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Past Actions

Action by Rysen(RIP) for Mourning Isles Strife

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 29, 2019, 11 a.m.)

In order to put an end to raids along the coast of the Northlands, Rysen builds a coalition of allies in order to set a trap for the raiders. The coalition's goal will be to substantially weaken the raiders' forces and allow the allies to interrogate survivors in order to determine who is ultimately behind the attacks with the minimum amount of casualties on both sides.

Command of the fleet will be handed over to Admiral Aethan Kennex, who will lie in wait off of the peninsula of Greywater Bay, a major port town along the Northlands coast. Rysen offers a good bit of coin to Northland sailors and merchants in the region to suggest a particularly lucrative shipment of blackwood lumber, silver and gold from Crovane mines will be stopping in the major Crackneck port on its way to Perlspire on a trade mission, in an attempt to lure the raiders into an attack. Rysen has entrusted the command of the Crackneck and other Northlands soldiers to Princess Marian Redrain, but he will fight on the beach personally, to honor Gloria, protect the Warchief, and prove the valor of Northland's chivalry. If all goes according to plan, signal fires will alert Aethan's fleet at the sight of incoming raiders, who will sweep in from behind their ships, while Marian and Rysen, along with the Northland warriors and their allies hold off the raiders on the coast. Afterwards, the allies will interrogate the highest ranking survivors, in order to determine their affiliations and by whom they were sent.

Princess Marian Redrain will set a trap at the edge of the port town, using a lumber yard to be where the 'prize' is supposed to be stored, close enough to the water with trees before the beaches so some savvy raiders would normally be able to sneak in and out. The boards under the yard have several trap doors where archers can pop up and shoot, not to kill all so they can capture a few. Infantry will surround the building to catch those that flee. If the men make it to the beaches, calvary are set up to catch them. Of course, once the trap is set, an arrow on fire will launch from the beaches so Aethan is signal to cut off their access to their ships.

Aethan is eager to support Redrain in its endeavors to bring peace and stability to its shores, and so will be commanding its naval forces during this maneuver, augmented with some of the Stormward Fleet. He will be coordinating with Lord Rysen and the Warchief Princess Marian beforehand to make sure to carry out their plans, as well as -- as time allows -- meeting with Redrain captains and pairing them with those of the Stormward Fleet to build trust and understanding between them beforehand so they can better coordinate their efforts. He will also be putting Kennex resources toward it to attempt to ensure a successful outcome.

Cillian will be going with Lord Rysen and Princess Marian and a small blackwood group of troops to help fight on the beach, being the sword of Blackwood and Minster of war he will lead his men into battle and put a end to all of this.

Although I am more a sailor and sea captain than fighter I will stand on the beach by the other northeners and battle with them. Raiding cannot be allowed and I will lend my axe to the fight that puts an end to this.

Following the orders of those above her, Aella will assist Aethan as a captain of one of the ships under his command.

Orrin is offering Pearlspire as the juicy destination of these ships, and also allowing any and all coordination and supply of the forces involved in this action at their new port. He will direct that all ships having visited Pearlspire are drafted appropriate documentation to suggest legitimate unrelated trade purposes for their visits. There will also be appropriate documentation and staffing as if a large shipment of lumber and precious metals is to arrive. All of this will be managed through appropriate application of funds, leadership, and favors.

Arcadia does not know the Northlands well, but she does know the Grey Forest and how to shoot from the trees. Leaving Marian and her troops to take the beach, Arcadia and her forces will be hidden in the trees and moving through the edges of the forest collecting any who try to flee or have set up bases or may give a call to let other raiders know of the trap.

They sail from the North.

This was a surprise, as cutting in from the cold waters of the far north near the everwinter is extremely dangerous, and far from a direct path, but it makes sense- the Bay of Thrax and near waters are being patrolled heavily now by Grayson forces in response to the raids, and so the enemy cuts a far path through the arctic waters in order to try to make landfall north of the port town and then sweep down south towards it.

Rysen's plans work. It looks like the lure provided by Orrin proved successful, as the raiders sweep in from the North, with the ships under command of Aethan, Danvir and Aella staying far out of sight ot the south until they pull into Greywater Bay. No flags fly from the ships, no banners display as the raiders make landfall, speaking to a piratical nature or a group of attackers that has no intention of divulging their alliegence. The raiders are more numerous than might be expected- several hundred, and they approach on the port town with every intention of burning it and putting everyone there to the sword.

Princess Marian waits until they are at a precise point on the beaches- too far from their skiffs to escape into the water, but with wide open area for cavalry to ride right over the raiders. Marian's cavalry charge, supported by Arcadia's hidden archers and Cillian's blackwood troops stopping their advance catches the enemy in a disastrous position, and they are cut to pieces, immediately put to rout. A handful survive to surrender, and reveal they are Undrowned Sons mercenaries, hired anonymously out of Port Defiance.

On the water, their ships turn to flee and are confronted by Aethan's ships. By sheer happenstance, gale force winds pick up and capsize a number of the enemy vessels almost right as they turn to engage, and the already outnumbered enemy ships are quickly set ablaze and ultimately sunk.

It's a crushing victory, and there's no more raids on the Northlands.

Action by Marian for The Great Road Crisis

(Public Action, OOC Date: April 8, 2019, 3:29 p.m.)

Count Gael Fournier has suggested quite loudly that it was a mistake for House Valardin to allow for houses such as Greenmarch to bend the knee, and they have no place at all in the Compact, and the Oathlands would be better without them. Princess Marian Redrain, born of House Greenmarch and formly of House Valardin, has taken deep offense to his words, since she was instrumental in brokering the return of House Greenmarch into the Compact. In addition, she has lost blood relatives towards the defense the Compact, at the Tragedy of Sanctum where she lost her father, Marquis Marcel Greenmarch and aunt, Lady Maeve Greenmarch, and the Battle of Stormwall, Lady Eirlys Greenmarch. Since House Greenmarch does not currently have a Sword, and she is first born of this generation, Princess Marian Redrain has with Marquessa Simone Greenmarch and Lady Monique Greenmarch support challenged the Count for his personal insults to a duel. She has named Radiant Bliss Whisper as her champion in the duel. It is her hope that the Count will answer the challenge with a champion of his own.

Well. This is a complicated situation, isn't it? Let's make it even moreso by having the Radiant dueling as a Champion - likely a historical first. Knowing that this is going to have ripple effects in many ways, Bliss has prepared a statement to be released alongside the public naming of her as the Champion for Princess Marian, explaining her reasons for doing so and just what it is she is defending - the origins of the Champions Guild lie in the individual Champions truly believing someone's honor has been slighted and stepping in to fight for it, after all. She has done silly duels in the past, but this one is something different.

We aren't quite at the point where a House Sword is dueling to try to prevent a war from happening - this is being framed as a personal insult to Princess Marian, rather than a challenge to House honor itself - but this is, fundamentally, about whether or not the Compact and Prodigals both should keep both sides of their promises to one another after the knee is bent.

If the terms of the duel allow for it, she will be wielding Vowkeeper.

Bliss's statement: (I can make this into a proclamation after action resolution or I'm happy to let it be part of that process)

Simone cannot personally attend the duel because she is away aiding House Valardin in smoothing the situation, diplomatically. However, but she also knows the importance of duels in Compact culture and wishes to make sure that this one is given all due consideration. Lady Margret Greenmarch, also a voice of the House, will be attending to represent House Greenmarch as a member of the compact. Resources from the house have been made available to help as well, but Simone is personally sending Marian some of her own to aid with whatever may be needed in hiring and supporting their champion.

Margret comes as a representative from House Greenmarch to witness the duel. However, while that is her stated purpose she has other motives.

Her first purpose? To convince those present that House Greenmarch is not some wild group of heathens from the woods. They are an Oathlands house that belongs in the Compact. She goes to the duel looking every part an Oathlands noblewoman. She is courteous and polite without being over the top. She demonstrates that she, a Prodigal herself, has assimilated. She is not ostentatious or over the top about it. The men-at-arms and attendants who accompany her are the best Greenhaven has to offer, and they represent Greenmarch in a manner that would make the House proud.

Her second purpose is to humanize the prodigals to the other Oathlanders. Some of the men-at-arms and attendants brought with her are recently arrived Prodigal refugees. She has only brought the most courteous, charming, and polite with her. The hope is that the other Houses will see them, learn where they came from, and realize they are people instead of a scourge on the Oathlands.

Her third purpose is to feel out any dissent within the Orthodox Oathlands houses that are committing the purges against the Prodigal refugees as well as the houses speaking out against them. If there are family members within the Orthodox Oathlands houses that do not approve of the purges she will do what she can to encourage their dissent. If she can get those people to speak out it will weaken the position of the knights who are killing the Prodigals.

Her fourth purpose is to show that House Greenmarch is a strong house militarily, and attacking it would be a costly mistake. She does not intimidate people with her men-at-arms, but she does make sure they have top of the line equipment and that they like strong Oathlands Knights who will not fall easily in battle.

Monique will show up to this duel looking every inch the infamous Minx of the Marches, Greenmarch and Oathlands legend that she is. Instead of pretending an assimilation, Monique makes it look /fabulous/ to be Prodigal as she supports Marian.

Something seems a little off.

Count Gael Fournier, and the Fourniers in general, have been full of bluster and threats about prodigals, and have been openly contemptuous of House Greenmarch since it joined the Compact. They are hardly alone in being an Oathland house to doubt the wisdom of a Valardin prince marrying Marian so long ago and ennobling her family, but they were particularly loud in their objections, and one would expect that to still hold now, as House Fournier comes to defend its honor.

But Count Gael is oddly restrained. He seems visibly uncomfortable and uncharacteristically quiet, and he treats the challenge as a matter of personal honor, and hires William Brightsword from the Champions Guild of Arx as a champion. Bliss, as a champion, is of course familiar with him- and while Willy isn't an incompetent Champion, and is a capable entertainer, he's not a particularly difficult opponent, nor even an expensive one. More someone that would put on a good show than to have a realistic chance of defeating Bliss in a Champion's honor duel. So while no, this is not a match of House Swords on the field of battle, it isn't something fully for sport either, and the choice is a little odd- it's not the choice of someone that's extremely invested in winning. And there's no pre-match bluster, of someone answering the accusations with insults or the like, with the long conversations that Champions would use to build up the crowd.

Margret with Simone's support make certain that every diplomatic effort is made, and that the proper dignity is extended that is sure to win points with Oathlanders, and the atmosphere for the duel is just right... and then Bliss is on the field, ready to duel William.

It's far more serious than most honor duels done for sport, but that doesn't mean its not a show. Bliss outmatches her opponent easily, and is able to make it memorable, disarming him three times in a pointed gesture as the man is permitted by his opponent to retrieve his weapon in a show of good sport. But eventually, after the proper emphasis is well and truly made of the Radiant's skill, Bliss draws blood- and wins decisively.

It's surprisingly how conciliatory after the victory Gael is. He disavows his previous positions, he promises exceptionally generous trade pacts with House Greenmarch, and he gives Margret ample time to speak persuasively in the defense of prodigals to Fournier and diehard traditionalists in attendence. Truthfully, while his family isn't really allowed to show it without a tremendous loss of face (no one in the Oathlands likes a sore loser), it is painfully obvious that most of Gael's family is furious at him for how accommodating he is being, and he steadfastly pretends to ignore it. It's a little puzzling. But the count, awkwardly and a little forced, claims that he's seen the light about Greenmarch, and would never underestimate them again.

