 p.m.)

The Lyceum was home to the former Dominus, Orazio, and Velenosa's words of No one may harm us unpunished strikes true for any and all who have called the Lyceum their home. House Velenosa will not attack those who have harmed one of ours with steal of swords but of wit and charm and the brand of diplomacy often embraced within the south than most other fealties, manipulation. A propaganda mission to remind people who Dominus Orazio, and what he accomplished. House Velenosa will remind people that assassinations are poor sportsmanship, especially to get what you want and then not even get that. A celebration of the Faith and the traditions upheld by the Dominus as only the Lyceum can do.

Arman is persuasive at an individual level and at convincing the masses as a whole. Given how literate the Compact is, Arman will oragnize a leaflet campaign where his agents go about key towns and villages in the isles posting messages denouncing the claims of Waldo and how supporting him is dangerously close to apostasy.

Well Isolde's certainly keen to nullify the influence of Waldo in the Isles and prevent the anti-dominus from acquiring new supporters. Isolde uses her vast knowledge of theology to combat many of his talking points, suggesting that the changes being made are good things actually. In addition, she'll list the many things that Orazio had done in his time as Legate and then Dominus. She'll put emphasis on justice and the law - hinting strongly that Waldo's rebellion goes against the tenets of the Sentinel. She'll also remind the people that Aureth is the choice successor and so if any of them respected Orazio, they should stay behind the /real/ Dominus of the Faith.

There aren't many places where Theo doesn't have a connection and it's by these veins that his word spreads. He will verbally combat Waldo's influence by planting seeds of information that he predicts will spread like wildfire, with a goal to redirect focus to the true Dominus and how Waldo's rebellion is oath breaking at its very core. He will speak on all the accomplishments of Dominus Orazio and on the true traditions of the Faith to the right people he knows will take the information and run with it. While Theo is not one for public grandstanding, he knows exactly where to be at the right time for his word to have the most impact among prominent groups of Islanders and non-Islanders alike.

Alistair is a man of Faith and not Faith. He certainly feels bound to Sentinel, but has never been one for the rigidity of civilized faith that came with bending the knee and joining the Compact. Despite that he worked alongside Orazio many times and respected the man greatly. Even if he is a Beast of the Sword, he can try and offer a stern and dour word or two. Show that even a once prodigal like him deeply respected the man and the Inquisition as a whole did as well. Primarily he will keep his efforts down played, as he knows the Faith is not a fan of him, so he will likely seek to protect others who engage in this mission of words, to make sure they are not waylaid, interrupted, or assailed.

At one point in Quenia's life when she was working for her brothers, she had a network of people whom she considered friends, allies, and information brokers. She reaches out to that network to start a propaganda campaign to remind everyone what a good and decent Dominus that Orazio was and how he always had a helping hand for the people and reminded them often of the will of the Gods. He was a guidling light among the Compact that many looked up to and favored, until Waldo killed him in cold blood in the Queen's Rest that fateful day, and then proclaimed himself the Dominus of the Compact. This is not the way of the faithful, to kill their successors and then name themselves the keeper of the faith. These are the actions of a baseless, cowardly murderer who could not have made a bid as Dominus of the Faith in good faith, so contrived his own reasons for doing so. She throws her support behind House Velenosa and reminds everyone that Dominus Aureth is the rightfully elected leader of the Faith.

Agostino will begin spreading a couple of different messages among his friends and contacts, targeted a bit differently for two different groups. The first message will be targeted toward Isladners, and will speak to how Waldo's split from the Faith goes against Limerance, as he has broken his holy vows of service to the Dominus. That his "election" did not take place according to the traditions of the Faith, and so his subsequent claims of defending tradition are pure hypocrisy with a foundation of oath-breaking.

For those outside of the Isles, the discussions he attempts to start are a bit more pointed. He reminds any non-Islanders who seem to lean toward supporting Waldo that he set down this rebel path solely to defend the "tradition" of thinly-masked slavery in the Mourning Isles.

Macario connects with the Mourning Isles traditionalists on their shared appreciation of law. This is a two-fold attempt, that on the first he simply wishes to charm them. Law sets precedence, and precedence strengthens bonds. Without rules and law, there be chaos. But further to that point, legal contracts define how the people work together and the nasty business of assassinations and wars could wipe out centuries of legal work (contracts would become unenforceable). Mostly, though, Macario is charming and his instincts would help navigate this path set by Jaenelle.

To aid House Velenosa's goal to reminding the Lyceum of the good works from Dominus Orazio. The Duke Martino will be making a public address in Southport about the good work from the former-Saik Dominus to remind citizens that one of our own gave their life for the Compact. Additionally a feast in the Dominus' honour organised.

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo... that troublemaker! Lucita has come in contact with him before during her efforts to help Ailith in Sungreet. Songs were effective before, songs of hope, of unity, of loyalty, of faith. They swayed people's thoughts, their moods, helped counter Waldo's efforts. Thus she selects from songs of the past and some she wrote herself, sings, and teaches them to others to distribute them joyfully as a propaganda tool. It is especially satisfying to her to participate in this since Orazio was a Saik!

Prince Galen Thrax is not just a Warlord and does not just aid his blood-given house. With his sister ruling the Lyceum Galen has taken on some tasks to assist them, primarily with military training, naval guidance, and other such matters. However, Galen is also gifted in the arts of charm and propaganda and it is this that he employes on behalf of Velenosa. Over the years he has traveled far and wide and built quite a network of connections. It is this network, his charm, and his talents that he uses to help push the messaging his sister desires. If there is a grand opportunity to do some drinking along the way or to influence people...This he would not pass up nor would he a chance to be generous and honor Gild!

Ysabel goes for a more simplistic and modest route. Tending to the needs of the local villages and people by offering a friendly hand out of fruits from her House's orchards while also making idle chit chat and slipping some propaganda into the ears of her listeners. She tells them of the great deeds and works Dominus Orazio did and how Dominus Aureth is the rightful leader. She asks them what there worries and concerns are, and tries to lift their spirits up. Making friendly with the people is one way to win there hearts and votes, and obviously turn the tide in Aureth's favor.