Action by Preston for The Great Road Crisis

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 19, 2019, 12:46 p.m.)

The Faith Militant has learned of two enemies of the Faith within Valardin lands - the first are a group of Abandoned who mockingly refer to themselves as Malardin and who were not only behind the Tragedy, but also stole Valardin arms and armour and are thus suspected of the attack on the convoy of mercies and Templars in the south of Valardin before returning to their northern hideaways. This made them an enemy of the Faith. There is also an abandoned war chief known as The Reaper of the Oathlands, it is not known if she works with the Malardin or they simply co-exist within the Red Mountains, but she has proven herself also an enemy, but she must be dealt with second.

Preston has put out the call for parishes in the Oathlands to send a portion of their Templar levy to muster close to Sanctum, where he will join them as he journeys into the Oathlands on a pilgrimage with Alarissa (Action 3155). He has also asked for other Oathland houses, and other houses nearby, to send nobles and portions of house troops to help. He will be dispatching some troops from Arx to help form a core, and one he can trust.

A small portion of the van will go off with others in Action 3172 where they will seek to convince the abandoned tribes in the way who aren't involved to either leave or to bend the knee. Preston will then lead the army in its three sections up the roads to the Red Mountains, marching under the banner of the Faith.

The plan is to push into the forests at the foothills where Blackram scouts have reported the cultists performing foul rituals. By splitting the force into two flanking forces and the main line, they can hopefully funnel the overall withdrawal of the cultists back towards the mountain line, and away from the coast. It's hoped an army might come from Redrain as a blocking force to avoid them fleeing across and into redrain lands.

If the forces of the Malardin and the Reaper band together, the plan is to encricle them both and siege them, force them into a desperate sally or wait until they can be attacked in a storming of the Reaper's redoubt. If they fight, then they will let that happen and move on the survivor. If they avoid one another, Preston will detach a sieging force to siege the redoubt of the Reaper that Blackram identified, hoping she is there, while the forces sweep the Malardin up, hopefully, using the Redrain force as an anvil if necessary.

In case of any issues with Cardian aerial reinforcement, Preston is bringing along engineers and hopefully talented smiths to sort this out, with lighter bolt throwers coming along as well as heavier siege gear to deal with the Reaper's dedoubt (silver and econ in the action for smiths etc to use for this).

I realise this is a big action, so do feel free to stop it if along the way something goes wrong and it can't progress and we need to submit another action as a decision point!

When the Faith militant calls for the Warchief of the North to block the escape of these Malardins, Princess Marian Redrain is there with her armies to act as a wall against these zealots. She brings the full fury of the Northlands on any enemy that steps across the border, brutally killing these murdered who may have had a hand in the Tragedy of Sanctum. During the down time, she will have her troops perform training exercises, using their time in the mountains to become a tighter unit.

Two things that Amund hates a lot: Shavs and crazed cultists. Not that he's particularly religious, but their tendency to press others into obedience and raid Compact villages without a second thought just elicits the most violent reactions from him. He'll be joining Sir Preston in the fighting on behalf of House Blackram, his assortment of weapons ready at his side and clad in the best armor he can afford.

The Order of East Light volunteered assistance to the efforts by the Faith Militant, and Sparte has stepped forward to lead those volunteers. He is trusting those with him to be driven by duty and by their own sense of morality, so is focusing more on maintaining morale and courage in his fellows than acting the part of a battle commander. He will bring his steed Hyb, and a banner for the Order of East Light to be held high.

Sparte is also traveling as a pilgrim (Action 3155), and will be putting too much time in humble service to focus on command. For that reason - and the fact Preston is better at it - when combat comes Sparte will defer to the Faith Militant's leadership on matters of tactics and strategy. He will encourage the volunteers with him to do the same, augmenting the Faith's troops rather than acting as an independent force.

While he will lend his voice to mercy when dealing with shavs who are not guilty of terrible crimes and commend those encouraging non-violent shavs to get out of the way or bend the knee (Action 3172), there will be no such forgiveness spoken of by him for the Malardin nor the Reaper. There he will speak of justice to be done as if it were a burden to be carried with head held high.

Tasked with working out a way to securely mount the lighter ballistae on the back of wagons once the party has arrived at their destination, Ida will do just that. She will bring several journeymen with her and the group will frame the wagons in steel and even some rubicund from her personal stores; sheets on top and bottom to prevent splintering and rods in and around the wheels for the same purpose. Using her knowledge from the days of repairing farming equipment, the ballistae will be bolted securely in place. Lastly, Ida will also lend her strength in battle to move them, should that be necessary.

Violet has brought a portion of the elite Crimson Blades to the task. Though this may have been given to her as penance it matters not. This is a travesty that needs mending and her Blades are up for the task. Many times they have fought against Abandoned and Shav tribes. Knowing they will use dirty tactics she offers up her services as Scouts and Gorilla warfare.

In addition to this, Violet keeps her other sense open. Hopefully it will give them all some warning, so that things don't go bad.

The response from Sir Preston, Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, is more than might be expected. He very specifically said it was not a crusade, but he still called upon the Oathland houses for support, and they respond- the number of knights and household troops of the Oathland houses number in the tens of thousands, and it's a large enough response that the logistics of it are acutely strained, with much of the funds and resources raised being used to sustain a very short, powerful campaign against the Malardin in the hills near Blackram lands.

The Crimson Blades manage to uncover three targets with their scouting, assisted by the Order of East Light under Sparte's command. They find a redoubt manned by very hostile bandits that most believe is controlled by the Reaper, and is her holdfast. The Trompeuris tribe is the second finding, which is another major Abandoned group that has certainly declared themselves Malardin, and are within a day's distance of Reaper's holdfast, and start being steadily pushed in that direction as soon as they start to come into contact with Preston's outer forces. And then there's Clan Blood Oak, another mighty Malardin force, which seem to have been completely exterminated- their main camps only have ashes which are thought to be human remains.

It's not one sided, but the Trompeuris probably only number at most a thousand, and the Reaper's forces aren't leaving the holdfast. With Princess Marian's Redrain forces blocking off the retreat north, the tribe is steadily pushed towards the Reaper's redoubt with only light losses. A single large scale ambush attempt by the Malardin is scouted out by Violet, and the large scale cavalry charge by knights in reply put the Trompeuris to rout, with hundreds cut down during their flight, and some scant signs of Valardin arms and armor among them. The brutally outnumbered Abandoned are cut off by a flanking maneuver and completely annihilated short of Reaper's redoubt.

While a volley of arrows coming from the Reaper's redoubt leaves no doubt of the number of defenders, Ida's ballistas are brought up to reply as Preston's massive forces prepare to storm. One ballista in particular that Ida works on seems to glow white right before it fires, and the crew launching it yells as it seems to ignite, with the bolt looking like a white ray of light as it streaks towards Reaper's redoubt. The fortress seems to explode into fire as it's struck, and the ballista burns down to ash. Many of the templars are speaking of a miracle on Gloria's part, as the redoubt has been reduced to rubble with strewn bodies everywhere. Unfortunately, the Reaper doesn't seem to be among them.

There are some conclusions that can be drawn- the number of Valardin arms and armor is extremely limited, and looks more recent- forgeries, and thefts from Valardin's armories. Nor do any seem to match what was seen in the further south, so it's unlikely the 'Malardin' in the northern hills were responsible for the attacks on Fournier lands and similar. It's possible, but there's nothing directly connecting them. Not that the Oathlander host with Preston care that much- they crushed a major Abandoned force, and that's something they are always down for. With apparently a miracle of Gloria to boot.

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 23, 2018, 6:05 a.m.)

Princess Marian Redrain, Warchief to the North, is going to make sure the families of the fallen receive the pensions for their warriors. She will personally go to each family, giving them comfort for their loss and praising their fallen warriors for their sacrifice. For those with able body men, she will make sure they have an opportunity to join the military and sponsor their starting equipment by working with the Crafter's Guild. She will do workshops to make sure these new recruits receive proper training.

Darren travels alongside Marian as they go door to door, the High Lord making sure that he speaks to each and every one of these families personally to speak of the heroic actions of their fallen family members and offer his condolences and thanks. There's a lot of solemn praise, but also a lot of encouragement given to the able bodied men and women in the families he meets, talking up the actions and abilities of his War Chief, Marian Redrain, with the hope of recruiting more into the military.

As on previous trips of this nature, Gwenna accompanies Marian and Darren on the delivery of pensions for the families of the soldiers lost during the protection of the Lodge. Beside her new husband Lorenzo as they make their visits, she will echo the sentiments offered by them all; gratefulness for their service, appreciation for their sacrifices, and that House Redrain will always care for her own. While Marian and Artur work with new recruits, Gwenna will talk with those who may hedge on joining about Marian's exceptional abilities with battle planning as well as training, share tales of heroics and good deeds against those who threaten the Northlands, and that anyone could be that person who changes the course of history on the battlefield. At the taverns with Artur and Lorenzo, she will sit quietly by the hearth and encourage veterans to share their own stories, listening with genuine interest, and with the hope that they might inspire others listening to join for their own chance at such glory and service.

Joscelin would provide gear and workshops, as specified by Princess Marian Redrain. Blacksmithing, weapons-crafting, armorsmithing, she would either teach the beginning classes herself or bring in those Crafters skilled in such abilities to head more advanced classes, depending on what's needed, asking for volunteers from the Crafters Guild. She would provide materials for work and practice and final creations.

Artur is happy to go on a recruiting tour of the Northlands with Marian! The young prince is charming and inspiring, yet also really personable, making him a good companion for Marian, who is after all a near legendary war hero! Artur works with the recruits, putting them through their paces and filling their with tales of battle and glory from the myths and legends of House Redrain. By night, he's always the first to the tavern to laugh and carouse with the locals, making him a popular figure indeed!

Newly married into House Redrain, Lorenzo uses this recruiting journey to tour the Northlands and meet the people who live there. With Gwenna by his side, he is warm and deeply empathetic as he takes the hands of the family members of fallen soldiers to express his sympathy. He smiles as he meets people, he listens to their stories of lost loved ones, he assures the families that House Redrain will continue to take care of them. Part of this mission will be military recruiting, and Lorenzo will emphasize the way that Redrain supports soldiers and their families, as well as the rewards of military service. He will happily join his brother-in-law Artur in the taverns in the evening for some diplomacy-by-buying-drinks, encouraging a warm-fuzzy memory of this visit. Lorenzo reaches into his own pockets as well, to assist in paying the pensions and recruitment costs, making clear to everyone that he may have been born Lycene, but the people of Northlands are his people and Redrain is his family.

Following the actions at the Lodge, the Redrain family - Darren, Gwenna, Marian, Artur, and Lorenzo - with the help of Guildmistress Joscelin - make provisions for the families of those who fell defending the Lodge. They also take the time to recruit, resupply, and train their armies, and given how much turmoil is rampant in the Compact right now, their people think this is a Very Good Thing. Veteran soldiers know well enough that these new recruits are likely to get quite a bit of on the job training as it is, what with the Great Road being so problematic - and they're glad for the new blood. If there's one thing an old soldier loves, after all, it's a newbie to do all the scut work.

Action by Monique

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 22, 2018, 11:26 a.m.)

It's no secret that Lady Monique Greenmarch has been at odds with the Faith lately. It's something the Minx of the Marches is trying to rectify. She has plans to search out an artifact or lost piece of lore for each of the gods she feels closest to: Gild, Petrichor, Skald, Vellichor. She will recruit her friends to help her, and with each success, will donate said artifact or information to the Pantheon.