The Lyceum has had their eyes turned to Arx since the moment that Orazio was named Dominus, and they haven't been able to peel their attention away since. As much as Lycenes enjoy the intrigue (or perhaps because they do), having one of their own being closest to the Gods bore a certain mark of pride. When he was struck down, there was outrage against Waldo and his supporters. That was /their/ Dominus. His popularity was highest amongst the Saiklands, and so they have the strongest degree of anti-Waldo sentiment.

There are a good number of people in the Compact that don't necessarily approve of Aureth's rise to Dominus, some because of his support of a 'new' God and others because of the association with his family prior to joining the Faith. He's a hard sell in those areas of the Compact. Not necessarily in the Lyceum for obvious reasons, but there are holdouts still.

Velenosa's attempts to truly win those holdouts over for Aureth don't go as well as might be hoped for. But they also don't go horribly wrong either. There's a bit of 'pro-Aureth' sentiment brewing on its own already, partially because the Dominus that was assassinated was one of their own. If Waldo is going to go around killing a perfectly good Dominus then they're /almost/ glad he was replaced with someone even less traditionalist! It's not something that they'd announce at the Assembly of Peers, but it's there in the undercurrent.

Traditionalists are still upset across the major domains, a fact that makes it especially difficult to nudge those stances from quips at parties to more public facing announcements. Those that might normally be more emboldened, are working to keep things peaceful in their own holdings and so are sticking to their own personal interests for now.

As for those that are following Waldo in the Lyceum? Their hearts remain unchanged for the moment, but they are quiet. They're smart enough to know that House Velenosa is watching them and that 'no one may harm us unpunished' is not just a fancy catchphrase.

Action by Victus for Mourning Isles Strife

(Public Action, OOC Date: May 27, 2019, 3:58 p.m.)

"Unfortunate what happened to the Marquis of Stormward, but this is what happens when one carelessly frees violent criminals on their land. I, along with most of the Isles, urge the Prince of Maelstrom to reconsider before we have similar acts. That would be tragic."

Those were the words of Duke Ivan Helianthus after Ford's death. Prince Victus has taken his time to measure a response to that, and he's settled on sending Duke Ivan a missive that he'll soon be visiting his domain for a 'diplomatic visit' so they might 'discuss these differences in opinion'.

And he'll be bringing a standing fleet of over 80 ships with him, comprising a large chunk of House Thrax's portion of the Leviathan. Along with several warriors, mercenaries and more.

It's not going to be any secret that the 'diplomacy' part of the visit is just lip service for the sake of civilty. Prince Victus is undoubtedly going to Helianthus to intimidate by making a show of force. Intimidation being the keyword, as their intent isn't expressly to cause violence. But the numbers should indicate that Thrax is more than ready to battle if that's what it must come down to.

Victus hopes his statement will be clear. "We are not backing down from the abolition of Thralldom. We strongly suggest you follow us, because we are more than willing to bring action behind our words." With a large military presence behind him, perhaps it'll get across clearer to a traditional Mourning Isles ruler.

Princess Sorrel will be accompanying High Lord Victus at his side as a diplomat, a traditional female role. She'll be clad in a conservative dress of red exotic leather embroidered with Thrax's sea serpent, but she'll also be carrying her sword, even if she has no intention to use it. Unless negotiations get particularly aggressive. She intends to try to soothe the duke as much as possible, reminding him of his duty under the Faith and Limerance to be a good vassal. She'll point out other traditions that the Isles have that are not going away. One example is the recent difficult diplomacy mission that Duchess Margot led which was staffed entirely by women in traditional gender roles. She'll remind him of his faithful service to the High Lord up to this point. She'll smile and be charming and delightfully feminine with the confidence of a woman who has her High Lord at her side and her Warlord husband leading a navy at her back.

What would a trip to 'negotiate' by potential show of force be without the Warlord of Thrax himself! Galen will be leading the military with style and tactic. He will equip each ship that is sailing with a small number of archers to supplement their normal crew, on some of the largest vessels he will see the siege weapon attacheds. He will lead the charge from the Serpents Tide with his faithful crew beside him.

The Prince will coordinate a show of military tactic amongst the ships and military of Thrax while negotiations are ongoing in an effort to demonstrate just how well prepared their forces are. Should he have the opportunity to meet face to face with the Duke, he will make a point to show off the way he leads his men, out of devotion and respect. He won't hide his charm either, after all, who can deny that beautiful Warstache?

As a son of Thrax, Jasher will accompany Victus with blade and spear in attendance, serving both functions of sentry and symbolic solidarity, the iron fist to Sorrel's silken glove. Jasher will let Victus and Sorrel do most of the talking, though if he was prompted, he will keep his answers short, terse, and disinclined towards productive or prolonged conversation.
For the trip, Jasher will also bring whatever forces he can muster at the time being to add a little more for that show of strength. He'll also be busy ensuring that the day-to-day matters while en route are going smoothly, so that everyone will be ready for presentation--and a degree of violence, if necessary.

Ian will be accompanying the expedition as the Sword of Stormward, complete with Ashfont at his hip. He knows he's not a diplomat, and thus will try to follow the rule of being seen (with Ashfont and a very severe expression) and not heard. He knows that while this is ostensibly about House Kennex's honor being besmirched, it's actually about reminding Duke Helanthius how not to make an ass of himself, and he respects that. His ideal outcome is some kind of peaceful resolution wherein everyone saves enough face to make it palatable to all parties, and he's not out for revenge here.

But Ian also knows that a peaceful outcome is far from a sure thing. If it looks like the Duke is going to push this to violence, Ian will offer a Sword duel between himself and Helanthius' Sword to the death instead of open conflict -- one man's life to save thousands.

Shard is coming along as part of that intimidation, along with as many Valorous Few sellswords as seems ideal to Victus (and reasonable for whatever other contracts they might have going, though she's put a priority on this one). She also intends to be an entirely /silent/ participant unless it's necessary to be otherwise, or unless things go poorly, and plans to hammer home to the Few that are coming with her that they're there to be seen, and, ideally, nothing else. Of course, if there ends up being something else, they're all coming armed to the teeth. She's being a little selective here, choosing veterans who have demonstrated at least some ability for self control.

Prince Victus has asked Raimon to attend him on his 'diplomatic' mission and so Raimon obeys. He is no diplomat, and he is no social creature. He is there for a singular purpose. To stand around and look menacing and to inflict violence should it be required. He is prepared to put his life on the life for his Liege.

It is with Duke Ivan Helianthus' greatest apologies that he couldn't attend in person, trusting instead the meeting would be more than adequately overseen by a trusted new voice named Melar, a former thrall whose parents once successfully raided a fishing village on Maelstrom's isle and put the villagers to the sword when taking advantage of the chaos of the Tyde Rebellion. Melar is happy to point out that his pardon and full forgiveness of carrying his parents debt was made possible by Victus' reforms, and Duke Ivan Helianthus thought it would be flattering to be greeted by one of the fruits of his labors in person, and see the benefits of forgiveness, even when Melar's parents had personally killed some of the families of a few of Thrax's commoner captains. Duke Ivan Helianthus was, of course, called away by seeing to the mass shipbuilding on his different marches as he provides assistance to his March-lords, done in response to worries of potential raids from Eurus after the Faith's declaration.

The meeting is a little tense.

Melar and all of Helianthus has ever appearance of courtesy, and is unfailingly polite and of course offers fulsome apologies for any offense taken by their intemperate words. And to demonstrate their sincerity, a full forty representatives of different houses under Helianthus' banners are there as well, with roughly a hundred warships in harbor, all toasting and celebrating Thrax, and declaring their commitment to Thraxian power and dominance. Melar has every lord or lady representative of forty different houses in turn say something positive or cloyingly polite to Victus, and the entire process is excruciatingly formal and proper.

And very, very, very pointed.

Which isn't to say Victus' trip is entirely a failure. It's clear that Helianthus takes the threat seriously. Dangerously seriously, in fact, by how much effort they put into a pointed, unspoken retort. And the lack of anything said that could be demonstrably a slight without seeming ridiculous is clearly thought out, but it also speaks to a house not willing to risk open war.


Action by Victus

(Public Action, OOC Date: May 13, 2019, 5:15 p.m.)

The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. It's time to get the ball rolling on the infrastructure needed to support a domain without thralldom, and to start ingratiating those efforts with landed Islanders. Prince Victus Thrax is gathering his diplomats and administrators to start laying down groundwork and doing it well.

With Victus' proclamation enforced in the capital city, he will begin to lead the people in slow reform. The first steps being to start slowly releasing thralls to meet their 15% quota by the end of the year, starting for now with strictly family units. Thralls who have children or elderly relatives specifically who are all indentured, as they could (in theory) support one another better in freedom. All of them being freed at once will hopefully build good will, while also ensuring they have people to fall back on and not immediately slip into crime or starvation. And those in chains via debt inheritance can finally be freed.

Debts sworn directly to Thrax itself will be lawfully forgiven, rather than requiring a payment in full. He'll also be ensuring that the standing military of House Thrax will be front and center to keep the peace during all of that.

Alongside this, there will be a new need for freed workers to replace those bodies. Victus will start by preaching the end of the last institution of slavery. How it is a holy quest with Skald's choice. How it has held Thrax back and that the new future without it will be great and strong. Specifically selling it to skilled workers who would like to partake in that future, where new jobs are suddenly becoming available with actual money being paid!

When it comes to actually putting action to words, money and resources will be leveraged to do just that. Lending to incentives for landholders at Maelstrom and newly freed thralls alike. Tax grants will be offered to minor lords and employers who partake in the hiring of freed workers and those who will be supportive of Thrax's endeavors in the abolition. Freed thralls will be offered proper housing if they wish to stay and take on a craft on Maelstrom. Both of which will (hopefully) lead to more effiency and less hemorrhaging in the long run.

It is Prince Victus' hope that this small beginning in lessening Thralldom's hold on Maelstrom will serve as an example to the other Houses of the Mourning Isles. That it can be done, it can be done well, and here's what they can expect to happen if they choose to follow. So of course, he's really, /really/ hoping it goes well.

Alarissa promised that no matter what, she would stand beside Victus and see this through. She also is the firm believer of living by example and that if Thrax expects the rest of those who make up the Mourning Isles to follow, then they need to take the first step. No matter how painful. So where Victus goes, she goes when it is appropriate. A united front and to use her diplomatic and propaganda skills to converse with the freedmen and with the thralls still in service who will be either released in the future through the 15% or just from completing their debt. This is a ambitious and profound step for Thrax and the Mourning Isles. A painful one. Long has the isles profited upon the backs of those who refused to bend the knee, or fell upon hard times. But now, they would like to ask for the freedmen's assistance, those who were under Thrax direct, for assistance. It's strange, it's hard. They're asking them to trust them. But Alarissa asks anyways. Stay. Help to build the Mourning Isles to the glory of the seas. If they choose to depart, they understand. Between ARRG and the Liberators and willing houses, they will have a plethora of choices of where to start this new phase of their life. But for this to succeed, they need the strength of them, the freedmen who endured, to remain behind and help. Side by side, they will set the tone, set the stage, set the future. But without them, they will fail.

The same is said to those who held the debts. She promotes the incentives, the fact that while now labour will be paid, they can start to slowly charge a little more, then a little more, recoup these costs and they'll find a broader market because people will now be willing to pay for goods not made by slaves but by other citizens of the compact. Flourish alongside those they ruled over before with an iron fist and work side by side with some elbow grease and set the ground for an even more stronger Thrax, Mourning Isles, even more stronger economy if they're willing to put in the work. She and Victus will stand with them, have placed their fates right beside theirs. Fall together, or rise together. She's putting her own money where her mouth is alongside that of Thrax's. Liquidating investments, calling in favors, all of it. She cannot ask them to sacrifice if she is unwilling to do the same. She hopes, she tells them, that they will sacrifice with them with the goal of a better life for all, for the landholders, business owners, farmers, artisans, captains of the sea. All of them. Hard work, this is what those of the Mourning Isles have known. They have built their lands and jobs on hard work and the Gods willing, they will with all that hard work, find further propsperity, peace and prove that those of the Isles when they put their mind to it, will see a hard job done right and through to the end.