The first attempt, and the Goddess the Greenmarch is closest to, Gild. Perhaps ambitious, but the Lady has heard stories about the dwarven kingdom to the north, Aviaron. She seeks some lost relic of Gild beneath the Peak of the Dwarves, or perhaps renewed contact and Faith with those who live under the mountain.

Etienne will, out of a great sense of at least curiosity, travel to find the Gild loving Dwarves beneath the mountain. Eager and developing a burgeoning sense of adventure goes forth with some protests of need for comfort and trappings of civilization in hopes to share stories, knowledge, and appreciation for the goddess with the sub-terranean dwellers and aid in the recovery of some relic. Etienne would bring textiles of all moderate sorts as gifts. (such as seasilk, umbra, and aeterna).

Sparte has long been on good terms with Lady Monique, and he knows what it is to be at odds with a group and have to make amends. That Lady Monique seeks amends is something he finds admirable. Her choice of method is a dangerous one, so he is seeing this expedition as a risky venture to be planned for accordingly. He will be collecting supplies and equipment through the Society of Explorers to help ensure the mission's success. He will of course also be going, and taking the same risks.

Marian will go on the trek, assisting with the security and protecting the group from harm. She's the warrior so she'll be first in line to attack anything that proves to be a threat to the group. She will also use her knowledge of the Northlands and survival to navigate any difficult areas. Keeping a sharp eye out of any ambushes or attacks.

Jhond will go on the trek as a member of the expedition. His specialty is as a guide and in reaching hard to reach places if its needed. Cliff to climb to drop a drop, river for swim to help the others ford, etc as well as facing whatever danger may prevent itself with steel if needed.

Initially brought in as a tent-buddy, Alrec, gains some weight and makes sure to bring a lot of games, alcohol, and furs. Still, wanting to be respectful to the cause, he amasses a few writs to trade along the route (and one can only hope, with the dwarves also).

Cadern is happy to join the search for the Dwarves to further his research in . Cadern in particular will go along to research the fascinating culture and take note of what they learn. His primary goal to smooth relations within the group and with others they encounter, dwarves or otherwise. He'll also bring along trinkets to trade particularly things he thinks they may not have such as glass and masks in particular, and no doubt extra booze.

Dwarves. It's... well. As she stated to Monique. Oh no dear Lady, not you too. But Monique is a good client, and for good clients Josephine will go out of the way and if a potential (likely false and laughable claim made by others) lineage makes things easier for one of her favourite clients? Well, Josephine will go. Armed in heavy furs, a sturdy cane, bearing gifts of brass namely in the shape of a series of tomes of brass sheets engraved with the history of the people since the reckoning as a communal gift, and a dragonweep stone in a lovely iridescite box made by Josephine, she's venturing forth. The worst? They find nothing and Josephine has at least experienced the far north and can quietly laugh to herself. The best? They find these dwarves and Monqiue's purpose is achieved. Either way, she's along for the journey and it's at least NOT via a boat.

Dwarves? Princess Helena's eyes lit up with wonder and awe when she heard of the quest to Aviaron, so much so that poor Monique probably felt she had to ask the Redrain to go along. Still, Helena's of the north and knows much of the journey well, and she's going along to add her own knowledge of the north and its lore to the wealth of knowledge of her party mates and to chronicle the event should they actually meet the storied dwarves of Aviaron, for that would be a story worth retelling.

Estelle is coming along to assist in any way that the Mercy is able! She is most likely to assist in the capacity of a healer however, keeping everyone healthy and in one piece for the trek as well as helping out with negotiations if need be.

The Knights of Solace are more then interested in making contact with these worshipers of Gild and Andry is one of the knights assigned as escort. He will also do what he can to bring along whatever supplies may be needed.

Lora, possessed of a keen interest in Brass and his associates, will first assist Josephine with the design and creation of brass objects, partially to show affinity to the Knight and partially to create some kind of pictorial communication device. She will join the expedition as a diplomatic asset, bringing coin to hopefully make the journey easier, and then her skills as a communicator in case they actually find who they're looking for.

It is, in a word, daunting.

Rumors of dwarves have swirled in whispers for a long, long time, but any more precise details that would take them from legend to an actual meeting are impossibly elusive. Ultimately, the most promising lead came from a seraph of a small village near Aviaron's Peak, who had some local Northlands legends about them. From there, it was a long trek of chasing the local legends that were disappointments, and then came a story of the Red Mine of Underhill Fortress, which was an abandoned set of mines from veins of gold and silver long since run dry, but legend had connected to a fortress miles deeper in the mountain that once had dwarves. Several days of searching there does find what once was obviously a massive fortress built deep in the earth, but almost completely shattered ages ago, possibly before the Reckoning, with some skeletons of what likely were dwarves there. With luck though, they find writing on stone tablets near the entrance with a single skeleton by itself next to the tablets. Etched in Arvani, speaking of 'the Last Stand of Clan Underhill against Ruin'. The etchings say, 'Ruin was understood too late. Cannot be stopped by swords or spells. Cannot be stopped by strength or will. Bound by words, but not by magic. Needed a treaty. A pact. Perhaps the copy of the treaty forming this new alliance in the South? Blessed by Gild. That might have saved us all."

Action by Jyri(RIP) for Iron Guard Scouts

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 1, 2018, 2:50 p.m.)

The Lodge of Petrichor stands - at a heavy price. Directly after the attacks stopped, a new unit was made in the Iron Guard: The Rangers, or the scouts. Jyri calls them The Crows. The unit will be a hundred men strong, but the Iron Guard is down with a thousand men, so recruitment is still ongoing. However, the existing new unit has some soldiers in it and they need to get to work despite being new.

Jyri will take the scouts out to the Lodge, and dispatch five groups with five men/women in each group out and scout around the Lodge. He wants to get back reports on the effects of the forst, that the Horned God and his minions left behind. He wants to see if there are Shav'arvani refugees that could be convinced to come to Arx to get help. He wants to see if there's been an effect on the land itself - trees, animals, anything odd. The scouts will be asked to stay out for no longer than two nights, and then report back. THey are NOT to engage in fights, but try to remain unseen or simply withdraw if they have to. Fighting will be if they have to defend themselves.

Jyri will scout himself as well, despite a severe lack of stealth, with a team of Iron Guards and close allies.

Reese would like to like join Jyri and help to scout. She would like to go on a scouting mission and help to collect information. She is following Jyri's lead on this mission and will only take over overall command if an emergent need for such arrives. Her goal is to find out information, not draw notice and not cause any trouble. She wants to be good strong support for Jyri and the Iron Guard on this scouting mission. She will fight if she has to in self defense, but her goal is to avoid fights and just collect intel.

Elora is going to be joining up with the scouts, working on her own stealth (which she currently has none of). She'll join Jyri in helping with the Shav'arvani refugees, offering medical aid where she's needed to them, soldiers, and wounded animals. She'll also be checking the area to make sure that the animal's homes are mostly undisturbed and that they can continue safely. She has a hawk and a hound to help aid her during her searches, one on the air and one in the ground.

concerned with the possible affects upon the land, Rhue has gone to specifically evaluate the trees and other flora for anomalies. While she does not have any stealth, she does have skills to assist injurred parties if necessary.

Marian offer her services to Jryi and the Iron Guard. She is willing to lead one of the parties sent out to scout into the forest. She will use her knowledge of survival to navigate the forest, treading lightly while she records the aftermath of the Horned Gods minions. She will bring her bow and on the journey teach the new recruits in her party how to survival in the forest. When she meets any Shav'arvani in the woods she will approach them as a prodigal, telling them of her experience in joining the Compact and trying to convince them to bend on knee. If they refuse, she will leave in piece, having the location mapped by one of her warriors. If they get aggressive, she will use her knowledge of the forest to quickly withdraw and disappear into the trees.

Harper has her own new orders to get underway from Bosshawk, but she's worked with Jyri for a long time and trained with him. So when her friend puts out the call for help, she naturally pitches in to help him build the team. When the time comes for the scouting, she'll head out with the others, taking along some of their new recruits on her team to use this as a training opportunity, as well as to gather information. Once in the field, she will set each of the recruits to their tasks before heading out herself with clear instructions not to engage, to stay low and out of sight, and to report back at regular intervals.

After all the trouble at the Lodge, it's hard to find any shav'arvani at all willing to talk to them. In fact, most scouts can't manage to find anyone at all. Whoever's still there in the Gray Forest, they're being extremely cagey and not at all welcoming to visitors. But this team is filled with seasoned scouts, so it's highly unlikely that they're going home empty-handed, right?

Reese, with her knowledge of the Gray Forest and her experience here, suggests they head northeast. There were plenty of problems coming from that direction toward the Lodge it's true, but by her reasoning that's also the most likely to have people resettled, now that the Compact has spent such time clearing out cultists and very large creatures who were perfectly normal and not any sort of name rhyming with "marmantuan."

Rhue keeps an eye on the foliage now too. With winter passing this should be the time of rebirth, but the foliage here in the forest is much greener than expected. The flowers are blooming early, and in such an abundance it's a heady trip through trees and grassy clearings of wildflowers. Dark red blood apparently does make the green grass grow.

Elora catches the next hint of life, studying the animals and their paths through the forest. She sees a family of deer, squirrels scampering through the trees, the trill of a delighted songbird. She stops, listening to the sounds of the forest and then she looks down and points. "That way," she says as she corrects their course due north now.

It's Harper that catches the next shift - she turns into the wind and sniffs, and there's a faint scent of smoke in the air. She raises a finger to her lips, a call for silence. Together they draw weapons, get ready, advance. Jyri shifts to point, Marian moves to rearguard. They move forward, together.

And they come upon.. a family. Around a campfire. They startle when they see the Compact's scouts, standing up quickly. The parents hide the children behind them protectively, but they raise their hands. It's clear they don't want trouble.

When questioned, they are quick to give up details. The cleansing of the Forest went surprisingly well. Those who followed the Horned God have gone, and their relief at not having the cultists and zealots nearby is palpable. Slowly they're returning to their homes, the shav of the Forest. But though they're grateful to the Compact for handling the massive problems and cultist issues, most of them simply want to live their lives. "No trouble," they says. "We want no trouble."

And that is the current status all through the Forest. Oh, the scouts find evidence of squabbles, and once in a while what looks like signs of a raiding party. But it seems that relative peace has returned to the Gray Forest.

For now.

Action by Marian for The Lodge of Petrichor

(Public Action, OOC Date: Sept. 30, 2018, 6:38 p.m.)

Princess Marian, Warchief to Redrain, is gathering her military leaders together with their allies, and setting the following strategy to protect the Grove at the Lodge from the enemy:

Prep Work (Led by Kaldur & Kalani @action 2715) - Builders will be setting up archery platforms in concentric circles around the grove up to 2 miles out from the Grove's center, leaving room for ground forces inbetween the archery sets. For every three platforms that are for 1 to 3 archers, there is a higher up platform that is for watching for the enemy. There are ziplines to the ground for a quick getaway in event of larger monsters coming our way.

Ground Troops (Led by Vercyn & Thesarin) - Will be forming a series of concentric circles that are inbetween the archers up to 2 miles out from the center of the Grove. As the enemy presses forward, they will retreat to form closer formations and protect each others back.