Being a hands-on Minister of Finance, the Countess is now also becoming well versed in just who to speak with in order to get things accomplished in projects such as this; that are efficient and long lasting. Thanks to her work with Darkwater, in the North with the Halfshavs project, and with Grimhall's newest naval academy, and the great success with Kennex's recent endevours, she has a few goals for this project to aid in pushing it forward.

Firstly, keeping track of those freed with debts washed away.

When Victus preaches about the future being stronger without thralls, Carita is there to help those that step forward to partake in the tax grants for minor Lords and employers that would like to hire these freed people. Should they need more space for living quarters, she knows just the right people to ask for such a thing, and even has a few plans on hand to help ease minds.

She makes a list of willing workers for future endevours and makes sure to direct those interested in the High Lord's generosity should they wish to stay in Maelstrom, in connecting what is needed (employers) with what is offered (laborers) to help deflect with what could possibly be hemorrhaging in the long run. She'll have a small list of suggestions for the willing to help with the flow of money.

Baroness Skye Blackshore, Minister of Infrastructure to House Thrax, uses her city planning skills to figure out ways to expand needed housing as well as make improvements to the current living conditions. Her economic know-how allows her to phase in the costs of the project so that it does not become overwhelming for Maelstrom. She works closely with her other ministers to make sure the tax grants, lending incentives and other economic ventures are fair to both those partaking and Thrax family.

Duchess Tyde, Voice of Thrax is an ever calm presence on the trip, letting her own attendance be a reminder of what great set backs can be over come with determination. While Victus makes public statements, Margot steps back and observes, identifying key influencers and then finding reasons to interact with them in more private venues. She listens, intently to their concerns, because she knows that the first step to soothing a anxiety is acknowledging it and then engages in conversation that feels like it is open minded but lays the seeds to change thoughts, to encourage actions and always ends with an open invitation to continue said discourse in correspondence after they leave.

As the Warlord to Highlord Victus, Prince Galen of course agreed to take lead of this project. Using his extensive knowledge in war tactics and his natural leadership skill, along with his skills in combat and the like he hope to help make be the edge needed to get a sucessful outcome.

When this was originally in the works, Aureth promised Victus his personal support as well as the support of the Faith, so it's time to pay the piper -- but it is gladly done. The Faith and the Liberators will come together to provide funding, transportation for those who need it to go elsewhere than the Mourning Isles, social connection and support for those who need it, and fine grandiloquence in Aureth's own inimitable style to the effort to begin to ease Thrax in their transition towards freedom. This will include the attached 2000000 silver, 1000 social resources, 1000 economic resources, and 500 military resources from the Faith.

Princess Caith is tagging along on this endeavor, serving as one of the aforementioned diplomats. Her focus is going to be on the traditionalists -- she is going to throw all her charm and empathy towards them to hear out and (hopefully) alleviate their concerns. First and foremost, she is going to listen to them; she's not here to just tell them how it is going to be and tout how great it all is. From there, she will discuss the future in context of their fears and worries. It is her aim that they can work /together/ to make peace with the changes that are coming. Caith plans to tackle this by addressing three points that she suspects weighs heavily on the minds of the traditionalists.

1) The loss of cultural identity
Change is scary and people worry that with this radical shift, Thrax will no longer look like Thrax anymore. She will point out that there is so much more to Thrax than thralls; if anything, taking thralls is just a minor aspect of what makes Thrax so great and unique. She will point to the things in their culture that will be unaffected by this change: how they will continue to rule the seas, how their men will continue to be fierce and feared warriors, how their women will continue to be strong in heart and mind, and so one. She will recount tales of Thrax pride and sing songs of legendary moments, making certain to pick things that do not feature or mention thralls. She will also point out that their taking of thralls is the point that other fealties whine about they disparage Thrax -- with that taken away, they will -have- to recognize Thrax's glory. Isn't it about time to take Grayson down a peg or two and boot them off their high horse?

2) The economic impact
Caith will let the people she visits speak at length about their concerns regarding the financial strain of having to pay for labor which has been 'free' for centuries. She will recognize that it will be tough! She's not about to deny that. However, she will make certain that people are aware of the incentives and tax grants that are being made available as a result of this change. There might be an initial hit as everyone adjusts to the new reality of things but once everything settles, they are likely to see a surge in efficiency and productivity in the freed workers -- she will point out that people tend to be more invested in what they are doing when they have hope for their future. Improved efficiency and productivity equal: PROFITS.

3) The fear of increased crime
Many might worry that without the ability to make the conquered into thralls, they are opening themselves up to increased danger. After listening to families express all their concerns regarding their safety, Caith will point out that just because Thrax will not be taking thralls doesn't mean the fealty will suddenly grow soft. The conquered will have two choices: bend the knee or die. Those who bend the knee will be much less likely to be hostile towards Thrax than thralls because they will have been given a choice to join and did so by their own volition. And those who are hostile to Thrax, even after being conquered? Well, they will be dead.

In the end, Caith will do everything in her power to hear out the people's concerns, discuss those worries and work with them so that they find a way to accept the coming changes /together/. THRAX STRONG.

Prince Victus has offered Lucita passage to Maelstrom to assist with this effort. Alarissa is a friend of hers and Lucita owes Thrax a few favors, for providing the elite troops and Lord Ian's assistance during wars and risky ventures, such assistance keeping her alive. What better way to to show her appreciation? While using propaganda primarily, she has a variety of skills which she hopes to use as circumstances dictate. There is performance to reinforce propaganda with songs of Lagoma reminding how change is good and leads away from deadly stagnancy. And there is diplomacy and propaganda that work hand in hand to help sooth the way and prevent flareups. Lastly there is stewardship she can incorporate into her propaganda as it lets her see a clearer path to help cut through delays and get to the people who actually have the ability to do something useful, not just pass the task to someone else. She leaves the fine details and precice nuances of things to Victus and his people and lends her skills to bolstering up and strengthening their efforts aimed at stability and peaceful changeover while freeing Thralls.

Victus' changes are not popular. They just aren't. No matter how much they try to get ahead of it - and they /are/ trying hard - the traditionalists in Thrax are not appeased. All the things Caith mentions - economic impact, the fear of increased crime, and especially the loss of cultural identity - these are the things that Traditionalists also worry about, and as fifteen percent of thralls are freed across the Mourning Isles, many lean back and point to the general unrest and say - "See? Told you so." They'd be rather more smug except the general unrest is across the Mourning Isles in total, save only with the exception of Kennex holdings.

Still, the Compact as a whole supports Victus and these changes. So where they lose some internal trade because the traditionalists are choosing different markets in which to spend their money, they're gaining some in trade with other Great Houses. It doesn't hurt that Legate Aureth is backing this change, and the power of the Faith is behind Victus and his changes. Alarissa is working hard to make sure the economic impact is as small as possible. Skye shows them how it has worked for Darkwater in the rebuilding efforts. Carita as Minister of Income is doing all she can to minimize potential financial ruin. Galen is trying to keep the Navy ship-shape (though he has troubles of his own), and Margot is using every ounce of diplomatic know-how she can engage to sooth ruffled feathers. Lucita doesn't hurt either - as a symbol of alliances outside the Mourning Isles, her faith in these changes and in Victus' leadership provide a counterpoint to the internal doubters who think this will never work.

It's hard going, and it's definitely not easy. The economy is taking a hit, it's true - but it's not as terrible as it might be if they were just blindly freeing thralls. They don't need to call on the Compact to help, not yet. But the Traditionalists are not appeased, crime /is/ up - owing to some pointed raiding on the outer islands, particularly of those domains sympathetic to Victus' reforms - and everything has the feeling of a House balanced on a knife's edge.

Only time will tell if Thrax will rise on the tide or sink to the bottom of the Mourning Sea.

Action by Sorrel for Metallic Cycle

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 28, 2018, 7:13 p.m.)

Sorrel has written seven songs that she wishes to spread far and wide to educate the public about the Metallics and remind them of their heroes from long ago. To this end, she's employing an army of bards to get the music out about Iron, Steel, Gold, Brass, Copper, Cobalt, and Silver. She's also trying to provide some historical context for her songs to those that are interested. Some songs are catchy, some are a little sad, some are a bit romantic, but they're all slightly different and designed to be memorable.

Please note that the text of the songs are contained in @theories 369-275, with a bonus track in 376 that will not be spread far and wide (even if Tyrval found it hilarious). There will be a relative slow roll-out of songs, to give people time to start singing them and learning about them, and the events for them are going to increase in magnitude as they go. The coordinating calendar listings are 2455 (Iron and Steel), 2579 (Brass and Gold), 2523 (Cobalt), 2524 (Copper), and 2525 (Silver). Songs will be hosted either in the Hall of Heroes or the Bard's College or another appropriate place for a musical party. Silver's song shall be hosted in the palace, per the king, as the grand finale.

Galen's going to be bankrolling the main tracks of this little would-be Metallic Opera with a substantial amount of resources.

Lisebet is going to help organize parties and she will use her social acumen and singing skill (which may not be bard quality, but it's not bad!) to help spread the songs. Hearing them over and over will definitely work in favour of this initiative.

Tikva will absolutely help Sorrel with this, and she'll do so by adding her songs to her performance repertoire and using them to entertain and educate at every available opportunity! Why not? Sorrel's lyrics are all better than hers anyway!

What's that about an army of bards? Gianna has one of those! Or at least the closest thing to. The College bards will be taught the songs, and Gianna will sing them herself as well, using her reputation, prestige, and social resources to help. If any College types are on their way through Arx going elsewhere, they'll be encouraged to spread those songs. Even other non-member bardic types will be encouraged. This is one of the reasons the College was founded, after all.

Y'know what would be a real boost to a show like this? Having one of the most prestigious people in the ding dang city jumping on board to tell people how very excited he is about it! Oh, wait a second! Niklas is one of the most prestigious people in the city! And he's willing to use that. I mean, when you're It then everyone wants to do the stuff you want to do, right? Might as well put that to good use.

Clover is not a singer, no. What she is, however? Is a very smart propagandist. And so that is what she is going to do. She is going to spread these songs far and wide. She is going to get everyone talking about them. She is going to mention to them to everyone she knows. She is going to get her people talking about them. And she's going to start creating little pamphlets with the verses of the songs, and spread those about the city as well!

Sparte is no singer, but he can tell a half decent story. Converting songs to taletelling, he'll try to inspire emotion not with the power of music but that of the listener's own imagination.

Sir Corban is not a bard. But he does sing. How is that? Well, on their morning "jog" around the Ward of the Crown, the King's Own must carry a cadence. And as First Captain, Corban often gets to call the tune. He will in particular promote the song of Silver, the founder of the King's Own. And as the King's Own's drills are often a matter of public spectacle, the songs will spread in that way.

Have you heard about Princess Sorrel and the Metallics opera she wrote? You haven't? Well, Sabella will tell everyone she meets ALL about it, enthusing at what amazing prose Princess Sorrel has come up with and also the music! She composed it all herself! And it tells such an important story. Oh, you have heard about it? Well, let's enthuse about it to everyone around us! She will be talking this up to EVERYONE, pointing out how important it is that these things be taught in many forms, especially ones with catchy tunes attached!

Sanya will use her charm and musical ability to help educate the public on music about metallics. She's hoping she can show her musical range through this job.

Eddard is a bard and is quite capable of putting voice to song. Comfortable clothes and no silks adorn him when he ventures down into the lower buroughs. People /probably/ know him, but nobody should raise their nose at him singing on street corners to anyone who will listen.