Archer Division (Led by Marian) - Will utilize the archery platforms to snipe the enemy from above and provide cover for our ground troops fighting on the ground. One the event of larger foes, will shoot ropes to each other, trying to set up trip lines utilizing the stronger trees.

Wolf Packs (Led by Aksel) - Will run freely between the ground troops, doing attack and retreat to try to funnel the enemy in areas where we have greater coverage, and pick off the weaker foes that have been damaged by other forces.

Shaman Guard - Well skilled band of warriors and archers shall be the last line of defense to protect the Inner Circle of the Grove. Above all we are trying to protect the ancient oak, prium-rich flowers and shaman performing rituals (@action 2624).

In the event of a gargantuan coming to our area, a coordinated effort will be made by the archers to set up the ropes for tripping, the wolf packs to surprise/trip the foe to fall backward and then the ground forces to converge on 'sweet spots' like eyes, ears, throat, groin, knees, and achilles tendon.

Vercyn will be leading his army to form rings (concentric circles as ascribed by Marian) around the Grove proper. They will be spread out at decent ranges to both allow for fighting, to give the archers good range and line of sight, and so that when the fighting compresses there is not too much of a frenzied rush. The other troops (not just Thesarin's, but those brought in by Aodhan, Marcas, and any others) will be given as much room to work in, though Vercyn's own will work with the landscape as best as possible: lending to their time in the North and knowledge of fighting within dense areas.

Gerard is no hunter, his skills being of the blade and the dance of death, and so he will stand as part of the Shaman Guard. While he is a fine soldier, these are Redrain, not Valardin men and women, and he will be better served here, at the final line and as primary protection for the shamans making their rituals and the trees themselves. There he makes his stand, and there will be no retreat, no surrender. Victory or death are the only options for him, and he faces them with resolve, for there is no higher calling than to fight in the name of the Gods, and the Compact.

A fighter of almost twenty year's experience, he understands that where you are most vulnerable is almost certainly where the enemy will strike, if they can, and so his focus will particularly be upon the shamans themselves, as well as any nearby commanders in the area. Soldiers can look after soldiers (and he will where he can), but protecting the key combatants is how the day will be won here, while destroying their own.

As the spiritual aspect of Shamanism is still not his strong suit. Brogan intends to be defending the Shadow Walkers directly. Guarding the Shaman during their ritual is critical by his thinking. Once he is done with that detail, Brogan intends to detach and take the fight to the enemy along with the main Redrain force.

Lord Aodhan Crovane, despite being out of action for a number of months, will form part of the ground troops with numbers of his own, led by Vercyn and Thesarin. Despite his hiatus due to injury, he's still an extremely capable warrior and a stubborn fighter. He will do all he can to help hold the line.

Marcas will form part of the ground troops being led by Vercyn & Thesarin. He will stay as close to where the archers are positioned as possible, in particular looking for any foes that might be attempting to climb the trees and/or directly attack the archers. He is known as a fierce fighter, and will certainly be motivated by both a strong desire to protect the grove and the shamans within it, as well as his fellow fighters.

The defense of the grove is not easy. Fortunatly, Princess Marian, Warlord of Redrain, is more than used to defense - and Aodhan and Vercyn are capable commanders alongside her. The battle was fierce, even as the shaman worked their ritual - and they were successful. Not without cost, and yet the Grove stands.

Action by Valdemar for Growing Grimhall

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 31, 2018, 11:29 p.m.)

After hearing from High Lord Victus that Jakric Hullman has been spotted around Grihem's Point with pirates flying what seems to be Reveka Tyde's flag, after our own intelligence pointed at a large number of pirates flocking to that same flag, house Grimhall has decided to go pirate hunting. Valdemar will be taking the Grim Fleet out to try to thin out the pirates around his home, along with other key military commanders. They will be trying to capture as many pirates and ships as possible, though the emphasis will be on allowing as few as possible to escape. Valdemar will be looking at maps of trade routes that pass through or near Grihem's Point, including the new one set up by Iseulet Blackshore's group, so that he can find the best places to patrol and set up ambushes for the pirates. He will be focusing mostly on the strategic aspects of the expedition, allowing others who are along to take immediate tactical command when the enemy is actually engaged. Though he will take part in the fighting, of course, wielding Grimhowl when that time comes.

Logistics. That is what will make a fleet run successful even before and after all the fighting is done. And Edward is going to apply his talents at making sure that the fleet has proper logistics for going on a lengthy pirate hunt. In addition he is the one responsible for making sure the Captains of the various ships and command ships are lined up, they know whom they are answering to and which flag ships they take primary orders from. This will free up Lord Valdemar and Count Turo to focus on other primary fleet maneuvers without worrying about ships getting out of formation. In addition, Edward will be flying his own flag, so to speak, from the dromond of the Isles Canines so that he can ensure that fleet integration between the Grimhall ships and the mercenaries goes well - while Commodore Dycard Blackshore as the one giving official commands to the mercenary elements.

As Commodore of the Isles Canines fleet - that is, the man acting as go-between between the forces of Grimhall, Navegant and the mercenary fleet they've hired - Dycard is using the Canines Dromond as his flagship and chief bait, and relaying orders as necessary to keep the Pack working with rather than against the Grimhalls and their allies. Dycard is also making sure that communications flow freely, and that no noble hackles get raised by the Canines' less-orthodox tactics. He's been hired to hunt pirates - this time at least - but the goodwill value of happy customers can't be overestimated.

Pirates! Turo is all in for pirates. The fleet - the ones that are free, anyway - are mobilised to become a part of the effort to sweep them all up. He applies himself fully to the effort, too. Whether it's in planning the attacks, strategising how to get the most bang for their buck, so to speak, or planning specific engagements, Turo is 100% in on this. While he's not going to swashbuckle his way to the enemy decks, he'll be there for the fighting, commanding ships to maximise their effectiveness.

Princess Marian Redrain brings the Redrain navy to the aid of Grimhall. With the help of her naval commanders, she uses her war strategy and fighting skills to drive the pirates into the sea. While she'll leave the sailing to the experts, Marian will help in whatever other ways that she can.

Being the commanding officer of the Navegant Marine forces, Regla Navegant is not going to let her Brother off to fight pirates alone. She, on the other hand, will be there for swashbuckling her way on to enemy decks via boarding operations, landing operations, search and destroy, all that cool military ground stuff.

Pirates! Adventure! Trying not to fall overboard! Orelia will be accompanying, having been requested to chronicle the venture. Though she's not hired as a soldier, she's more than willing to defend herself if necessary and will be using Siren Song should the situation arise. The escapades of those involved she will be putting to verse and performing until it 'catches on', embodying all the thrill and swashbuckling drama that audiences are certain to adore.

Jakric Hullman is a hard man to find. But Valdemar Grimhall has every intention of finding him nonetheless. With the aid of Baron Edward and Lord Dycard and the Isles Canines, they pin him down at last. And though there's some who think there's no way it could be easy, Dycard certainly makes it look that way. Somehow he just knows - they are biding their time and planning to attack just before dawn, but Dycard presses on forward, attacking in the late afternoon instead, earlier than expected.

It catches Hullman off guard, and they catch his fleet as the sailors are preparing to sail with the tide. With Count Turo and Lady Regla, Princess Marian, Lord Valdemar and Baron Edward and Lord Dycard - there's not much getting out of it. Buckles are swashed and the fighting is intense - but very brief, and in the end there are two captive galleys and a handful of pirates that Valdemar has every intention of sending through the court system to enthrall or punish.

And Hullman? Hullman is captured for questioning. And there are so many questions.

Action by Victus

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 27, 2018, 3:56 p.m.)

Prince Victus and a team of trusted warriors head north, to the lands of Crovane after being told by their Marin'alfar friends that there is a companion in danger. Their objective is to retrieve Venteri alive and get the fuck outta there as soon as possible. Smash and grab is the preferred route here. They will be taking a warship (dromond) and four longships as escort. The team that will make the rescue itself will be comprised of Victus, Valerio, Marian, Arik, Luca and Barric. Others will stay ashore in the North to receive them and provide healing or back-up if it's necessary.

They will also be bringing along the following tools by the grace of Princess Katarina, Cobalt's Compass and Cobalt's Lantern. It's hoped they'll light the way to Venteri and back home safe. Hoped.

Prince Barric is going to travel north with the rest of the rescue team and prepare to do bloodshed. Given the speed in which the team wants to move (And because metal sinks in the ocean) he will use his leather armor. When the fighting starts he will use Elvesbane and focus entirely on smashing, and grabbing. He will prioritize protecting whomever is holding the Compass and the Lantern at all times so that the group has the best chance of success.

Marshal Mazetti will of course travel with the team Prince Victis assembles. Valerio also ensures that there is a selection of the Guardian elite there to choose from, and makes some of the Ostrian navy ready for use as needed. Either to the mission directly, or to patrol where Prinnce Victis decides in order replace the Thraxian units utilized.

Cora will be staying back in a secondary camp as support. A sword if needed and a healer if needed but not part of the main team. She will be ready to assist as necessary.

Alarissa will be traveling only as far as the secondary camp where the group is set to fall way back to after they have found and rbought back Venteri and any of the other Marin'Alfar that Venteri was sent to find, if they are alive. With skills in patching people up as well - not near as fabled as a mercy or even a member of the physicians guild - and organization, she'll be working int andem with Coraline to ensure that all is ready for when the group makes their way back and be ready to move if they need to seriously fall back even further because of stuff (tm).

Princess Marian doesn't have any sailing skills so she'll primarily assist in the rescue and fighting their way out of their if need be. She'll be outfitted in her exotic leather and using Second Chance for her weapon. She will bring her bow, Artos, in case there's long distance fighting. She will work in tandom with Barric to make sure the Compass and Lantern are covered at all times

Luca's coming along for this smash and grab adventure that promises a chance at both challenge and death. He'll be armored in his mix of exotic leathers and steelsilk, and carrying both his alaricite blade and his ancient-forged Cobalt blade. The mission is to rescue Venteri, and so that's what he will focus on. The only two things that will break his stride in cutting down whatever stands between his group and Venteri is if Marian Redrain is likely to lose her life, or if Barric Grayson manages to lose Elvesbane (by death or accident, you know), wherein he'll attempt to recover it, the thing being Grayson's heirloom sword and all.

Arik Halfshav is going with the group to rescue Venetri. Like as not he'll be focused on Venetri's safety as well as ensuring the artifacts are not lost on the trip. Some mix of steel and leathers will be in his gear and Frostfang will be in hand.

A ship returns to the port in Arx and a somber delegation disembarks. High Lord Victus, Princess-Consort Alarissa, Princess Coraline, Lord Arik, Prince Luca and Princess Marian walk down the gangplank. With them are two bodies - Prince Barric Grayson and Lord Valerio Mazetti rest on wooden planks, carried by their companions off the ship. Rumors fly - they left on a mission of mercy, a rescue mission. And though they were successful it was not without great cost. They say Lord Valerio died standing between Lord Arik and danger, selflessly giving his life that his companion could live. Rumor has it he saw the Shining Lands as he died, and his final words were a greeting to his long-dead, beloved wife. And Prince Barric? Beset by controversy and rumor, it is said he was firm in the face of danger, courageous against the evils of the abyss (surely that is hyperbole, but the peole nod anyway because it makes a better story), and that his final words were to confirm his loyalty and love for his family. "None Greater Than Grayson," he said as he fell.

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 21, 2018, 6:03 a.m.)