Giulio will help with those seeking to learn more of the songs, working to teach of their meanings and provide insights and details regarding those spoken of as necessary. Moreover, he will work to make certain that something akin to 'hymnals' on the subject are available for such.

Orelia is a much better singer than she is teacher or propaganda artist, so she'll take the songs out and go sing them for the public. Most of that will probably be in taverns, bars and pubs as well as other possibly less than savory places, but it may help the songs reach a new audience. She'll sing other places as well of course, more public places.

Sapphira is a bard, and loves to sing songs everywhere she goes. She will sing them to her family, to random strangers, or to the birds. The tunes will be shared and with her angelic voice as she explores the city.

Throughout the history of humanity, many have sacrificed everything for the Compact. Those heroes who stood alone against unbeatable odds. Those who stood in that moment when darkness would consume the world. Those who refused to give in, whose actions were more than could be expected of a mere mortal - who stood and fell as a guardian not just of a city or a fealty, but of ideals great enough to encompass all - those are enshrined in the Hall of Heroes. Many who travel to Arx only once in their lives spend at least a day touring the Hall, reading the stories. Looking at history.

And over time, these stories became allegories. Became morals. Became legends used to guide the next generation, and the generation after, and the generation after that. That is what enshrinement in the Hall of Heroes meant. But memories fade over time, and these legends were faded too - the statues worn in places with touches over the stone, the words carved into the pedestals not always legible. The thoughts more of the morals therein, the examples - and less on the people who sacrificed their lives in these ways.

But Princess Sorrel Thrax has changed that. With a series of concerts, researched well in Vellichor's Archives. With the blessing of the King, with support from Whispers and Bards, from people across the Compact, she has written songs about the Metallic Order. Of Iron and Steel, Gold and Brass, of Cobalt and Copper and Silver she sings. They're catchy songs all - some sad, some joyous, some heartrending. She sings them - and they spread so swiftly through the Compact.

Princess Tikva, Gianna Whisper - the Nightingale of the Bard's College herself - Lord Eddard, Lady Sanya, Lady Orelia, Lady Sapphira - all of them aid, either as fellow singers in her concert, or by singing the songs themselves, or both. Officer Sparte is no singer, but he tells the stories too, reciting them to inspire as he can. Sir Corban is no singer either, but he teaches the songs to the Hundred as a cadence - and now on the morning "jogs" of the Silver Swords, they're drilling while using the cadence of the Metallic Cycle - especially the song of Silver. They teach the songs, the stories to others. They encourage the songs to spread. And spread they do.

'Have you heard the Metallic Cycle yet?' It's a common question among the socialites too. Count Giulio, Princess Sabella, Prince Niklas, Lady Lisebet, Duchess Clover, and many other famed and famous people are encouraging everyone to learn, to hear, to sing. It's on everyone's lips - and Princess Sorrel is becoming the Singer of Heroes, even as everyone reminds themselves of the promise: "As Arx endures, we will remember."

Action by Sorrel

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 29, 2018, 1:04 a.m.)

A moderately sized group of adventurers sails together (with @action 2557) to the Isle of Storms, seeking some of the knowledge that is contained thereon. Sorrel leads this part of the adventuring party, who will be there to survey the island, looking for interesting buildings, ruins, or other structures. They'll be mapping things out and looking for things of interest, particularly in relation to the Marin sisters (Cobalt, Pena, Serenity). Instead of going down into the tunnel, they're going up onto the island itself.

Coraline will be here to protect the researchers as well as exploring. She will help prevent harm to come to the team.

Every trip across the sea needs one thing at least, a ship! And so Galen has his crew prepare the Serpents Tide for departure, of course, the Warlord cannot travel completely solo, so a quad of ships to deploy with them for security and additional resources should the need arise. Once on the island, he is fine with falling back and letting Sorrel do her thing, though he is ever the watchful guardian of his wife and those who have set out with them.

Turo's going to make sure everyone gets there safely, and to provide the naval support for this sort of activity. And then he'll do his level best to be helpful on land, whether that's in doing translation (in case they meet anyone whose language he speaks) or just generally providing leadership.

Titania will be joining Princess Sorrel and the others to sail to the Island of storms. She will be helping look into the Marin sisters as well (Cobalt, Pena and Serenity). She will be also trying to look into finding a way to become more connected with Mangata white there since she is a disciple and she feels a strong connect with her already.

Gailin is tagging along for the first time on an explorative mission with Sorrel Titania and the others. Hell be there as martial back up as needed and to help their expedition in any way he can.

The wind swirls around them all, but they do not hear another song in response to Sorrel's. And so they make their way back, with more questions than answers truly. Where is the key, and where the guide? What are the four guardians and how can they be found and vanquished? Is specific blood needed to access the knowledge here? For all its beauty this is a puzzling island indeed.

Action by Victus for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 4, 2018, 11:50 p.m.)

"People of the Mourning Isles. I come being the bearer of bad news. We are beset upon by by an enemy who shrouds himself in his ignorance. He has bent the knee to those who would destroy the world, taken every evil in his path for power. The Deep 'King' and his followers hold onto a dying past which they seek to rebuild on top of our ashes. For one thousand years Thrax has held these Isles together with the force of our might and we shall do so by a fucking thousand more.

The Isles will stand united as one. One fleet, one legion, one order to destroy the tide of darkness that seeks to swallow us all. Bear arms and army, ready yourselves across the deck. The time of Thrax is now and forever. We do not fall.

Tears in our wake, never at our wake.."

After fighting and dying against the forces of the Gyre for centuries and then some, High Lord Victus Thrax has launched an ultimatum: No inch of ground will be given without wading through an ocean of blood. The Maelstrom has stood the test of time and the Gyre's fleet shall not be appropriately named so long as he stands.

Victus calls the banners from every corner Thrax's influence reaches. Forces that owe allegiance to the Sea Serpent's banner and Allies of the Mourning Isles are called to join. The High Lord himself will be donning the mantle of General and Ruler, calling all armies and fleets to the Maelstrom to organize into one solidified presence. The 1st Thrax Fleet and the 1st Thrax Marines alike. Those with the skill of diplomacy and propaganda are asked to send his message through every street and upper echelon, to motivate and drive every Thraxian in defense of their home. In survival as a race.