Princess Marian Redrain continues on her recruiting and training efforts in the Redrain lands. Once the winter thaws, she will make her rounds, seeing the progress of those in training. Also with the help of Guildmaster Joscelin, Marian will bring skilled tradesmen to showcase the latest techniques in weapons and armor so Redrain weaponsmiths and armorers outfit these new warriors with the best arms.

Darren accompanies Marian's recruiting party, his presence lending the weight of authority to all they do. This time around, with pensions having already been paid and enough time having passed to soften painful memories, Darren does gather the townspeople in each village to deliver a rousing speech. He speaks of the higher call to serve that drives the valiant. He speaks of salaries earned and glory won, and of homeland defended. His words are different in each place, guided by the faces he sees and what he feels, but despite the differences the message each time is clear: 'Your Highlord calls you and your fealty needs you. The time to stand up and serve is now.' After the speeches he will oversee the enlistment of new recruits. Those who stand to serve are divided between the infantry and archers based on aptitude.

Gwenna accompanies Marian once again on her recruiting efforts, following up with those they visited before who may have heeded the call during their previous efforts. During the times that Marian works on physical training with the soldiers, and the tradesmen are showcasing, Gwenna will make the usual rounds trying to encourage any who have not joined, to do so. She will also take the time to check in with those families that received their pensions last visit and how they are doing. Ultimately, Gwenna will again try to be the softer side of the Redrain efforts.

Artur goes along on the recruiting trip and does...well, it's not so much recruiting in the traditional sense, but he spends a lot of time in taverns buying rounds of drinks for the locals and telling them crazy stories of adventure and derring do, firing them up with stories of the North and it's legendary past. By day, he cuts a slightly more sensible figure, training hard with the new recruits and putting them through their paces. Artur isn't a swordsman of legend, of course, but he's usually far beyond the average farmboy unless he's really hungover, so hopefully he puts on a half decent show! He's here, there and everywhere, filled with infectious excitement and winning smiles.

Joscelin Arterius has more than enough talented blacksmiths skilled in weaponry and armor to teach the Redrain weaponsmiths everything they could possible want to know about the trade. She would provide materials and manpower to teach and hone the Redrain tradesmen, and donating any left over for Marian dole out as she sees fit.

Rebuilding after the pirate fleet issues continues. Under Redrain Warlord Marian's capable direction, with High Lord Darren, Prince Artur, and Princess Gwenna assisting, Marian goes on a recruitment drive. It is surprisingly well-received, and many enlist on the spot - many more so when they hear Guildmistress Joscelin is making sure the best of the Crafters' Guild are responsible for outfitting these new recruits. Even as the threat surrounding the Lodge and the spirits taking refuge there looms large, Redrain shows it's preparing.

Action by Cullen

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 14, 2018, 7:28 p.m.)

When the knights of the True Compact surrendered to Marquis Marius Greenmarch after a pitched battle and clever diplomacy won the day for House Greenmarch, it was understood that these outlaws would formally bend the knee in exchange for their continued existence, and that they'd be disarmed and forced to settle in the Greenwood to become more productive subjects - mainly producing timber and bows for export and increase Greenmarch's tax revenue. To see this chapter of bloody insurrection and conspiracy fully resolved, Lord Cullen Greenmarch, as the General of Greenmarch's army, will ride out at the head of that force to see the True Compact fulfill their promise with other members of the family ready to do their parts to make the process as smooth as possible.

A healer and a diplomat, Margret goes to assist Simone in working with the Knights and Villagers to see the Knights settled. She also teaches those villages how to live healthily by instructing them on basic hygiene (put the village latrine away from the drinking water) and basic first aid. This is done not only to keep them healthy, but to solidify their trust. If Greenmarch cares about their health then they care about them.

After convincing the leader of the knights to surrender, Marius will keep working with him. Not content to simply have the knights to be subjects, he wants them to be productive, loyal, members of the march that see a future within Greenwood. He'll talk to the leader about the proud history of Greenmarch, the way of cooperating and how to best settle in to make the best of things for both the march and themselves.

Having helped to resolve the conflict and to get the knights to lay down their weapons though diplomacy alongside Marius, Simone will now go with Cullen to see to the long-term stability of the knights. She will speak to nearby villages until a place can be found where the least likelihood of repraisal or hard feelings is to be an issue. She will work with both the knights and the villages to see them settled and productive and to help them deal with and lay aside previous prejudices that led to the conflict in the first place.

The charm that the Minx of the Marches is known for is on full display here. She is warm and welcoming and spends a good deal of time with the men and women formerly of the True Compact, helping them adjust to their new lives as bondsmen and women of Greenmarch.

Alessandro will be along to see to the accounts side of things. He will be helping secure apprenticeships for the former knights, liaising with Dame Ida to assist her by providing coin for materials for her toolmaking, keeping track of money needed for the venture, as well as how the incomes grow as people settle into their new lives. He will also be figuring out tax amounts and making sure everything is set up for payment to Greenmarch.

Through the last few years as a Ranger of the Silver Order serving his mission as guide and protector for deployed healers, Jamie Greenmarch has worked to protect these very men and in many cases, fought alongside them. After all, their battle prowess is not suddenly lost despite their shift to lumberjacks and fletchers. That comraderie is never forgotten and Jamie will use it to help facilitate the agenda of his family in this area, through building a more trusting and better relationship with the former Knights.

At the invitation of both Lords Alessandro and Cullen Greenmarch, Ida will accompany the party on their endeavor. As a knight herself and, maybe, still well-known pugilist, the smith will talk about her younger years of fixing as many plows as she did armor and how a good days work is still pretty damn rewarding. All that, though, because she's just chatty. The Ida's main focus will be bringing some journeymen from the shop and deliver a number of tools the former knights will need for their new trades. If any show interest in learning how to make such themselves, she will happily instruct them.

Norwood brings his own unique perspective to the soon to be farmer knights - being one himself from ages past. (Albeit with bees.) It's a solid practice run for Norwood's own future of trying to convince people who aren't particularly peaceful to settle down with the compact. He'll teach them what he knows about woodsman arts from his own childhood. It's okay to be a lumberjack!

Marian has gone through the transition from shav to prodigal. She does some volunteering with the Office of Prodigal and Refugee Affairs. She can offer valuable insight to Cullen in how to make the transition go smoother. As well as watch over the party visiting just in case any rogue factions try to derail the transition. While it's clear that Cullen is definitely in charge, Marian will take this opportunity to teach her protege what she knows.

In the Greenmarch, some shav upstarts have been claiming to be the One True Compact. But under the leadership of Lord Cullen Greenmarch they've been brought to heel. Princess Marian, Baron Norwood, Dame Ida, Lord Jamie, Lord Alessandro, Lady Monique, Marquessa Simone, Marquis Marius and Lady Margret all had their parts to play as well. Convincing the shav to bend the knee rather than be slaughtered was the first task, and helping them acclimate as part of the Compact was the second. They succeeded beyond what they could have hoped for, and as a result Greenhaven is more productive and stronger than ever before.

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 3, 2018, 3:12 p.m.)

Princess Marian Redrain wants her people to be prepared to defend themselves for whatever comes next. She recognizes in times of peace our soldiers need to have activities to keep their skills honed. With the permission of High Lord Darren, Marian is going to create bands of 4 to 6 soldiers that are skilled in matters of warfare and then send them to the various villages in Redrain to start training their people how to fight. For those that show a gift for the sword, these villagers will be invited to join the Redrain military. Veterns who no longer can actively serve will be given an opportunity to take up training positions so the knowledge can be continued after these initial groups return to the army. In addition, Marian herself will be traveling with High Lord Darren, Princess Gwenna and an retinue of nobles to deliver the pensions and oversee this training.

While Marian and Gwenna handle the training and administration, Darren will be delivering the pensions directly to the families of the fallen in each and every place the delegation visits. He will take the time to console losses and thank families for their ultimate sacrifice. He won't be giving fancy speeches or raining empty platitudes, but having simple, genuine conversations. He will hug widows and kiss babies in an effort to be seen and felt by his people.

While boasting no martial prowess herself, Gwenna will instead encourage those in the villages toward learning to fight to defend themselves or honing their skills. For those who show promise and might hedge on joining the Redrain military, she reminds them of their chance at history, of serving along side the legendary Marian should they choose to join. She will listen to the tales told by the veterans who can no longer serve and how important it is that they share these stories and their knowledge with the next generation. Lastly, she will take time to speak with the families once they receive their pensions, sincerely wanting to learn more about their loved ones who were lost. Gwenna's role will be that of listener, encourager to the people, and support to both Marian and Darren as they travel.

Arik is not a chipper man and nor is he a diplomat. As the main group goes forth to hand out pensions Arik is part of the soldiers that are sent from place to place to train those willing to join the Redrain Military. Arik makes no secret that he is the Sword of Whitehold and a Halfshav Lord supporting his liege. During his time with the commonfolk he challenges them if a Lord from hundreds of miles away can come and help why can they who live on Redrain lands not step up. Any who answer the challenge get pointers from the man along with suggestions on what weapons would best suite them. He doesn't spend more than fifteen minutes per willing serf. Simple iron weapons are provided by Arik himself until supplies run out!

Lydia will accompany Marian, Gwenna and Darren to deliver pensions. If Lydia gets the opportunity, she will "spar" with those who come to learn... she's not a very physical character, but not everyone they meet will be a gladiator and she might just learn something herself, make friends, and find connections. She is young and will encourage those like her that the world will rise up to meet them if they step up and take part in it, as she herself is evidence of this.

Donella will accompany her husband as he delivers the pensions personally, following suit by breaking into personal conversations with those that come forward. She will listen to their problems and try to make them spread the word of how their sacrifice was important for the realm and how House Redrain will not forget about those who shed blood for their cause. During her conversations, she'll try to show how joining the army will protect them all in the long run and how a strong, big and unified army will guarantee fewer losses.

Under the direction of their Warlord Princess Marian, the Redrain family makes a tour of their lands. High Lord Darren delivers pensions to those who lost family members in the recent fight against the Pirate King. He offers words of encouragement and genuine conversations. These are not speeches for the masses, they're private words that show how much his heart lies with his people. With Princess Donella at his side, and Duchess Lydia Nightgold joining them, the trio reach out to those who have suffered losses and truly touched their hearts. "We mourn with you," is the message they offer. "We grieve. We grow closer. We will not forget. We will rebuild." It's a comforting message in this time of sorrow, and their genuine outreach is very well received.

Princess Marian takes the lead in recruiting now too. She spends time with people who might have an aptitude for swordwork. She encourages them to join the army. "This is how we protect what we love," she offers. She brings with her Princess Gwenna and Lord Arik Halfshav and together they offer to teach and test whoever is willing. Any of those who want to join the military and show an aptitude for it are offered a slot. Princesses Marian and Gwenna are quite well received - though Lord Arik comes across as not having much time for the people, his approach of "spend no more than fifteen minutes with each person" not exactly well received. And yet even with that social gaffe the three manage to see recruitment numbers swell.

On the whole, it's a successful trip, the Redrain army has new recruits, pensioners are taken care of, and the royal family of Redrain (and friends!) is spoken of fondly as they see to the needs and the hearts of their people.

Action by Petal

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 1, 2018, 7:55 p.m.)

Petal is going to take all her white flowers and move them to the lodge of Petrichor. She is doing this with Leola's permission and blessing. The idea is to have them cared for at the lodge. She will also build a green house there, giving them a home for when it is colder.