Grimhall, Tyde and all vassals below them will receive similar calls to action and be invited to participate. The might of the Grim Legion, Tyde's Fleet and all those like them that would pledge support in this pact. Whether it's soldiers, agents, smugglers, diplomats, or priests offering prayer - all are welcome. All are going to be needed in this coming battle, and Victus calls them all.

He dubs this unified front "The Mourning Onslaught". He will spend his preparation ensuring that the name will be heard as a beacon of hope for all as its strength is soon to be put to the test.

Duke Grimhall sends his heralds throughout the domains loyal to his house. The letter they read is not subtle: all warships are summoned to battle. The foe which approaches is the enemy our race was born to fight, all true hearted warriors of Mourning blood will join the coming battles. Of the rest, any who refuse will be held in scorn and named faithless before Gods and men, treated as traitors once the war is won.

When Victus makes his declaration to Thrax and calls for the banners, Alarissa is standing there beside him literally and figuratively as a proper High Lord's wife - in the traditional sense - a solemn, respectful and calm figure, even going so far as to make sure she's holding the heir to thrax who has been carefully wrapped and swaddled in that thraxian shade of red.

In the subsequent days, she's visiting noble houses of those in the Thrax fealty, both high and low that Fatima hasn't. Where it is the liberal leaning houses, she brings Astrid with her, conversing with the house so that she can have with her a visual reminder of the change that they have been fighting for, has happened and the future that each house if they throw their full might or as many as they can spare, into helping overcome the pirate king. She's not above using her daughter for a little propaganda pimping. Yes, the wives if the nobles even get to hold her if they want and start the threads of their investment her future and that of Thrax - and in turn theirs and their children. The losses will be hard, but they are Thrax. They know hard and how to overcome and Alarissa is proud to have married into such strong and able people. That she looks up to them in these tumultous days for the strength to help Victus lead and protect all that they and she hold dear.

For the more traditional houses, she goes with Victus, having fed him the lines that he likely needs to speak if he needs them. She borrows a line so recently heard from Harald and encourages them to do the best thing for Thrax and that's to set sail with all that they have and can spare and "Make their ancestors jealous" of the stories that will be told in the days to come. She plays that part of proper wife, not a hair out of place and with complete confidence that Thrax will get through this with their full support.

Then there's the ladies. The wives of the sailors, the soldiers, the supporters of the men who lead, the ones who manage the finances and at times, know how to tip a spouse one way or the other to what they want and to make it seem like it was the spouse's choice. To tea she invites them, small intimate affairs of 'frank' conversations. It's going to be hard and in truth, some spouses will not be coming home. This is the fight for thier lives and the odds will be so much better if the full might of the fealty combines into the Onslaught. They are in for a battle, a war that has been a long time coming and it's time to face it with all weapons, at the ready. Even if it's just ones two hands tearing up cotton to make bandages to be used to help with the wounded.

Fatima, as a Voice and Princess of Thrax, is taking her place in gathering the banners. She starts by visiting all the Thrax nobles in Arx, having quiet, one-on-one conversations with every lord that has soldiers, sailors, or influence. She spreads out to the more distant lords next via letter, and then personal visits when necessary. She reminds them of the might of House Thrax, the alternatives of failure, and the rewards to be gained for a successful campaign. And above all else, she's going to go personally visit every noble that previously showed fear for her and ensure their banners are called.

Margot calls the banners of all of the Tyde Vassals to support the efforts to fight the Gyre. Insisting that the Northlands turn out (and quietly insinuating that she will be very disappointed if they can't put out a better showing than the Grimhall vassals).

As General of the Thrax Marines and by very nature of their status, Galen knew his men would be ready to fight. His cousins and diplomats had no doubt reached out to every noble across Arx, but Galen was different than the others, he certainly had many of the same connections, maybe even more than some, but, he also had the benefit of having literally sailed to every known port in the compact, a few very strange ones, and even Port Defiance, though this he didn't speak of openly.

Regardless the Prince knew how desperate these times were, so he summoned together his crew, his most trusted loyal men, and gave them some simple instructions, "Send word, by whatever means as far and wide as you can...To everyone, and I mean everyone who has ever had our aid in any way shape or form, let them know I am not asking for such in return, but now I need help, and I would appreciate such." his crew knew what that meant. You see, the Prince was known on the seas for both being a force of swift justice when needed, and the saving hand of grace, to people of good, or questionable character who found themselves in trouble and in his path, though if we are being honest, often Galen's path was directed toward them. His men would carry out his command with haste, to those around the isles and beyond, merchants, mercenaries, various ports, no doubt even to some of the Abandon themselves.

Galen know what was at stake, he wondered if the reason he was given what he had been given and done the things which he had done, had all been for the culmination of this moment, of this action, a need so great that he himself had to risk all favor he had earned, all alliances he had made, after all, this wasn't just for him, or his family, this was for everyone!

Magpie receives the notice from Victus and stares at it intently for a long time. Then the man stands before his people -- the Free Nation of Magpie (A Grayhope Enterprises Division) -- he raises his voice loudly, and calls out, "Magpie! Will you help Thrax in this battle?! Will you stand strong and fight with them?! Will you follow Victus Thrax to the tentacles of death?!?" ... The man lets silence settle, then finally answers himself. "Probably. If I have nothing else going on that day."

When it is time to raise banners, what can a commoner do? Answer the call, of course. But is there anything more?

Sparte has decided to speak with others of his choice to join Thrax in their darkest hour. To sign on with the banners in the face of the deadliest foe they've known since the reckoning. His audience may be Crownsworn and Prodigals, mainly, but he speaks to those in Arx who still seek a purpose for themselves or have had one stolen.