Ectorion isn't good with plants usually, that's Petal's schtick. He's good with woodworking though, and carpentry, and metalworking and the like. He's going to focus on building the greenhouse, applying his skills to try and make it the best greenhouse it can be.

Marian has no knowledge in agriculture, but she's happy to carry the plants from Petal's place to the Lodge. Lending her strength to help ferry these precious plants across the city.

In order to expedite the movement of the precious plants from Petal's greenhouse to the Lodge, Cullen will round up some locals from the Lowers to provide labor, using his natural aura of authority and experience in leading others on the battlefield and off of it, carrying some plants himself to provide inspiration

The move of the flowers is successful. Under Petal's direction and Marian's care, the workers assembled by Cullen and Tallius manage to get the flowers moved to the Lodge. At first, they aren't sure that the flowers will take root - but then there is an evening of storms, and in the flash of lightning, a unicorn is seen standing guard. That lone unicorn, the last remnant of the herd, standing vigil over the Lodge itself.

After that, the flowers at last take root and start to grow, though the greenhouse is sometimes bathed in an eerie light in the middle of the night, and once in a while a gardener sees hoofprints outside the greenhouse. And yet they grow and they flourish, and it is said their scent is heavy and wondrous, and brings rest and rejuvenation to those who linger among them.

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: May 15, 2018, 1:17 p.m.)

Princess Marian Redrain organizes the Redrain ward guard to make sure they keep an eye out for shards and chunks of light absorbent black glass are poisonous waste left behind by one of the Gyre's weapons. Whatever tainted material is found is then turned over to the Inquisition. Provided those men step forward, then no punishment is given. For those that have to have the shards removed with force. They are sent to the Physicians Guild and the Spirit Walkers to ensure no ill effects, and once they're well and clear of taint, they are reprimanded and required to give service by aiding the reconstruction of families that lost loved ones during the battle.

Ianna oversees the collection, observing the effects on the workers and making sure they are healthy and doing all they can to be safe.

With Prince Gareth seeing to the task of investigating the shards of glass in Redrain, the Inquisitor will not be alone. No, he'll be accompanied by Morrighan, temporarily glued to his side while he's in the Ward, escorting him around the premises. The dame will ensure that no one gives Gareth a difficult time as he investigates and questions, but at the same time she'll keep the Prince-Inquisitor in check and make sure he plays nice with the Northern people.

Gareth will actually be hunting down this stuff. He is familiar with it, involved heavily in the study of the tainted glass. Gareth will be doing what Gareth does best. Following the clues. Interviewing people, did someone say something stupid? Did someone act suspicious at a specific time? Putting together a timeline, Gareth will be working out who are potential holders of the glass, and where they can be located.

Quietly, they do scour all over the Ward of House Redrain and find all the tainted glass and quarantine and collect it, with the ground being worked (and blessed) afterwards. After a week or so, grass does begin to regrow in the affected areas. It does seem to be contained for now.

Action by Silas for Gyre Straits

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 4, 2018, 8:23 a.m.)

Iron Guard, Faith and Kings Own got you covered, baby. Plans in case a fleet feints and heads for Arx, possible attempts at a hostage situation:

Have plans in place to evacuate the Boroughs, but only if absolutely necessary, and more geared towards getting the city's most vulnerable to safety (we will NOT be moving people OUT of the city, only to more defensible areas!). Shelters will be prepared to accommodate the masses who seek refuge, and we may require the other wards to accept commoners seeking shelters should the Boroughs no longer be safe to occupy. We will begin to plant the suggestion that we may need to evacuate the Boroughs in the forseeable future as an attempt to alleviate panic.

* The Iron Guard and the Faith factions will be coordinating their efforts under the direction of Lord Commander Silas and Dame Thena, much like they did in the last siege. The former will be more focused on maintaining the peace, whereas the latter will likely be fighting with both sword and soup ladle. This should put the populace at greater ease in the following weeks.

* Checkpoints will be placed at the gates from the plains into the city, the harbor into the Lowers, and the Compact Ward into the Crown Ward to better acquire and organize information. These checkpoints will be overseen by Lieutenant Michael and Faith appointees, and some of the Iron Guard's newer recruits who come from the isles will be placed at these points to better vet the people providing their documents. They will be taking take names, affiliations, destinations, etc.

* Dame Thena and Princess Marian will be reaching out the the Commoners Council to rope them into more specific plans for the defense of the Boroughs. May include traps and/or harbor fortification.

* The King's Own will be protecting the royal family.

Calaudrin will be doing his job, training and leading groups of Iron Guard. This will including scouting with small groups beyond the walls to check for potential threats and keeping an eye on the walls.

Rymarr will be focusing much of his attentions within the greater Iron Guard effort on his assigned area: the Seawatch Gate and Seawatch South. Increased patrols, heightened readiness, and group training regimens are called for. Rymarr intends to lead by example and thus perform his own duties with a touch more gusto. On top of that the hope is that those fellow Iron Guard that he has sway over may join him in setting that example of a more proactive defensive force in the face of potential invasion. Along with following the orders dispensed from above, Rymarr intends to begin preparing the Seawatch Gate and Seawatch South for more potential pitched battles. In answer to those same orders from above, Rymarr hopes to orchestrate a streamlined system of patrols around the area and heightened inspections of those entering or departing the city, while attempting to not make it so inconvenient that traffic in and out of Arx is disrupted. To accomplish some of this, Rymarr fully intends to invest some of his own funds and contacts into the endeavor to hopefully ensure that the Iron Guard is prepared to face a threat.

Estaban will be helping the long ships get ready and make sure they are set up for their patrolls on the water, he will also be doing Dock patrols and making sure everything is set before he himself has to ship out with the fleet.

Kenna will be putting her organizational and logistical mind to making sure that all the little details of the guard get settled. Schedules, organizing reports, and making sure everything goes where it needs to go will be her part in this. Where others look at the Macro she'll keep her eyes on the micro and hopefully put together any pieces that might otherwise not get connected without a dedicated set of eyes. She also puts her time into making sure that the individuals in the guard have someone looking out for them on a personal level. She'll be looking for signs of stress and individuals taking too much on at one time. (Especially Silas.)

Princess Marian Redrain, military liason to the Ministry of Defense, has reached out to the Commoners Council to arrange for a town hall for all commoners to hear what the Iron Guard, King's Own, the Faith and Ministry of Defense are doing to keep Arx safe. This town hall will occur once military plans have been finalized by these organizations. She will also assist Iron Guard in coming up with an evacuation plan for non-combatants in the Upper and Lower Boroughs to ensure no lives are lost from panic if the enemy comes at our doorstep.

Sparte has fallen into the role of organizer between the Iron Guard and the other guards and troops in Arx that may be called to the defense of the city if it is under siege. He has received approval from each of the great houses to organize cross-training between their men and Iron Guard forces, so that if a crisis does come to Arx again they will be ready to work together to protect the city.

Derovai has been approached to keep an eye on the Lowers. He'll do so and check back with Calaudrin, whom he knows, to see if there's any other potential usefulness he might have.

Even as the diplomats focus on esprit du corps, the Iron Guard, some of the Knights of the Faith, and the King's Own are settling in to protect Arx.

Under Lord Commander Silas Whitehawk and Calaudrin Estes, the Iron Guard are instituting checkpoints at all the major gates. Marquis Rymarr and his people secure the Seawatch Gate, setting the example for a proactive defensive force in case of potential invasion. 'Constant Vigilance' is his watchword, and his influence spreads. The guards at the South Gate are looking particularly sharp these days.

Baron Estaban Saik mans the docks and leads the Iron Guard to make sure that all ships are properly inspected, and all cargo correct and complete. It's a difficult job, what with the propensity of ship captains to smuggle the odd thing here and there (as is their inalienable right as captain, most will argue) but he does a commendable job. The docks are quiet and safe, for now.

Derovai Voss heads to the Lowers, keeping an ear to the ground on behalf of the Iron Guard - he's casual enough to make it seem like happenstance, but he's clearly probing to try to keep ahead of any rumors of malcontent or, worse yet, cultists. So far so good, and Arx is as secure as the Iron Guard can make it.

Meanwhile, the King's Own is keeping a close eye on the King, the Queen, and the babies, more diligent even than usual and certainly more formal about who is admitted into the presence, and who is allowed to keep anything sharper than a table knife when approaching.

Lady Kenna Whitehawk keeps an eye on everyone as they work, determined to make sure they are still taking care of themselves even as new trainees fresh from classes with Officer Sparte Fatchforth start their own patrols, following plans coordinated between Lord Commander Silas, Princess Marian Redrain, Dame Thena Grayhope, and Lord Commander Leona Thrax.

Action by Marian for Gyre Straits

(Public Action, OOC Date: March 3, 2018, 5:24 p.m.)

Princess Marian, Warchief to Redrain, is gathering her military leaders together and setting the following strategy to repel the abyssal fleet that is sailing on House Crovane's Stormwall:

Phase 1: Call on the Spirits (Led by Khanne) - Shamans will pray to the spirits of Wind to blow away the clouds if the 'night walkers' are present or on Wind and Storm to storm on the enemy before they reach shore if they are normal humans (note: see @action 1878 if they make it through the storm, see below)

Phase 2: Stop the Enemy's Landfall and Defend the Beaches (Led by Vercyn & Edain) - Once the enemy is in range, there are 3 prong attack done in 3 rounds to cut down the enemy as they try to get to the beaches? Round 1) Siege Weapons used to fire on ships to try to sink the men before they get to shore (note: burn the weapons if have to give up ground); Round 2) Fire reigns down on the men that try to come ashore on longboats (note: when cavalry engage, archers retreat back to the castle) 3) Cavalry swoop in and cut down the men that make it to the beach

Phrase 3: Defend the Castle (Led by Marian, Mydas & Ainsley) - once the enemy goes through the gauntlet set up on the beaches... Round 1) As men approach the castle, arrows reign down to kill Round 2) If they manage to storm the castle, pike armies try to get them as they scale walls or break down gates; Round 3) Infantry engages if they get through (note: there will be a way out so we can slip into the passes if the castle gets taken; we would like to rig explosives to make Stormwall one big trap if we have to give it up); The Healers (Led by Eilonwy & Reigna) will be based out of the Castle and assist the wounded from those armies that fall back from the Beaches (note: they will be the first to evacuate if the castle is taken)

Phase 4: Retreat through the Passes (Led Sigurd & Armel) - If we can't kill them at Stormwall, then we will led them into the passes and take them there... Round 1) the Infantry triggers the traps; Round 2) Archers reign down arrows on those that survive the traps

Fairhaven Defense: Darren is taking a unit of Infantry and Calvary to Fairhaven that is going to be outside of the main defense of Stormwall.

As Darren figures out how many Redrain soldiers will answer his call of banners, he begins organizing soldiers in to the most efficient army he possibly can. He'll use his knowledge to set up units and align them in Marian's army to give her a good balance of size and clarity of communication. While he won't be going to Stormwall himself (he has no heir yet) he wants to set up the army to have the greatest chance of success and will dedicate his own knowledge and the resources of Redrain to do it.

Sigurd(Siguard?) Nightgold will be leading the forces holding the passes in case of eventual retreat.

Eilonwy is supporting the militia by working with other healers. She's using her experience as a triage healer in several battles to help lead and ensure soldiers are patched up and sent back out to fight in fighting form or sent to infirmaries for more intensive care.

Reigna will be coordinating with the other healers to set up and maintain triage stations within the castle, making use of several units of the now-trained civilian healers that she's called. Relying on the training they've been through in setting up and breaking down triage hospitals, she'll be organizing and coordinating with the other healers, particularly Cybele, Valery and Eilonwy to maintain protocols and ensure the best possible care is given, while being prepared for potential evacuation. Evacuation plans will be laid in case the worst happens, and Reigna plans to ensure there are drills run so that people are as ready as they can be, they know what they need to do if and when the time comes. With those preparations made, she is also going to be using her skills as a healer to aid the wounded.

Marquis Mydas Acheron will command his troops from the castle, with the intention to preserve as many of his soldiers' life as possible, while inflicting as much slaughter upon the invaders as possible. As such, he applies his tactical mind to the task, making plans within plans to make the pirates pay for every inch. Though they may be forced to retreat if the worst might come to pass, Mydas' soldiers will fight their very best, strike hard and ruthlessly, and offer no mercy to the enemies of the Compact, the Gods and the Spirits. All beneath the red.

Ainsley will be bringing with him the Grayson ground troops. These men and women will be set to fortify the castle. He will also be bringing with him a Siege Weapon, which will be set up to help rebel any forces that attempt to siege the castle. He and his men will be set to protect and rebel. Anyone who gets through they'll fight. If it looks like the castle is going to fall, they will start getting the non-combatants and the like out, through escape routes to Sigurd and Armel's troops.

Preston is leading the Templars en masse up North, leaving only a small force of Crownland Templars to guard the capital (Army: Templars on Parade #156) in case the Dominus needs them, or a army of cultists rises up and needs a right good stabbing. The rest, including the newly purchased trebuchet Aion, will be heading to crovane along with a heavy mounted knight contingent of the knights of solace. This is detailed in action #1774 as well as action #1874 in greater detail. The Templars will be offering an alternative to Phase 1, namely prayers to the pantheon and seeking Gloria's assistance to defend the innocent against the wicked, and to hold the honour she has taught us dear. The Templars are bringing gear for more temporary trebuchets as well as their more permanent one, so will be helping in that part of Phase 2, as well as engaging the enemy in what is hoped is a decisive battle. Templars have a deviation then after phase 2. As detailed in action 1774, the Templars will retreat south and should the enemy attack/siege stormwall and the defenders sally out, they will charge into the rear, otherwise as Phase 3 and 4 occur, the Templars will withdraw south to prevent the enemy marching down into the Compact.

Thesarin will be leading the Riven forces in the defense of Stormwall, under the direction of Marian and Ainsley. He'll be paying special attention toward the forests around Stormwall, to bleed the Gyre's forces on the approach (@action 1844), with the plan of falling back to the castle as the army approaches. He'll help coordinate plans, lead troops, and fight in combat himself if need be.

Edain will lead his force of 2000 mounted knights into battle on the beaches of Stormwall, per Marian's battle strategy, but he will be relying on Lord Alban to assist him his strategiest and look to him to help him set his formations.

Edain will be following Marian's strategy and coordinating with Duke Vercyn and Archlector Cassandra to arrange Cavalry strikes on the Pirate Kings Forces as the touch down on the beaches. When it comes time to fall back to the city he will direct his forces to cover the shaman, archers and seige engineers falling back to the city. When it comes time to fall back completely they will fall back and regroup, all the way to where Armel and the Knights of Solace hold the pass. Once regrouped and ready they will try and attack the Priate King's flanks once they are enaged with the walls of Stormwall. They will help Armel defend the pass if it is comprimised after falling back.

See action for #1821 for more details of those assisting Edain.

Acting as infantry in the frontlines of the defense, Echo will hold her ground in Crovane lands with her blade in hand, doing whatever she can to protect the enemy from breaching the first line of defense. Should Stormwall's defenses fail and Echo be forced to fall back, she'll be helping out set off traps.

Knight-Princess Astraea swore a vow that she would see Darren and Donella safely to Farhaven and she intends to do so. She makes her pilgrimages to each of the shrines around the city, leaving her offerings and prayers to each of the Gods. After she believes herself armed with their blessings she will see to her duty. When that task is complete, Astraea takes her sword and shield with the fastest horse before making haste to the frontlines. She will fight to stop the enemy's advance and defend Crovane lands with all the ferocity and might she can muster.

Seymour will be overseeing supply lines and resupply from the safety of somewhere other than Stormwall. Specifics are in action 1782.

Ordered to keep an eye on Giant's Reach's forces and lacking any real commanding talent, Amarantha spends her time volunteering and gathering funds. She sees that the supplies from Sanna go to the correct places and invests her own writs into supporting Redrain's armies.

Agatha will be involved in phase 3 of the plan, the castle defense, where she will lead the pikemen in their attemps to smash and cut down the vanguard of the enemy onslaught attempting to get to the castle at the doors and over the walls. After prayers to the Pantheon and communion with the spirits, armed with a mighty roar and indomitable spirit (and gear), she'll be doing her best to keep the men and women of the pikeline steady so they can help delay the enemy as long as possible before a retreat is necessary.

Tallius will ship out with the other Redrain, lending his bow and his skill as a carpenter in whatever measures they can be of use. He'll help with any building of last minute defenses, and then be present as a fighter in the battle to come.

Valery's smoke bombs are useful again! She will prepare a batch of both her kinds of smoke bombs, the normal ones that just make normal smoke (around 15) and a few red ones, those that itch a lot in the eyes (another 3) and she'll give them to Marian to distribute as she thinks it's best.
She'll also make sure that those from House Redrain going into battle have some ointments and bandages other medicaments they may need to treat the wounds derived from the battle, so they can take some precarious care of them until a healer can reach them.

Cybele is being asked to aid along the healers, so that is what they do - working with Lady Reigna and Eilonwy, guiding the Mercies as best they are able. Primarily working as a surgeon, trying to find the places they can be most effective.

Alban is investing as much military support he can get into shoring up the defenses of Stormwall. The banners have been raised, but he is making last minute personal pleas to try and get more knights, soldiers, archers, and everything else to go to Stormwall to try and stop the Gyre in their tracks!

The Crimson Blades have been hired to do the high risk operations for this theatre under the direct command of Marian, and Tobias intends to do their job well. Blue and Tin Company (100 heavy infantry each) will be fitted for winter gear and light skirmishing, and heavy infantry bodyguarding as necessary. Ruby and Emerald Company (100+ archers/scouts) will be combined for this battle under Colonel Violet. Violet will be in charge of finding Crimson Blade targets, while Tobias will be in overall command of Crimson Blades in this battle, making sure they actually /can/ hit the targets she suggests, and working with the rest of the army commanders to make our job smoother; including discussing all he and his men learned from the Battle of Maelstrom so they don't repeat the same mistakes made there. They've been contracted to be high mobility skirmishers and bodyguards for this one... and Tobias intends to see them through. Tobias will be typically wielding Requiem, his alaricite blade. If they face obvious undead though, Tobias is going to try an rubicund blade, and see if that makes them easier to destroy... or anything with resistance to Requiem, for that matter.

Aiden's part in this act is the Commander of the Grayson Archers (adding military res 50). He's received his orders in the strategy meeting. He will work alongside Mydas to ensure unified command amongst the archers within the castle and upon the walls. Runners are assigned to ensure that messages get to Mydas in case the strategy has to change and the tide of the battle turns differently than what they've planned for. The Grayson Archer forces will be spread out along the walls, covering key points and using murder holes in the lower levels to be more effective when it comes to sharp shooting. The Silver Wings specifically have been told to aim for the heads of their enemies. Longbowmen will be arranged in the courtyard and will upon command of in coming enemies (with range called out and wind accounted for), offer volleys over the wall and into the battle field. There will be a percentage of archers who will always be resting to ensure lower levels of fatigue. He'll make sure that the sub-commanders and captains below him are aware of the strategy. 1) If fog conceals the beach, they'll wait for the order to loose their arrows, are to be taken so to not risk friendly forces. 2) Should the enemy start taking the castle, they will follow the escape routes and prepare to give ground in an organized rout, coming together again at the passages once they escape through the tunnels. 3) No fire arrows.

Aiden does make a speech to his men, lofting up a Cobalt Bow, quick and efficient: "Today we stand against those who would devour our homes and make us slaves to their might. Let them know we will not fear them and that we will fight them. Remain strong, stand firm. There are None Greater. Archers - Make every shot count as it could be the one that matters! Prepare your bows!"

Cirroch will be leading his troops in battle to try and defeat the enemy host. In addition to his own leadership he is adding to the defenses of Stormwall to aid in it’s defense; wooden planks on the beach for archers to hide behind, trenches between the beach and the walls to slow down the enemy host (hopefully with enough spikes in them to make it hurt), and plenty of heavy objects to drop from the walls on anyone trying to scale it.

Violet has been made the Colonel of the combined Ruby/Emerald Company. Violet's job is finding high profile targets for the companies to attack. This is where her preperation of learning the city a few days before the battle will be important, as well as map studying up until that point. They will be using hit and run tactics, bolstering Tin and Cobalt companies as they move through the city. Violet will also be able to keep an eye on the flow of the fight and intends to arrange a way to send vital info to the leadership in the Castle while they are out in the city.

Off to war! Duke Harlan Ashford will be leading the Ashford ground troops with the Compact forces on the way to Stormwall. Once there, he'll turn over command of the ground troops to Ainsley, while he and and his archers will be positioned to assist in raining down arrows upon the invading forces, as well as assisting with the retreat as necessary.

Along with many from the Redrain fealty, Morrighan travels to Stormwall with the family, assigned to Marian. The Redrain Knight will be glued to the Princess's side, acting as guard and protector to the Warchief - where Marian goes, Morrighan follows. She'll join the battle to defend the castle, fighting the fleet once they come on land and make their approach to their location - and she's armed to the teeth. In addition to being clad from head to toe in her exotic leathers, she's bringing with her her rubicund blade, an alaricite weapon, and a Cobalt cutlass.

Olivia is accompanying the Grayson forces under Prince Ainsley as a healer. Presumably she'll be stationed at the castle with the other healers! It's her second battle doing triage etc so everything should be fine, right? She'll bring her assortment of medicines, rare and unusual ingredients and strange flowers just in case.

Genevieve will be in Emerald/Ruby Company of the Crimson Blades. She will be part of the skirmishing, lending her bow and blade to the mission of the Crimson Blades.

At Stormwall, the Compact's soldiers have worked hard to fortify the city. They evacuated as many as possible, they came up with a coherent first plan that didn't last beyond the first engagement with the enemy (as plans never do), and they responded to the insane strategies of what must clearly be a madman directing the troops. And miraculously, it worked - or it seemed to at first. Gradually though, Compact forces were overwhelmed as wave upon wave showed up to press into the city.

And then, seeing what they faced and the numbers that came at them, they put into motion a brave (and possibly insane) plan of their own - they strategically trapped the enemy in the city, and they burned it down around their ears. It was one of those plans that you only put in motion when all other hope is lost. One that has no reason to work. One that only the truly desperate would use - and those who understand that the value of a place is not in its buildings but in its people.

And it succeeded. The enemy died where they stood. Those who fought that day watched the ships retreat and wondered if they would come back - but they knew that the day was theirs. Those who saw the end of the Battle at Stormwall were left to lick their wounds, patch up who they could, and bury the rest. And there were so many to bury.

And yet the Pirate King did not get a toehold in Stormwall. And Redrain lands remain free. A victory, if at a staggering cost.