"I am not someone who was destined for greatness. I am no prince or lord. I herded sheep." Sparte gives a self effacing chuckle. "But when times were dark, and the Iron Guard gave the call, I answered. With so many others, I helped hold these walls. Just as I now stand to protect Thrax. Not because of faith in myself or the gods, but because of faith in people. Because I believed that there are those unable to protect themselves who are deserving. I don't know who they are. They may be mothers and fathers, they made be children, the sick or infirm. Injured soldiers who fought for us once, and can no longer raise a blade themselves. They may be righteous souls or cads and blagarts, I don't care. When true evil rises against the compact we know in our hearts if he has the strength to stand and fight."

"I am not asking you to follow me, I am not even asking you to join me in pledging to Thrax. I am asking you to find that fire within your own hearts. To recognize that no matter how dark the day may seem, the light of tomorrow must be fought for to see it through. All I want from you is to be able to say, when times were dark, others stood with me. Please stand with me, if you can. For those who cannot."

At the call by Victus, Catalana is compelled to have the people listen. Wanting to make her family proud, this Lady Kennex speaks to all of the nobles with the reach of her voice and beyond to plea that in order to survive this, we must unite. "Please....this is no time for petty squabbles. This is a time to set aside differences and to unite as people! We will face this head on and show our enemies that this is not a group that is divided...but united!"

Caspian Wild is going into every tavern and inn of Arx, singing renditions of popular Thraxian war songs that have a twist of being about fighting for The Mourning Ises and Thrax against The Gyre, with the goal is to inspire Thraxians to join the fight. To help things along he'll be buying rounds of drinks.

Many people find it easy to be around Caith -- she has a friendly and unassuming air about her. She is also a passionate and evocative storyteller. Leaning on these qualities, she goes around visiting various vassals. She spends many an evening with them by the fire, sharing a drink or two, listening to tales of their past glories and trading stories of heroic deeds.

The princess tells them tales of legendary heroes, of battles won, of days saved when all hope was thought to be lost. And as they sit together by the warm, rosy glow of the fire with drinks in hand, she tells them that it is in moments such a these -- this precipice that they all find themselves on -- when heroes rise up and legends are made. She points out that she can only tell these stories now because people, when faced with the toughest options in the darkest hour, made the brave choice. They stood up. They answered the call. If they had not, their names would have faded into obscurity until they were entirely forgotten; however, their heroic actions granted them immortality, their names and deeds living on beyond them.

Caith urges the vassals to become heroes themselves. Their deeds today will become the legends that will be spoken of for all time. Glory and honor!

High Lord Victus steps up next, calling on all Thraxians to prepare to set sail. No inch of ground, he declares, will be given without wading through an ocean of blood. Forces that owe allegiance to the Sea Serpent's banner and Allies of the Mourning Isles are called to join.

Duke Harald hears the call and stands now not just as Duke but as Warlord of Thrax. All warships are summoned to battle. All true hearted warriors of Mourning blood will join the coming battles. Any who refuse will be scorned and named faithless before Gods and men.

Princess-Consort Alarissa stands ready, solemn and respectful and calm, exhorting by diplomatic turn those who the others fail to reach. To progressive houses she brings Princess Astrid, encouraging them to respond to the call to banners while holding the visible reminder of the change they've been fighting for. She praises the strength of Thrax, knowing full well the might of the Isles and reminding them that this is the time to show that will and strength. To the more traditional houses she goes with Victus, encouraging them to make their ancestors jealous of the stories that will be told in the days to come. And of course, knowing how much power there is in the quiet talk of women she makes sure to speak with the women - whether they lead the houses or not - encouraging them to form a united front among progressives and traditionalists alike in supporting the call to banners.

Princess Fatima personally visits each noble Thraxian in Arx, using one-on-one conversations to encourage them as she might. She reminds them of the strength of Thrax, of the results failure may bring them, and the rewards for a successful campaign. She targets those who she knows already hold some awe (some might even say fear) of her, using intimidation where she can to its best effect.

Duchess Margot calls all Tyde sailors and vassals, insisting the Northlands turn out. In her own way she encourages them slyly - It sure would be a shame if Grimhall turned out more numbers than Tyde, wouldn't it? Let's not let that happen, shall we?

Prince Galen reaches out to people he's met in his travels across the land, asking everyone who has ever had Thraxian aid to come forth and join them. The Prince himself is well-known as a hospitable spirit, a man who will buy the drinks in a bar for complete strangers, and sometimes has a habit of turning up at just the right time when someone is in desperate need. And now it's time for old debts to be repaid.

Officer Sparte, newly in fealty to Thrax, shows his loyalty. Now he goes to the Crownsworn and speaks to them. I am not someone who was destined for greatness, he says. But with so many others I helped hold these walls. Just as I now stand to protect Thrax. Not because of faith in myself or the gods, but because of faith in people. Because I believed that there are those unable to protect themselves who are deserving. When true evil rises against the compact we know in our hearts if he has the strength to stand and fight. His speech wins the hearts of the commoners, and even more answer the call.

Lady Catalana emphasizes the need to stand together. Wanting to make her family proud, inspired to answer the call by Victus, she urges people to set aside petty squabbles and unite as people. To show their enemies that this is not a group divided, but united in one common goal! Meanwhile, Caspian visits the taverns and inns of Arx, singing renditions of popular Thraxian war songs. Everyone loves a good sea shanty, and every really loves to sing good sea shanties when someone else is buying the drinks.

Not to be left out, Princess Caith visits various vassals, spending evenings by the fire sharing a drink or two, listening to tales of their past glories, encouraging them to tell stories of heroic deeds. In turn she tells them of legendary heroes, battles won, of days saved when all hope was thought to be lost. And as they sit together by the warm, rosy glow of the fire with drinks in hand, she tells them that it is in moments such a these -- this precipice that they all find themselves on -- when heroes rise up and legends are made. She points out that she can only tell these stories now because people, when faced with the toughest options in the darkest hour, made the brave choice. They stood up. They answered the call.

With tales of glory, drinks in hand, with the urge to stand united, with diplomacy and orders and threats and cajoling, by any means possible the word goes out. Thrax is called to war!