Action by Darren for Gyre Straits - Calling the Banners

(Public Action, OOC Date: Feb. 4, 2018, 11:47 p.m.)

"Let's kill some Pirates in the Snow!" - Darren is calling all the banners loyal to House Redrain to stand and prepare to fight the Gyre. Darren will be calling on his Ducal houses to provide 2/3s of their forces to his main fighting force, but is leaving it up to the individual dukes to decide how much to ask of their vassals. Instructions are given to favor land units, the Redrain and rest of the Northlands have small navies, it is the infantry, archers, pikemen, and cavalry that are needed.

As a Redrain born and raised in Farhaven, Gwenna will be going around and speaking with the different houses, encouraging them to give as much as they can to this effort. She understands that they may be hesitant, even resistant, to helping the south or fighting beside the Templars. She will gently remind them, though, that it took a Northerner, the first Redrain, to marshal together different (bitterly warring!) factions and lead them as a whole to break the demons of a thousand years ago. It shouldn't be too difficult to band together with these current people, our allies of Arvum, to smash this present foe. The North is needed and should answer the call with all the strength they have.

Marian gave a speech at her husband's funeral (OOC Note: see to rally the Redrain NPCs to action as the new Warchief to House Redrain. She acknowledges the recent challenges with losing Princess Freja and Prince Fergus but puts herself out there to help the vassals know they are in good hands. She will share her Crovane Military Analysis 12/18/1007 AR with the vassals that need help understanding what is needed.

Ann is supporting House Redrain's efforts economically by carefully monitoring the budget and seeing that the proper funds are allocated where they need to go and directed as efficiently and quickly as possible. The armies and navies must be fed and well supplied - as well as the ports at which they are planning on restocking. She sees to it that they have the financial power to suport this.

While everyone is all RAWR for war, Donella appreciates that not everyone is going to be able to fight. She sees to the very quiet, orderly evacuation of the vulnerable (elderly, infirm, very young, and gravid, etc.) as should proceed battle, to Farhaven and/or other vassals lands, leaving the burden for their care and provisioning in no one place. She is well aware there will be proud (stubborn) individuals that need convincing to go. Fortunately she has a little experience with difficult people, and hopes she can convince them.

Astraea isn't anyone important, she doesn't have a particularly adept way with words, and she won't make false promises to the brave men and women who will answer the call to banners. However, as a Knight of Farhaven she will lead by example. Letting them see that with simple steel and the blessings of Gloria that each and everyone will fight with the ferocity of ten dire bears for their homelands and their families. "Actions speak louder than words."

Prince Artur has been seen moving amidst the nobility and vassalage of the Redrain Fealty on something of a charm offensive! Everywhere the counts and barons or the like meet to discuss the calling of the banners, it seems Artur pops up with that winsome smile, recounting the heoric tales of Rathlander Redrain and the like. It's an attempt to stir up northern pride and encourage his cousin Darren's bannermen to commit as many of their troops as possible to the defense of the realm.

Cirroch will go around to the other vassal houses of Halfshav and trying to rouse and inspire them up for war, encouraging them to join him in sending send House Halfshav 2/3s of their fighting force to war.

As Duchess of Nightgold, Lydia rallies her people to Darren's call. Of course she orders the regular troops to provide what Darren has asked for, but beyond this, she uses her [Charm] and [Propaganda] to rally the vassals of her lands, determined that Nightgold be remembered, hopefully for glory not sacrifice.

As Voice of Nightgold and Marquis of Acheron, Mydas makes use of his authority and leadership to encourage the vassals of both Nightgold and Acheron to raise their own banners. The North requires infantry, archers and pikemen, and the mountain men are well-suited to provide those.

As Voice of House Sanna, Tila works to rally those counties and baronies that bend the knee to Giant's Reach. She reminds them of the strength and protection her House has granted them, their oaths of fealty, and assures them their bravery and sacrifice will be rewarded when the fighting is done. She lays out the threat to the Compact - particularly to the Crovanes - and tries to make it clear it must be stopped now, before it threatens areas for beyond the coasts.

In an effort to assist with the gathering of troops for Redrain, as he has pledged to do so on Cirroch's behest, Jacque Valardin will be visiting each settlement, bringing some measure of wealth to give to families and making generous use of his family's reputation as honorable warriors to call every able-bodied man and woman to arms. He will attempt to impress them with some trick of swordsmanship, expending his resources and money to incentivize these displays in the form of local tournaments as well, promoting the need to defend their land from the aggressors and the duty of every person of the Compact - not just Northerners - in the defense of Arvani ancestral lands.

Jhond speaks to the people of the north he encounters, from the low born on up, of the threat coming to hem all the the need to face it. to heed the call.

As ordered by the High Lord, Kaede is reaching out to her own Ravenseye Tribe, along with any Barons that are beneath the Tribe. She doesn't exactly have the authority to demand such, but she's more than a little convincing when she needs to be!

Prince Darren Redrain issues the call to Redrain. They're a little less affected by the calls of the Faith owing to the large number of shamans in the fealty, but they're still members of the Compact and by the spirits they'll answer the call! Princesses Donella sees to the evacuation of the elderly out of Crovane and to Farhaven or other safer places. Princess Ann watches the ledgers, making sure supplies are bought and sent where they'll do the most good, and the armies and navies are well suppled and stocked.

While others work to prepare and protect the populace, Princess Marian Redrain steps up as Warlord of Redrain. Princess Astraea lends her public support as well. Jhond Whisper speaks eloquently on behalf of Halfshav in support of Marian too, and throughout the lands of Redrain warriors, healers, shaman - everyone that can respond and hears the message seems to start making plans to get to the muster points.

On the diplomatic front, Princess Gwenna and Prince Artur take the lead, spreading the High Lord's word through their vassals, helping where needed, lending their voices to the various leaders of the fealty as they talk to their people. Duchess Lydia, Marquis Cirroch, Marquis Mydas, Lady Tila, Prince Jacque Valardin - acting in concert with Cirroch, and Lady Khanne Halfshav answer the call. Even Kaede Starfinder reaches out to her Ravenseye Tribe to convince them to help - and help they shall!

Even as a fleet sails toward Crovane, Redrain unites for war.

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: Dec. 26, 2017, 7:36 a.m.)

Princess Marian Redrain is deeply grateful for the healers that saved her life after the attack by zealots. She provides a generous donation to both House of Solace and Saving Grace Hospital. She makes a point of revisiting the healers that worked on her and providing thanks.

Princess Marian Redrain came very close to death in the Grayson Ward fight that resulted in the death of Dame Zhayla. Clinging to life, she was taken first to Saving Grace Hospital, and then to the House of Solace for care. The Mercies took care of her, stabilizing her and helping her heal over time. To show her gratitude, Princess Marian donated 10,000 silver to the organizations that helped her survive.

Action by Katarina for Darkwater Revealed

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 4, 2017, 5:17 p.m.)

On an expedition into yet another ruin out in the Mourning Sea, Katarina and other adventurers discovered a curious compass that is marked with the teardrop and lightning bolt - a sign they've come to know to associate with the Cobalt cache weapons previously discovered. It always seems to point East, no matter her location in the city. And given the hints of the mural where it was located, and the dirge that was told to her by Ailith, she wants to find out just where it will lead.

She's got a dedicated crew and the Unsullied primed and ready to follow where it's needle leads, and so she intends to set off and follow it into the East.

Aislin is coming along on the expedition, but she's also going to study that compass. She successfully studied the matching cutlasses with the lightning and teardrop, after all, so she has hopes she might be able to see what this compass is /doing/ -- because knowing what you're sailing into /before/ you sail into it is useful. But beyond that, she'll be there to help as an occult resource -- and a seasoned explorer -- for whatever they find at the end of the journey.

Thena has always felt that the compass should be /used/ instead of stuck in a locker, and she's easer to be a part of that voyage. Mostly she's muscle, and yet another Faith representative. In addition she can provide a few men and woman at arms. Her stealth may come in handy during scouting expeditions.

Marian's skills are twofold: scouting on the land, and providing protection for the rest of the crew. Once they make landfall, Marian will use her skills combined with Katarina's reading of the compass to help find the mural. As a prodigal, she has lived off the land, and will be that secret weapon at the end of the journey. Now on the sea...get the girl a bucket. She's no sailor so those baddies better board the ship cause she's not going to be any help on the voyage portion of their trip.

Preston will happily provide support and guardianship on the mission. He will also ensure that a few Templars are free to come with the group and can help ensure they are safe on their trip more than just Preston's sword. If the group need a boat/additional boats, he can also use his position to obtain one.

Sometimes when you chase something too hard, you find it - and it isn't quite what you thought it would be. It's actually much, much worse. (see event log for details)

Action by Marian

(Public Action, OOC Date: June 18, 2017, 9:16 p.m.)

Princess Marian Valardin has been diligently working with other groups to make sure their men are well trained. She has offered to train the Iron Guard at Telmar Tower. She has worked with the former Lord Edward Redreef to train members of his household guard. She spars and instructs others individually. Her goal is to make sure Arx defenses are strong.

Vox update up!

Action by Marian for Silence

(Public Action)

Marian will be accompanying Prince Edain Valardin's Skirmish force. She is carrying House Valardin's 'Oathbinder' Longsword, and a wickedly curved shortsword with a bloodstained hilt. Her plan is to keep to Edain's side, protecting him with deadly force and if necessary, using her body as a shield to ensure he comes to no harm. Because she has an effective weapon against the enemy, all her shots will be precise kill shots and nothing fancy. When he falls back to the ground that Duke Gabriel and Lady Calypso have chosen to fight on, she will cover his retreat, never letting him give his back to the enemy.

If Edain is successful in leading the charge once others help him gather in formation, she will make sure to stay his right hand shielder and guard. His safety comes first and then the enemy's blood. If she gets wounded, she will stay on the field until Edain is safe. Her own personal safety is less of a concern. At no time does she plan to let go of House Valardin's 'Oathbinder' Longsword. It's a treasured legacy of her departed husband and the only reason she would get distracted while protecting Edain.

<<OOC Note: This if my first attempt at +crisis so if this is not clear, let me know and I'll correct>>

Before the Battle of Pridehall, Prince Edain gives a rousing speech to calm the nervous of many of the nervous, worried Oathland knights about to do a cavalry charge down into a shav force twenty times their number, knowing that the charge is a decisive moment to allow the massive Compact infantry to push forward. As Marian rides down with her prince, she quickly notices that Prince Edain was absolutely picked out by the shav forces who had been watching that same speech from afar, and a great many are trying to kill him with a single minded focus.

Marian fights like a demon during the charge, striking down shavs left and right who are trying to get to Edain. She sees a hulking shav literally tearing Oathlands knights apart with his bare hands with impossible strength that is striding towards Edain with grim determination, and Marian knows full well what would happen if that beast in human form put its hands on the Prince of Sanctum. The Sword of Sanctum positions herself in between the Bringer of Silence and Edain. The beast moves with impossible strength and speed and Marian manages to pull Oathbinder into place just in time to parry the first attack, the Bringer of Silence hissing as its stone like fingers touch the alaricite. The flurry of swings between Marian and the Bringer move too fast for most others to follow, as she drops to pure instinct and fury swells in her. Through the red haze, she's aware that she's put Oathbinder through the chest, and the bringer opens its mouth to scream but it seems to ignite from the inside out, and turns to ash.

Dimly, as the battlefury fades, she's aware of cheering around her.